• expired
  • targeted

$15/mth Bonus for Depositing Salary (Minimum $1000/Month) over 6 Months into Orange Everyday Account @ ING (Activation Required)




Simply have your pay of at least $1,000 deposited into your Orange Everyday consecutively every calendar month until 30 November 2024, and we'll pop a $15 cash bonus into your account each month you do (once you have met eligibility). How good is that?

But first, make sure you complete the activation steps by making your first monthly deposit totalling $1,000 in your Orange Everyday account by 31 July, 2024.

$15 cash bonus a month offer for salary deposits between 1 June 2024 and 30 November 2024

This offer is available for a limited time only and is not available in conjunction with any other promotional offer for depositing salary unless expressly indicated. ING reserves the right to extend or withdraw this offer at any time with written notice. If withdrawn, ING will honour the offer in respect of applicants that satisfy the eligibility criteria below before the offer is withdrawn. The offer applies in respect of the original recipient of this email only. The offer is limited to one Orange Everyday account per customer and if eligible, applies to any one Orange Everyday held in your name (either single or joint). Where your Orange Everyday is held in joint names, the cash bonus will only be awarded once.

Initial eligibility criteria for cash bonus

To be eligible to receive the $15 monthly cash bonus offer during the full campaign period from 1 June 2024 to 30 November 2024, you must have activated the offer by completing the following:

Opt in to the offer by visiting the link provided by 31 July 2024: campaigns.ing.com.au/salaryoffer
Make your first deposit of at least $1,000 into your Orange Everyday by 31 July 2024
If the eligibility criteria is not met by this date, you will not be eligible for the cash bonus offer on an ongoing basis. Maximum cash bonus is $15 per month totalling up to $90 for the whole campaign period.

Ongoing criteria for cash bonus

Once you have met initial eligibility, to continue getting the monthly cash bonus each month, you must make deposits totalling at least $1,000 into your Orange Everyday account from an external source consecutively every calendar month during the campaign period between 1 June 2024 and 30 November 2024 to maintain eligibility.

If the eligibility criteria is met but you fail to make a deposit in any month during the campaign period, you will lose eligibility for the cash bonus going forward.

If the eligibility criteria is met but you don't make the minimum deposit at the end of a calendar month in the campaign period, the monthly cash bonus of $15 will not be paid for that month.

If you meet the above criteria and are eligible to receive the offer, the $15 will be paid into your Orange Everyday account during the next calendar month following the month in which you met eligibility. Where you have more than one Orange Everyday account, the monthly cash bonus will be deposited into the eligible Orange Everyday account. This could be an account held jointly with another account holder.

The cash bonus offer may have tax implications. You should seek independent tax advice.

Referral Links

Referral: random (795)

Until 31/03/2025, referrer and referee will each receive $125 for opening new Orange Everyday & Saving Maximiser Accounts.

Referrer: Do not participate in the referral system if you do not have a current $125 referral code.

Referee: To qualify, you are required to deposit a minimum $1,000 from an external source into the new Orange Everyday account, deposit any amount into the a Savings Maximiser Account, and make at least 5 (settled) card transactions within any calendar month with the new Orange Everyday card.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Not targeted?

    Initial eligibility criteria for cash bonus

    To be eligible to receive the $15 monthly cash bonus offer during the full campaign period from 1 June 2024 to 30 November 2024, you must have activated the offer by completing the following:
    Opt in to the offer by visiting the link provided by 31 July 2024: campaigns.ing.com.au/salaryoffer

    I did click the link and it said I Opted In!
    But how do they link that to my account? Not like I had to login somewhere for them to link it to my account 🫣

    OP did u receive this in an email direct to u?

  • +4

    how to activate?
    there is nothing in URL campaigns.ing.com.au/salaryoffer to click for activation.

  • +2

    $15 / $1000 = 1.5% p/month… capped at $90 over 6 months. not bad return

  • -1

    how can I ensure I get $125 referral bonus?

  • Yes it was an email:

    Hi xxxxx,

    It could be more rewarding than you think to pop your pay in your Orange Everyday.

    When you deposit your pay of at least $1,000 into your Orange Everyday until 30 November 2024 we'll pop $15 cash bonus into your account each month you do (once you have met eligibility). How good is that?

    Here's what you need to do:

    Opt in by visiting the link below by 31 July 2024
    Activate offer
    Or visit campaigns.ing.com.au/salaryoffer

    Switch your first pay of at least $1,000 in total and deposit to your Orange Everyday in a calendar month by 31 July 2024

    As long as your pay of at least $1,000 is going into your Orange Everyday each consecutive month after that until 30 November 2024, you'll be eligible for the $15 monthly cash bonus.

