Another $3000 price dropped to all time low for model 3 long range
Mod Note: Price in the title has been updated to include Delivery & Order Fees. RWD & Performance Model duplicate removed from the title.
Another $3000 price dropped to all time low for model 3 long range
Mod Note: Price in the title has been updated to include Delivery & Order Fees. RWD & Performance Model duplicate removed from the title.
Referee gets $350 off Model Y & 3 purchase.
Referrer gets $150 credit toward Supercharging, software upgrades, merchandise, service payments or a new vehicle. Limit of 10 referral benefits per calendar year.
Well the Australian Tesla model 3s are made in China after all, so they're getting down to the price, they should've been the whole time.
China has better quality than the Fairmont factories lol.
100% American made is poorly made
@kungfuman: I think you downvoters missed X1A2's point. He's saying that the Model 3's which Australia gets are sold for a fraction of the price domestically in China and yet the same vehicles are sold for way above that in Australia.
There was no comment relating to quality so I'm not sure how people went down that tangent.
@kungfuman: we DO have greedy governments here, but there's no tariff on most cars. Purely because we're far from everywhere to have high shipping cost and higher labour cost.
@Jamesx: Unless I'm very much mistaken there are no more local made cars to protect by introducing tariffs, so we should get a good deal on them since we have an FTA with China. There is nothing making this any more special than an MGX or B(urn Y(our) D(ealership) apart from being part of the blue parrot club.
@kungfuman: What services and infrastructure are you suggesting we knock off so that you personally can get a cheaper car?
@Igaf: Maybe he can give up Tesla Supercharger compatibility and no software update, so he can get a Tesla $10k less then now? ;p
@Igaf: Anyone anywhere can charge at home and Tesla already had long distance dc charging covered. A cheaper Tesla is coming the model 2 will be in the price ranges of most.
@kungfuman: Don't now what question you were answering but it wasn't related to this:
Is that the same factory that Ford made their Fairmont?
Yet plenty of panel gaps still… go figure
Not yet!
agree. Still have a long way to go.
Stay on the fence! $50k
50k is a reasonable price for these cars. Anything more and it's a rip off.
35k for mass adoption, the best part will be used prices for teslas in 2 years time.
@Yoo05: Yeh but depends on how many kms are on them. Apparently over 100k and you'll have to start thinking about changing the battery pack. I could be wrong.
@itsmoe: The Model 3 LR has a battery warranty of 8 years or 192,000 km, so I'd expect that it will last at least that long. I'd hope it would be significantly longer.
By that time, a battery replacement may not really make sense. These cars are basically a big battery with wheels, and the battery is a larger part of the BoM cost than an engine is on an ICE vehicle.
Battery replacement will cost around $20k plus labour. If the car is eight years old or has done more than 200,000 km, you have to start questioning whether that makes sense (although it's entirely possible that battery costs may drop over the coming decade).
For comparison, the ABS estimates that the average ICE vehicle travels 189,000 kilometres over the life of the vehicle (12,600 kilometres a year).
@Bimbobob: Tesla might be making battery for these models in 8 years but Chinese electric cars probably not. Chinese EV models are updated too frequently to have the compatible battery pack available after 8 years.
@TangoCharlieAlpha: aren't they basically the same battery module (eg BYD Blade battery) arranged slightly differently?
Like, if the base is there, you can just arrange them how you like. If you look at the Leaf aftermarket stuff, you actually can get newer battery tech in there, boosting range, etc.
@Droz: Regarding aftermarket stuff, Leaf is only model that Nissan offered and they are in market for over 10 years.
@Bimbobob: Nah, things are getting as low as they can go - in 8 years time, the predicted demand for EV's will greatly exceed the mining sectors ability to provide the suitable minerals.
or, in other words, they should have started ramping mining up a decade ago to meet predicted demand.
what's gonna happen - ore prices will slowly creep up, the downwards price curve is already bottoming out.
most of the pricing decreases have come from the 'packaging' of the metals.
now that packaging (into batteries) is extremely cost effective, there's little room remaining to pull out costs.
