Make It Difficult for People in Their Lives and They Get Vaccinated

During a House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus hearing Monday, Rep. Rich McCormick (R-GA) questioned Dr. Fauci on a statement on vaccine requirements he made during a recorded interview.

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“It’s been proven that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bullshit, and they get vaccinated.” Official Quote by Anthony Stephen Fauci

Note: When Fauci says proven, he is clearly referring to the science behind psychological manipulating the public. He says he is a man of science, so people should hold him to that.

Just a few years ago Fauci was crowning himself as the "King of Science". This includes the famous quote where he stated that if you disagree with him, you are disagreeing with science.

It might be your first time hearing these shocking comments by Fauci, but this is him behind the mask.

So what does it mean for Australia?

Undoubtedly these same types of scientific types of people that rise to the top of bureaucratic government positions all over the world. I suspect that this is because most people they grow up in school and they think science is easy. Students just repeat what is in the textbook and they score high marks because they can regurgitate facts and memorise a formula. By the way if you didn't realise, that is not real science and just shows how poorly structured the current educational system is as it emphasises the regurgitation of facts.

People forget the Therapeutic Goods Administration is not an independent organisation. There is nothing special about the people inside that organisation, maybe they learned a few extra years of some topic at university and I hope they at least are at a standard to which they have written a thesis which is basically a long essay on a specialised topic. Some thesis papers are absolutely garbage in my opinion. But most importantly it reveals that these types of people are just ordinary people. They are just government workers to be more specific. They know very little and more critically they especially know nothing about a new pandemic. They know nothing more than the average citizen. Governments should not be given the right to control how people behave in a pandemic.

The problem is this lack of knowledge is not just constrained to scientists, but humans in general. I have met many barristers and solicitors, even former judges. Believe it or not sometimes cannot even recall the facts of a case I mention or recall key legislation in their field of expertise after a bit of uhm and ahing. If you told me if I remembered some facts of an obscure case I would probably tell you, "I am not sure myself, I believe it was something involving some type of snail-like object in the bottle, but I would not commit myself to that". However, you will often notice that because of the immunity granted to bureaucrats that they will not be frank and honest with you about what they don't know. This is why you cannot trust the government.

This is why it is my opinion that the public should focus on replacing government with uncensored artificial intelligence. People should not be scared of it. This is the reality that faces us and I don't see why the public puts so much emphasis on the government to protect its citizens when it is basically not well equipped to do any such thing. For example, the government cannot represent the people properly because the number of representatives does not account for the growth in the population. Even if representation somehow worked at the time when the Constitution was written, it clearly no longer functions as it was intended to. Has the number of senators and representatives increased by 7x in line with population growth? No it has not, representation has gone backwards to a tune of 7x. Even if you believed the government worked for the good of the people, you cannot deny that the representation has been watered down so much. I am not saying that would fix the issues immediately as there are core problems with the existence of government.

If it were a real pandemic then everyone would be clamouring to get vaccinated (provided that vaccine worked and did not have an even higher death rate than the disease it was preventing) and those foolish people who remain unvaccinated, pardon my words, will be left to rely on their natural immunity. I am sure many of the people within the anti-vax movement understand this core principle.

Bill Gates is a kind of famous oracle and he states that another type of pandemic will happen again. Time and time again his predictions/wisdom ironically seems to come true. Apparently the cusp of another Bird Flu Pandemic is here.

Ask yourself: Are you going to make the same choices next time?

Would you honestly take another experimental bird flu vaccine?


      • +3

        Secondly, it is a baldfaced lie that unvaccinated people don't get hospitalised for covid. I work in a hospital.

        Absolutely true. However the reporting of those "unvaccinated" people was misleading, to say the least. If they had taken a countermeasure, but were less than 2 weeks post jab & were in hospital, they were classed as "unvaccinated". The official reasoning given for this was that it took 2 weeks for the person to be "protected". Working in a hospital, you should know this.

        • Well yes, that's about how long it takes the immune system to create sufficient antibodies for protection. They couldn't mount an immune response in that period so that would count. But we looked after many many properly unvaccinated people with florid covid and it was horrible.

          • +5


            Well yes, that's about how long it takes the immune system to create sufficient antibodies for protection.

            So wouldn't common sense dictate, upon close questioning of those who presented to hospital emergency within 2 weeks of having had a countermeasure injected into them, that it was likely these people were there because they were having severe reactions to the said countermeasure?

