NSW Police Caught Me Driving an Unregistered Car

Hello, I did my pink slip and green slip. I remember pressing the button to make the payment for rego renewal. However, I did not press the button "confirm payment" screen and got distracted (NO I am not making the story). I assumed that I finished my rego, while it was not :-(

Police stopped me and caught that the car was not registered. Within 5-10 minutes of offence, I pressed that "unfortunate" button that I missed.

All ServiceNSW rego renewal reminders were going to my junk email box. I never had any dramas in 16 years of my driving. I am depressed to hear that the fine cost is $820.

In this time of difficulties, do you know what I can do so that they can reduce the cost of this offence or cancel with the consideration of track record? What can I write or emphasis when I request to the authority?

Please be humble and suggest.

Rego Expiry: 15 Sept
Pink Slip Done : 10 Sept
Green Slip Done: 15 Sept
Police Stopped: 25 Sept 6:40 PM
Now registered: 25 Sept 6:45 PM


      • +1

        Its QLD right?

    • +1

      Indeed, there is another saying that applies "Let them hate, so long as they fear".

      A few months ago we got to tour a maintained jail in Tassie from the 1800's, you go into the solitary confinement cells and lock the doors (small room with no light) and see the whipping post etc. Around the jail were small plaques which had the name of an inmate and their 'crime'. Murderers and thieves were hung back then so I don't remember seeing any of those. Most of the them were for 'insolence', 'disobedience' and in the case of a couple of woman 'refusing to obey their master' (i.e. women who refused to be screwed by the plantation owner). At the end I had a much clearer idea of who the real criminals were back then, and still are today. I stand by the dictum that you cannot have a crime unless there is a victim. It makes zero difference (apart from the aforesaid silly-buggers) if your car was hit by a registered or unregistered driver, the damage would still be the same.

      Anyway, pointless discussion on OzBargain as we both well know. :)

      • +3

        I stand by the dictum that you cannot have a crime unless there is a victim.

        "Drink driving is fine as long as you haven't hurt anyone", huh?

        There's a good reason our laws aren't based on whether you've decided they make sense to you personally or not.

        Thank God.

        • -2

          Anything to divert from the issue in question eh?
          I still want to know the connection between registration and insurance, guess I'll have to keep waiting.

          • +1

            @EightImmortals: Sorry, I missed the part where you showed the flaws in my counter example of "drink driving is fine under your scheme"

            How about you reread what you said, then the bit I said about the drink driving, then admit out loud the "but no one got hurt Sir" line of thought is inadequate for an adult's understanding of what a crime is?

        • It isn't inconsistent.

          Putting the public in danger has a victim.

          Being late paying road tax does not.

          • @greatlamp: I love the weasel words in "being late paying".

            Much in the same way shoplifters are "late paying". If you catch them, they are totally willing to pay for the thing and not get in trouble for committing a crime. How can there be a victim if you're willing to pay if you get caught?

            It's a shit take, and you spent longer thinking on this than the person who came up with the even shitter take in the first place.

            • -1

              @CrowReally: You are being ridiculous. It isn't weasel words when I am describing the exact situation. You think not paying road tax is theft?

              It's a shit take, and you spent longer thinking on this than the person who came up with the even shitter take in the first place.

              You have spent even longer than me on the topic and failed to share a convincing argument. Are you embarrassed?

    • I agree with you on this. Unfortunately, we often like to see people punished for their wrongdoings, forgetting that punishment is the job of the servants in hell. There will be many candidates for that job.

      We do allow occasional mistakes, particularly the first time, but that depends on the offense and the officer in charge. When I was younger, I drove a pretty bad vehicle, which was all I could afford. One day, a cop followed me, pulled me over, and warned me, "Son, your car's got issues. One brake light isn’t working, there's black smoke…" He went on with the list and asked me to fix them before he found me again. Similar things happened to me several times, but I was able to get away with it—though I made sure not to make the same mistake again.

      As others have mentioned, the OP had the option not to pay the fine, go to court, and explain. Writing a letter with the details could also help; I personally know of cases where fines were waived based on circumstances.

  • +1

    Expensive lesson, but a valuable one nonetheless

    Pay up, move on

    GL king

    • True.

  • haha, bad luck mate. I would say there is nothing you can do about it especially since you had no receipt number.

