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Nong Shim Shin Ramyun Instant Noodle Black - $1.80 (RRP $3.65) @ Woolworths

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Perfect time to tuck into some nongshim black over smoko. At this price good way to suss out if it’s for you without committing to a 4 pack.

Remember don’t add too much water.

(Set store to your preferred store to check stock - it’s all in stock in my 4 closest Woolies)

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closed Comments

  • +15

    Does this Pro model have more than 8GB RAM ,

    • +4

      You don't need 8GB of RAM for Shin Black, phone is fine.

      • +28

        8 mega bites will do.

        • +4

          severely underrated comment

        • +1

          Don't forget about the mega sips too.

    • +4

      No but at this rate it might as well be the next platform they somehow port Skyrim onto.

      • -1

        Yeah I know :).
        The kimchi flavour is good, should have got more last time. Smoother and not just hot

  • +3

    Nah, $1.80 X 5 = $9 !!

    • -3

      please post a deal

    • +5

      Didn’t neg you
      But this is the black we talking about. Not the red.
      AFAIK there is no cheaper price atm - short of maybe going to Inala or Sunnybank and physically checking pricing at the asian shops.

      • +1

        Yeah I see, just don't know who would not buy a 5 pack, isn't the normal price $10.50 anyway? Hanaro and them have them.

        Like you say it would be nice if the 5pk goes on sale again, will have to check Wednesday!

        • +1

          normal price

          Black rrp is now $12, and it comes in a 4 pack.
          It was $11.50

          Been prob 4 years since I stepped into a hanaro mart, maybe they do some special 5 pack black I don’t know about since then.

          Black is more mild spice and richer broth (idk maybe it’s all an elaborate psy-op)

  • -3

    Good noodles. Bought few boxes of 20 packs @ $13.99 each from Costco last year. Regular red not the black ones. Waiting for same deal to return to stock up.

  • +2

    Are these much better than Aldi 2 minute noodles?

    • +11

      if you like aldi, stick to aldi

      • +2

        I ditch the sachet of chemicals & add my own Asian sauces. Tastes very good to me.

        • what kind of sauces

        • +17

          May as well just buy your own fresh or instant noodles at that point.

          • @zombrex: Which ones do you recommend around the same price?

            • +3

              @WatchNerd: you dont buy it from wollies/coles/aldi. get it from your asian minimart e.g tong li etc

          • +2

            @zombrex: Absolutely. These instant noodle pack noodles are some of the worst quality dried noodles you can get. They are really only worth buying for the convenience/lazy.

          • @zombrex:

            May as well just buy your own fresh or instant noodles at that point.

            Exactly, people buy these for the sodium and fat cravings, you wouldn't buy them not to use the flavouring when you can get 20 types of plain noodles cheaper. It's just convenience but may as well get cup noodles if you aren't making them at home or adding anything.

            • @G-rig: Just to clarify - nobody has actually linked to cheaper instant noodles yet. Aldi are $1.89 for a 5 pack, 425g ($0.44 per 100g).

              • @WatchNerd: Mate, they are almost the cheapest thing at the supermarket, go and have a look and get any!

                • @G-rig: Dude I'm replying to your comment where you said there are 20 types cheaper. Not trying to start an argument, just waiting on these cheaper options.

                  • @WatchNerd: Oh yeah, I was taking about the various dry noodles not instant packets I guess. Not the same but stuff like (Pad Thai) rice noodles, vermicelli etc.

                    Will have a look for you later but cup noodles are a buck.

                    I mean, even the Shin red and kimchi are cheaper at the normal price $8/5 = $1.60, but obviously you'd wait till they $5 or so.

                    I'm not entertaining 4 packs of this stuff.

                    • @G-rig: As I said above they come in a 5 pack for $1.89 which equates to $0.44 per 100g. Using math I don't think any of those are cheaper.

                      • @WatchNerd: Much the same but yes greb the black single packets if you like those. I consider a packet to be a serving.

                        Best just grabbing the red when they are ~$5 for a five pack, it's fairly often on sale. $1/packet is a much better deal AS I SAID ABOVE 😆, unless you are looking to get into some today!

                        • @G-rig: Nope using math again $5 for a 5 pack isn't cheaper than $1.89 for 5 ($0.44 per 100g) at Aldi.

                          • @WatchNerd: I'm comparing this deal to Shin Red, more of a fair comparison. Those cheap shit ones of course will be cheaper.

                            • @G-rig: You're replying to a comment I made about Aldi noodles though.

                              • @WatchNerd: Never mind that.
                                You should try them out though, but don't Think you'll find the noodle cakes or flavour as satisfying.

                                • @G-rig: Lol you got me, nice trolling.

                                  • @WatchNerd: Nah not trolling maybe didn't reply to the exact comment. Those cheap ones are fairly small per serve (a packet), so no point measuring per gram. I'm sure they'd do the job if making own broth and adding stuff.

                                    • @G-rig:

                                      no point measuring per gram.

                                      Haha now you're really trolling.

                                      • @WatchNerd: I didn't think it is, one packet one serve.
                                        Although I do use half of a shin Ramen noodles sometimes if there is enough other stuff in it, or not that hungry, or in a mug.