            And while we are it, what do you think classing those people as "unvaccinated" does to the statistics compiled by the hospitals/government?

            Why couldn't they separate the stats out by creating a category called "jabbed but less than 2 weeks so not protected" & leave the "unvaccinated" category separate. That way there would be ACCURATE numbers of "unvaccinated" in hospitals/icu. After all, if you were to ask most people what the definition of "unvaccinated" is they would likely say: someone who did not get a jab!

      • +3

        "Secondly, it is a baldfaced lie that unvaccinated people don't get hospitalised for covid. I work in a hospital."

        That's not what I said.
        Of course unVaxxed get the flu, especially Vit D deficient. What I told you is a fact from the final stages of NSW state Govt reporting.

        • +1

          Why is this fact from the NSW government true, yet other facts from them about long covid, etc not? Its weird how they are only credible when they support your argument.

          • -1

            @Gehirn: Fair question.
            These are raw stats from all hospitals on a weekly basis that would be difficult to fake, because too many people are involved, and there'd be holes and inconsistencies.

            The "Long COVID" syndrome, is a narrative attributing an opinionated cause to the condition.

      • Here's an example of the NSW report. This one has only one unvaxxed death, but possibly an oldie with Covid as not admitted to ICU, so maybe died of something else, rather than from Covid.

        • -5

          Oh look, you caught them. Congrats, be proud.

        • +1

          From that report, ignoring the people whose vaccination status is unknown:

          1 out of 9 unvaccinated (or one dose) people died - 11%

          23 out of 471 vaccinated (at least 2 doses) died - 5%

          You can't compare numbers of people with vastly different population sizes without comparing it to the total of that population.

          • +1

            @whatgift: Please read it again.

            3 people out of 480 hospitalisations were Unvaxxed !!

            0 of the 3 Unvaxxed made it to ICU.

            1 Unvaxxed Died. Who knows what happened there but if he/she didn't make it to ICU, unlikely it was not a covid caused death, more likely with.

            • +1

              @trevor99: I've read it just fine, you're using the statistics to suit your narrative, ignoring all the other possibilities (or you don't understand how data works). If most people are vaxed, then they are going to be overrepresented in the numbers. Also, getting the vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting covid or dying, it greatly reduces the likelihood.

              There are so many inferences you can make from the data but none is conclusive. Also, it represents a single week in time, so hardly a comprehensive set of data to make any reasonable conclusion.

              Edit: as I mentioned before, numbers of people by themselves mean nothing, they have to be compared to their respective total populations (vaxxed pop vs unvaxxed pop).

              • -2

                @whatgift: It's a datapoint, evidence of a snapshot of a week in time, to prove to you that when you said I lied you were totally wrong. It's not nice to call someone a liar.
                You say this "Also, getting the vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting covid or dying, it greatly reduces the likelihood." There is no evidence that it saved one single life. If so please share.

                The initial trial was fraudulent, people went missing, then after a few weeks they vaxxed the control group!

                Actually reading your response again it's total garbage,

              • +1

                @whatgift: I agree with you that's its hard when looking at stats for an individual week in time and without population adjusted comparison. NSW had the most comprehensive data publicly available in Aus but it was muddied by their mixing of terms like unvaccinated, no effective dose and unknown. They did provide clearer data on numbers per dose between May and December 2022 and this was a database helpfully comparing numbers to total population numbers for each group.

                • -1

                  @lando54: Judging by the most recent unhinged response to my post, I don't think there is any point in continuing to respond, but appreciate the additional data!

          • +1


            From that report, ignoring the people whose vaccination status is unknown:

            Those reports had the effect of showing the countermeasures in the best possible light. That's why they changed criteria names, going from "vaccinated" in earlier reporting to "doses" in later reporting, & adding AIR "matching" in the later reports which is why the "unknown" category has such large numbers. As far as I'm aware, they don't even define what "no dose" means in those reports (or at least I haven't seen it). Earlier they used "no effective dose" which I take as having a shot a while ago.

            Technically the government hasn't lied with these statistics. But they've used language & data capture & reporting techniques to deceive & manipulate people.

            • @mrdean: People are also using statistics to suit their narratives, ignoring how data works and the other possibilities that don't lead to their desired conclusion.

