NSW Police Caught Me Driving an Unregistered Car

Hello, I did my pink slip and green slip. I remember pressing the button to make the payment for rego renewal. However, I did not press the button "confirm payment" screen and got distracted (NO I am not making the story). I assumed that I finished my rego, while it was not :-(

Police stopped me and caught that the car was not registered. Within 5-10 minutes of offence, I pressed that "unfortunate" button that I missed.

All ServiceNSW rego renewal reminders were going to my junk email box. I never had any dramas in 16 years of my driving. I am depressed to hear that the fine cost is $820.

In this time of difficulties, do you know what I can do so that they can reduce the cost of this offence or cancel with the consideration of track record? What can I write or emphasis when I request to the authority?

Please be humble and suggest.

Rego Expiry: 15 Sept
Pink Slip Done : 10 Sept
Green Slip Done: 15 Sept
Police Stopped: 25 Sept 6:40 PM
Now registered: 25 Sept 6:45 PM


  • +2

    what was the date your rego was due? what was the date you were stopped by police?

    • 15 Sept, 25 Sept

      • +52

        that's on you mate. pay up

        • +8

          ok. Thank you.

          • +2

            @ivegan: You could try to request leniency with your record, but it’s unlikely you would have any luck due to the risk associated with driving uninsured.

            Can’t hurt to try?

      • +3

        I struggle to understand why people leave it till the last minute to pay important bills.

        • +17

          Some of us are disorganised procrastinators and need an intervention.

          • +1

            @morse: It’s called a fine. That’s the intervention

  • +25

    Please be humble and suggest

    This is OzBargain, I’m sure the overly emotional types won’t be able to manage that.

    Unfortunately you’re very unlikely to be able to get any leniency and the best you’ll likely get is a payment plan.

      • +9

        I remember pressing the button to make the payment for rego renewal. However, I did not press the button "confirm payment" screen and got distracted

        They will be able to see that you logged in and didn’t proceed, meaning that you were aware.

      • +15

        This won't work cos you can also move emails to junk after the fact.

      • +2

        nope, that is purely on you to check, same as it is your responsibility to ensure your address and contact details are up to date and that you are checking your mail. regardless as CodeXD says anyone can just move them to junk and take a screen shot.

      • no they shouldn't, its not their problem you got distracted. close all the p*rnhub tabs whilst making important payment next time.

      • +1

        Everyone so harsh.

        I've got no power, but I would let you off if I could. The spirit and intent behind your actions is all good, why not allow even more leniency.

        Junk mail though - hate the idea. I set up a rule to move all junk mail to real inbox so there is at least some chance I'd see it.

        Sorry about such a big fine that sucks.

        • +14

          “ I set up a rule to move all junk mail to real inbox” - this might be the maddest thing I’ve ever read on this site.

    • Should go on Reddit haha

    • +1

      I just read your reply in Steven Wright's voice.

      Perfect 5 out of 10.

    • +1

      Comes asking for legal advice, tells those he's asking to help him to be humble…

      Good luck mate.

  • +8

    unregistered and uninsured…….good luck.

    "lisa needs braces…….dental payment plan"

    • -6

      Insurance was renewed.

      • +24

        you have no insurance when you are unregistered

        no CTP, no fully comp, no third party property…..zip nada zilch

        thats why the cops are so tough on it

        • +2


        • -3

          Surely paying for their green slip means they have insurance. That's why they only were charged for being unregistered (but no fine for being uninsured).

          • +4

            @vengeance88: no, when unregistered all insurance is invalid. If anything he probably has a case to be able to claim back some of the insurance costs as he wasn't actually covered for the period.

            • @gromit: The insurance might be invalid fue to not having rego, but it was 'ready to go' upon payment.

              • +2

                @Euphemistic: absolutely and if it was me I would be providing that as evidence for leniency as it offers some proof he did intend to register but made a mistake.

                • +5

                  @gromit: Leniency is the way:

                  1. Gather as much evidence that shows it was an honest mistake, a screenshot of your junk, and copies of the greenslip and pink slip, anything that might indicate you started the payment of the rego.