              • +1

                @WatchNerd: Yo dats cheap!

        • +3

          Why not just buy these then
          or even better

          My wife makes her own sauces like you, and buys the fantastic ones.

        • +1

          Should just ditch the noodles and all the packaging too, can get dry noodles cheap as (I get rice noodles fairly often but plenty of types). Udon noodles from frozen section are a bit pricey now too, used to be under $7.

          Ps People should search the previous deals for all the same commentary, although I guess some folk have never heard of em.

    • +1

      Funnily enough I just saw this comment:

      Does aldi also do nongshim ? Or they do their own spicy instant? I feel nongshim noodles definitely got a better mouth feel than normal cheapy instant noodle, up there with the prima la mian laksa.

      Either way maybe I will suss it next time I do my once a quarter aldi shop. I usually just beeline for the chicken chipotle bowls, the lamb gozemele, the Aldi dark ground coffee beans, the red bull large can zero sugar rip offs and the red rock deli rip offs

      • +4

        Aldi sells 4 packs of the regular red nongshim

    • +4

      Very different products, Shin is definitely multiple levels above the average 2 minute noodles in every single way possible.

  • +1

    Thanks Jimothy,

    How do these compare to the red in terms of spiciness? I used to love the red but as I get older I cannot handle the aftermath of spicy food.

    • Less spicey but still hot

    • Just get a packet and see for yourself, no risk.
      Don't need to use the whole sachet (and better not to with the crazy amount of sodium. Still good with half, then can make your own with other noodles with the rest).

      • I cannot handle the aftermath of spicy food

        yeah no risk

        • Not sure why you're even considering these then, just get maggi or something. You are allowed to use less flavouring, or try veg (green) ones, pretty good.

    • +1

      Me neither.

      As per @CrispyChrispy Black is definitely more mild. I felt there was more levels of flavour… as opposed to just .. spice.

  • First time seeing 1/2 price on black

    • Quite rare, last time was end of May for the 4 pack as per this mega popular deal by @RichardL which is actually where I tried it first time. Unfortunately only got 3 packs last time.

      • That 4 pack for $5.75 was amazing, unfortunately I couldn't find it at a few woolies I went to.

        $1.8 x 4 = $7.20 for a 4 pack :(

        • true, rrp now 12 too so next 50% off will be $6 ..not that much diff especially if you're like me and got a hankering for some nong shim black

  • +1

    One for 1.8$, isnt it expensive?

  • +1

    The Shin Ramen big bowls are also half price - $1.85.

    • i might give them a go too, maybe streamline my winter smoko procedure even more

      • Just don't skimp on your milk crate throne.

  • +1

    Personally I prefer the red variety, but each to their own.

    • Exactly, and when they are $5. No point paying more for premium junk food. Also vegetarian.

      • Well that's part of it for me too, don't want pork bones or whatever it is they put in it.

        Even still I think red actually tastes better or at least as good, and it's cheaper, normally.

        • +1

          Yeah no brainer. Not paying more than $5 and shouldn't be eating it at all haha. Hopefully and the veg I throw in improves the nutritional content.

    • +4

      Red is spicier but I find the black has a richer and more satisfying flavour

  • I'm a recent fan of shin black (but only 1/8th the chilli pack as I'm a weak arse) but I'm curious as to the water comment. I follow the directions religiously and use 500ml. Mind you I do boil it in the kettle and then microwave for 4 1/2 mins to save washing a pot.

    How much water do you all use?

    • I usually eyeball it, just measured out 500ml in the pot, I’d say I average closer to about 400

      • Stands to reason, less water and less flavouring required

    • I use less water (like close to half) because generally with spicy instant noodles I'm in it for the spicy noodles and not the soup really.

  • Nong shim shin ramyun
    Ayee I'm a big boy now
    I'm ready to leave
    Ciao mama ciao

  • Hi

    I’ve never had these.

    They are in stock at my local.

    What is the spice level on these ?

    The milder, the better for me.

    Please let me know if these are not for me.


    • Milder than the red but to me not by much.

  • Shin Ramyen red 5pk $5.95 @ Coles.
    Not the best price but works out cheaper @WatchNerd
    =$1.19 a packet. Should be $5 so not sure I'll cop.

  • +2

    Shin Ramyen Kimchi 5pk $5 @ Coles.

    • Nice one. This had slipped me by on my catalog perusal this week.

      • I just check the bought before items in the app every Wednesday for the new week ;)

        • +1

          Thanks again for the heads-up, currently slurping down a bowlful. Quite tasty and a welcome tonic to a cold wintry night but not enough spice for me. Will stick to the red in future, which I cleaned out my local Coles on last week's special.

          • +1

            @wavesgreen: Too easy, I just get whichever is on special. Could add some fresh Chilli or chilli flakes.
            I don't always use the whole sachet of flavouring so can use whichever.

            • +1

              @G-rig: Yeah I have spare packets of various chili powders as well as hot sauces on hand. I might do a half-half mix of the kimchi and red for a future meal and get the best of both worlds. I do like the rounder flavour profile of the kimchi one.

  • mukbang

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