• expired
  • targeted

Cancellation Offer: Additional 1-Year OnePass Subscription for $12 on Top of Current $12 Annual Offer @ OnePass


Just signed up for this deal for $12 one pass and went to cancel straight away and was given an offer for another year renewal of $12 if I choose to keep one pass instead of cancellation.

This will be charged next year at the time of renewal if during cancelation you accept the offer.

This means
$12 this year as shared by TA
$12 Next year

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    • +1

      Same, but November. Shame we have to jump through these hoops

      • +1

        The worst part is you have to use a new mobile and card number (new email is easiest to do)

        • +2

          Amaysim $10 starter packs are good for this, especially when discounted to $5. The PAYG credit never expires, if you just use it to receive auth codes, and you can 'refer yourself' for all sorts of discounts that require a phone number.

    • This, I always cancel subs that still honour the term, so I don't have to remember..

    • Same, no offer and cant cancel cancellation.. see what happens when their stats go backwards due to cancels…

  • Is Catch worth it for anything in particular?

    • +1

      Sheets, bulk cleaning items. That's about it for me

    • +1

      Perfume sometimes. Household items for me

  • +2

    Tried cancelling with 10 mins and it didn't offer anything to keep me signed up. Maybe they caught on and closed that loophole.

  • Didn't work.

    If enough people cancel , and don't get an offer that by itself probably could trigger another re-sub campaign. Keep cancelling folk!

    Was the offer a pop-up or in the window. Whether browser / adguard blocked it, suspect not.

  • I got nothing. Don’t really understand how it works for some people but not others.

    • -1

      Don’t really understand how it works for some people but not others.

      seems those who already have a Onepass subs, they're offered to add on another year for $12 when cancelling.. Those who just signed up, don't get it, since you've already signed up to the $12/yr offer.

      wait for Black Friday it might work for you then.

      • +1

        I had one for about 10 months so that’s not it.

  • Signed up for $12, cancelled a few min later with no renewal offer.

    • +1

      Someone else above said you need to connect it first with your flybuy etc and then try to cancel.

  • Didn't work for me either :(

  • No offer

  • We've cancelled your membership


  • +1

    We've cancelled your membership

    A slap on a greedy face!

  • -1

    if we cancel looks like we lose benefits immediately

    i've got 80 days left and $12 offer ends in 4 days cheaper to lose that time than waiting for $20 offer

    tried cancelling on multiple devices/ip addresses/browsers no luck

    not sure if i want to follow through yet

    • +2

      You don’t, you still keep your free shipping etc until end date even if u cancel. I’m not sure what they mean by benefits.

  • +3

    Nothing for me but thanks for the reminder to cancel :)

  • +7

    Cancelled but no offer.

    It’s like breaking up and hoping they come back to you but they don’t and now you have to listen to a breakup music playlist and contemplate if you’ll ever get an offer again which was as good as your last.

  • +6

    I don't know what happened but mine now says expires 2300

    • +2

      picture or it didn't happen :p

  • Didn’t work for me either. My renewal date was 12 Jan 2025. No pop up offer during cancelling process.

  • No offer either Just cancelled no offer given
    Hardly ever used it anyway I prefer to pick up my items from Bunnings Target etc since they are all close by

  • Paid $20 last year and is due in October. No offer. I only made some 15 orders so far.

    • I signed up in October too and worked for me

      • @ScoMosas .. which device did you do it via? Phone app?Phone browser or computer browser?

        • +1

          Chrome on Galaxy S21

  • Cancelled my current acc and the new acc I just made with this deal and both times got nothing

  • Signed up and cancelled straight away. Was offered nothing.

  • Web Application team may have plugged the hole guys, no luck for me either

  • My membership is expiring in October and worked.

  • +2

    No bueno for me either. On the plus side, I don't need to remember to cancel next year.

  • I've just cancelled my 20 per year offer and got 0 discount haha

  • i had the offer and accepted it last night but when I go into my account it says "We've cancelled your membership" but my benefits are still valid until 2025 since it automatically renewed recently

  • +1

    Even if you cancel without extra year, you still have the year membership.

  • I was able to claim a 12 month membership for $12 as I had previously used the free trial

  • +1

    This was such a roller coaster to read. Cancelled after 3 times of getting to the “maybe later” stage but no offer :(

    The Russian roulette of deals perhaps…? Take my upvote OP!

    • +1

      Haha gold, I tried a few times as well… I’m thinking I’m going to wait until a week before it expires and then cancel it to see what offer I get.

  • 😂

  • It wouldn't let me sign up with the 12 dollar offer because it was not a 'new account' yesteday.