  • -1

    @Rick Sanchez @ddilrat @djgreedo @hypie @Gehirn @MessyG @pulpfiction @ribze1…

    Where will you get your news from now that mainstream media is also peddling horrible conspiracy theories?
    Please get your booster shots.

    • +2

      Do you think many members of Ozbargain get their news from Telegraph UK?

        • +7

          It's weird how you guys say not to trust mainstream media but use it to support your arguments.

          You'll say not to trust government reports, yet will link it if there's even a single case that supports vaccine death.

          Don't trust pharmaceutical companies because they have conflict of interest, yet naturopathy and other alternative medicine is filled with ads to others products, books, patreons, etc.

          Don't trust everything you read, yet here are articles on sites promoting moonlanding conspiracies, or a clip from a guy on twitter.

          • @Gehirn: It's weird how you completely missed the point. I never said not to trust mainstream media.
            People are so adamant that they made the right choice, shamed people who didn't trust what was going on, supported apartheid etc. that they won't admit that they maybe got it wrong as they would have to feel bad about their actions. Yes we were all given information and were assured that it was and always would be correct. Is it that bad to you that questions are asked?

            There are idiots here that think the earth is flat and that they don't have to follow the laws of the country because they exist outside of it in some psuedo nation. Why is it that asking questions about a medical product that was rushed to market makes you in the same basket as the others?

            Is science a belief system or a process? I'm pretty sure science should encourage asking questions.

            Don't trust pharmaceutical companies because they have conflict of interest, yet naturopathy and other alternative medicine is filled with ads to others products, books, patreons, etc.

            Surprise! People like making money. The problems come when profits are put before safety and due process. Before 2020 new vaccines would take 10+ years to come to market. Why was that?

            Don't trust everything you read…

            I don't. I haven't been posting stupid twitter clips either.

            • -1


              It's weird how you completely missed the point. I never said not to trust mainstream media.

              It's weird how you tagged me in a comment with zero interactions between us, saying that I must get my thoughts from mainstream media.

              supported apartheid etc

              I don't know what South Africa has to do with this.

              Why is it that asking questions about a medical product that was rushed to market makes you in the same basket as the others?

              Have you seen what the other people in this thread are saying? It is not wrong to ask questions but is it really asking questions when you have already decided you are right and everyone else is wrong?

              • @Gehirn:

                I don't know what South Africa has to do with this.

                My apologies - I'm referring to the two tiers of society that the vaccinated vs. unvaccinated would be in. We even had the NSW Health minister suggest that the unvaccinated should have to pay any hospital costs incurred if they got sick. For the record I had two shots of AZ.

                Have you seen what the other people in this thread are saying? It is not wrong to ask questions but is it really asking questions when you have already decided you are right and everyone else is wrong?

                I agree. There are without a doubt people here that will have a view because their favourite publication said so or someone with authority told them so. People on both sides of the argument.
                I advocate an open discussion. I read MSM regularly, read both sides of arguments and try to debunk both sides. I can only hope that people read some of these comments and have pause for thought.

          • -1


            Don't trust pharmaceutical companies because they have conflict of interest

            Or you could just not trust them because they lied about the chemicals in the jab, lied about how it worked, lied about it working at all and then lied about knowingly releasing a dangerous product not fit for use.

            Here's Pfizer getting done in by the UK's pharmaceutical regulator, with Pfizer employees and executives in the UK now being referred for prosecution. It's not a news report, it's the actual findings from the medical body themselves.


            Breaches found against them in the findings:

            • Bringing discredit upon, and reducing confidence in the
              pharmaceutical industry.
            • Releasing and promoting an unlicensed medicine.
            • Making a misleading claims to the government and population.
            • Making claims about the performance of a drug despite no available evidence.
            • Wilfully making false claims regarding adverse reactions and side effects.
            • False advertising and claims were knowingly made by Pfizer employees and executives in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023, despite their own internal testing and evidence showing those claims to be false.
    • +1

      "Don't believe MSM!" vs "Here is an MSM article proving what I say is true!"

      Which is it?

      I could find you articles refuting this if you like, which is what you do every time someone sends you a link seemingly disproving your stance…but we all moved on from that rabbithole. Why you're all bitching about it on a bargain forum is just beyond me.

      • -2

        Which is it?

