shadow90210 » user profile

Member Since 06/10/2021
Last Seen Online Now
Location Sydney

Recent Activities

With summer almost done, do pool robots go on offer for stock clearance around this time? I get the vacuum will be used throughout the year…
03/03/2025 - 10:06
Which one did you end up buying and hows your experience been? We r also deciding between these models. Will help to know how your…
02/03/2025 - 10:24
Interested to know the same. Is it the same as mobile operators? And waiting period waiver is no where mentioned. Dont want to churn from…
02/03/2025 - 10:16
Hi mate, im also out in the market with similar budget and narrowing down between aiper s1, s1 pro, zodiac fx18, and cx20. How did you go…
01/03/2025 - 15:26
Hey mate just a quick one is this the s1 or s1 pro you have and does your pool have any platforms where robo needs to climb and do the…
01/03/2025 - 15:19
Thanks mate.. not sure if we have had real cases of people returning successfully during this period. I am unable to locate any locate any…
28/02/2025 - 15:41
Do you guys do demo like maytronics does? A lot of review's i have read online where people have had issues with robo not being compatible…
28/02/2025 - 14:44
Where can one buy used dolphin? New are crazy expensive compared to these. Im looking for corded, does anyone know any reasonable…
27/02/2025 - 23:16
Does this clean both floor and walls? And between the solar surfer s1 and scuba s1, which one has app controls. Could you also tell scuba…
25/02/2025 - 08:32
How does a 30 day sim work for 90 days? Cant get my head around the headline. If the plan expires in 30 days so what happened to data that…
10/02/2025 - 22:07
Where to use this code and whats the saving?
05/02/2025 - 22:36
Seeing $26.95 and $32.95.. not the prices mentioned.
03/02/2025 - 15:19
Which one at coles? Any link to specific ones that are this size and work fine in freezer.
29/01/2025 - 12:55
It says wont work for existing boost customers.. would anyone have experience with porting out temporarily and then porting in again? Does…
29/10/2024 - 16:01
Do they need power connection or are battery operated? And would anyone know how long the batter lasts?
08/10/2024 - 20:35
Exactly the same with this one.. total flop. Clothes would never dry as you cant hang anything given heat will only be on the metal part…
27/07/2024 - 21:58
Its terrible.. we got one and returned for refund. The heat is bare minimum and clothes wouldnt dry.
27/07/2024 - 21:55
I had a bad experience last time in 100% cash back on toilet papers with them. It took several months of follow up to sort it out. Never…
17/07/2024 - 16:52
How much time it takes for gift card to be received in mail? I havent gotten it yet and its been 30 mins already.
12/07/2024 - 07:50
Is there any service charge on ultimate gift cards? Like upfront 8% off but any charge on utilization?
12/07/2024 - 07:28
Does it work? And if so in what condition? For regrowth if you are getting a bald spot or helps with recovery from thin hair? Or hair fall?…
05/07/2024 - 09:13
Didnt get the option but all good. Current one pass will last for a year then get cancelled as requested.
27/06/2024 - 06:57
Ebay was out of stock, managed to order one direct from their website. Even there only one qty was in stock. Thanks guys. Lets see if my…
24/06/2024 - 00:25
I was tempted to get one looking at price.. you saved me. Thanks.
12/06/2024 - 07:26
Good price but got mydeal $169 price matched and delivered today from jb. Deduct perks and add $5.99 next day delivery, very happy with the…
31/05/2024 - 14:55