    I pay my rego every 3 mths so it is easy to forgot. One day I was driving about 3 or 4 days after my rego expired, saw a police car infront of me, that reminded me to pay my rego, slowed down and hid behind other traffic and got away with it. Went home and paid rego.

    edit: if it makes you feel better a couple of weeks ago I got a $200 fine for parking in a loading zone for 5mins

    • oh sad to hear about 200$ fine. yes it hurts and parking zones are worse to make mistakes :-(

      • it was 100% my own fault and I deserved it, my only issue is $200 is a lot for a parking fine

        • If it was any less, we'd have parking like they do in Malaysia

    • why do you do it quarterly?

      • +1

        medical issues so not working, if you are on a pension you were able to pay every 3mths before they made that option available for everyone.

  • +1

    I was unregistered a couple of years ago. I had paid prior to the due date to VicRoads, and the transaction cleared my bank account before the due date. I later got a notice that my rego had lapsed, checked and called them. The call centre acknowledged verbally they had received the money, but were unable to trace where it had gone internally in VicRoads for some weeks, and refused to put it in writing - something about not being a call centre function. When I read posts like this I have often wondered if I would have been booked. Would my defence that my bank statement showed the payment have stood up in court? And was I actually insured? These days I check the website to ensure they have recorded the payment correctly.

    • +1

      Contract law would have been on your side in that instance. In insurance case, you'd have a case to sue VicRoads if you were uninsured because of their error.

  • -4

    what I can do so that they can reduce the cost of this offence

    Work overtime.

  • So you didn't look at your bank account for 10 days?
    You didn't notice the rego payment hadn't gone out?

    • No. I honestly don't see every single move in the bank account. But lesson learnt.

  • +9

    The only thing you can do is write a letter asking for leniency. Provide that proof that you had paid your green slip and had the rego check done and just state that you made an error on the payment screen. Own the mistake, don’t make it sound like an excuse. Apologise and say that it has been an invaluable experience and that you will be far more diligent in the future.

    Make sure you don’t have a piss poor driving history as well, this will work better if you have 0 other infringements in the last 10 years. I am not sure if it is deemed a “serious offence” or not, if it is, you won’t get leniency anyway.

    Lastly, if they deny the leniency, then you can ask to be put on a payment plan. While the fine still stings, you hardly notice it if you pay it off over a few months in installments.

    • Thank you so much very supportive message. Yes I have never had any driving offence history so far for last 16 years.

      • +2

        No harm, in giving it a try, you only have your time to lose and if it was an honest mistake, it's worth it.

        You can find more information about asking for leniency here

        To assist with if it is a serious offence or not you can find your infringement here

        Unregistered shows up as;

        Reasons we may consider leniency

        • I believe there is an error with Transport for NSW (or the relevant transport authority).
        • I paid the vehicle registration prior to the due date.
        • I was driving for the purpose directly associated with registering the vehicle
        • I was in the process of registering the vehicle
        • I am a pensioner and paid the Comprehensive Third Party (CTP) insurance and my car had been inspected by a licenced mechanic.
        • -1

          I was in the process of registering the vehicle

          I assume this means you were on your way to pay for the rego right then and there with clear evidence to support it.

          Considering that OP technically renewed it in the vehicle, this is true, but i seriously doubt they'd let it slide.

          In reality the cop should have just let it go but they are not incentivized to catch real criminals and be public servants. They are revenue raisers.

          • +1


            I assume this means…

            "assume"… I would say that having done the CTP and the pink slip, that they were "in the process", just one step failed for one reason or another.

            They are revenue raisers.

            Holy shit, this nugget again. Cops are not "rEvEnUe rAiSeRz!1!!" as traffic fines are "optional". I'm not suggesting that some coppers are not pedantic arseholes, because, let's face it, some of them are, but they are not revenue raisers.

            People who break laws are making voluntary contributions to the state's slush fund. Paying traffic fines is an "OPT IN" system. If you dont want to contribute to the state coffers, you just adhere to the rules that you signed a contract stating you will adhere to. It really is that simple. In my 30+ years of driving, I have only made 3 contributions to the states fund, and of all of them, I was 100% at fault, so I paid.

            but i seriously doubt they'd let it slide.

            Then that is a matter for OP and the relevant authority to sort out. If he writes a letter of apology and asks for leniency and gets denied, oh well, he tried. If he doesn't write anything at all, the answer is an automatic "no".

            This isn't the same as driving while on the phone, 20km/h over the limit through a red light… It's, at best, an administrative error, and with proof that they paid for a greenslip and had a pink slip performed, there is a really high chance that this was an "oops, sorry, I thought it went through" mistake and the cop could have seen that on his system that a CTP and pinkslip were already done.

            • +1

              @pegaxs: Thank you for encouraging me to write. I will definitely and worse , just pay as I am at fault regardless.