        The article, like all msm articles, is an attempt at damage control. It admits some findings in the study cited, but then counters it with the official narrative. This is their standard operating procedure, going back to when the first deaths from thrombocytopenia started post rollout. They are doing perception management.

        • +3

          So…I should believe the part you tell me to believe but not the other part which is the lie…

      • Which is it?

        We don't know what it is,
        but we know what it isn't.

      • +1

        Where and when did I say "Don't believe MSM!"?

        You brand everything that's not MSM as conspiracy theory rubbish. Now you have MSM agreeing with independent media.

        Which is it?

        Why you're all bitching about it on a bargain forum is just beyond me.
        Who made you engage in this thread, on a bargain forum of all places.

        The hypocrisy is hilarious.

    • Bro you gotta step away from this black and white thinking. This article is not conspiracy and I agree with it.

      The article you posted doesn't invalidate that:
      - based on the information available at the time,
      the government made generally the right choices regarding mandatory vaccinations.
      - the results are available, and they show that only the Astrazeneca vaccine caused more side effects than was expected
      - overall, even with the additional issues caused by the Astrazeneca vaccine, aiming for high vaccination rates saved lives far in excess from any vaccine complications. This is demonstrated by the death rates in countries like Japan and Australia compared to dumbass countries like the USA which weren't able to achieve high vaccination rates

      • +2

        The problem is the need for people to want to shut down discussion over the safety of these products. It most often happens by people writing it off as 'conspiracy theory rubbish' or similar. I would class this as black and white thinking.

        There are absolute idiots out there that spout crap about flat earth and sovereign citizen junk. And these people latch on to anything that is anti government without a critical thought in sight.

        But the fact that they do doesn't automatically invalidate anyone who wants to ask questions, in this case medical products that were rushed to marked in an unprecedented way.

        based on the information available at the time

        Why is it a problem to ask questions on this information? There are clear indications for the Pfizer trial that there were issues with how it was conducted. This is an informal post on the British Medical Journal - not some twitter compilation or youtuber rambling:…

        This is demonstrated by the death rates in countries like Japan and Australia compared to dumbass countries like the USA which weren't able to achieve high vaccination rates

        I would invite you to look at the statistics of excess deaths in Western Australia, compared to the timelines of vaccine rollouts and covid infections and reported covid deaths in that state. I have yet to see an explanation going beyond saying that covid deaths accounted for part of them. It may well turn out to be nothing to do with the vaccines. Since the truth should never fear sunlight I wonder why there is no effort to look at this.

        Not only did the US have a low vaccination rate, they also had much higher infections from the delta strain whereas we largely avoided mass infection until omicron.

        • Actually, I agree with your comments.

          I think what's happened for a lot of people (inc doctor's) is that by engaging and validating criticisms and concerns publically, there's a fear that it will be seen as validating conspiracy theorists, or that it will be enough.for people to fall down those misinformation rabbit holes, and ultimately do more hard than good.

          An example of this association is your comment - reading your comments after OP's post I assumed you were also endorsing their cooker babble about bill gates and government control.

          The British Medical Journal is a good example of an entity that undertook valid reviews of the vaccine and was not afraid to criticise it. It actually shows that this discourse did happen in the medical field.

          I'll look into the timelines like you're saying. But in the end, something like this conversation would be far too complex for mainstream media, which doesn't deal with nuance and just wants a good/bad label on everything.

          • +1

            @Rick Sanchez: Thanks

            I suspect there has been a lot of self censoring going on in the last several years particularly from doctors. Not worth risking the career you've worked so hard for and I don't blame them.

            cooker babble about bill gates and government control.

            I will say this about Bill Gates:
            The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has donated and given grants totalling hundreds of millions of dollars over the years to media organisations. A skeptic might think that this could be helpful in avoiding scrutiny and negative coverage. Our ABC may not have benefited from this seeing the recent interview Sarah Ferguson did with Bill as it was quite awkward for him.
            The foundation is one of the top contributors to WHO funding year on year. There is also indirect funding through GAVI, which the foundation is a major contributor also.
            Despite the famous public pledge from Bill that he would give away his fortune through philanthropy, it seems he has been very inefficient at this with the foundation continuing to amass wealth and influence.

            …this discourse did happen in the medical field.