    • +9

      Then most likely it IS targeted.

    • Mine was similar but it just said so its easier to hit my bonus. I imagine its because I unlock my bonus every month but you don't?

  • Is this for new users only?
    Also I see this in your information on the post "The offer applies in respect of the original recipient of this email only".

  • +6

    Can I transfer from another bank account x 6 instead of changing my payroll bank details?

    • +2

      I also interested to know this. tempting to just transfer the same $1000 each month from one back account to another

    • Wondering the same, considering this is what a lot of us are doing using this as our 5.5% HYSA already anyway.
      Seems like nothing would change?

    • How would they know if its from payroll or yourself? (Yes I know if its yourself you have the same name, but that doesn't 100% mean its the same person).

    • Copied from the opt in confirmation page.

      How to tell your payroll peeps
      To switch your pay, simply share your account details with your payroll peeps. All you need is:

      Your Orange Everyday account number and
      Our BSB 923 100.
      You can find your Orange Everyday account details in the ING Mobile App or Online Banking. You can also share your account details straight from the Mobile App. Nice little trick.

      How can ING tell if it's payroll or just 3rd party deposit? I'm assuming if it has individual name instead of company name would void this promotion.

      • What if you're a sole trader freelancer that gives hair cuts for example? Your "payroll" is individuals sending your money for each haircut you give.

        • A sole trader wouldn't receive a salary as such. It's income but not salary.

      • +2

        But the t&cs says: you must make deposits totalling at least $1,000 into your Orange Everyday account from an external source

    • +1

      Yes, you can.

      It's just their wordings because your pay can be from anyone, not necessarily from a company payroll.

  • +12

    If only i got paid more than $1000 a month

  • Targeted…

  • +1

    So I can just deposit $1000 from my own external bank account?

    • -6


  • +1

    mine is $50 total for depositing $1000 pay for 2 months

    • Ditto here.

    • Same here!

  • +3

    What I'm getting from this is I need to stop my work paying to an ING account for no gain until they send me the targeted email.

  • Yeah it's 100% targeted..

    • +2

      Almost certainly to people not already having salary paid to their ING account.

  • What if people have more than one ING BSB account, how do people know which one is targeted.

    • +1


  • +1

    Last time i opened up an account with these scumbags for some bonus, i couldnt get the bonus for some reason but worse the option to "close" the account online just always went to an error page.

    • +1

      Yeah I seem to recall the last decent offer round from ING there was an incredibly high percentage of OzBargainers reporting being rejected.

      • Or rather I should say never getting the bonus paid to them and then when following up with ING Customer Service being told "tough biccies".

        • It's all hearsay. Where's your proof?

          • @BluebirdV: The past threads. All recommendations/refutations here are hearsay, it's what OzBargain is built on.

  • +3

    I already deposit $1000 every month and my offer is zero.

  • Do they really know if it is a salary or just a husband-to-wife transfer?

  • Can you trnansfer for other family member's ING account considered an external account? T&Cs: you must make deposits totalling at least $1,000 into your Orange Everyday account from an external source

    • External generally from different financial institutions. Some even go as far as different ADI.

    • Any other person's ING account works

  • lol just a gimmick for all that troubles

    • some employers give employees a portal where they can change pay details in only a minute.

  • +1

    For those wondering “external pay have to be actual salary or not”, wording seems to be same/similar from these deals and if it’s of the same nature, confirmed deposit $1000 in and out immediately counts. I deposited via external bank, not other ING, just to be safe.

    • Has to be from non ING bank

  • +1

    Asked my boss to deposit $1000 in to my account Everyday and he says I would need to work a lot harder before they do that.

  • Perhaps someone can message ING within the banking app and confirm if the requirement is 1k from an external source or specifically from an employer?

    • Definitely an external source

  • I need a job first.

  • Has anyone received the first $15 in their account? And if it was an extemal deposit or actual salary deposit or transfer from another family member's ING account?

  • My $15 came through today.

    Cycled $1k from an external account in and out within the same day two weeks ago. My ING account has been dormant for a few years. Repeated the same again today and set the calendar to remind again next month and collect the winnings.

    • Same, received credit today.

  • +1

    $15 came through as "Miscellaneous credit"

    • how did you activate it?

  • Do you need to make 5 transactions as well? I have not received my $15 yet..

    • Nope

      • Thanks just have to wait then regards

  • I received an email on 05/07 telling me I will receive the $15 bonus, but still havent come thru yet…anyone got the same and how long did it take to get th $15 in account?

  • For people who have received it - did you have to receive the email as well? Just wanna know if it's actually targeted or free for all (assuming you complete requirements)

    • I didn't get the email but I'm just going to deposit $1000 this month and see what happens

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