• out of stock

DISKAD (Rebranded Bosch Series 6/8) Integrated Dishwasher $319 ($287 IKEA Family Price) + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ IKEA In-store Only


Not sure if this is price error, but regular price wasn't $319 from vague memory. Google search shows as $1599.

Manufacturer number for this product is 23320, which is made by Bosch as per Ikea Belgium website.

Not sure about specific model, but Bosch only makes fully integrated dishwasher for series 6 and 8, which cost $1000 and up.

Deactivated user mentioned it's similar to Series 8 SMV88TX02A

tonester mentioned "IKEA integrated PROFFSIG and DISKAD are rebranded Series 6 and 8 respectively"

Found this thanks to O O's comment on Insufficient Quantity Deals

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                  • +1

                    @Increase1: I think you're missing my point. I never said it can be stopped, or that isn't human nature.

                    What I'm pointing out is not everything humans do is positive. All I was explaining was why people dislike scalpers.

                    Don't waste your time being the hero, if you can't stop the villain.

                    If everyone only thought of themselves all the time, the world would be worse off.

                    Fortunately as you can see in a number of posts in this deal, there are people who could have easily made a few hundred bucks but decided to let someone else in the community have the deal instead.

                    • @eug: I'd say you may have a point about that. I definitely believe you shouldn't use everyone around you as stepping stones.

                      On one hand, you'd be a very lucky scalper to have bought 10 of these things (I wouldn't throw shade on a random schoolkid filling his parents garage to make a quick buck) - on the other, if there was such a low amount of stock, it's not really the best thing to scalp considering you're removing opportunity on every purchase.

                      Without seeing the numbers it would be hard to tell if the people letting others get the deal are really making a meaningful difference. Still, you might be right… I'm conflicted.

            • @eug: How do you know the scalper is not poor and unemployed and was able to get through another week by recognising this arbitrage opportunity and putting in the effort it took to make it happen? Pretty sure not all scalpers are well off and selling things on market place/ gumtree etc. Is likely unattractive to people who have plenty of money or income.

              • +3

                @skysurfer: Pretty sure buying 10x dishwashers in bulk and having the storage space for them till they're sold means they've got fair bit of disposable capital to afford that. I don't consider myself poor but I still don't have $3000 sitting around to pounce on an opportunity if it presents itself at a moments notice.

                • @UcantCme: If I'm honest, spending $3K on dishwashers and storing them in your garage instead of your cars, sounds a bit like something someone who isn't well off would do. Many richer people simply don't give enough shits to waste their time and space.

                  • +1

                    @Increase1: Yep agree with you, but they're probably not rich with a mansion and a car collection but they're not poor either who are going week to week. It's just some average bloke like me and you who's figured out a business opportunity. Nothing wrong with that in that sense I guess.

                • @UcantCme: Why are you pretty sure? They could put it on a credit card and cross their fingers they can offload them in time to pay it back. Or borrow from a friend or family member. Even if they have 3k to their name that would make them poor especially if they have dependents. And what makes someone rich in your book because they have a garage, or a mate with a garage or any number of storage scenarios? Your mind is stuck in your own narrow contexts bro and you're judging others by them.

              • @skysurfer:

                How do you know the scalper is not poor and unemployed and was able to get through another week by recognising this arbitrage opportunity and putting in the effort it took to make it happen?

                It's easy to come up with hypotheticals. I could also say "How do you know the scalper, who lives in Kenmore, is not making a comfortable living and just decided to make an $800 profit with an hour's work"?

                Pretty sure not all scalpers are well off and selling things on market place/ gumtree etc.

                Sure. But some are.

                • @eug: Not scalpers but defined as broden in this case. Imagining some proactive users become brodens, not many typical ozbers would have a chance getting a genuine bargain. This site would be fading.

                • @eug: Buying and selling 10 dishwashers is not an hours work. It's a LOT more and would likely work out at an unacceptable hourly rate for somebody well off.

  • +2

    Showing as in stock at IKEA Springvale for those in Melbourne. In store only no click and collect

    • I am there now waiting for store to open, so many people to fight against

      • Paid and waiting for pickup now

      • How crazy was it at the store? Did everyone there manage to get one?

        • Most people who were there at 10 am got one. The website said it sold out at 10:17. I heard some cheering from the first person got one

      • +3

        I was third in line at one of the entrance this morning. Full of Ozbargain people. I had a nice chat with some. ~46 stock was released around 5 am this morning. By the time I got there, 29 left - they had tried to fulfill some click-and-collect prior to the store opening. It was sold out at 10:17 am. I think more stock will become available in the next few days. Staff said they probably wouldn't allow click-and-collect since it's so popular.