            It is good that something is happening but very disappointing that there is little to no discourse in the media. Maybe they fear backlash from large parts of their readers and the government, who would think that any questioning or doubt would stoke vaccine hesitancy and therefore put lives at risk? Although the industry spends considerable money on advertising thankfully in this country advertisements for prescription drugs are not allowed (unlike NZ and US). The point I make there is similar to the B&MG foundation donations above. For an example here, see how many commercial news outlets reported on Harvey Norman's huge windfall on JobSeeker payments considering he's one of their biggest customers, or how most newspapers seem to have their own real estate advertising business and run articles every day trying to pump the market.

            something like this conversation would be far too complex for mainstream media, which doesn't deal with nuance and just wants a good/bad label on everything.

            Agree 100%. Doesn't seem to be so much here, but in the US on this issue it's a right wing vs. left wing, progressive vs. liberal, democrat vs. republican etc. It's a very effective tool to divide people when they should be uniting. Unfortunately we take the lead on narrative for what happens over there. And we end up with people that are 'Sky News viewers' or 'ABC viewers', and subscribe to all of the views on every topic without question instead of trying to use their own brains to form an independent view.

    • What is this rubbish

    • NEJM, Lancet etc.

  • -2

    Personally, I want everyone forced to get boosted every year - at gunpoint if need be.

    But that aside, I don’t understand how some of us are still wasting our time on this. You got what you wanted, all the mandates came down - they weren’t even around for very long anyways… and now literally nobody cares what you do. You can be covid positive and walk into a hospital tomorrow and cough on vulnerable people with indemnity, if you so choose.

    Why are people wasting the time of our courts, our parliament, our taxpayer dollars, on investigating the good work of our public health officials.

    Get over it.

    • +4

      They said lockdowns would never end and would be extended forever.
      They said the vaccines were full of RFID chips implanting us with 5g - which never happened.
      They said we would be force boosted forever.
      They said we were all going to die en masse, repeatedly over 5 years.

      And even now, years on, they're still making threads like these and expecting anyone to believe them.

      • They said lockdowns would never end and would be extended forever.

        The framework is being built to enable future lockdowns for a variety of issues, including public health threats & climate change. The lockdowns also trained the population to obey orders.

        They said the vaccines were full of RFID chips implanting us with 5g - which never happened.

        In my opinion, these claims were spread deliberately to discredit any opposition. However there are a few doctors who have spent a great deal of time looking at live blood analysis, who are seeing what look like circuits in both blood & countermeasure vials tested.

        They said we would be force boosted forever.

        Which has come true, now yearly shots are recommended.

        They said we were all going to die en masse, repeatedly over 5 years.

        Some predicted a ramping up of death after about 3-5 years. Given the first shots in Australia were late Feb 2021, we have crossed the 3 year mark for the first wave of countermeasure recipients who were mainly the elderly & certain workers.

        • +4

          "However there are a few doctors who have spent a great deal of time looking at live blood analysis, who are seeing what look like circuits in both blood & countermeasure vials tested"

          You realise this is literally impossible and defies all logic. Like, you read that, and actually believed it.


          • @Rick Sanchez: They always, without fail, tell on themselves.

            • -1


              They always, without fail, tell on themselves.

              David Nixon, & some other groups of concerned humans, are using some darkfield microscopy to investigate & document what they are seeing.


              • @mrdean: The kind of video that makes the loch Ness monster jealous.

        • The framework is being built to enable future lockdowns for a variety of issues, including public health threats & climate change. The lockdowns also trained the population to obey orders.

          Is that why morons still march every weekend…

          • -3


            Is that why morons still march every weekend…

            Not really. We march so that people may become aware that situations like this:… are pretending to be about health & security. Why not let farmers farm? Biosecurity legislation was passed circa 2015. I suppose they had to use them.

            As conditions deteriorate, socially, economically, & healthwise, people may well start asking why. They might get angry too, although I hope not. I hope they will be able to see things a bit clearer.

            • +2


              are pretending to be about health & security.

              Mrdean again proudly demonstrating his ignorance.

              Clearly chickens are the only birds out there, and nothing should be done until masses of birds all die. Big Bird is to blame of course.

    • -1

      "good work"


  • +5

    I genuinely would like to know what drives people to think there are mass coordinated conspiracies across competing companies, governments, health officials of dozens of countries and practically every senior health and research person

    Stop and think about that. WHY and HOW would everyone be in on this vast conspiracy ?

