• expired

Pocket 386 (w/ Recycled 386SX40 CPU) Works with DOS/Win 3.1/Win95 US$183.93 (~AU$285.79) Shipped @ iklestar AliExpress

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Edit: Price appears to have increased. I’ll expire this deal

On sale is the Pocket 386 pocket computer.

Uses a reclaimed/recycled 386SX40 CPU + 8Mb DRAM + Yamaha OPL3 Sound + VGA graphics + IPS screen (800x480px either 16:9 or 4:3) + USB + Compact Flash Storage (IDE mode). Includes adapters for PS/2, VGA, and Parallel Ports.

Also has pinouts for ISA 16-bit & ISA 8-bit.

It can run DOS, Windows 3.11, and Windows 95. Although note that this computer is below the Windows 95 minimum specifications, so it will be very slow and barely usable.

Note: The sound card is based on the Yamaha OLP3 chip, which is compatible with Adlib sound output but not Sound Blaster.

It has built-in mouse support. But reviews suggest this is not very usable, so a PS2 mouse is recommended.

AU price is inclusive of GST + Coupon + 3% bank fee + Mastercard Exchange Rate

Video review of this computer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVgITS8aLzc

Original Coupon Deal

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closed Comments

      • +10

        Anything to give myself another 7-21 business days of will to live.

        • +3

          AliExpress deliveries have been inconveniently too quick lately

      • +1

        people from every generation are addicted to nostalgia. Just look at FB "the current generation won't know what this is…..bwahahaha"

        YouTube is a good, cheap nostalgia shot..But i enjoy find old posts I made in usenet or fidonet about how cool my new sound blaster card is.

      • +1

        Yeah the older you get the more nostalgic you get, and the more money you have to spend. This is how things like baseball cards from packs of bubble gum end up costing millions of dollars.

    • Just like:
      Polaroid or Tamagotchi or Nokia 5510 or iPhone 1.

      Simple times.

      • I still have the original ipad lol

        • Did you have to change the battery?

    • why do people play football soccer golf tennis when you can play on a PC?

      why buy CDs DVDS Vinyl when you can stream online?

      why own deck cards when you have windows?

      well because the original is sometimes genuinely not the same thing as having something tangible in your hands

      • Yes i understand that but this isnt original.

        there was no "Pocket 386" in the late 80s/90s. yes it has the recycled original chip but the form factor is not…

        • form factor doesn't really have to be the same as long as the signature features are present, very few can fit a full atx system anywhere

          what I would enjoy about something like this is seeing the IPO connectors, the ribbons, the dos prompt. We rarely/never really touch the CPU itself so most wouldn't notice form factors impact on CPU placement..

          I'll never understand why the old man likes that crackle and white noise in the Vinyl's and some of us will never know/explain why typing on a Mechanical keyboard is more enjoyable than a midline soft touch keyboard or glass screen.

          But as long as the product connects by peripherals to a VGA its form factor is still spiritually consistent

  • Can i play CS go on this?

    • +2

      You can play the words CS go.. in Microsoft Office. Is that ok?

    • +3

      Doom. OneMustFall. Lemmings. Skifree and so many others.

      You dont need to settle for CS Go.

      • +2

        ah lemmings. now that was a puzzle game that slayed

      • People forget just how slow a 386SX was. Even Doom is going to be a bad experience on it. A 386DX was really the lowest spec for a usable Doom game and even then you're going to notice it being slow.

  • Great present for 🎄

  • +14

    I bet a decent amount of medical and manufacturing companies will be ordering these so they don't have to upgrade the control systems that have been running on a 386 for the last ~40 years

    • +2

      Banks too.

    • Not really. If there still are any old systems dependent on a 386, they’d be running on a 386 software emulation, and if they needed hardware from the era, they’re unlikely to be compatible with this device. In fact, a lot of the old hardware has software emulation.

    • +4

      I bet Dutton's nuclear power stations will be controlled by this very computer.

  • +5

    This or a MBP?

    • +5

      This is a significant saving from a MBP

    • +8

      This has more ram.

      • +6

        And it's probably upgradable.

    • If you are not really into the apple ecosystem, then this.

  • Thanks, getting one to play Crysis and 4K video streaming.

    • Need dialup internet

      • +1

        I'll be hotspotting from my GPRS enabled phone instead. No dramas ✌️

        • +1

          I still have my Nokia D211 GPRS PCMCIA Modem.

          Got it when I was able to hack GPRS data on Vodafone unactivated sim for close to 2 years in 2003

  • -1

    is the win95 license legit?

    • +4

      Win95 would chug hard on this

  • +1

    if only a had a 56k modem i could surf the internet with this thing.