                  2. Put it all together and write a letter responding to the fine, asking for leniency, and that it was an honest mistake and won't happen again. Almost no letters get you off these days so don't be put off when they ask you to court

                  3. Opt to go to court and throw yourself at the mercy of the judge. Judges see drunk drivers, drug addicts and high speed offenders and repeat high speed offenders all day. Compared to them, you are a white dove in a warzone. Include in your submission something about cost of living and if you have any other hardships or a family to support. A lot of judges will show leniency, if not on points then maybe the size of the fine. Your 16 year clean record means a lot to these people.

                  I haven't been done for this before but I did get done running a red light by accident, letter got knocked back and judge read it an let me off without me saying a word. This is your best shot, don't listen to the naysayers they haven't been there and most are talking through their backside

                  I should charge for this advice but I am not qualified to. There will probably be a backlash of negs on this comment, just ignore them. The same people are the ones who wonder and complain when drunk drivers get off after a string of incidents and court appearances

                  • @Jackson: Magistrates are great - but random which one you get. Make sure you prepare - the logic needs to be straight forward - this thing led to that thing. Jackson's advice is spot on. A good human argument for it not being in the best interests of the state to prosecute or punish.

                    The only technical argument I see possible is probably less wise - the email headers from the Service NSW emails may show why they are going to spam. If something in the email setup of Service NSW makes it more likely that the emails aren't treated as legitimate, then it is partly on them. No paper reminders, improperly send email reminders.

                    • @factor: Yeah I wouldn't go down that path, it will come across as being "too clever by half". The point is not to make the judge feel stupid, the point is just to get his mercy. If you were asked about it thought, it might be worth having the answer ready

            • +1

              @gromit: In Queensland CTP goes for 30 days after rego expires to cover this sort of situation . Not that you'd want to rely on that, but think it's deliberate to ensure the CTP has widest possible coverage

            • +1

              @gromit: His insurance might be invalid, but he is still covered in NSW by the green slip levy, so technically still insured as this covers all uninsured cases.

        • If he wasn't insured then he would have received two fines totalling over $1,500 right? Not just the one for 800? I think?

          • @ensanguined: please read you PDS for your car insurance policies and get back to me

  • +6

    You didn’t renew rego
    You got caught by cops
    Pay the fine & avoid repeat.

  • +3

    Cop it mate.

    You’ll get a reminder as early as 3 months before expiration. So no way someone will listen to your excuses

    • -5

      True. I get reminders and I have my reminder in the calendar too. However, all their reminders were going to junk.

      • +10

        Reminder on your calendar and that goes to junk? What?

      • Just pay for it, like $20 per fortnight and move one. The good thing is, your demerit points are safe.

        • What does this mean? "your demerit points are safe"

          • @Rako: Your license isn't impacted

            • @PaaSTheSalt: Still don't get it, surely people don't think motorists lose demerit points for traffic offences?

  • +15

    You didn’t suspect anything when money didn’t come out of your bank?

    • -5

      Honestly, I don't see transaction was gone or not :-( While their reminders were going to junk

    • +1

      Transactions were going to junk

  • +18

    I can totally see this happening.

    It's unfortunate but that's the reality of life

    Just pay and move on

      • +3

        I agree

        Some countries do fines as a percentage of income so a speeding fine for a millionaire is very expensive.

        I do agree it's a lot of money. Best bet is a payment plan to lessen the blow.

        • +1

          thank you.

        • +7

          Also I have no idea why not paying your rego invalidates your insurance policy which is not provided by the state but I don't get too worked up over government diktats that don't make sense any more

          Isn't this just common sense, not the jack heel boot of an fascist (insert various other cooker terms here) govt?

          Why would you be able to insure a car that's not legally able to be driven on the road? Wouldn't that mean cars that failed their roadworthy checks can now be insured?

          If all you have is a conspiracy theory hammer, everything looks like a conspiracy nail

          • -8

            @CrowReally: Pity about your last sentence, you were being reasonable up to that point.

            Not all states require you to have a roadworthy certificate each year so you can throw that argument out.

            If that was the reason then I guess it would be a 'reasonable' answer but still doesn't make sense. I don't see any logical connection between being unregistered and therefore not being able to get insurance, they are two separate issues. Insurance is done by private corporations and registration is another tax collected by the state. I simply don't see the connection.