    There is/was a nasty virus called coronavirus. Many thousands of people died around the world, and all these parties tried to do the best thing they could to save more from dying - and they did. No doubt there were people with self-interest at heart also - that's natural. But to insist there's a giant conspiracy is…unexplainable.

    "When you hear hooves, think horses." Not miniature aliens controlling realistic-looking zebra robots…

    • +1

      Stop and think about that. WHY and HOW would everyone be in on this vast conspiracy ?

      Simple. They're not. They genuinely believe they were doing the right thing. Still do. Although some have started to question.

    • +2

      I have a conspiracy theory of my own…. I reckon someone is playing information warfare against us with astounding success.

      I don't know how many times I've told people to check the credibility of thier source before they spread propaganda and conspiracy theories, and I really feel that I'm fighting a losing battle.

      Part of the same consiracy theory: I wonder how many of these posters are actually bots? I reckon they must need to build artifical momentum with a conspiracy before people would be guillable enough to jump on board.

    • There is/was a nasty virus called coronavirus

      The entire response to a virus was based off tests (eg. PCR).
      Based on the testing methodology and accuracy of these tests,
      dictated the kind of response a bureaucrat made,
      eg. lockdowns, arrows on supermarket floors, keeping 24-hr McDonalds open, hot-spot zones in Sydney,
      closing down borders, hotel quarantines, preventing families seeing their dead relatives in nursing homes, etc.

      What if there were multiple viruses floating around,
      which produced the same symptoms, but the PCR tests were just to detect a type of coronavirus?

      Heck, there was a theory that white-hat biolab hackers studied the original strain of covid,
      and then released a modified version of this strain, which infected the whole world quickly
      (i think it was Omicron? or Delta? i forget).
      This strain got everyone sick, but with mild symptoms, and built herd immunity.
      Virologists studied this strain and said that there were very little mutations from the original strain,
      and compared to the other strains floating around, this particular strain branched from the original strain
      in such a way that it had to be engineered….but by whom? That was the mystery.
      It ticked off Bill Gates too, as if someone had foiled his investments in BioNTech…
      …and B.Gates said in an interview, in an unamused way:
      "…this variant did a better job vaccinating everyone, than the actual vaccine…"

      Many thousands of people died around the world

      The argument is, many thousands didn't need to die,
      because extremely low-risk medicines and treatments existed to treat symptoms,
      as all doctors are trained to do, ie. use their knowledge to diagnose symptoms.

      Most developed nations have doctors stick to approved protocols (think of "work instructions" or "process documents"),
      and when countries subscribed to the W.H.O. protocols for a new (ie. novel) virus,
      then, all those doctors were told to abandon whatever procedures they had,
      and to follow the new protocols (work instructions) to approach covid.

      You can ask hospital staff, if you know any, what protocols they had in hospitals at that time.
      Western countries have a very litigious legal system,
      so medical practitioners do not go against the protocols set by their administration
      or even go against their RACGP memos, as their licence/membership is at risk.

      In countries where they didn't stick to W.H.O. protocols, ie.
      the doctors just did whatever they could to save lives (in Africa, South America, India, etc.),
      ie. the medical practitioners used their knowledge of proven low-risk medicines,
      and they were able to prevent many deaths and build that herd immunity.

      • Ah ok. So totally unsubstantiated tin foil hat wild. Gotcha :)

  • +9

    The excess death rate is persisting at around a 747 load of people per week in Australia. Is that ok with you? Because it's not with me. These are real human beings, in addition to all the other injuries and disabilities

    • +1

      Because it's not with me.

      So what are you doing about it then?

      • +5

        I'm trying to shine a light on the truth so less people take the next poison, such as BirdFlu and regular Flu jabs. The Flu jab is not what it once was.

        Follow the evidence wherever it leads. It may sound extreme but the truth is extreme sadly.

    • +6

      What politicians did, a few years ago in fear of the possibility that hospitals would be inundated with bodies,
      are all looking away now and avoiding the Royal Commission, when the reality of excess deaths is actually here and trending upwards.

    • +4

      Trev, its over mate. You can go outside again.

  • +7

    What was worse than covid was the sheer amount of mental illness the period seems to have bought out in the general public from all the conspiracy theories and anxiety.

    Don't worry, 300 years ago we were still hanging people for being witches.

    Those same people still exist today.

  • +1

    Bird flu, ey?