              Yes it was all paid Pink slip and gree and I had my screen open even to register to ServiceNSW with credit card filed … everything… but that one "Confirm to Pay" button I did not click as I got distracted to something :-( and never noticed that I did not.

            • -3


              Holy shit, this nugget again. Cops are not "rEvEnUe rAiSeRz!1!!" as traffic fines are "optional". I'm not suggesting that some coppers are not pedantic arseholes, because, let's face it, some of them are, but they are not revenue raisers.

              Yes, they are. They literally have quotas to fill. Just like speed cameras don't prevent road deaths. It's about revenue raising, not saving lives. Be real mate.

              If it wasn't about revenue raising they would have cut OP some slack, but it is.

  • +4

    If you have a good driving record you should have a good chance of having the fine waived. There should be an online form to request consideration of this.

    Just be polite and stick to the facts, include your previous good driving record and steps you have taken to ensure it doesn't happen again.

    Source: had fine waived in ACT when a couple of days out of rego

    • Thank you.

  • +1

    Had a similar thing happen to me when I was younger. Went to the post office to pay a number of bills (when you had to do this!) including registration renewal. Handed the bills over, paid the total amount and the cashier stapled the receipt to all the bills. A couple of months later got pulled over and fined for driving unregistered and uninsured. At that time, this type of offence had to go to court, I appealed showing the bundle of stapled bills and rego and receipt. Magistrate didn;t consider driving record or circumstances, just took it as black and white and fined me and I lost my license for 3 months if I recall correctly.

  • +1

    They have already shown you leniency by not taking demerit points. I would just cop it and pay up, lesson learned

    • They have already shown you leniency by not taking demerit points.

      Driving an unregistered uninsured vehicle is not a traffic offence therefore points don't come into play.

      Same as drink or drug driving. Points don't come into them either.

      • well there you go

      • Strange, I could've sworn I lost 3 demerit points for accidentally leaving a campsite at 0.018 BAC

        • Depends on the State.

      • What does this mean "not taking demerit points." ??

  • Unfortunate mate. Here's my suggestion:

    • write an appeal (just to be clear, not taking it to court appeal approach) and ask for leniency. Give all the facts, i.e you paid for pink slip, CTP (green slip) and just missed the registration part). If they can halve or waive your fine, nirvana!

    • do NOT take this to court as they have recently added a "victims support levy" which adds another $100 or so to the cost, plus court fee of $85. Just not worth it.

    • Thank you.

  • +1

    only 800? I thought you would get fine for unregistered and uninsured, about 1k?

    • +5

      On a lighter note - should I see 800 as bargain ?

      • yes, haha.

      • +1

        Yes, but don't post it as a deal.

      • +2

        Yep. Happened to me and think it was 1600 all up.

        What made it worse was the officer said they'd let me off with a warning then the fine came in the post. I tried to dispute and they said the officer can't let you off.

        I think that made it hurt more

  • +2

    Thought for the day…

    If the Police pull you over, ask Sting for his Autograph.

    • +4

      Just don't stand too close to him.

      • Boom tish…

  • +1

    You gotta learn to double check things.

    • Yep. It's the responsibility of the driver to ensure that the car they're driving is registered. That's why the Service NSW app has a rego check function built-in.

      • It would be nice if the reminder was there to send after once it see the car is not registered. In my case email reminders were going to junk.
        You are right I am responsible as a driver. Human!

  • All ServiceNSW rego renewal reminders were going to my junk email box.

    Now you know where your important emails go, an expensive lesson.

    I never had any dramas in 16 years of my driving. I am depressed to hear that the fine cost is 820$.

    I would depressed too. It's normal, payout and move on. Those things do happen.

    Or you can find a good lawyer and take a class action against them, saying digital notifications have overwarmed you :P

    Good thing cops pull you over, imagine you accidentally hit an AMG 63 g wagon 2024

    • True.

  • +1

    Please be humble and suggest.

    Take it to court, plead guilty! very likely Judge will let you go if you do not have any other prior offenses.

    • This isnt a bad idea, as silly as it seems, because at least there is a chance to only have to pay court costs and the victims of crime levy, so while it is not an idea solution, it could end up being $200 instead of $800…

      Only problem is, it could end up being $1000+ if the magistrate is in a bad mood and slaps op with the fine AND court costs… but as a first time offender with no previous history, that's highly unlikely.

      Appeal for leniency first, and if you are bored and want to see what going to court is like, try this option.

  • -1

    It's one thing to be punished for doing the wrong thing, but it has to be kept in balance.