Materials are already 60-70% of the cost of the battery.
twenty years ago, they'd have been more like 20-30%
NOW is the time to be buying EV's, we're in a golden age before loads of taxes come in to make up for the shortfall in fuel duties
@axyh: In reality 189000km is not a lot of KMs, when properly maintained. It's amazing how much they devalue when they could keep going twice that without putting in the kind of money an outright replacement costs. Biggest issue is manufacturers not producing enough parts for superceded models. My MY2010 vehicle cannot get body parts any more… It's done 150000km.
Tesla Model Y, Model 3 receive major price cuts in Australia.
Story by Jordan Mulach • 2h • 2 min read
They may be the two best-selling electric vehicles (EVs) in Australia, but the Tesla Model Y and Model 3 are nevertheless the latest EVs to receive price cuts.
Overnight, Tesla shaved $5000 off the price of its entry-level Model Y RWD (now priced from $55,900 before on-road costs) and cut $4000 from the base Model 3 RWD (now $54,900 before on-road costs).
This not only represents the cheapest pricing for the two EVs we’ve seen so far, but also a significant reduction across the past few months.
The Model Y RWD’s price has fallen by $9500 since March, while the updated Model 3 has been cut by $7000 across the same period.
The price cuts have also been applied to the mid-tier Model 3 Long Range AWD, now priced from $64,900 before on-road costs (down $3000, or $7000 since March).
Model Y Long Range examples are unaffected by the latest price cut, remaining at $69,900 before on-road costs.
Prices of the flagship Performance grades are also unchanged at $82,900 before on-roads for the Model Y and $80,900 before on-road costs for the Model 3.
Tesla isn’t the only carmaker to cut the prices of its EVs in Australia.
Within the past two months, the GWM Ora, MG 4, Polestar 2, Renault Megane E-Tech and Nissan Leaf have all received price reductions – either permanent or temporary – to try and jump-start sales or edge closer to Tesla’s sales dominance.
Between January and April 2024, Tesla reported 8001 Model Ys and 6885 Model 3s as sold in Australia, well ahead of the BYD Atto 3 (2638 sales) and Seal (2384 sales).
While Tesla Model Y deliveries have grown by 52 per cent compared to the year prior, Model 3 registrations dropped by 22.2 per cent, despite the arrival of the much-anticipated ‘Highland’ facelift in late 2023.
Something is wrong? Pricing is free falling.
your name is the reason for the drop
f-en hell k-nt i'm dead
That article is from last year. Why did it take until just a few months ago before the price cuts started coming?
Better than the prices freezing like Trump…
Better than the prices freezing like Trump
TDS is real…
@1st-Amendment: Why is it ok for you to attack Biden for being too old, but not the other way around when there’s only a few years difference in age and both are clearly suffering cognitive decline?
Why can’t you accept both are too old?
@PainToad: Because one story is real (Joe Biden falling), whereas the other is fake news (Trump freezing). Go and do some fact checking, and you'll see that the 30 to 40 second pause was during the musical interlude (which was not audible in some of disinformation campaigns).
@wizzlesticks: What about how he continually gets confused about people’s names…also “fake news”?……
Or forgets that World War 2 already happened? Fake news too?…
Having a President in their 80s (which Trump will also be during his second term if he wins) is just stupid.
@PainToad: While those articles had nothing to do with the key point (a reference to a specific event last week with ensuing disinformation that fooled people like you), I looked at a few of them. Some of them were fair in that Trump clearly mixed up the names (Haley and Pelosi), while other articles were trivial (hypothetical reference to Obama being indicted). I'm not going to argue the merits of who is the worse candidate, as neither are perfect. But in terms of mental acuity, there is no argument that Biden has been in advanced cognitive decline for a number of years.
Why is it ok for you to attack Biden for being too old
I never attacked him for being old, just that he falls over a lot which he actually does.
Why can’t you accept both are too old?