    Logged in today to do it under a new phone number/email and lo and behold I was able to get the deal for $12 instead of $40

    Wonders never cease.

    • Is it easy to relink your previously link store to your new onepass?

      • Mostly, Bunnings is a problem for me now I get an error

  • +12

    Twist. OP works for competitor and just got hundreds of people to cancel their membership renewal

    • Not a big loss, they would have charged $40 without it.

    • +5

      OP is TwoPass.

      • +2

        But then OP is also OnePass…. What in the duopoly

  • +1

    here i was thinking this was a password manager, ready to sign up

  • +5

    Cancelled with no retention offer here. But like many said, a great reminder to cancel to avoid next year's renewal nonetheless.

  • Mine cancelled, it expires may 2025

  • Didn't work

  • No offer

  • Must be more targeted as I tried no luck I got the half price deal for black friday last year , so membership finishes later this year. I went to cancel or maybe later page & no pop up. I'm not fully committing to cancel at end of membership to see if pop up comes up there. Maybe close to black friday maybe another deal might be offered to me, but either way I won't rejoining at full price. Congrats to those who got it to work.

  • TIL people actually sign up to this.

  • Mine worked signed up and cancelled $12 deal and still have subscription for year. Is that what ppl are seeing?

    • No, OP got an extra year on top of his newly signed up year. So 2 years for $24.

  • Don't Kmart/Bunnings etc already offer change of mind returns?

    • You get 12 months to change your mind with OnePass. Free shipping is good also.

  • +1

    Mine showed an offer of 1 month free if i didn't cancel

    • Got this too. Currently on a one month trial (again)

  • +1

    Didnt get the option but all good. Current one pass will last for a year then get cancelled as requested.

  • Where is jv ?

  • I've been paying monthly for a while - just tried cancelling and it offered me the next month for free if I chose not to cancel. Oh well - better than nothing at all - thanks OP :-)

  • +2

    Worked for me.
    Went to cancel but they offered me to keep my subscription with 12 dollars renewal next year (mine expires in May 2025).

  • Tried - Nada.

  • no, it got cancelled straight away!

  • no offer for me either, due for expiry in Sept. Though I did enjoy the irony of a 'promotion' prompting me and a whole bunch of others to cancel their subs.

  • +2

    I cancelled and no offer. Went to the chat and they didn't offer there either. What they don't realise is they have damaged my pride and out of spite I will go out of my way to avoid them now.

  • Didn't work for me, but at least thanks for the reminder to cancel! Otherwise would have got slugged with a $40 bill in October!

  • We've cancelled your membership Your benefits will end on 15 October 2024

    Oh well, looks like adios OnePass. I didn't use it enough anyway and this was a good reminder to kill off yet another recurring subscription.

  • Didn't work for me. Great deal for those that got lucky! Hopefully there's another good offer come Black Friday.

  • No luck for me. Signed up yesterday, paid using paypal and cancelled today. Using firefox on desktop

  • Didn't work for me, renewal due in Jan 2025

  • i cancelled mine and its good until the next months payment due date.

    signed up my wife for the $12 bunnings coffee deal.

    • what is this deal

      • +4

        go to bunnings and sign up for a year onepass, and get a free coffee. $12 one pass minus $5 coffee = $7 onepass for a year

        • Is there a link to this promo somewhere?

  • Lots of people who report it working are saying they received a popup a few seconds after going to cancel.

    It didn't work for me but I have popups blocked. Maybe if you turnoff popups you'll get the offer.

  • No popup for me. Will try again black friday

  • Yep - cancelled my membership immediately as well. Tried convincing chat to offer me a discounted membership for renewal but looks like they can't do that until after the membership expires. He seemed confident that there'd be another discounted offer for Black Friday - I'll wait for that.

    • So you reckon trying to cancel it when that is live might work? I was thinking of waiting until it was about to be cancelled or like you said once it’s cancelled…

      • Not sure what you mean exactly - it seems like their system doesn't allow you to switch from cancelling to renewing. Not sure if that is what the chat support meant, but that was how I read it. Anyway, after my current subscription ends in October I'll renew when/if they have another sale.

        • I meant try to cancel during the sale maybe and see if the offer is better for those that didn’t get this one?!?

  • Has anyone tried signing up a new account under a family members name and then linking your own flybuys/kmart/target etc accounts?

  • Bummed out big time. Went thru the Cancel process as halfway thru my subs, and was politely told… No…go away.

    Or pay for a whole year again. Tried all avenues, even the Support team could not reverse the cancel or relent.

    Luck to those that scored the $12 deal!

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