    Whats happened over the last 20 years, is that detecting these sorts of crimes have become monumentally easier. And yet the penalty has not gone down to balance that fact out

    For something like this, the penalty should really be a slap on the wrist, $50 or $100.

    • +3

      The penalty is determined by the seriousness of the offence and to have a deterrent, not cover the costs and effort in detection. Otherwise murderers would only get 5 years since DNA technology makes it easier to determine the offender.

      If you were driving, your car was written off by an unregistered and uninsured driver that chose to risk a $50 fine rather than pay rego… would you still think the same?

    • Whats happened over the last 20 years, is that detecting these sorts of crimes have become monumentally easier.

      And so has paying for them

  • +1

    I thought you get 2 lots of fines, unregistered because it's unregistered and it's uninsured, as in your CTP isn't valid.

  • +2

    Maybe in future check your registration status 24 or so hours after renewal payment. Most states will have an app for that. Useful, IMO.

  • You f****d up so this is on you. Just pay the fine and move on.

    Welcome to Australia.

  • -1

    I am in NSW and had a seatbelt fine of $410. I found a sponsor and did a Work and Development Order and paid the fine off that way. It cost me no money, I went to a course that paid it off at $50 an hour, I only have 2 hours to go. I made new friends there

    • Please can you share the information ?

      • Pretty strict eligibility. I'm guessing you won't meet the requirements.

        Exhibit A

        • yea no! Not in these categories

        • +1

          Without sounding rude, although thinking about what I am about to write does sound totally rude, not a lot of people may fall into same category as screensaver.

          Now that I have written it, yeah it is bad.

          • @Baysew: someone told me that a psycholgist wiped 1000 off a fine, not quite sure of procedure, I am on a pension and had to provide income statement. i went the financial hardship route, not the mental health route

            • @screensaver: I believe you attend counselling for your mental health issues and for each session you attend it knocks something like $70 or $80 off your fine

  • Just write a letter you have nothing to lose but you probably will still need to pay. Then I would request a payment plan. You could spread out the payments + the time to process your appeal. Rather than just paying $820 in one go your expenses will be spread out.

  • No chance you'll get off unless you've got a clean 10 year driving record. You drive unregistered for 10 days.

    • Yes I have a clean 10 years driving record

  • +1

    You'll still have to pay but I'd take it to court and plead guilty. My $400 fine went down to a $150 donation (could then claim that on tax too). Just a suggestion but could also backfire so do so at your own risk

    • how backfiring works? considering I had pink slip , green slip and just did not click that unfortunate button

    • My $806 no rego fine got waived in under 60 seconds when I took it to court to plead guilty, and get a Section 10A. The Magistrate doesn't form an opinion whether it's a waste of court time or not - they just see everything that comes across their desk and apply accordingly. There's a lot worse than speeding or no rego fines.

      • +1

        please guide me further how , what did you present if you are in my case.

        • I have done this in the past, you plead guilty and ask for a dismissal under section 10 and then provide reasons why and any documentation. The Court does not have to agree. It worked in my case

          • +1

            @screensaver: Appearing at court means taking a day off ? Or happen online ? Oh happen in the city like nsw in my case? While my wife was driving car is under my name. Can i appear ?

            Is there any cost to appear ?

            If it is not in my favour does that mean i may be imposed more penalty?

            • @ivegan: The ticket will give sime info in contesting the fine. Follow the links provifef for more information.

            • @ivegan: its free to represent yourself. The guilty plea should avoid additional fees. Yes the person fined needs to be there

            • @ivegan:

              Appearing at court means taking a day off ?

              Yes. They will let you know in advance when your court appearance date is, and will give you a time to be there (ie: 9:30am) and you will just be on the docket to be heard in order. You may be at the top of the list and get seen quickly, or be at the bottom and have to wait around for hours.

              Or happen online ?

              Unlikely now that covid is over.

              Oh happen in the city like nsw in my case?

              It will usually happen at your local courthouse. They usually are not going to make you travel 500km away just to attend. If it happened in Parramatta, they are not going to make you drive to Byron Bay for a court attendance.

              While my wife was driving car is under my name.

              If it was your wife, she will have the notice and she will need to appear.

              Can i appear ?

              Best to ring the court and ask. You may be able to represent her as you were the registered owner of the vehicle. If she was pulled up by police and receives a ticket from them, she wont be able to nominate you as the driver.

              Is there any cost to appear ?

              Yes. If you plead guilty, you will be set with "court costs" at a minimum. You do NOT have to pay for their lawyers fees though. Court costs for NSW is about $150 or less from memory (been a while since I've been to court over anything.)