    • It's U.S. election season

      • +3

        make bird flu great again

  • As per usual, the real deal is in the comments.

  • It's not just vaccines. Make it difficult and people will do what you want before anarchy strikes.

  • +2

    He's right. I know for a fact that 100% of the people who took covid vaccines have either died or will die. The government have tried to hide it but the numbers are there for everyone to see. Open your eyes people, I mean sheeple.

    • -1

      Are you saying the unvaccinated will never die? Being 2000yo would be so boring 🤔. Maybe Alex Jones will have some kind of anti aging oil I can take so my body stays young?

      You're right though, I've died already, twice this year. About 90% took the Vax, has 70% of those people died yet? I'm getting sick of traffic, 😔

      • +1

        Can you argue my fact that everyone who has taken the vaccine is either dying or will die? I think not.

        • -1

          Every dies at some stage
          Can you argue the fact that anti vaxers will die too? Or are you hinting that anti vaxers are vampires?

          • +1

            @Ughhh: Irrelevant strawman argument 😜

            • @Herbse: peddle your BS on a conspiracy site.

              • @AS2035: Well that was an intelligent, well thought out retort with clear evidence supporting your argument.

                Its ok, school holidays start in a week. Enjoy the break.

                • @Clambabula: Exactly. It's no conspiracy that 100% of vaxers will die in their lifetime. And 0% of unvaxed will die, ever, they're immortal. Fact.

      • trump might sell snake oil to cure all before November… He plans on living forever and holding office for decades to come.

    • -1

      seek help..

      mRNA is the base for cancer vax that is being trialed

      they are doing tests on melanoma and pancreatic cancer

      people with tutors who had covid vax seen tutors shrink.

      • +1

        Tute on son..tute on

  • -1

    People didn't want to wear masks during the 1918–1920 flu pandemic either, I await someone to stand up and tell us that was all a hoax too.

    • -1

      People did wear masks in the 1919 flu pandemic, it was studied extensively and that's how it's specifically known that masks do nothing against the flu, just like they offered no protection against Covid, as both the Flu and Covid are nanoscopic in nature & as such, no mask prevented the spread or transmission of them.

      Masks are worn by healthcare professionals to lessen the extent of cross contamination of bacteria between large volumes of sick people in a small contained area. They have no impact on curving the spread or proliferation of nanoscopic airborne viruses or organisms however, especially in a public setting.

      (Belkin NL. The evolution of the surgical mask: filtering efficiency versus effectiveness. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 1997;18:49–57)

      • -1

        masks work when worn properly.

        you need to wear a mask, not something you made up at home

        The influenza epidemic that swept the world in 1918 killed an estimated 50 million people. One fifth of the world's population was attacked by this deadly virus. Within months, it had killed more people than any other illness in recorded history.

        • -1

          It came out of the military bases in the US at that time.

          That should give people a clue as to what is really going on.

        • -1

          masks work when worn properly.


          Masks were worn throughout the 1919 influenza epidemic all around the world and they had absolutely no impact on the curve of the influenza spread. This is because like most viruses, influenza is nanoscopic and masks don't stop viruses that small from spreading.

      • -1

        - That article was published prior to the discovery of COVID, so clearly cannot have included studies of COVID.
        - "MD, PhD candidate in English and cultural studies". Good research can be done by PhD students, but are they the best source for medical research?
        - In any case the article mentions that masks may be useful for source control. Source control is better than nothing, and in fact source control of COVID was the main reason to wear a mask.

        If you are interested in pre-COVID viruses, the following article seems to give much more detail on how masks can prevent infections:

  • -5

    vax saves lives.. your life, the life of people who for health reasons cannot get vaccinated.

    as with all medication there are possible side effects

    • +3

      How convincing. Well then, Boost up !!

    • -1

      No Covid jab prevented the spread of Covid. The one and only benefit was they had a slight chance that in some people, having taken the jab may lessen the severity of the side-effects of Covid for about one day, during the time you had Covid.

      None of the jab's stopped you from spreading it, none of them stopped you from catching it, none of them stopped you from having it for as long as it was going to be in your system for. None of them had any capacity to save the life of a person who couldn't get a jab due to pre-existing health conditions.

