Going to The USA for The First Time, What Should I Buy/Look out for?

Hey OzBargainers

I'm about to leave for my trip to the USA for the first time in a week. Will be meeting up with some mates there. Will be going for roughly 16 days

Whilst on the trip, I want to take advantage of my time there, I'll be having a good time but I'd want to buy some stuff as well. So I want to ask what should be on the lookout for whilst there and bring back some stuff for myself or family.

Edit: I'll be travelling mainly West Coast, like LA, San Fran and Seattle.

I'll then fly to New Orleans and Florida before heading to New York, then back to LA to get home

Also any tips on just travel in general would be pretty handy, will be my first time exploring outside of Australia so hopefully I make it out alive.

Thank you !


  • +11

    Look out for getting shot

    • +8

      Bullet proof vest good investment :D

      • Number 1 on my list !

      • I know it's a joke, but for what it's worth, if OP were to buy a bullet proof vest they'll be leaving it in the US since body armor is a prohibited import. https://www.abf.gov.au/importing-exporting-and-manufacturing…

        • What about a bulletproof backpack?

        • Good rule of thumb: everything is prohibited to import into Australia, especially anything remotely fun.

          • +1

            @Gnostikos: Your idea of fun is wearing a bulletproof vest??

        • +1

          Just strap a cast iron pan to your back!

      • +1

        I hear bullet proof headphones aren't a bad investment either.

    • If I had a dollar for every time someone has made that joke on a US-related OzBargain thread, I could fly to the US right now.

  • Where exactly are you going … that would help, USA is a rather large place.

    • Oh whoops, probably shouldve added that.

      Mainly West Coast, like LA, San Fran and Seattle.

      I'll then fly to New Orleans and Florida before heading to New York, then back to LA to get home.

      • +3

        New Orleans

        I cannot stress this enough: Beignets. They are everywhere and effing delicious.

        LA is an absolute sh!thole, be prepared to be vastly underwhelmed (apologies).

        NY is an absolute blast and you get exceptionally good pizza everywhere. Do your research if you're a foody.

        Figure out tipping, as well. Everyone has their hand out, that country is an absolute joke.

        • I have never heard of Beignets, but they do look good so ill definitely check them out.

          I did figure LA would be trash but I gotta experience it first hand hahaha

          New York I definitely have high expectations for, but I have to be prepared for high costs as well as their tipping culture

          • @KDOZ: Yes, learn about tipping before you go. Just met up with a friend back from New York City who wasted money tipping unnecessarily by not carrying enough one dollar notes and not knowing when to skip the tipping options on POS terminals. As soon as you have your first ATM withdrawal, buy food or drink and ask for the change in singles; do this wherever possible. Then you can tip in multiples of one instead of having to hand over a tenner.

            • @sumyungguy: And the tip is calculated on the pretax total, not the post tax total.

              • @poboy: The options presented on mobile terminals are generally based on the post-tax total, arguably an upsell but I've read that many Americans happily tip on the grand total. Personally I too tip on the pre-tax amount having dined at a restaurant back in the 90s where the suggested tip on the check was based on the sub-total.

  • How long are you going for?

    Maybe pick up a cheap SIM with lots of data if you'll be there for a while. If you're only there for a week or two, maybe check how much roaming will cost you.

    Make sure you have proper travel insurance - buy it now, not closer to the date. This ensures your travel plans are covered if any last minute changes (check your PDS).

    If I were you I'd be checking which states have legalised marijuana and really party it up.

    If you go Philadelphia, check out the plethora of Philly Cheese Steak restaurants - those are some seriously good feeds.

    Check out Old Vegas if you're headed that way, that's so much fun

    • Oh and have you ensured you have a VISA waiver? I think it's called the ESTA

      • Thanks for your comment !

        Yeah i managed to buy a SIM from one of the deals on Ozbargain, i hope it works otherwise I will have to find another way.

        Travel Insurance is all purchased as well just in case, as well as my ESTA so i shouldnt have too many issues in that field i hope.

        Don't think ill be heading to any of the states you mentioned, but definitely good to know. Thanks so much

  • +2

    What Should I Buy/Look out for


    • Weed killer…

  • +2

    If you're after a sim card, you'll find them in the chemist. A popular chemist chain there is called Walgreens. Took me days to find where sim cards can be bought from.

    • -1

      you'll find them in the chemist.

      Drug store ???

    • I always thought Walgreens was a groceries hahaha, but yeah i got the SIM Card sorted, but if it doesn't work then I'll try find a Chemist.

  • Gushers.

  • -4

    What Should I Buy

    Bullet proof vest…

    • +1

      duplicate comment detected!

    • +2

      Beaten by 5 minutes!

    • That won't stop a bullet from hitting your ear.

  • +1

    Honestly, everything is cheap in the US, but you need to carry it back, so…

    Personally, I'd be bringing back foodstuffs that you can't easily get here, like hot sauce, weird lollies, and the like.

    If you have any international fashion brands you like, the US is the place for that as well.

