• expired

$5 Bonus Cashback on $30 Spend in One Transaction at Amazon AU on All Categories (Activation Required) @ TopCashback AU


Hi everyone. My first official post as a TopCashbackAU employee. If you’re yet to join TCB, please do so today as there’s going to be lots of strong deals going forward. Remember too that we have the most generous everyday cashback rates and a highest cashback guarantee!

For today’s deal, we have cashback (up to 10%) on all categories, so you won’t need to worry about which items are eligible for the bonus (see terms below for a few exclusions such as purchase of gift cards). Just make sure you first activate the bonus then clear your Amazon cart before clicking/tapping the pink cashback button from TopCashbackAU.

Thanks for your support as always 🙏
Stay safe, and enjoy 😊

Please read the following terms & handy tips carefully:

1. To participate in the $5 bonus cashback promotion, you must be a member of TopCashback.com.au and must first activate the offer prior to making an eligible transaction at Amazon Australia.
2. After activation, transaction must be made between 00:00 and 23:59 AEST (28/05/2024).
3. For this bonus cashback promotion, cashback is eligible on all Amazon categories, excluding purchase of gift cards, vouchers, Kindle Unlimited, Audible, mobile apps, Amazon Prime subscriptions & renewals, bulk orders, commercial or reseller purchases.
4. Your order must be made in a single transaction and may contain more than one item, but the order total must be at least $30 (inclusive of GST). Sales may report to your TopCashbackAU account excluding GST so the amount shown may be less than $30 (this is ok). Multiple items in an order will report as separate items in your account (this is ok).
5. Bonus cashback will not show in your TopCashbackAU account until your Amazon order tracks to your account, and will be payable once your Amazon order is payable. Amazon tracking is not instant, and typically takes 1-7 days to report.
6. Bonus cashback is over and above the advertised category cashback rates which still apply to the transaction.
7. Only one TopCashback.com.au account per person is allowed, and bonus cashback is limited to one per TopCashbackAU member.
8. Bonus cashback may not automatically apply to purchases where a missing cashback claim needs to be lodged. If this is the case and your claim is successful, you will need to raise a separate support ticket to be awarded the bonus.
9. TopCashbackAU will not be held responsible for any technical failure or otherwise which prevents participation in this promotion.
10. Where a contradiction exists between the offer terms & conditions and TopCashbackAU terms & conditions, the offer terms & conditions take precedence until the offer expires.
11. Any fraudulent activity will result in rewards being forfeited and accounts closed.

Bonus is eligible for:

12. Items added to cart after clicking from TopCashbackAU.
13. Purchase of products paid with gift cards.
14. The first (new) Subscribe & Save order. Subsequent orders are ineligible.
15. Pre-orders, but only if the item is scheduled to be shipped within 60 days of purchase.

Bonus is ineligible on the following:

16. Purchase of gift cards, vouchers, Kindle Unlimited, Audible, mobile apps, Amazon Prime subscriptions & renewals, bulk orders, commercial or reseller purchases.
17. Second and subsequent Subscribe & Save orders (only first Subscribe & Save orders are eligible).
18. Purchases paid with any Amazon credit as partial or full payment.
19. Use of any promotional codes entered manually in Amazon's 'Promotion Code' field.
20. Items added to cart prior to clicking from TopCashbackAU.
21. Items that are cancelled, returned, exchanged or refunded.
22. GST, other taxes and delivery fees.
23. Fraudulent transactions.

Handy tips:

Amazon tracking typically takes 1-3 days (but can take longer) to report into accounts (Amazon tracking is not instant). For tracking success, ensure you disable 3rd party plugins (AdBlock, uBlock, Pi-hole, Honey, etc), VPNs, avoid browsers such as Brave, close any additional browser tabs, and don't click away to other sites looking for codes etc after clicking from TopCashbackAU as tracking will be lost. TopCashbackAU must be your last click (not 3-Camels etc). Try our iOS/Android mobile app for great tracking results. Use our Help Centre & Contact form here for any questions or issues.

Referral Links

Referral: random (4064)

Referrer gets $35, referee gets $10 (after $10 of earned cashback within 180 days of signing up).

Related Stores

TopCashback AU
TopCashback AU
Amazon AU
Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • +7

    first in best dressed. thanks TA!

    • +1

      TA, congratulations. You're the best!
      Looking forward to EOFY deals, your timing is impeccable. Will shout you a drink the next time we meet.

  • +7

    Congrats on the new gig

  • +6

    Was Lowkey hoping first deal to be a big sign up bonus. Not sure if worth holding out or just biting the bullet and signing up now.

    • They had a $45/$15 couple weeks back and I bit in then.

      • +2


        Unlucky me - was HODLing for a better sign up bonus! There’s still hope @TA?

  • Always good to see TA :)

  • Thanks TA, great to see you back again!

  • +2

    I missed this new, congrats TA. I'd previously decided to stick with the cashback incumbents. Any chance of a strong sign up bonus to get me over the line?

  • +5

    Has the website improved or still circa 1998?

    • +6

      as long as it works and tracks is more important than presentation

      many organisations these days focus too much on certain improvements that it loses old functionality that was critical

      • +3

        Agree. Just that a poor website always makes me wonder what other corners have been cut.