    • Have you got your AOL CD?

    • Hayes or US Robotics 14.4kbps?

      • When I first joined AOL I had a 2400bps modem. It took me 4 hours to download a postage stamp sized movie trailer (the modem could only transmit about 1MB per hour). This was in 1995.

  • +6

    Sx didn't have the math co-processor from memory so counts me out ;) need the DX version. Fark I'm old..

  • I want 586

    • +4


      • Intel Inside

    • I have one, you can have it at the right price. How about 700?

  • +6

    It should at least come with a trackball mouse.

  • +2

    That belongs in a museum.

    • +1

      We're currently posting inside a museum already.

      • If I buy this, do I also belong in a dinosaur museum?


        • We are the fossil fuels of the future.

  • prefect for playing dos games

  • +1

    For this much money may as well use AO486 on a mister.
    In fact the mister may be obtainable for 99 USD if the open source alternative to the DE10 NANO takes off!

    God, watching windows 95 boot up with the uneven loading bar animation takes me back…
    +1 from Nostalgia

    • I remember the pride of taking the win boot sys files from Windows 98 dumping into my Windows 95c c:\windows directory to replace old
      and the loading bar would change from 0 to done 40% quicker.

      Windows 98 was sold as significantly faster boot times to consumers but also had many new features slowing boot times.
      but all they did was remove a number of checks from the startup like memory count inside that loading Windows 9x screen.

      So, my 95c Frankenstein would boot really fast. to desktop much faster that windows 98 :) since 98 had its own new overhead and

      so 95c was the real best OS.

  • +7

    Leisure Suit Larry anyone?

    • +1

      Give Eve apple

    • Ken sent me

    • You forgot to remove condom, arrested by police.

  • +1


  • Can it play doom?

    • Doom . may be .. but not Doom 3D :)

    • Yes, but you should add a Voodoo 3D card for best results.

    • +3

      The 386 was for Wolfenstein.

      Doom was more of a 486 thing.

      • Yes, but you would be playing in a postage stamp window. Finished doom 1 and 2 on a 386 sx 25 in a painfully small window.

  • This is so cool.

  • Does anyone remember the icecream recipes (chocolate, vanilla & strawberry) from the Windows 3.1 tutorial?

  • +2

    As nostalgic as this is, and I love it… I can't shell out nearly $300 AUD for this.

    • The comments are enough for me. I don't need a boat anchor.

  • I'll try a free sample

  • cd..

  • +2

    Wait a sec, how long have I been asleep. Is my Microbee superceeded?!?😭

    • +1

      If you have the green screen, then yes, it's all orange screens now

  • +2

    10 print "what the hell"
    20 goto 10

  • +5

    First Pentax released a new film camera this month… now this. I hope next is revival of pogs.

    • +4

      Remember Alf? He's back in pog form.

      • +2

        Milhouse, give him back his soul, I’ve got work tomorrow!

      • +1

        I'm learnding @SuperNintendoChalmers

    • I hope next is revival of pogs.


      • +2


        Actually they and digimon have already been rebooted .. quite a few times iirc

        • Tamagotchi on a keyring ?

          • @whyisave: Not keyring, but you can buy Tamagotchis in Kmart right now.

          • @whyisave: Yes , there are new colour versions, can connect to the internet and load new tamagotchis in it

    • Half frame, seriously? That's like reviving 45 vinyl records and not 33s

      • +1

        Yeah… it’s an interesting move - let’s see if it pays off for them

      • That's like reviving 45 vinyl records and not 33s

        I need my 78s

  • -3

    Too expensive.

    • RPi 400 with LED screen accessory is better value.

  • +2

    Only 8MB memory, would have bought if it came with 16MB…

    • lol. This isn’t a MacBook Air.

    • That will be an extra $1000 please

  • No CD drive, how will I play Mind Maze?

  • +1

    I know retro is cool, but I can't imagine why anybody would want this or find it in any way useful.

    It's not recycling, it's using eWaste to create more eWaste. Not much plastic in a 386 CPU package. They'd have been better off in the incinerator.

    • +2

      but I can't imagine why anybody would want this or find it in any way useful.

      Idk about op but maybe a very specific subset of vintage game enthusiasts who for some reason hate dosbox.

      I gave the post an updoot anyway because I’ve spent a heap on emulation consoles … when I could have even used a potato of a pc to do it. So I get it.

      • +1

        I'm putting 386sx40's in the same box as cassette tapes. If you reminisce about them you weren't there at the time!

  • +1

    This is such an extreme ratio of want:need for me

  • missing a gameport to plug my logitech wingman extreme

  • QBasic


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