    • Yeah this was my main thought, clothing and food. I won't be bring much in anyway so I can afford to bring stuff back.

      Gotta get stuff for all my other family members as well lol

      • In terms of travel in general, my recommendation is to get on a public bus at least once in every city - straight from the airport is fine, probably best in fact. Pick something with a reasonable length that will end up with you back where you started, but otherwise the more random the better. It'll be a huge eye-opener, and you'll see a ton of stuff you'll never see in the movies, as a tourist, or from the freeways. Bring a bunch of coins because they don't make change.

        Also, Disneyland is better than it has any right to be. Don't write it off as a kids thing. Or since you're going to Florida, Disney World is even better.

      • Clothing is not that much cheaper compared to here thanks to the US dollar.

    • +2

      not as cheap as it used to be with inflation and our weak dollar.

    • Maybe cheap in $USD but not with the currency conversion

    • I was in LA in January. Nothing is cheap anymore. Inflation & poor exchange rate.
      California has sales tax upto 10% which is only displayed on the bill. Anything remotely associated with a service immediately attracts a tip tax. Some are asking 25% now. Of course you don't have to pay/give a tip, but its expected.

  • +6

    Look out for a chic that says hawk tuah

  • Don't waste your time looking for stuff to buy.

    I'd spend all my time in Seattle - culture, nature, and if you're into business/tech, Microsoft/Amazon and HQ for many other businesses.

  • +8

    Be sure to do an AMA about your visit to The US of A upon your return.

  • +1

    If you see an 81 year old senile man walking the streets, call his wife Jill

    If you see an orange man walking the streets, cross the road so you don’t get shot from a stray bullet

  • +4

    Travel insurance is a must

  • San Fran

    Stay well clear of the Tenderloin (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenderloin,_San_Francisco)
    Crime ridden and lots of homeless. It's adjacent to the business district.


    Beaches are nice (Santa Monica, Venice, etc)…. Food is amazing, possibly the best you can find in the US with every type of cuisine imaginable (except when comparing to local specialities of course)…. Anaheim/Disneyland 30mins drive.

    Just be courteous and don't do anything stupid, American's are, for the most part, very nice people and they love Australians.

    Good luck!

  • Liquor is cheap but you need to be aware of sales taxes which differs from state to state. In Washington (Seattle) for e.g there is a spirits sales tax, so while that bottle of spirits might look cheap at Safeway you may end up paying another 20.5 percent on top of the sale price.

    Taxes not being displayed in the purchase prices of goods in the USA is something you'll have to quickly get used to. Makes you appreciate the tighter consumer regulations in Australia.

    If you are after fashion, check out the Premium Outlets as well, there's one in Seattle and they sell brands and styles that you can't get in Australia. Don't expect things to be cheap though, given how weak the AUD is ($0.66)

  • Gun..

  • 16 days is pretty short for all those places. I visited in March 2024 and May/June 2023 (San Francisco / New York).

    LA highlight was Six Flags (although it was pretty dodgy). If you go when it opens on a weekday you can go rides the coasters back to back with zero line-up.

    California in general was Yosemite - absolutely go there if you have a chance.

    NYC was Met museum (if you walk through the gift shop you can pretty much walk into the museum for free) and Adele's famous Halal food (very cheap and huge servings).

    There are a lot of niche stuff that isn't necessarily cheaper in the US but for which shipping to AU would kill the deal. I suggest going through Wirecutter to see if there's anything that catches your eye. You can purchase through Amazon US and have it delivered to your hotel. https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/

    Lastly if you have any interest in signing up for US credit cards you might want to take a few hours out and set up a bank account with Bank of America and get an ITIN.

    • Adele's famous Halal food

      That had me doing a double-take lol

  • Be ready to be shocked how much things cost. Even food. It's not a cheap place at all atm

  • +1

    While in LA, consider visiting the Griffith Observatory.

  • Guns ammo and nuclear weapons

  • They have all kinds of crazy confectionery and package cakes etc. There are stores where you can fill a trolley! Not good for you but neither is US ;)

  • +1

    6 places in 16 days? You wont have time to go shopping. And the places arent even very close, you have at around 4 days of travel (1/2 day between each place on the West Coast, 3/4 day to NO, 1/2 day to Florida, probably 2/3 of a day by the time you get into Manhattan). Then back to LA. Its like going Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Darwin, Perth Adelaide and then Auckland.

  • You won’t have much spare time, but here are a few spots I enjoyed

    - public transport museum. Very cool period train carriages and buses all decked out
    - tenement museum. Living quarters from the 1800s and 1900s frozen in time
    - walking photography tour of Central Park. If nothing else, guarantees some cool pics

    New Orleans
    - walking food tour. Get to appreciate all the architecture and the amazing food in one

    San Fran
    - Alcatraz, but you might have missed out already. You have to book months in advance

    Stuff to buy? Go over with no luggage and Check the clothing outlets. Decent prices on what are expensive brands here - but still not cheap” clothes

  • Look out for homeless people in LA

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