I don't accept that age is a barrier, there's plenty of people in their 80's that are very competent. The Queen was a great example, she was very alert and able to remain upright into her 90's. But Joe Biden has displayed NUMEROUS signs of mental decline. The falling, the constant flubbing of lines, trailing off mid sentence, forgetting where he is, unable to find his way off a stage etc. I haven't seen any of that in Trump, and the difference is Trump very rarely uses a teleprompter, so you should expect a few more mistakes when someone ad-libs for hours on end. What excuse does Joe have when every line is scripted?
What about how he continually gets confused about people’s names…also “fake news”?
Trump speaks publicly for hours at a time almost every day. Over the course of thousands of hours of speaking he will flub a line or two, everyone does that. But Joe is doing that sort of thing every other day. There is no way that guy will last another 4 years.
there's plenty of people in their 80's that are very competent
Sure. But it can change very quickly and being president is a 4 year endeavour. The Republicans had younger options during their Primaries who continually polled better at beating Biden. If they had of chosen Hayley the election would have already been over.
The Queen was a great example, she was very alert and able to remain upright into her 90's
The Queen’s role was very ceremonial. Functions here and there. One meeting with the UK PM a week. Being the president is 24/7.
But Joe Biden has displayed NUMEROUS signs of mental decline. The falling, the constant flubbing of lines, trailing off mid sentence, forgetting where he is, unable to find his way off a stage etc.
Again, I’m not debating that.
so you should expect a few more mistakes when someone ad-libs for hours on end.
Sure, but forgetting who the current president is or getting your own Republican primary opponent mixed up with the ex Democrat speaker of the House…a president shouldn’t get such basic, yet critical, things mixed up.
What excuse does Joe have when every line is scripted?
None. Never said otherwise.
Heading in that direction. Trump is clearly not the same mentally as he was in 2016…or even 2020.
@PainToad: No point arguing with MAGATs, they see only what they are told in their echo chamber and seem to think the president does all the work and not the thousands behind the scenes that actually do the legislation drafting and strategy.
Trump employs criminals and buffoons and Biden employs people who are qualified for the job.
Is Biden perfect, nope. Is he good? Meh, not really. But compared to the current Republican party, you'd sooner vote for soiled underwear than Trump if you had two firing brain cells.
No point arguing with MAGATs,
This is Leftism is a nutshell. Shutdown any discussion when the opinion differs from your own.
they see only what they are told in their echo chamber
The irony here is delicious…
@1st-Amendment: Lmao leftism shuts down discussion. From the people who brought us book bans and abortion bans comes "It'S tHe LeFt ThAt ShUtS dOwN dIsCuSsIoN."
Completely delusional cult member.
Also, note I said MAGA and not conservatives as there is a big difference between someone with conservative views and someone with brain rot who has fallen into the cult. Meanwhile anyone who calls you out is a 'leftist' because in your fickle mind everyone is against you.
Trump is a fascist and you are just a sheep in his cult. Congrats to you.
The Republicans had younger options during their Primaries who continually polled better at beating Biden
Polling shows Trump winning comfortably in November, and he has a proven record of managing the economy, borders, and international affairs better than most.
Trump is clearly not the same mentally as he was in 2016…or even 2020.
Still very sharp though. You can disagree with his personality but his policies are solid and he is clearly the best candidate of the two for the job.
he has a proven record of managing the economy, borders, and international affairs better than most
Source required
his policies are solid
Source required
Source required
Border crossings:…
Wars started: 0
Standby for cognitive dissonance in 3, 2, 1…
@1st-Amendment: I mean, you've linked to a GDP graph that covers the last seventy years? And likewise an unemployment graph? No commentary on how Trump affects either line? What even is this?
Better question: what was I actually expecting from you, I guess
Also, he manages international affairs "better than most" because "wars started: 0"?
My cat Charlie hasn't started any international wars in the last eight years, is my cat as good as managing international affairs as Trump is?
This is subpar work, even for you.
speaks publicly for hours at a time almost every day
His speeches put Grandpa Simpson's to shame
@PainToad: I don't think it's a matter of accpetance - it's the reality. If one presents a footage of each giving speech, it's hard to imagine the two only has a 4 year age difference.
@gakko: People saying Joe is losing his mental acuity yet applaud Trump’s vomit word salad, which has gotten worse recently, genuinely astound me.
