• expired

Bonus $10 eGift Card (3 Months Expiry) with Purchase of $100 Woolworths (Expired) or BIG W eGift Card @ Prezzee


Starts at 10am according to yesterday’s teaser email. Appears they posted too early on their Facebook page. Stay safe, and enjoy 😊

  • Woolworths eGift Card here - (3000 available) expired
  • BIG W eGift Card here - (1000 available)

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closed Comments

      • Same, the promo pop up says "and the $10 bonus BIG W eGift Card has no expiry"… So seems to be an error.

        • I may as well not add to Rewards app.

    • +1

      Me too, so annoyed

    • Same here

    • same

  • +6

    I got the $10 bonus woolworths card which shows as woolworths in the prezzee app but when I add it to Everday rewards it shows as Big W and states can only be used at Big W. What the hell man!?

    • same experience here!

    • +1

      Me too, they probably got mixed up

  • $10 received instantly. Thanks TA!!

  • +2

    No need for BigW !!!

  • +2

    Same here, got BigW $10 with 3 months expiry….
    Not happy

  • +3

    I bought the woolies and get $10 woolies gc, but when I saved to my Rewards app wallet, the $10 is for Big W ?? Anyone on same boat ?

    • +1

      Everyone have the same experience…
      See above

    • Same

    • Yep, same boat.

    • Same

    • Just bought it 5 minutes ago, I got $10 Woolworths gift card.

      • +1

        It looks like that in Prezee wallet, but add it to EDR app and it shows as Big W.

        Unless they have very recently fixed it.

        • Yes, you are right.

          • +1

            @jimojr: Yeah, we're all in this together now.

            Hope prezee resolve it soon.

  • +4

    3 Month Expiry $10 Big W Gift Card as bonus. Not Happy..

  • +5

    Their avalanche of sales is about to get followed by an avalanche of emails

  • I got the Woolies $10 saved in my wallet - maybe once the 300 was reached, they switched over to Big W cards? Speculation of course

    • it show woolies in wallet, but show as BigW when adding the everyday rewards app

    • +4

      More likely a stuff-up from Prezzee side, it does show as a Wollies card on Prezzee but when you add it to Everyday Rewards it magically morphs into a BigW card with 3 months validity

  • Can I buy both woolworth and bigw?

    • I bought both Woolies and BigW cards but only got 1 10$ bonus gift card Just like the others, Woolies card in Prezzee and when added to Rewards app its BigW 10$ with 3 month expiry.
      Update: Received 10$ bonus BigW gift card for my BigW GC as well.

      • Have you used same card in same account ?

        • paid with a different credit card to pay for each but used the same prezzee account to buy both the cards

    • i did this and got both, used a different credit card not sure if that may have been the point of difference between me and mmchak2

  • Yeah, $10 gc shorter barcode starts with 83 (which is bigw), while the $100 starts with 72 (woolies)

    • +1

      not exactly with 83 or 72 prefix
      I currently have another BigW GC with 73 prefix
      and another WWS GC with 90 prefix

  • +1

    Can more the $100 more then once to get $10 each time? Can't see anything in the t&C about one purchase only

    • +1

      It shows in the popup.

      This offer is limited to one per person, per credit card.

      • I did multiple on my card… But only one time per account.

  • +1

    Appears as Woolies GC in Prezzee and Big W GC in Rewards app… clowns

    • Yeah, I was about to ask, probably valid at Woolworths.

      • I doubt it - different barcodes

        • +2

          Bonus GC is accepted at Woolworths online.

          • @browser: You mean the $10 bonus GC that shows up a BigW when added to EveryDay Rewards???

            • @bauser99: Yeah, that $10 bonus GC showing up as Big W in Everyday Rewards app.

    • -3


  • Must have been a slight delay with the Woolies and Big W Bonus offers coming up.

    Just bought $100 Woolies and bonus email came through but when I opened and put into ER wallet it shows as $10 BIG W with only 3 months till expiry on 26/9/2024. So be aware the bonus is not the same card or terms of $100 purchase.

    If anyone's bonus has come up differently, please let me know. Thanks

    • -1

      Yep I got scammed too. Bullshit 3 month expiry big W gift card.

    • Tricky, wouldn't know until loaded into Everyday Rewards app.

