• expired

nbn 250/25 $75/Month; 1000/50 $95/Month for 6 Months (New Customers, FTTP/HFC Only, Ongoing $85.95/ $105.95 Per Month) @ Spintel


First time poster, so go easy on me 😉

FTTP and HFC only.

Previous deal (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/847221) only mentions 25/8, 100/18.

Discount for 6 months and New Customers Only.

Was shopping around for a cheaper nbn deal after my 6 months with Tangerine were up - and came across this bargain plan!
I was paying $104.95 for 250/25 with Tangerine (was a lovely ~$54.95 for 6 months) - and saw SpinTel offering this plan for $20/month cheaper, ongoing!

Stupidly, I didn't read the refund rules with Tangerine (no pro-rata) before submitting my request. And SpinTel treated it as a new connection on my FTTP (went from UNI-D Port #1 to Port #2), so had to manually request cancellation with Tangerine. Otherwise, the connection was quick and painless - and hitting the same speeds as before (as expected).

Referral Links

Referral: random (90)

Referrer get monthly $5 off for every referee who signs up to an NBN plan, for as long as the referee stays with SpinTel
Referrer get monthly $1 off for every referee who signs up to a mobile plan, for as long as the referee stays with SpinTel

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closed Comments

  • +11

    Have been with Spintel for quite a long time. There have been zero internet drops.
    Switched from 100Mbps to 250Mbps a few months ago. I was getting around 210 evening download speed (they claimed 250 on their website back then). Have contacted them and a technician talked to me over mobile claiming this to be a problem with my router and house wiring.
    Interestingly, now they just claim the download speed to be 211.

    • +11

      There have been zero internet drops.

      That would be an NBN issue, not one with the ISP.

    • +6

      My experience was disappointing! I was on 250/25 plan (FTTN) and had many stability (VPN drop outs) and speed (not consistent, often around 140/20) issues. Went back and forth with support for weeks, they keep saying everything is fine from their end and there is something wrong with my house wiring, router etc.. Finally gave up and moved to Superloop, no issues now! 1000/50 plan and got up to 750/50 on same wiring and router! Upgraded router and now get ~950/50.

      But have to say, Spintel support is quite good, especially via WhatsApp. Also they refunded rest of the month, which many dont!

      Looks like everyone who is giving cheap/discounted nbn plans are cramming more user onto limited bandwidth.. leading to speed, sync issues.. so you kinda get what you pay for!

      • +5

        I assume "FTTN" is a typo, as 250/25 is not available on FTTN..

        • +1

          Yes, sorry, meant full fibre.. FTTP! Thanks :-)

    • How are these guys for gaming especially to Japan servers and Asia eg. China, with latency?
      I'm on Leaptel its been good not sure if I switch to Spintel

      • A bit worse than telstra. Ping is at around 200.

  • +29

    These special "first 6 month" nbn deals are pretty dismal at best. Nbn providers should easily retain these prices after the "first six months".

      • +26

        Not as low as this comment..

      • +3

        Priceless comment! I will expand if you allow please:

        Comrades! Workers! (Raises fist in a theatrical manner) Is it not glorious to see the calloused hands of the factory worker shaking with the manicured fingers of the fat cat industrialist? A true fascio (bundle) of strength, forged in the fires of… uh… cooperation? Yes, cooperation! (Voice lowers to a suspicious whisper) Don't worry, the capitalists won't notice the chains they themself are helping us place on their wallets.

        • Sorry I need an interpreter to understand your comment

          • @Harrygw: Sarcasm aimed at the little helper of the big business.

    • +7

      The 6 month discount pretty much correlates with the 6 months worth of rebates the RSPs get.

  • +15

    Need cheap 50/20 plans <$60

      • For 25/10 I wouldn't pay more than $30. Half speeds means half price

          • +1

            @jv: Almost close

            • +2

              @hopper: That is a 12/1 plan, not 25/10, but sure, go for it…

          • +2

            @jv: Not sure why you got downvote bombed, you are abso correct. I actually am on the 25/10 (or 20/8 let's say) plan with spintel on its intro offer and i think its $46 per month at best or so. I couldnt find better when i signed up so the idea it would be $30 means no internet.

        • +5

          By that logic 1000 should cost $1,200/m…

    • Flip or Kogan

    • -2

      Go to Pineapple. Can get 150/150 for under $60

      • Not available for vic 😢

        • It is available in vic. Just mainly Melbourne CBD.

          • @Flareferno: even in CBD not available to all buildings :( but way better than nbn if available

            • @nanny0tt: Most of Southbank it's available, just look at the GTEK maps.