If you read a transcript of Donald’s rantings at rally’s it’s barely legible nonsense.
If you read a transcript of Donald’s rantings at rally’s it’s barely legible nonsense.
But that's the thing, he gets on stage sometimes multiple times a day and just shoots from the hip for hours on end, so of course there will be rambling. This is entirely expected and would be the same for any person who speaks ad-lib for so long. So this is not a sign of decline, it's just a style you don't agree with.
Contrast with Joe who has groomers lead him on stage, have all his speeches on a teleprompter, lead him off stage and he still manages to fall over and fluff his lines regularly and wander off stage at random times. If you take a look at Joe talking from 10 years ago it is obvious that he is suffering major mental decline. No amount of whataboutism changes this fact.
@1st-Amendment: They are both too old for this shit, but only one is a populist trying to sell out America with a proven track record of insurrection and attempts to steal an election.
but only one is a populist
Explain how that is bad. Isn't the idea of a democratic process to be popular?
trying to sell out America
So the guy who is on the record for his entire life saying how much he wants America to be strong? The guy who has the best record for making it stronger wants to sell out because… reasons? Dude you are are the reason NPC become a popular insult.
with a proven
Please post the court transcript of this proof. Or when you said 'proof' you meant 'I read it in the paper and so I believe it'?
Lol, do you know what that word means, or did you just think it sounded cool so you'd use it?
attempts to steal an election
How specifically? Provide details.
You're rant is typical of someone who doesn't think. You hear stuff in the news and you react accordingly. Try doing less of that.
My job involves me thinking, my education involved me thinking. How about you? I use the news for what it is. When you assume that I consume some single source of information and raise it up as truth simply because it appeals to me, you are projecting. It's also "your" not "you're" in that context. You're welcome.
It was also all over the news
So exactly like I said. Thanks for the confirmation
When you assume
Not an assumption, you just proved my point.
@1st-Amendment: Just for funsies, where exactly do you propose we get our information on Trump from if we aren't meant to be wAtChING tHe NeWs
Is there some sort of David Icke subscription service that you subscribe to that keeps you up to date on this and other issues
where exactly do you propose we get our information on Trump from
Why do you need to know so badly what he is up to every waking moment? How does being told to be upset about that help you?
Here's a thought experiment for you. If you had never watched any media in the last 8 years and never knew that Trump became President, how much different would your life be right now?
Why do you need to know so badly what he is up to every waking moment?
Much like which books I read or shows I watch, it's none of your business why.
How does being told to be upset about that help you?
You're working off the (false) premise that Trump being reported in the news is "being told to be upset". Do you think his supporters who watch his speeches on NewsMax are "being told to be upset"?
The thought experiment is a pass, I'd only take suggestions from someone with a track record of insightful and/or entertaining ideas. Actually, let's upgrade the pass to hard pass.
You've made some bad assumptions, and you don't get to decide how legitimate people's reasons are for wanting to access information.
All of this is pretty bad. Try and do better (at least for yourself).
Much like which books I read or shows I watch, it's none of your business why.
You come into a discussion group, engage in discussion, but then don't want to discuss things? You just want to shout your opinion at people? That is not a recipe for success.
You don't get to decide how legitimate people's reasons are for wanting to access information.
I didn't 'decide' anything, I merely asked you some questions which you seems to get you triggered. Pro tip: You can tell they are questions because they have question marks at the end of them.
You come into a discussion group, engage in discussion, but then don't want to discuss things
Let's test out that logic, see how you're doing.
"Welcome to this discussion group that you're in, 1st-Amendment. I'd like to know your full name, address and tax file number. So tell us all those, given you're keen to discuss things?"
Or, did you have shit logic, and it's possible to ask questions that aren't your business during a discussion?
That is not a recipe for success
Trying to imagine how you would even know what success was
Let's test out that logic,
Oh goody I love logic…
I'd like to know your full name, address and tax file number
In deductive logic that is called a false equivalence. You entered into a discussion (here: about Trump and the media, then got upset when asked a question about Trump and media. Now you think that giving away personal information is the same as that?