        • +1

          What's poor about it? It's simple and not overcrowed like 90% of websites today.

        • +2

          I wouldn't say it is poor because there are a lot of stuff that goes into it in the background but yes it's not the most vibrant and best looking website. But yes I know what you mean sometimes… like if they didn't put effort in the presentation what else didn't they bother to do.

          For example Ozbargain is mostly text base and would make some visitors cringe but it does the job and people get used to it

    • +5

      I actually prefer this kind of simple site map with no fancy animations, and a good website is firstly first served their purpose

    • +4

      Better than Shopback's that's in your face with an overload of way too much information. It's really annoying when I search for a store to see it's cashback rate and it tries to be "smart" by redirecting me to the website. Quicker to check the store page here for cashback rates.

  • +4

    Hi Rep, welcome to OzB.

    • +2

      Newly anointed Knight of Cashback.

      • +4

        I haven't joined yet. Waiting for a good sign up bonus post.

  • Thank you, TA.

  • Lets gooooooo TA!

  • +1

    Hi TA, if an item has a 15% off promo, will this qualify? As in when you checkout, Amazon will automatically deduct 15%.

    • +1

      I would like to know as well.
      There's no promo code so it should qualify.
      But needs confirmation from TA.

      • +4

        @draistlin @Edge12, Provided you don't physically type in a code, but rather simply tick a discount box, then you're good to go.

  • +1

    Delivering exceptional service as promised

  • I'm guessing you can't stack with PICKUP10OFF

    • +1

      Please see item 19 in the OP. Thanks :)

  • Love your work TA!

  • What’s everyone buying?

    • +4

      I like to buy watches.

      • +2

        I saw a sign that said “watch batteries fitted”

        I thought there’s probably better things on

      • a lot of youtubers do that :-P

  • I'm a simple man. I see TA I upvote

  • +1

    Thanks for the deal TA. Just a question.

    1. Second and subsequent Subscribe & Save orders (only first Subscribe & Save orders are eligible).

    What does that mean? Let's say for example I have ordered 30pack of Pepsi Max before on S&S, does that mean I am not eligible for the Cashback if I do a S&S?


    • +9

      Hey buddy. No, this is totally fine. What it means exactly is that only the first order of S&S is eligible. If you don't cancel your S&S on that item, you won't get cashback on the 2nd item when it ships. If however you cancel the S&S after delivery of the first item, then buy that same item again at a later stage, then cashback will be fine. I hope my rambling makes some sense lol.

      • +1

        Yes, totally understood. Thanks for the explanation. 30 Pack of Pepsi Max it is for me. 🙂👍

      • Hi TA, regarding S&S, would 1st order with multiple S&S items qualify for the cashback? Say a single order with 1st S&S item A and 1st S&S item B.

        Many thanks

        • +1

          Yup! All good :)

          • @tightarse: Appreciated the speedy reply! Good to have you back!

            • +1

              @ja912son: And it's great to be back!

  • +1

    Love that my order from boost mobile on 27th of Feb has passed the estimated payable timeframe but is still stuck as pending.

    • +4

      Please see here. We're waiting on Boost for payment. Shouldn't be much longer.

  • Can I pay with Amazon GC and get cashback?

    • See item 13.

  • Ta, TA

  • +1

    TA the legendary secret OzB'er

  • As always thanks TA

  • +1

    I have quite a lot of transactions with topcashback marked as claimed but never got paid. Could you please advise the reason?

    • +2

      Hi. Do you mean they are marked as confirmed? If so, please note TCB has three stages for all transactions (Pending, Confirmed, Payable). There's an explanation in the FAQs here. Thanks.

  • Was looking at a couple of items on Sunday and thought, maybe there'll be a good cashback deal later this week, so held off. Thanks TA!

  • +4

    Thanks TA, with you onboard I shall have more confidence in using TCB.

  • +1

    oh, CashRewards was my favourite. Now I need to love TCB.

  • Congrats TA and Thanks!

  • Thanks TA.

    Interesting, ive also "moved" to topcashback for most cashbacks.

    Can see Top Cash Back getting even better with TA.

  • Thanks TA for bringing new joy to our OZB community. 😎
    May I suggest TopCB to partner up with more travel accommodation booking websites?
    There are very little choices at the moment.

    It will also be great if your system can send us notification email when cashback is tracked and reached our account.

    • +2

      We're bringing on new merchants every day. Accommodation is a little harder as there's application processes & procedures to follow which takes time, but please know we're across it. As for emails, the system auto-generates them upon successful tracking. Please check junk/spam in case they are there. Thanks!

  • Is there a Chrome add-on from TCB?

    • +4

      Hi. Not yet. Still in testing phase and not too far away :)

  • "first (new) Subscribe & Save order" - does this mean the first SS with TCB, or just this promo/order?

    • Nothing to do with TCB at all. It's all about Amazon for this. Please see here.