        A lesson that I learned this morning was to arrive early and use a self-service kiosk to book one. You do not have to wait until the store opens because sometimes the kiosks are at the entrance, and they open that area earlier than the main store. Once you book at the kiosk, it will be taken out of the inventory, and it's yours. You then have plenty of time to pay for it at the checkout.

        I found this installation animation video, could be use as a reference

        • +1

          You can actually booked one at 7am when online chat opens

        • Any idea when the self serve checkout open?

          • @r98: Selve serve checkout in store at Springvale opened 30mins before store opened. So 9 30am.

          • @r98: As soon as the door to that area opens. I guess it would be up to 30 minutes prior to the main store opening.

    • Pandemonium at Springvale but got one! Woohoo.

    • Aaannddd OOS now at Springvale.

      Due back in stock June 15 according to the app.

    • Can anyone confirm available in store? Or is out of stock?

      • No more stock

  • Looking at buying the below stainless steel Metod door in Melbourne. Need to buy 2 minimum with shipping cost at $39. Anyone want to share?


    • +1

      BTW that's a kit that includes the VAGLIG connecting rails which you don't need. You can just get the door panel itself as the mounting bits comes with the dishwasher.

      • Is the kickboard/plinth thing also necessary or can be skipped?

        • You can skip it, it'll just look … dark down there. I skipped it.

          • @eug: otherwise you could find a close-match in dimensions & colour piece of laminated MDF offcut.

          • @eug: Also was looking at the pdf assembly manual online and it seems like the VÅGLIG double rails saves you a bit of drilling and measuring versus the kit that comes with the dishwasher itself. So it's a trade off between $18 and how confident you are in getting everything straight and aligned haha.

            • @vawiyoci: I found the instructions a little confusing. The DISKAD section starts on page 29 and shows a diagram where you screw down the rails with machine screws into the door panel.

              However the door panel that it comes with is just a regular cabinet door panel that's lacking screw holes or threaded inserts so you have to drill them yourself anyway. The door panel has two holes for cabinet hinges that you have to cover up with the included stickers to avoid moisture damaging it. Maybe other door panels are predrilled and ready to go.

              In my case both the door panel (80cm) and rails (74cm) were taller than my existing cabinets so I had to cut the door panel to suit which also meant I couldn't use the rails.

              Of course if you have Ikea cabinets they would all just work together.

              • @eug: How was the hose and cord placement? Was your cabinet hole already super low near the floor like in the manual or up high? Was looking at the Bosch animated video someone else linked further up and it seems like it needs you to route the hose and cord up from the bottom instead through the side?

                • @vawiyoci: I couldn't push mine in all the way until I cut another hole lower down. I thought I'd be fine with it sticking out a bit until I realised it always looks like I haven't closed it, so I ended up cutting the hole.

                  The rear bottom of the dishwasher has a big gap for you to route the hoses and power cable through to the side.

                  • @eug: Damn sounds like I'll also need to drill another hole near the floor then. The one we're replacing had the hole up super high but based on what you said sounds like it'll end up blocking the dishwasher from being pushed all the way if I use that .

    • Hey. I'll be keen. Can't message you directly, as just set the account. But will contact U tomorrow

      • let me know, i am still deciding

  • +2

    I just cancelled a click/collect order in Canberra - bench top too low plus I picked the wrong store in my haste :D

    • +2

      Thank you for not being a scalper and letting someone else get one.

    • just buy a new kitchen to fit your $380 dishwasher

  • If you're happy with a basic fascia / face panel, have a look and chat with staff in the "as-is, returns & seconds" section. Aim for 60x80 door panel compatible with metod kitchen design. Limited options but will get it cheap.

    I grabbed a gloss white voxtorp for $30, really minor blemishes, won't need a handle because of the lip. Voxtorp installs as face panel on the door without needing the vaglig rail kit.

  • +1

    17,000 clicks on this bargain. The chances of getting the 20 - 30 restock dishwashers which Ikea are saying they may get in the next 2 weeks will be a click frenzy mania.

    • Also made it on to the facebook clearance group, only missing a news.com.au clickbait bargain article now and it'll be bedlam at every morning opening. Unless they can somehow excluded bulk scalper purchasers.

      • Yea, offered a guy in the comment section who want's to cancel his order, I PM'd him, he changed his mind and want's $500. So scalpers are all ready to bounce on this. Expect more to hit Facebook.

  • If have been lucky enough to get an order number for a Click and Collect from Warehouse, has anyone been unlucky enough to then get cancellation from IKEA?
    My status shows Order received but wondering if its just IKEA IT System not yet updated with the stock level and in fact there is none available…?

    • Did you get that despite the website saying out of stock?
      (sorry not answering your question)

      • No, it was showing available for Click and Collect when I placed the order.
        But showing 'available' could be due to the IT System stock level not yet updated with actual stock level. Not sure.

