Citi Prestige Credit Card: 250,000 Citi Rewards Points ($10,000 Spend in 90 Days), 6 Months 0% Interest BT, $700 Annual Fee


Copying from last deal:

reduced points bonus to 250,000 from 275,000.

Key Points:
$700 annual fee
250,000 Citi Rewards Points when you spend $10,000 on eligible purchases within 90 days from approval.
Points redeemable for $1,250 in FlyBuys Dollars, $550 profit after annual fee.
$20,000 minimum credit limit, $100,000 maximum - although I applied for the max limit possible and was approved for the minimum, exactly $20,000 limit and told I can't apply for higher until 6 months in. Unsure if this was normal practice with Citi or specifically with me.
6 months interest free on balance transfers made within the first three months from approval (up to 80% of credit limit) with no balance transfer fee.

The $10,000 minimum spend can be met via Citi PayAll to yourself (for 0.95% fee).

Even with the reduced bonus points and erosion of other benefits over time I think this is still one of the best cards on offer at the moment:

  • bonus points yield $1,250 in FlyBuys Dollars (I normally buy 4% off Coles gift cards with a rewards card - ~1% extra value - so I value at 0.95 x $1,250 = $1,187.50)

  • The balance transfer can go into a bank account or mortgage offset so one could do this on activation and then 85-90 days in to get another 6 months of interest free (as the interest free period counts from the date of transfer when this is done within the first 3 months). on a 20k limit, an initial balance transfer of 80% ($16,000) with minimum repayments of 2% (and then restarting 3 months in) yields an average balance of around $15,000 over the nine months. In a mortgage offset of 6% this will save 9/12 x 0.06 x 15,000 = $675 in interest. In a savings account at 5.5% interest this yields $618.75 (before tax).

  • Using the mortgage example, with an annual fee of $795 (including PayAll fee) and main benefits of $1,862.50 this nets out to $1,067.50 which I think is pretty great for just one card. Plus premium benefits like unlimited priority pass, $100 Uber credit etc.

Keeping in mind if you can get a hold of a higher credit limit this becomes far more lucrative.

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  • +19

    These deals are worse and worse

    • +4

      But there’s no exclusion period so it’s actually alright.

      • But they will decline your application, there is hidden exclusion period

  • Keeping in mind if you can get a hold of a higher credit limit this becomes far more lucrative.

    Can you prepay to go above credit limit with Citi?

  • +10

    700 bucks annual fee- no thank you

    • +1

      Only people who don't enjoy travelling or see value in 250,000 points would say this. This converts to 125,000 Velocity points and is almost enough for a one way business class trip to Europe.

      • +6

        shhh let them be sir

      • +4

        This is not a churning card, if you end goal is just to get 100k velocity, Virgin Money is the best one, only $75-150 fees and can score upto 90k per churn.

        • +3

          When did I ever say anything about churning? Even if you were to churn this card, you could and you'd still be way ahead of the $700. All the other benefits that go along are good value for people that utilize them.

          • +1

            @cantthinkofone: It wasn't targetted towards you. Was just making a statement that there are easier ways to get the 100k without the 700 pricetag, incase someone wants to churn.

  • +4

    Rich get richer for spending big

  • But really poor customer service and high probability of rejecting application

  • +11

    This was the best deal ever when Citi offered no fee Pay All that was the bonus points plus 20,000 points every month!

    • +3

      I agree. Got the card May last year. half price annual fee. The amount of free dollars and gift cards was out of this world. I Thought there had to be a catch. cancelled the card just before the next annual fee.

      Thank you Citi.

      And thank you Ozbargain, would never have known about it otherwise.

      • +1

        Yeah, it was the gift that just kept on giving ;)

      • I think you were late to the party- many OzB members got on the bandwagon earlier to milk on the free Payall feature (and continuing as they've set up for 10 years).

        I also only realised last year and signed up then, have renewed this year for another cycle as had 2 years of Payall set up.

    • +1

      Agree.. the luxury transfer service was also amazing.. now it’s just Uber (thanks NAB 😡)

    • Loved that Payall $n/c offer they ran twice in a row. We've still got scheduled payments going through.

  • +1

    "Please note, you will be charged interest on retail purchases while you have a balance transfer."

    • Would Payall qualify as a BT for 6 months interest free ?

      • It wouldn't but you could just pay it back immediately then do the BT

        • So, if I do a Payall and put the money in my offset account, I would be charged interest on the credit card ?

          • +1

            @pman54: If you did it while a BT was active yeah - but otherwise you'd have an interest free period. The way I'm doing it is BT straight away, PayAll $10k and then repay immediately to avoid interest charges.

            • +1

              @dealstacker: Thanks OP.

            • +1

              @dealstacker: Do you know if its possible to hit the $10k minimum spend, then arrange the BT following that? Is there a time limit after the card is open that you can arrange the BT? I've tried to find some information in this regard on their site, but its not immediately obvious.