            Maybe someone can explain it without the usual 'hurr-durr ur conspiracy theory' dribble?

            Though if you did want one maybe it IS a conspiracy between the state and insurance corporations to ensure that everyone pays both of them? :)
            Can't say for sure, I wasn't in on that meeting.

            • +2

              @EightImmortals: The roadworthy thing is just one of the many reasons why it doesn't make sense for you to be able to register a car you can't legally drive (in this instance the obvious additional risk of an untested car causing damage via accidents).

              Your insurance is based on the risk profile you are presenting, including the value of your car and your driving activity and history? Why would you expect to be able to get insurance if your first step is "disobey the driving rules"?

              It's the same reasons your insurance won't cover you being in an accident if you're driving drunk, or don't have a license?

              I don't know which illegal acts you want to insure against, but the fact that you can't understand something doesn't mean it's a secret government plot (otherwise practically everything would be a government plot).

              • -4

                @CrowReally: I never said it was a secret government plot, you assumed that all by yourself.

                "Your insurance is priced on the risk profile you are based on the value of your car and your driving activity and history."


                "Why would you expect to be able to get insurance if your first step is "disobey the driving rules"?"

                Missing a rego payment has nothing to do with driving per se. Stretching the bow a bit claiming that.

                "It's the same reasons your insurance won't cover you being in an accident if you're driving drunk, or don't have a license"

                No it isn't. If you are driving drunk then you are increasing your chances of having an accident by that very action. If you miss a government payment that in no way effects your ability to drive.

                "I don't know which illegal acts you want to insure against, but the fact that you can't understand it …."

                No, I don't understand it and am still waiting for a reasonable answer for why they are connected. In the end we just pay up anyway because we have ZERO real choice in the matter but that doesn't mean I have to like it and not ask questions.

                P.S. It's OK to say you don't know the answer either.

                • -1


                  "Why would you expect to be able to get insurance if your first step is "disobey the driving rules"?"

                  Missing a rego payment has nothing to do with driving per se. Stretching the bow a bit claiming that.

                  and also

                  If you miss a government payment that in no way effects your ability to drive.


                  So when you get pulled over for driving a car that's unregistered, you haven't broken a driving rule?

                  Your brainworms are fat and lazy, get them out of there, they're not doing whatever they are supposed to do.

                  It's fine to hate the government for irrational reasons but you as an adult should understand how the driving rules work?

                  • -3

                    @CrowReally: Yes, the driving rules work so that we don't bump into each other when driving on the roads. Maybe it's you that needs to clear out the brain worms?

                    • @EightImmortals: So the only driving rules are about bumping in to each other? None about, I don't know, having a license? Having current registration?

                      Are you hoping we all have a child's intellect as well and we think the entirety of all the laws about driving are boiled down to "no bumps"?

                      Because that's the only possible way your argument would work.

                      • -2

                        @CrowReally: Those other things you mentioned are peripheral to the act of driving a vehicle. Either you're not to bright in the comprehension department or are being deliberately obtuse for your own thrills and excitement. cya. :)

                        • @EightImmortals: If you're trying to pass this off as "oh, I was only talking about whether it was physically possible to drive a car, not whether it was permitted or not" then that means you failed the entire assignment as the very first thing we discussed was "reasons why you can't insure cars that would be illegal to drive".

                          Those "peripherals" are requirements to drive a car legally, and you're either being deliberately obtuse in ignoring this or you have a child's understanding of the situation.

                          (Doesn't really matter which, you come out looking exactly the same)

          • +1

            @CrowReally: Mate don't take the bait. You'll get beaten with experience

      • +1

        Clearly there's a deterrence factor involved. In other words ppl rarely make your mistake twice. It costs way too much.The fine is likely high, because previously too many punters played the violin and the admin costs overtook the value of the old fine price structures. Arrange to pay it off in small bites as previously suggested. Change ISPs or your email settings.You don't want one who junks essential mail

  • +13

    Prob a good thing you got pulled over 10 days after expiry. You could have been driving for months without rego or insurance. What happens if you were in an accident? You'd be even more up $#17 creek.

    • True! thank you.

    • I accidentally drove for around 9 months unregistered no issues. Saved a lot of money.