        • Thank you for letting me know

    • Order got cancelled :(

  • +1

    Mine was supposed to be delivered tomorrow. Just got a call to say they are out of stock and refunding me. As if they didn’t put aside stock when I ordered it online. Wtf.

  • Just installed mine and doing a first wash cycle. Still do not have an external panel for it yet as I ordered one online waiting for it to be delivered.

    Not very usable without aa external panel, the springs are too strong and the door wont stay open and would close by itself.

    For people that has installed the external panel, does this problem still exist?

    • Try a 1+kg bag of rice (or similar) on the far end of the door when loading / unloading if you haven't mounted a face panel. Problem is gone when door of correct weight is attached, its designed to be this way (strong springs to help to close with heavy door attached means it will snap closed without a door attached).

    • As soon as you roll the bottom drawer on top of the door it will remain open!

      I need to buy the external panel too. Where did you get yours and does it include kickboard?

  • Can someone please confirm what the door panel size is, Ikea shows 60cm x 80cm but i assume that doesnt include the kick panel?
    I got a unique Polytec colour and will need to get some quotes from cabinet makers.

    • I bought their 60x80cm panel. The 60cm width is perfect, but you'd want the height to be the same as your other cabinet doors surely.

      The kick panel is completely separate.

    • Keep in mind that Ikea's door sizes are nominal. The 60w x 80h door means to fit their cabinet frame of the size. The actual door size is a few mm less than that. Check the dimensions section of any door on their website to get exact dimensions.

  • Richmond store is showing back in stock on Thursday, wonder how many people will take sick leave to pick one up in the morning

    • Didn't last long. Already OOS.

    • This could work. Staff said once the order is placed, you have until the end of the day to pay for it. Hence, I'd assume that placing an order online (stock gets deducted straight away), then coming in-store and paying for it after work. It might work

      • Interesting so they don't let you pay over the web chat/phone?

        • No they don't. They only help you create a sales order.

  • +9

    This scalper wasn't too happy with my offers


  • +1

    After ordering at 8:10pm Perth time on the 6th, mine was finally delivered today at ~4:20pm :)
    Didn't have high hopes but very glad it has worked out. Thanks OP!

  • +3

    This Ozbargain page is refreshing with 300 clicks every 6hrs. If Ikea is indeed getting a few more dishwashers into stores Aus wide, let's say 30 - 50 more….it will be sold out in milliseconds with scalpers taking all of them. Anyway good luck refreshing the Ikea page for the next 2 weeks and hope the people that actually need it get's them.

    • Perth keep getting new stocks, can still do click and collect

      • +1

        No you can't, went in store, there is none either (was showing 2 when I went in)

  • Springvale delivery is available but can't place an order

    • Same for me.

      • +3

        1 available at Springvale. Have to line up with 5 scalpers and 20 normal buyers in the morning at 9am to see who can run the fastest to grab it.

        • Shows OOS now, dont waste your time.

        • Have to line up with 5 scalpers and 20 normal buyers

          how can you tell who’s who?

  • -1

    just placed an order. pick up richmond

    • Any luck getting it?

  • +1

    Just ordered for delivery from Marsden Park. Thanks all!

    • I did the same. Fingers crossed it doesn’t get cancelled

      • +1

        Tracking received. Due tomorrow.

        Hope yours arrives too…

  • Online delivery is available again with plenty of stock nationwide I think.

    Pleased my order for delivery - not risking it having to go to store to have them pull the rug on me again.

    • Not for me, unless they already sold out.

      • So judging by the comment time stamps did they literally sell out within 10 minutes lol?

    • Wasn't a normal click and collect the other one right? Some sort of phone order?

      • Jesus, sold out already.

        Yep online delivery order. Hope they don't cancel it or anything.

        There were 16 at the Brisbane Logan store, all gone now. Scalpers gonna scalp.

        • Thanks for getting back to me, I mean for your last C&C, was that a normal C&C with an order number? I managed to grab one in the frenzy, but I'm kinda scared they're gonna cancel my C&C after reading your message 😅

        • Damn missed it again. Also their notification system must be completely broken cos there was zero email/text alert for this morning or the one on Sunday morning for Logan at least.

          • @vawiyoci: Also haven't received any notification for in stock despite setting that up last week and seeing reports in here at least a couple of times for stock becoming available in the store I'd set up the notification for.

          • +3


            Also their notification system must be completely broken cos there was zero email/text alert for this morning or the one on Sunday morning for Logan at least.

            Stock alert notifications are set up with a minimum threshold so if 5 units come back in stock, they don't alert 1000 people resulting in 995 customers thinking the notification system is broken because there's no stock. :)

  • +3

    Managed to get my delivery order in early this morning, thank goodness for kids who get up at silly o'clock! ;)

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