How did you find OzBargain?
So many people never even heard of this site and even if I tell them about it they think it's some dodgy sales site like ozshop etc..
How did you find OzBargain?
So many people never even heard of this site and even if I tell them about it they think it's some dodgy sales site like ozshop etc..
So google?
Yes, years ago …
i was searching for oz bar gains, was a gym junkie then and wasnt getting the gains from by gym sessions lifting the bar. forgot the s and found this site
never turned back
Never would have made the gains you have made through here
gains all in the wrong places….. i have a few spare tires now. damn those kfc deals
I was asking about Fight Club.
True to form, people I asked didn't talk about Fight Club
(although I think they knew something)
Anyway, they told me about OzB.
(I figure I'm getting closer tho.). :+)
Googling for deals, where else?
i was binging
When working at JB.
do jb know about it?
Very much so :D
OzB even seemed to have the IP's of JB head office flagged quite a few years ago so people couldn't respond to comments. That was before I started on OzB but I do remember hearing that.
they must hate ozb. jb does.
OzB even seemed to have the IP's of JB head office flagged quite a few years ago so people couldn't respond to comments.
I seem to recall that incident, there was an issue with some sort of gift card scam, a JB staff member chimed in to help, then Head office were aware of it, then radio silence from OP and the JB staff member. The staff member's account got deleted, it's speculated that OP had to sign an NDA to get his money back.
@Broke-Ken: From memory OP blew it on the same of the GC and the JB staff member (not the one mentioned) didn't follow protocol on redemption as pointed out by mentioned employee.
Make a poll.
I was in a car with a coworker on the way to visit an IGA supermarket.
Exploit for free chocolate bars, a friend showed me on something like Lifehacker and I followed the source.
Hack: Identification of Winning Cadbury Medium Bars for Score a Freebie Bars Promotion
That is still to this day my favourite deal!
Whirlpool … kinda was good timing as whirlpool at the time I felt was really going down hill
Same. There was a post asking which websites people frequent the most and lots of people said ozbargain. I've been broke ever since
the laughs we had on the way and friends made were priceless though
(im broke too)
I also found out about OzB from whirlpool, I think for deals on ISPs. Now I spend all my time on here making/saving $$$, haven't visited whirlpool in years.
haven't visited whirlpool in years
I don’t look at the other boards there as it’s mostly dead/ no one up for banter.
I checked out the lighting sub board the other day in probably 2-3 years as I’ve always loved talking lighting -
Good to see Colbunko still there after all these years still actively posting, and probably still shaking his head at some of the crazy diy propositions from some of the random posters.
Had recently moved to Australia and was looking for TV deals online. Stumbled upon here. Couple days later found a Hisense on sale and posted it. Got immediately called out as a sockpuppet for JB HiFi…
There was a report raised for sockpuppeting
Wasn't calling you out 🤣
Ahhh your comment finally makes sense after 6 years! 😂
6 year feud comes to an end
My wife…. about a month ago…. She found this "amazing website where you can find things cheaper…" I was like… "Oh really? Well I'll give it a once over…" :D
Originally, I think I was buying a roof rack-less RAV4 or had a speeding ticket that I wanted to get off paying, or maybe it was a car I was wanting to buy for an investment prospect, or a dash cam… Who knows, but I am pretty sure it came up in a Google search.
At fault, no insurance, car accident and came looking for advise perhaps?
Did you ever sell that kayak via classifieds?
Gerry Harvey
Thanks to gramp the (GST) grump.
Bikies - they are pleased with all the referrals they get.
google searched pizza coupons and they were always reliable on here lol
Was looking for gaming deals. More than 10 years later, im still here.
I got into an uninsured car accident and Ozbargain popped up when I Googled it /s
From Whirlpool Forums where people were ranting about OzBargainers because any good deal that popped up was immediately out of stock.
From that moment on I knew I was with the wrong crowd ;)
Was that before or after they banned jv? 😉
When did he got banned? I think it was around the 2015.
I Googled:-
"brand new car high yield investment"
How's the graduate program at Westpac working out?
I've impressed a lot of people along the way, and I've trained myself to be a fund manager.
Westpac knows i'm the best.
I made a typo when i was searching for a bargain for an Ox….
I remember asking buying PC parts from OCAU forums, and they were taking the piss outta me to redirected me to Whirlpool forums instead…. and they threw me over to some ozbargain post. Never left since.