      • -2

        Not prevent spread but reduce by about 2/3, depending on how you measure. Better than nothing:

      • +2

        infinite you don't have to concede that it reduces any severity, certainly not anymore. Even if it did create some useful immune response in the beginning, that strain is long since extinct and the crazy poision is still supposedly using your body to create useless poison spike proteins from the original extinct virus !

        Do you understand what the makers are claiming it does? It sends packages of "lipid nanoparticles" that penetrate your cells and combine to reprogram them to create a poison protein, they claim will make a correct immune reponse. Unfortunately when they tested it on animals 10 years ago they all died. There is no off switch, and here they are, arrogantly messing about with a million year old molecule, RNA and DNA contamination, the book of life. Just think about that. No wonder turbo cancers are exploding, immune systems are confused and heart surface damage is occuring to cause heart attacks as heart cells create poison and get attacked by your immune system !

        Have you noticed they're putting defribulators everywhere? Even in primary schools for little kids????

        Long Covid (i.e long Vax) victims have been found to have decreased immune cell counts. The vaxxed who are sickly should have a compete blood count immune cell test. AIDS is defined as low immune system counts under certain levels (not an HIV test).

        This is not my advice, but the advice of Luc Montagnier, the French virologist who won the Nobel prize for discovering HIV.
        Sorry for the bad news but at this stage we may as well flush out the truth. VAIDS for some :((

    • vax saves lives.

      The origins.

      Over 200 years ago, on March 17, 1802, Edward Jenner, creator of cowpoxing and later rebranded as vaccination, petitioned the House of Commons, stating that vaccination was perfectly safe and would protect you for life: “That your petitioner having discovered that a disease which occasionally exists in a particular form among cattle, known by the name of cow-pox, admits of being inoculated [vaccinated] on the human frame with the most perfect ease and safety, and is attended with the singularly beneficial effect of rendering through life the person so inoculated perfectly secure from the infection of small-pox… [vaccination] has already checked the progress of small-pox, and, from its nature, must finally annihilate that dreadful disorder”

      In the year 1805, a mere few years after the widespread adoption of vaccination within the medical community, Dr. William Rowley, MD, who held the esteemed position of Physician to Her Majesty’s Lying-in Hospital, made a notable observation: “Out of 504 persons vaccinated, 75 died from the consequences [14.9%.] There is no question here of supposition, or calculation of probability—it is truth: It is evidence which seems to speak, and leaves no doubt. Now, if in the space of seven or eight years (from 1798 to 1805) Vaccination has shown itself so grievous to society, what may we not fear for the future.”…

      • +1

        That seems implausible since only two deaths have been reported from cowpox.…

        • +2

          That seems implausible since only two deaths have been reported from cowpox.…

          They are referring to cases in modern times. The cited references range from 1993-2017, 2017 being the case where a young person with renal transplant died.

          Jenner's era was about 200 years ago.

    • Well some random 2 lines written in a cliched manner with no evidence seals it for me.

      Shoot it into my arms baby, shoot it good, I really want to fit in to society and this is my start.

      Jab me JAB ME NOW

  • +1

    Rather than the Ostrich head in the sand (negs), how about indicating what in particular is factually incorrect, with your evidence? Be specific.

    • +2

      They can't, all they have is down-voting and full time running interference for global pharmaceutical companies, despite not being paid anything by them.

      I mean, I can understand why the shills on TV shows and media outlets were behaving like that, because they were getting paid by pharma companies to lie for them. But rando's on the internet who are mostly unemployed and the very people now suffering the side effects of the jab…… god only knows why they are doing it for the pharma companies ?

      • +2

        I guess it's the Agent Smith effect. They pop up to defend the Matrix.

      • -3

        Yep I got the jab and suffered from still only having 4g. It took an hour of my time, and what do I have for show for it? Just a safe and effective way of ending an pandemic that cost millions of lives and practically halted the world economy! Please pray for me. :(

    • -1

      Aren't you the one saying things like "Have you noticed they're putting defribulators everywhere? Even in primary schools for little kids???" above?

      How come we need to cite specific evidence and you get to blurt out "lookit all the defributalors everyone!!!!"

      • You don't think they're installing defribulators in Schools? Wow. Try your Google machine.

        • -1

          I have no doubt that there are defibrillators at schools, just as there as defibrillators at shopping centers and swimming pools.

          Your problem is you're yet to connect their existence to "global conspiracy theory', which you need to do for your argument to make sense.

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