              • @SimAus007: within the coverage map doesnt mean you can get access. Cables are laid in the area but connected to the building is what I faced with a few buildings in CBD

                • @nanny0tt: Yep, of course, totally up to the Owners Corporation in your building as to whether they allow or request a building to be backboned in an MDU. Unlikely in many if NBN fibre already exists. GTEK also passes a lot of houses which don't face the same issue.

      • Very limited in available locations.

    • Pronto is doing $49/Month (First 6 Months) 50/20 plan

  • I’m FTTP and don’t see that 1000/50 offer at all. The max on the webpage you’ve linked is 650/42 for $105. I don’t even get offered that after putting my address in. Seems dependent on where you live perhaps?

    • +1

      The max on the webpage you’ve linked is 650/42

      That is the 1000/50.

    • Same :)

    • I am on FTTP and the max I see is the 211 plan.

      • If you're on fibre to the premises, you can definitely get 1000/50. The only reason you wouldn't see higher is if you're checking with a provider that doesn't offer those speeds.

  • +5

    anyone from Perth able to tell me what speeds they actually get with this mob? I've heard they don't have any PoPs in Perth so curious on real speeds for us. Thanks.

    • +2

      Following! Keen to change but my husband is liking the <10 pings with Superloop

      • Damn!!! that's nice… are you FTTP by any chance with them?? How's their service/speed etc?

        Edit - i just organised an upgrade with Vodafone and after multiple discounts going to be paying $70 a month for my soon FTTP 250Mbps plan… but Superloop was my Plan B

        • +1

          Yes fttp, was on 1000/50 plan but I have a lot of wifi devices so wifi speed would be 200-600,but Ethernet gets good speed. Downgraded to 250 as we don't need that high speed anyway. Haven't had a need to contact their customer service yet

          This is the result for just now. Get 5 free speed upgrades a month but tbh never used it lol


          • @MeesusEff: thanks! appreciate the reply.
            if i hadn't been able to get a discount with vodafone today, i was going to goto superloop, so nice to know it would have been a good choice.

        • I've recently made the switch from 50/20 with Spintel to 100/20 FTTP with Superloop and boy are they fast. With Spintel, speed was peaking at roughly 35Mbps (in Perth), but with Superloop I'm getting a constant speed of 130Mbps (30Mbps more than what I'm paying for). Highly recommended.

      • Yeah I can get sub 10 pings to my router too

    • +3

      Unless things have changed it was rubbish unless you are in Sydney.



      I tried them for a month (Brisbane) and it was not good. I churned out immediately…

      • Thanks for this

    • -2

      don't have any PoPs in Perth

      Found some in South Perth…

    • +3

      If you care about latency from Perth, avoid Spintel. They only have one PoP and it's in Sydney.

      • +1

        I wouldn't be touching Spintel at all unless you live in Sydney if latency is important.

      • So which ISP has pop in Perth?

        • Pretty much all of them except Spintel

  • +3

    Can anyone confirm if Spintel has improved? On FTTP and last time I signed up with them, I was experiencing intermittent drop outs every couple of minutes.

    • +1

      Would like to know this too.. no point having fast internet that doesn't work

    • Do you reside in Sydney? If not, steer clear.

  • I'm currently on 50/20 (FTTC) and wondering if I could obtain the 100/18 speeds? Also, it looks like you don't need to give 30 days' notice when churning out of Spintel, like you do with many other ISP.

    • I'm on Aussie Broadband (100/40, FTTC). What I usually get during peak hours is 108/38, so yeah technically you can get these speeds on FTTC.

    • FTTC is capable of 100/40 at most properties. Switch to FTTP if you want faster than 100/40 and the best reliability.

  • Is there a spintel rep on here? I put in my address and it puts a marker on my neighbour and says I have Fttc not fttp

    • Sounds like a recipe for disaster. I would just avoid the drama.

  • any static ip options? - looks like $11 / month for residential … anyone get any deal with that?

  • +1

    scammers beaware of lot of hidden charges with spintel

    • +3


  • How is ping for gaming?

    • If you are in Brisbane it is terrible.

    • -1

      In the ~20ms range in 2121

    • +2

      from my research you will be better off with AussieBB Exetel Superloop Launtel or Leaptel

      • All other providers have PoP's all over the country, Spintel only has 1 PoP in Sydney, that's the issue (with latency).

        • i think their overseas routing isnt that good either

  • +11
  • +1

    Ummm showing $85 to me at checkout and only $10 discount. At the front page it says, $75 but $85 at checkout.

    • Same here

      • Same here. Looks like it is scam pricing. Suddenly Upping the price at the last checkout page.