Or, did you have shit logic,
One of us does. Can you guess who it is? See above for hints.
Trying to imagine how you would even know what success was
The problem with intelligence is you need to have a certain amount of it to understand what it is.
@1st-Amendment: Alright, let's have another pass at this:
1st: look at you all, reading about Trump in the news (of all places)
Crow: where else but the news should we be finding out about Trump from then?
1st: why do you want to know about Trump at all in the first place?
Crow: my own personal reasons which are none of your business, now answer the question: where are we supposed to find out about Trump if not in the news?
Now it's your turn to answer the question..try to say something non-sequitur and uninspiring, really nail the point that you can't follow the thread of a discussion.
Alright, let's have another pass at this:
The last line of my last post explains this. I cannot teach a fish to ride a bicycle.
If you take a look at Joe talking from 10 years ago it is obvious that he is suffering major mental decline.
They both are.
True.. the biggest embarassment of a POTUS there ever has been.
I'm sure you're an exception but comments like that usually suggest one or all of the following afflictions apply:
- ideological blindness,
- a complete ignorance of American politics,
- a totally shot shot-term memory,
- ethics and morality which have been acquired from, and belong in, the sewer.
M… Never know a simple question can be so controversial.
It was always the plan.
Tesla sets prices to control demand. They can afford to do so since they have the lowest manufacturing costs.
Good plan, now go head to head with the Chinese EV brands. should be a bloodbath that the consumer will benefit. Well, not sure how the early adopters feel (as well scalpers).
Well, don't think they can control demand. Supply/demand works in both ways.
If anything, I am betting on increase in overall supply on the EV market, reducing demand for Tesla EVs, and driving down pricing.
That will work too.
I’m sure people who paid full retail and now getting slaughtered on depreciation are happy to have been part of this plan.
This will affect future models. People will hold out waiting for a discount, or just not buy because they won’t want to cop the depreciation.
Same happened with flat screen TVs, computers etc etc etc.
Personal EVs are going to get ridiculously cheap then replaced by a Robotaxi you just hire.
@Grok: Hardly a like for like comparison. Consumer electronics rarely hold resale value. Cars losing resale value compared to their competitors is part of the buying process, and we’re potentially talking about losing thousands here.
@Randolph Duke: Secondhand EVs are only losing value because production of new EVs is dramatically ramping up, the new supply of EVs is falling in price and the new cars are getting better.
It’s the perfect analogy.
Hardly a like for like comparison
It's a great comparison because EV's are closer to electrical appliances than a traditional ICE car. Once you remove the mechanical complexity of the product it just becomes a whitebox commodity that loses value rapidly
and we’re potentially talking about losing thousands here.
That shouldn't come as a surprise
@Grok: But how many decades are we going to wait for these Robotaxies to be made and then approved by the government?
FSD has been "this year" since 2017 and at the moment it can't even navigate a carpark… Like, this isn't around the corner at all.
@Droz: Well first EVs will get cheap compared to ICE then replaced by Robotaxis.
The former may happen by 2026-2027 and the latter next year, every year it’s next year 🤷♂️
Tesla FSD is 99.99% done. It’s just that ten thousandth trip is a killer.
lithium price bottom rock, competition from cheap end chips China cars (back by CCP $ to kill competitors).
remember this: Good thing is not cheap, Cheap thing is not good.
So Telsa is not good?
Brainwashed is talking about brainwasher.
A quick fact check would tell you that the CCP has ceased funding any EV.
The costs of raw materials for batteries is plummeting right now.
This is actually hurting the battery-makers and car-makers, as they signed long-term supply contracts and built up a stockpiles based on record-high input costs in 2021 and 2022. The price of the main inputs (lithium, cobalt, nickel and graphite) had increased dramatically between 2020 and 2022, so they all sought to insulate themselves against further price rises. Then a correction happened.
So there's now an expectation of lower costs from the market (for both battery makers and car makers), but they are not necessarily in a position to deliver on them because their existing inventory was produced with a much higher cost base. It's causing problems all-round at the moment, but in the end it will lead to significant price drops.
Now we talking