    • Same problem too. Even though it shows in Preeze wallet WW $10 bonus but it's a BW when added to Rewards app

  • Thanks OP.

    Able to link a prepaid Mastercard to PayPal and paid.

    Loaded both GC and Bonus to Everyday Rewards app, looking good.

    • even not linked to PayPal the Prepaid MC worked for me

  • Flood their customer service guys.
    I just submit the ticket and attach screenshot from WW app

  • +1

    I saved the $10 card in the woolworths website using the online code and it came out as Woolworths without an issue

    • Thanks. Worked for me too

    • -1

      Did you save via your account page at www.woolworths.com.au?? Note this isn't guaranteed proof it is a Woolworths gift card. I've saved a Dan Murphys card there and it shows in my balance but can't be redeemed at Woolworths supermarkets.
      Best way to check is via the Rewards wallet app

    • +1

      I’ve saved a big w card to my Woolworths online account successfully , shows the balance, appears fine, then when you go to pay it says error.

  • WTF this $10 Big W rubbishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  • +1

    Someone try and use the $10 Big W card at Woolies? Maybe the Everday Rewards App has misidentified it, potentially it is using a new sequence of numbers and the app hasn't been updated yet, etc

    • Woolies usually get these things right, I just tried using the $10 gift card, worked for Big W Online.

  • $10 bonus Woolworths Supermarket eGift Card has no expiry from the term. What a joke

  • +23

    For what it's worth guys, I suggest giving Prezzee the chance to fix this as I'm sure they're already aware lol. Shit happens sometimes and a little understanding goes a long way. Cheers :)

    • +2

      Heh a little mistake also goes a long way to brand and reputation damage too with the pitchfork holders on Ozbargain

      • +3

        We're all human my friend. No-one is perfect. I'm sure you'll find this resolved soon enough.

  • -2

    All good at my end… Mine, the Mrs, and the kids all came back with the Woolies bonus.
    And, if you're logged into an account when you open the email / Prezzee, it stores them in that account.

    • +1

      Have you tried adding to the everyday rewards app? It looks like the correct card in Prezzee but validates as a 3month Big W card

    • It will show woolies bonus on prezzee, but when you add it to everyday rewards wallet it says bigw.

  • +1

    Bloody big W wouldn't of bought it if I knew

  • How to rectify this bait and switch of Big W for Woolies?

  • Same here too, purchased at 10:11 so couldn’t have sold out that quick
    Added to Prezzee shows as Woolies but Rewards app showing as Big W instead

  • +1

    Didn't go through checkout, but the $10 bonus GC passed validation at Woolworths online.

  • I got my WW and my $10 bonus is also a WW one….

  • +1

    I just put bigw bonus card in woolies app in checkout and it worked.

    • Check comment above, someone metioned that is just balance check

  • I got it. Did it about 10:25am. Couldn't work out which e-mail had it but it comes through as…

    << YOUR NAME >>, Prezzee sent you a gift.

    $110 for $100 plus credit card points! Woolworths voucher - 3 months expiry - which is fine.

    • Is this from the Rewards app?

      • Nah web on desktop Chrome.

  • Jump on live chat now and request a replacement for the bonus $10 gift card 🥳

    • +1

      22 people already there

      • -2

        Winner winner chicken dinner! 🐥

        • so what was your outcome?

  • +1

    Anyone bought a $100 bigw gift card to see if they end up with a $10 woolies gift card? 🤣

    • +1

      can confirm received a BigW $10 gift card

  • +1

    Just tried adding the $10 Bonus card to the Woolies online checkout and it seemed to work, applied $10 to the order balance. Did not actually place the order though but someone else may be able to confirm?

  • Any delay for the bonus email?

    • Was instant for me, look for subject

      <name> Prezzee sent you a gift.

      check your junk too

      • got the email but nothing in wallet after open the link, so weird

        • You need to click the link, enter the 4 digit pin, and then 'add to wallet'

  • Is it too late to buy? Shows on Prezzee app as bonus available but says “unless sold out”, hate these cop out clauses, how would a consumer know if it’s sold out or not !

    • Still available, but if you buy $100 woolies GC you will get $10 big W bonus GC. A lot of comments about it here but I'm sure prezzee will fix it eventually…

  • +1

    Beware - I purchased a $100 Woolworths Gift Card and the ‘reward’ was a $10 Big W Gift Card that expires in 3 months.

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