              If it is not in my favour does that mean i may be imposed more penalty?

              Yes. You could be forced to pay the fine AND court costs on top of that. The maximum penalty in NSW is "20 penalty units" which at the current rate is about $2,300~ish, but you would have to be a serial, repeat offender to even get close to this. If you have a clean driving record and this is a first and only offence that you are in court for, chances are you will get a reduction, not an increase.

  • There is a probably a good chance to get off this fine if you make the case well of it being an honest mistake.

  • For something like this, it’s best not to sit and relax about it until you have confirmation (by searching the number plate and checking rego expiry date on the ServiceNSW app or website). Make sure the date has changed (I.e. says 15 September 2025, not 15 September 2024).

  • A lot of the cop cars have number plate recognition cams scanning all the cars nearby so they no longer have to manually run up a plate to see if they're paid up.
    I got caught once. Must have had a lucky day as the cop didn't issue any infringement, he just removed my plates and said to drive it home. I had to run it past the pits and get a mechanical inspection though. You have to choose one of their recommended mechanics who will almost always find something wrong that needs a repair. It my case it was 4 tyres. How predictable seeing it was at the Kmart Tyre and Auto mechanic.

  • Getting the green slip done on the renewal date would have made me extra careful to ensure the vehicle was registered properly.

    • You will think so. I gone blank and did not realise till incident happenee.

    • Plus there is nothing left for me to press that one button when i am already done with pink slip and green slip.

  • +1

    You got the pink slip and green slip, it was only 10 days, you were able to pay the rego immediately when fined. Id say you have a good chance of getting leniency. Maybe via a letter, maybe youll need to take it to court.

    There's a good chance this is fairly common.

  • wasn't there like a few days grace period after due date?

  • -2

    However, I did not press the button "confirm payment" screen and got distracted,
    NO I am not making the story,
    I never had any dramas in 16 years of my driving.

    Certainly sounds like you're "making the story", last thing anyone should do is get distracted when doing something important like registering a motor vehicle.

    Next time don't get "distracted" into paying $820 in stupid tax.

    • Okay thank you for your wisdom. What could be the reason one having pink slip and green slip done and not rego?

      • -1

        Could you tell me about the "distraction" that stopped you from pressing the confirm payment button, because it must've been one hell of a distraction to stop you from pressing that button?

        Then I could give you a reason why you paid for a mechanic to do an inspection on your vehicle and also paying for insurance on that vehicle, without you registering that same vehicle👍🏻.

  • I am in Vic not sure if this helps you.

    I was caught by camera (not police on the road) driving unregistered car, similar reason that my payment was missed. An infingement notice was sent to me and arrived my mailbox on my birthday (devastated).

    I ended up with writing an appealing letter to change the fine to a warning, ie only demerit points and wave the fine and I was given a yes after 2 months. You can try but not sure your odds of having it changed.

    • When was this in the magical land of Vic? Every org is looking for money now so the chances of getting any fine or tax leiniency is next to none

      • my bday is in March - maybe I wrote a good letter?

  • Almost happened to me a few years ago, I was used to getting the rego renewal in the mail, so was driving with a lapsed rego for a few days.

    Only discovered it because I checked the vicroads website as I thought it would be due soon. I get reminder emails now.

  • Hmmm, my wife had a similar experience.
    Got the e-check and paid the green slip, I think she forgot to pay the actual rego.

    She got pulled over about 10 months later for no rego…
    Went through tolls and stuff okay in that period.

    Ahh technology.

    • Did you have to pay the fine ?

      • She paid the fine, there is not much you can do. Just pay it.
        Another thing in this case, as the car was not registered for over 6 months, a Blue slip needed to be done, needed new plates…. I think it is treated as a new registration and it costs a lot more.

        Not sure how much the fine was, it used to be like $3000 at one stage.

  • -2

    Yes. Just tell them the reminder email was in junk & u tried paying but got distracted. They will understand and waive fine off.
    And then you woke up and realised it was all a dream. Well the fine is real, just posting on ozbargain forum, very interesting.

  • I feel your pain; had the same thing around 8 years back. Paid green slip, got the pink, just completely forgot to renew the actual rego. Pinged by a police officer travelling perpendicular on the usual back road I travel home (4 minutes from the station to home) and copped the same fine. Not allowed to drive home until rego paid (did it on the phone), but damn, did that suck to cop an ~$800 fine for being forgetful. Apparently, without the green slip, it would have been doubled. Small mercies I suppose.

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