A guy called Gerry Harvey told me it was a place where bad guys (professional hackers) hung out.
So I joined
When I was in a car accident and neither myself or the other driver knew who was at fault - the other driver said he would ask the Ozbargain forum for advise, and requested I verify his MS paint picture.
He was at fault.
I was originally after a deal on a USB stick about 10 years ago. I think a google for best USB stick landed me in the forums here with some people linking previous deals. I used to check every day for a good deal. I still do, but I used to too.
It was 2015.
A new friend of mine invited me to the 'Good Food and Wine Festival'… he was able to get free tickets
We all carpooled together…. he was able to get free parking
I was in awe. How was this possible? Who was this new friend of mine?
He said the word 'Ozbargain'. I created an account the next day!
Met ozbargain around in 2018 when I tried to find info for click frenzy
I first remember this site from finding cheap movie tickets, I must have been googling.
A friend of mine who was friends with Scotty introduced me to this website in 2007. At that time, the site was primarily filled with posts from Catch of the Day and 1-day au. Both of these sites would post new deals at 12pm AEST, and users, who were familiar with them, would eagerly anticipate what deals would be available. Those were the good old days.
And then came Dealextreme… Like Temu, for Gen X lol
I was looking for eneloops and this site came first 10y ago :)
Ditto - eneloops and Dick Smith closing down was the perfect storm ,
Learnt the first rule of Ozbargain - buy first , think later
Some random at work was bragging about a deal he found on New Balance shoes with a heavy discount.. I asked where he found the deal. Have been a regular since.
Wasn't it Epson?
Who Told You about OzBargain?
I started with the original paper based version, pre world wide web.
Found out through the local Technology Market at the freemason's hall….
For some reason: cheap skates on the block came to mind….. You know new kids on the block thing.
Somehow… I’ve always known.
I'm from the Bigpond Users —> Whirlpool —> Ozbargain conveyor belt…
I google how to be a cheapskate in Australia 15 years ago. Quokka and Gumtree also pop out…..
I've been a member since 2007. I vaguely remember winning $10 or $20 from scotty in the very early days for signing up or making a post, I can't remember. Sheesh, this was more than 17 years ago…. time flies
20,000 days is 80 years.
^wrong. it's 30,000
It was a mix of:
Optus broadband forums, yes the broadband forum was sfor those on the broadband or cable internet back in the dialup, adsl DayZ. I dare say there are members here that would remember the chaos of Optus broadband forum and it's demise
From people sourcing cheap products to flip online
Been here since the early days. Wonder if anyone's account is older than mine!
I've been here since Ozbargain was just a blog from @scotty in 2006. Get off my lawn! 😂
lol you win. Dam time flies!
I started a bargain blog. Posted dominoes codes, cheap tv's at dick smith etc.. One day, stumbled across OzBargain in its infancy.. went oh bugger… someone else had the same idea. Closed mine down and joined.
Don’t even remember how i found ozbargain, just glad i did
I used hotukdeals while i was living in UK, when moved here I thought there must be a similar site.Did a quick google search and i'm regular here since then.
Browsing hot ukdeals many years ago for pc parts.
Was searching for donuts one day but accidentally typed bonut.
honestly….i can't remember, i assume i found it via google, but it was so long ago it's tough to remember. What i do remember though is that i was using ozbargain for many years before actually making an account.
i was a government desk worker.
A nice group of Bikies recommended it to me
Was needing to buy my first Android phone, but I didn't trust touchscreens so wanted a physical Keyboard. Still occasioned the site but didn't join for years. I don't know how people have never heard of it when it always shows up in my google results
Man reading that thread is like a time warp.
Looks like a lot of people are not following the first rule about Ozbargain
Shopping for a PS4 at work and didn't want to pay full price. Workmate said to wait for a deal from here….
Almost certainly found it on OCAU many many years ago.
Don't actually remember, it's been a long time. Feels like as if I was adopted through Ozbargain.
Allan told me
Allan the Generous?
Check from google. I used Internet forum in my country, much bigger than this website that also cover almost anything including news, articles, etc.
Many countries have their own internet forums. Even Koreans have their own forum in Sydney (Hojunara) and Melbourne (Hojubada) with different name. Chinese forum in Sydney: Sydneytoday. These forums also cover jobs info, rent, etc.