      • Thanks mate. Perfect sense

  • +1

    Thankyou OP, Have finally pulled the trigger on some desk cable tidies that i've been meaning to buy for my standup desk.
    it's getting annoying when the monitor power cables have a reasonable chance of pulling out as i raise the desk.

    though, a 1 in 10 chance has not been annoying enough till now,
    Now is when your offer has altered the cost/value/annoyance formulae sufficiently for me to actually remove that feeling of dread the next time I raise my desk!

    Because of your post, the next time I raise my desk, the power cable definitely won't detatch and no longer will I have to walk the 2.4 meters to the back of my desk, reach down and insert a thingy into a hole!

  • +1

    Does this include items shipped from international Amazon but listed on Amazon AU?
    If the item is shipped by Amazon but sold by someone else is it eligible?


    • +4

      Yep, 100%. Purchases from Amazon US/UK are eligible for cashback provided the transaction is made via Amazon AU. Don't go copy/pasting links. You must navigate via Amazon AU. Hope this helps.

      • -1

        Easy - as above, does it include items sold by 3rd parties but shipped via Amazon? Ty

        • -1

          provided the transaction is made via Amazon AU

          Read the operative terms above.

    • +2

      TLDR: shop & pay via amazon.com.au doesn't matter who sells/ships it.

  • +1

    I have never bought anything before from Top cashback, is there any offers for first time purchase to signup? Or should I just use this?

  • -1

    Made about 10 orders that would be eligible for this on Sunday grr. Question is - should I return and reorder. Decisions decisions

  • I see on the email that the TopCashBack app is now available too.

    • +2

      Indeed it is :)

      • Legend!

  • +1

    Any ideas on what to buy?

  • I have 10 clicks on my referral with no paydays. Is this normal or seriously unlucky?

    • +1

      If it makes you feel better, 0 click on mine.

    • i've had 0 clicks?

    • 4 clicks and 1 out of 2 of $30 is payable. I signed up when the number was around ~200 but now it is ~3k the chance would be very slim.

      They used to have very decent deals like $10 Cashback Bonus on $10+ Spend at Any Store back in early stage. No bad experience so far with them.

      • +1

        Ye, that was just after the AU launch. Should be lots more great deals coming :)

      • @Mike Okkerts, @netsurfer, @bohn, @Bii

        Please check out this link to see how your referrals are doing. Remember that only the 'referred' sees the initial amount on signup. You (as the referrer) only see your portion after they've reached the spend requirement. Hope this helps :).

        • Thanks for the info so unfortunately, you are correct. Based on the information I know (because my mates sent me screenshots), $5 bonus cashback does not count towards $10 progress they and I both need to get the sign up and referral bonuses. They are not happy and they won't bother with TopCashback moving forward.

          • @netsurfer: Unfortunately I can't help with or change the terms around bonuses and their non-eligibilty for referrals. However I will say that earning $10 in cashback is not difficult to do, and they have a full 6 months to do it. I'm sorry they feel that way, but you'll find other providers are the same if not stricter. Cheers.

            • @tightarse: For shopback, it only requires spending $20.

              • @netsurfer: Fair enough. As I said, not much I can do. Everyone has options :)

  • Cheers op, made my spend

  • +1

    I've missed these iconic TA bonus cashback deals

    No better reason to revive this thread with the addition of TCB :)

    • Thank you 🙌

  • +3

    good stuff TA - i feel both Shopback and Cashrewards have become somewhat lazy and complacent over the past year or so in the deals they offer, their execution, and in their after sale customer service…with you on the ground in Australia, i'll be giving Topcashback a go… all the best in your new gig!

    • Many thanks 🙏

  • I just downloaded the mobile app. Tapping on the "Get up to 10% Cashback" button from the TCB app opens the Amazon app installed on my phone (because Android handles the URL as an app link).

    TA, does this mean purchases using the Amazon app will track, if opened via the TCB app?

    • +2

      Hi and thanks for the message. Amazon is one merchant that allows app2app tracking. Once you tap the pink 'get cashback' button from TCB on your smartphone, you'll be presented with a redirect message screen. Provided you don't see a message like this, then it will be fine. The important things to remember here is to first activate the offer, then tap the Amazon button on TCB. The rest will look after itself. Oh, and don't forget to clear your Amazon cart prior to doing anything, per the terms :)

      • Thanks for confirming!

        • Pleasure.

  • Does it show in the tracking system ? TC made me go to my amazon app once I clicked the link for amazon. Placed order but it doesn't show any tracking or confirmation from TC.

    • +1

      Please see my comment above re app2app tracking. As for bonus & tracking confirmation, please see note 5 in the OP. Cheers!

  • +1

    Waiting to see whether worth signing up.. 1-2% on categories of interest, the bonus $5 is nice just depends on frequency

  • If my email with Top Cash back is different from my email with (Amazon, Ebay or whatever the stores….) but I still go through Top cash back with all correct procedures, I am still eligible for cash back? Thanks

    • The are mutually exclusive. One has nothing to do with the other :)

  • Activated offer and clicked through to Amazon on desktop and made purchase, however Amazon is not listed under My Visited Merchants list, is that normal?

    • Amazon must be listed here at time of your last click otherwise there will be no tracking. Are you sure you clicked/tapped the pink 'Get Cashback' button after activating the bonus?

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