              • @IXXI: Answered my own question with their online chat. You have 90 days from application approval, which i now see was also in the deal description above…… ¯_(ツ)_/¯

            • @dealstacker: Hey sorry I'm a bit confused, what is the benefit of payall if you are repaying immedidately? Asking as someone who has an offset account but not necesarily looking to BT from another card

  • +1

    If you have an upcoming luxury hotel stay with LE (I know this is probs the wrong crowd) then the Stay 4 Pay 3 deal can possibly cover the card fee. If you want to test it out, promo is CitiPrestige​

    • It was great before being exclusively LE; I wouldn't give that ratbag a zac

      • I do miss the old Expedia set up.
        Which ratbag are you referring to ?

        • They’re referring to Luxury Escape as the provider now.

        • +1

          Adam Schwab, the CEO. A flog of biblical proportions

    • I tried a number of dummy bookings using that code and all said "No active promo code found". Probably doing something wrong.

  • +5

    I love the top level priority pass with this deal, no brainer for travelling - particularly domestic where lounges are rare.

    • +5

      This gets me $210 of restaurant credits every time I fly from T2 at Melbourne. It's unreal how much value I've gotten from this

      • +2

        Although the $210 credit is true, the real value is more like $52.5 because everything is overpriced at the airports. Unless you really were going to spend $210 :)

        Also it is best to pay the difference in cash at restaurants, as they apply a 1.5-3% credit card fee to the total value.

      • Could you please elaborate on this? It seems to be $36 per guest from looking at the Priority Pass site. How do you score the $210?

        • +2

          You get unlimited +1 guest making it $72 and there is 3 restaurants you can go to.

          • @kanga91: Ahh, great, thanks. So there is nothing in place to prevent you hopping restaurants? This might well be worth it then for my family of 5 travelling via Singapore, Munich, Frankfurt and JFK next month. Assume we could just grab 2 meals at a number of restaurants to feed the whole gang? I'd get $700 of value from that one holiday alone.

            • @IXXI: Yeah that's right. A lot of airports don't have restaurants to redeem at though only lounges. You can check before hand on the priority pass app

            • @IXXI: Absolute no brainer

            • @IXXI: We done this at Singapore! Very worth it.

          • @kanga91: So if I have my wife & kid with me and our total bill is $100, they would take $72 off the bill?

          • @kanga91: Could I also visit the lounge after those restaurants? TIA

            • @Gryan0619: had a 8 hour transit recently at Singapore. Visited 3 lounges in 3 terminals. Tried food from 2 different restaurants. Had a massage and a shower.

              • @chacha: WOW, what a good deal. Thanks, guys will try it.

              • @chacha: That there probably paid for the annual fee 😂

            • @Gryan0619: Of course

      • The old T2 Priority pass pub crawl

  • This time though we can't use free Citi PayAll to get to the required $10,000 spend. That was a peace of piss last time!

    • Are PayAll transactions considered to be ‘cash advances’ under their terms? I can’t see any mention of not earning points on these otherwise

      • +1

        No, they are considered purchases and are eligible to meet spend criteria. Just comes with a 0.95% fee.

        • +1

          That’s what I thought but not sure why captbollocks was saying otherwise. Thanks

          • +2

            @Fancydancer: As per dealstacker it counted towards the $10k spend criteria to get the 250k bonus points but now there's a fee.

    • You can PayAll to a mortgage offset or savings account, earning a bit of interest and hitting SUB at the same time.

  • "I normally buy 4% off Coles gift cards"

    Where do you buy Coles gift cards at 4% off?

  • +1

    These offers keep getting worse.. still a solid card to churn though

  • +3

    I got this card 9 months ago. Loving Priority Pass access. PP benefit it self has payed out the annual fees. Done 19visits. And for me its no brainer to renew it for 2nd year. With PP unlimited access primary + guest can order food upto the value of $36*2 from selected restaurants in all Australian air ports. We use it (family of 4) during departure and arrivals. Very useful especially if traveling JetStar with kids where they become hungry as soon as enter the plane :) Same options available in most major international air ports like Singapore, KL and HK.I have not mastered the PayAll. I have seen some forums with very creative work. Keen to hear from fellow OZB, but not sure I am too late as free PayAll is no longer there.

  • Damn i can spent 10k in 3 months, the prob is how i pay it. Damn

  • These offers are getting worse and worse.

    Used to have this Citi card with offer $350 annual fee 1st year + 300,000 points when met $10000 spend + 1 year Priority Pass access.

    Love the Priority Pass which enabled us to attend many luxury airport lounges in different countries.

    The best credit card I've ever held.

    Edit: no Pay-all fee applied last year, so we pay in/out $20000 per month to our home loan offset to deduct many loan interests as well.

    The only cost for us is $350 annual fee, we enjoy a lot for the rest benefits :)

    • Unfortunately in their wisdom for no reason I can find, Citi canceled all my scheduled pay all transactions shortly after they ended the fee free offer :(. I canceled the card the next day, just before the annual fee.

      • +1

        Thats sick…
        I cancelled the card before the annual fee renew date, which was still within PayAll fee free period.

  • The 5th free stay with luxury escapes, does anyone know if the $1000 back includes cruises?

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