      • How would that save money? When you finally register it you'll pay full price but keep the same expiry.

        • +1

          For short periods that is the case, yes. After a long enough time period you need to re-register from scratch (without the requirement to back-pay rego).

  • +1

    You should be regularly checking your junk mail for these issues.

    • -1

      two jobs, kids, mortgage stress , impossible but yes now it will be possible after coughing hard-earned money

      • +1

        Yet I'm guessing you find an hour each day to mindlessly scroll shittok, fakebook and instascam.

      • two jobs, kids, mortgage stress , impossible

        I know this is a waste of keystrokes but use IOS Reminders (or whatever) and add ALL your reoccurring bills and add a 5 day prior notification.

  • +5

    Bring back the stickers on your windscreen!

  • +5

    If money is so tight surely you would have noticed that the registration funds hadn't come out of your account.

    • works 2 jobs
      mortgage stress

      Doesn’t realise hundreds of dollars unaccounted for in household budget…


    • +1

      Their bank balance also went to their junk! OP will have an excuse, don't worry

  • +3

    You have no insurance. If you crash jnto somekne, you've just not only fd your own car, but someone else's. And would you have money to fix their things?

    This fine is a good system. Think of it as an enforced reminder. People can't be relied upon to remember (as evidenced by you not putting the email as not junk). So it's good you got this reminder instead.

    All the best

    • It's not car insurance. It's the compulsory CTP insurance

  • +1

    The Police didn’t give you 4 demerit points for ‘Use unregistered vehicle’?

    • Nothing that they said but will see in the system if it comes.

      • -1

        Well, if you don't get hit with the points, that's a positive takeaway from the experience.

        FWIW - If it was me, I would contest the fine.

        • What exactly would you be contesting?

          • +2

            @pwnd: Contest is probably the wrong choice of word. Asking for leniency on human error, based on no prior record. It's obvious the intent to drive around unregistered wasn't there, based on the fact other parts of the process were completed.

            • @Master Bates: That makes sense. Was going to say, nothing to contest. Best case is go down leniency route.

      • You won't receive any demerit points as it isn't a traffic offence as speeding, failing to stop at stop sign, running a red light etc.

        • Ah yeah, my bad. The 4 demerit points only apply to the same offence but for Heavy Vehicles, along with a $1728 fine!

    • They don't give demerit points for unregistered vehicle, not a driving related offence

  • +1

    There's an old saying: beware of those in whom the urge to punish is strong.

    There seems to be plenty of people of that sort here on OzBargain. You wonder how they brought up their kids.

    Me, I think people should be allowed the occasional mistake. That mistakes are the way we learn, and we should be allowed to make them, with punishment reserved for people who do things deliberately to try to get away with them, and people who don't learn from their mistakes.

    Unfortunately the police, and especially those who run road law enforcement, is also run by people in whom the urge to punish is strong. There was someone just whingeing in the paper this morning how much it cost them for stopping in a no stopping zone long enough to let a disabled person out of their car right outside where they needed to go.

    Many years ago I made a similar mistake to the OP. Moved, didn't get the rego renewal. Then had a minor accident where the other driver was clearly the on at fault, and had to let him get away with it, and fix my own car, because otherwise the police could have gotten involved.

    • +2

      Just no

    • +3


      I think people should be allowed the occasional mistake.

      You are. In most circumstances, for small indiscretions, you are permitted to ask for leniency. We also have a courts system if you think the penalty was too harsh or unjust.

      Also note, there was a whole heap of contractual paperwork that you signed before you got your license that you agreed too that stated a set of rules and that you read and understood these rules and that you abide by them. It also outlined the possible punishment for breaking these rules.

      And being unregistered does not absolve another party of their rights and obligations, so to me, that part of the story is made up bullshit. If you did not cause the accident and there was nothing with your car that contributed to it, you can still file that the other party is at fault.

      You wonder how they brought up their kids.

      Of all the people on here, I know who’s kids I have the most sympathy for…

    • +3

      "beware of those in whom the urge to punish is strong."
      (yes its a whiff away from vigilantism and where Australia is heading)

      Also describes LNP voters and 95% of a "particular" state

      • +2

        QLD, right? lol

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