        • +2

          I just signed up and the PDF they send through with contract terms does show 75$.
          It also showed 85$ for me in the checkout screen, but looks to be correct once you sign up :)

          Order Items Price Months
          NBN Unlimited $54.95 Month To Month
          Spin nbn $10.95 off for six mths $-10.95 Month To Month
          250/25Mbps $31.00 Month To Month
          Connection Fee (No Contract) $0.00 —
          Minimum recurring monthly charges for all services in this order $75.00
          Total once off costs for all services in this order $0.00
          Total credits for all services in this order $-10.95

          • @Wilkomez: Weirdly when i put in the device i have (Deco s4 (they didn't have Deco s4 in the drop down list, so i selected Deco M5), i do get this warning:

            'Our records indicate that your device may not be compatible with your NBN technology, please call us for more information.'
            which is a bit odd? I'm already on NBN HFC connection so not sure why this warning tbh..

            • +2

              @Wilkomez: Spintel probably haven't tested the Deco S4 so they give a warning. Ignore it.

              • @Twix: thanks Twix, just an update, it cut off my superloop service pretty quickly, but still no connection to new service, will call them in the morning. It says to use Dynamic IP and not PPOE, even though they send you a login/password which is odd, not sure why you'd need that if using Dynamic IP. I've set the router to dynamic IP but yea no connectivity (many reboots of arris box/router so far) fingers crossed all good in the morning >.<

                • @Wilkomez: Yeah that doesn't make sense since dynamic IP just connects without a username/pw. The Spintel setup article says to use PPPoE with the supplied username/pw. Have you tried that?

                  • +1

                    @Twix: ayee up and running with the PPPoE username/pw ty, it finally started working this morning, weird how their knowledge articles conflict with each other.

                    some quick pings over my wifi to show latency, add a few ms to below for wifi latency. I'm pretty happy with that, was ~25ms with superloop so a little worse, but i think this is still acceptable.
                    Reply from bytes=32 time=35ms TTL=118
                    Reply from bytes=32 time=30ms TTL=118
                    Reply from bytes=32 time=28ms TTL=118
                    Reply from bytes=32 time=29ms TTL=118
                    Reply from bytes=32 time=35ms TTL=118
                    Reply from bytes=32 time=29ms TTL=118
                    Reply from bytes=32 time=30ms TTL=118
                    Reply from bytes=32 time=30ms TTL=118
                    Reply from bytes=32 time=32ms TTL=118

    • Same here

  • +1

    Any decent 50mbps plans? Am with Exetel but the price is up to $75pm now.

    • +1

      On the same boat

    • +1

      Dodo 100/20 $64 through Whistleout.

    • nbn put the 50/20 wholesale price up and most providers followed suit. Superloop (the owners of Exetel) have 50/20 $65/m for 6 months and 100/20 $69/m for 6 months if your nbn is capable of it.

    • I'm paying $49pm for 50/20 with Pronto Broadband. They legit connected me in 4 mins. No issues so far.


  • Does anyone know how long it takes to switch internet providers? I'm with EXETEL at the moment and they told me I need to notify my cancellation a month in advance. Is it necessary to tell them? Or can I just switch to my new provider?

    • you need to inform exetel 1 month in advance. You may start your spintel 1-2 days earlier before the termination of exetel.

    • +1

      The switch only takes 10min, but Exetel will charge you the full month.

    • +1

      Yeah. One Month. I jumped from them to another provider not knowing this. Paid 2 services for one month. I'm not making that mistake again.

  • Anyone with direct comparisons between spintel v ABB/superloop?

    Do they use PPPoE or IPoE?

    • I'm on Superloop, and my WAN settings are set to PPPoE.

      I did some Copiloting… it it tells me that you can configure your connections for both? I don't know. I'm no networks guy. My router only has the PPPoE option, so that's what I'm using.

    • PPPoE with Spintel and direct comparisons in what? Customer service, speeds, reliability?

      • Speeds and ping I guess.

  • Uploads look pretty disappointing. We have the Superloop 100/40 plan and that's typically 93/34, surprising to see typical uploads still stuck in the low 20s… Given we get the 5 speed boost days, doesn't look like a good switch even for $5 a month less.

    • It's 10:1 ratio. They always hold some to charge more. Calling for the competitor 5G broadband.

  • +2

    I joined SpinTel in March not realising they charge extra to remove CGNAT. Not a static IP but just opt out of CGNAT so I can use basic IP functionality. Back to ABB.

  • +1

    Glad to leave overpriced AussieBB

  • Showing my near 50 years here. Bought unit in older complex in Oct (5065 SA) NBN website said NBN wasnt availabile at my address then but now it is. I dont see any NBN infrastructure in the unit and guess i need a modem. Basically just need good service for work from home and stream netflix etc. Any suggestions from my more learned and younger peers for a suitable service and provider (i did consult my 16yo nephew but he was too busy gaming).

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