• expired

nbn/OptiComm Save $10/Month for 12 Months for Upgrading to 100/20 & 100/40 Speed (Existing Customers) @ Aussie Broadband


Riding on Twix's coat-tails here because there's a different offer and more information to add (worthy of its own post IMO). Duplicate offer removed from title — Mod.

SAVE $120 OVER 12 MONTHS ON 100/20 & 100/40 PLANS.

Get $10 off per month for 12 months when upgrading to 100/20 & 100/40 unlimited residential plans. USE CODE: UP120.

SAVE $240 OVER 12 MONTHS ON 250/25 & 1000/50 PLANS.

Get $20 off per month for 12 months when upgrading to 250/25 & 1000/50 unlimited residential plans. USE CODE: UP240.

Speed Original Price Promo Price Saving
100/20 $95 $85 $10
100/40 $105 $95 $10
250/25 $119 $99 $20
1000/50 $129 $109 $20

Terms and Conditions

Free/cheaper upgrades

There's actually an option for free or negative cost speed upgrades to the next level for users currently on 50/20 and above, and some quite low cost upgrades to go beyond the next level.

Old Speed New Speed Difference Code
25/10 100/20 +$10 UP120
25/10 100/40 +$20 UP120
25/10 250/25 +$24 UP240
25/10 1000/50 +$34 UP240
50/20 100/20 $0 UP120
50/20 100/40 +$10 UP120
50/20 250/25 +$14 UP240
50/20 1000/50 +$24 UP240
75/20 100/20 -$4 UP120
75/20 100/40 +$6 UP120
75/20 250/25 +$10 UP240
75/20 1000/50 +$20 UP240
100/20 100/40 $0 UP120
100/20 250/25 +$4 UP240
100/20 1000/50 +$14 UP240
100/40 250/25 $-6 UP240
100/40 1000/50 +$4 UP240
250/25 1000/50 $-10 UP240

Upgrade through MyAussie or call our friendly team at 1300 880 905.

Referral Links

Referral: random (247)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

Related Stores

Aussie Broadband
Aussie Broadband

closed Comments

  • I'm on 100/20
    $0 to change to 100/40
    Then Upgrade again to 250/25 for $-6 (profit)
    Then upgrade again to 1000/50 for another $-10 profit?

    • You can upgrade from plan to plan at the same time?

    • I know you're probably joking, but before anyone thinks of doing this…

      100/20 = currently $95
      100/20->100/40 = promo $95 - free, yay
      100/40 -> 250/25 = promo $99 - extra $4/month compared to now
      250/25 -> 1000/50 = promo $109 - extra $14/month compared to now :(

      • -2

        Upgrade it to 250/25 and downgrade it next month to get $20 off. They will still apply the $20 to your bill and no need to wait 6 months since your last upgrade.

        I did that last promo and received $20 on my downgraded 100/20 plan and upgraded it again this time after downgraded 1-2 months ago.

  • +2

    Thanks OP
    Nice detailed post.

  • +1

    I'd upgrade if my NBN could do better that 65m

  • I changed from 75/20 to 100/20 thanks!
    So come invoice time, is the $10 off automatically applied? The confirmation email states $95/month, no mention of the $10 off. I did enter the code though and it did confirm $10 off/month

    • Same for me, it's slightly worrying …

      • It doesn't show until the next bill. I called to confirm.

    • +1

      Yeah the discount shows on your bills.

  • Performance wise Leaptel is just as good and have better deals for 12 months.

  • +7

    An ABB deal for EXISTING customers? Nearly fell off my chair! Thanks OP

  • what if you are already on the 1000/50 :(

    • +9

      I chatted with Aussieboard, and they said couldn't offer a better deal since I am already on the 1000/50 top plan. They suggest me to call 1300 880 905 dial 1 dial 4 to speak to their accounts retention team.
      long for short, they gave me 12 months $20 off each month. Spent for 4 mins saved $480 in total (I have 2 accounts)
      Good luck

      Aussie Broadband said
      Thanks. I can see you're already on the 1000/50Mbps plan. The promotion is for people moving on to a higher plan than the one you're already on, so I won't be able to apply it here.
      However, if you give our accounts retention team a call, they may be able to offer you a deal. They can be reached on 1300 880 905 Option 1, 4. They're available from 8am to 7pm AET, Monday to Friday.

      • +1

        Same feedback. The promotion is beneficial for lower tier plan but an insult to the top plan subscribers. This promotion pushes 1000/50 users to another ISP.

        • Maybe just try again with a different agent?
          I just said it's totally unfair etc.

      • Thanks for this guidance. Called the retention team, told them I was advised to give them a call to apply the $20 off per month discount since I'm technically not eligible as I'm not upgrading (I'm on the 1000/50 plan) and they did it immediately. Took 5 minutes. Cheering!

  • +2

    Superloop is doing 100/40 for $75 per month for 6 months. Why am I not excited about this AussieBB deal, what am I missing?

    • I churned from More (end of promo period) to Superloop 1000 for four days this month before pulling the pin and jumping ship to Leaptel.
      Lucky if Superloop is stable for you but i had constant drop outs in the evenings which I didn’t experience with More, and haven't with Leaptel.

      • Been with SL for 2 years and only had 2 outages that were close together but it other than that it has been stable everyday and I haven't had to contact support ever, $109 a month for 1000/50 and have fast evening speeds.

    • +3

      TLDR; Aussie BB is bit of a premium ISP. A big plus for me with Aussie BB is that they post their bandwidth they purchase from NBN. Aussie BB CVC Graph They show that they have more than what they need during peak hours for your zone. This means instead of a 100Mbps down package giving 60Mbps during peak hours (like most providers) you actually get 100Mbps during peak. I was with Mate internet for a while and they really stuffed me around with bandwidth. I was getting 0.8Mbps during peak and 100Mbps off peak because they didn't purchase enough for my zone from NBN. (Mate internet also fudged their speed test values by prioritising speed test sites)

  • +3

    I m with Superloop and paying $99 for 1000/40 on the opticom. AussieBB can do better

    • I recon you are getting 1000/40 to speedtest endpoints and that is about it.
      If you are getting decent speeds from USA and Asia, then I am interested and would consider a switch from ABB.
      Since getting the NBN, i've tried many, but still find bringing down data from USA and Asia Tesla were the best (but worst billing, always monthly adjustments).
      Speedwise the worst were Belong (owned by Tesla and use the Tesla network). I was with them for less than a Month, demanded to move as the speeds were terrible (except Speed tests!!!)

      • +1

        Just did a test from WA to Singapore/LA SG = 400mb/s 80ms and LA 500mb/s 205 ms SL 1000/50

  • +1

    If you are with AGL Energy, you can do 100/20 net through them for $59 a month for 6 months. (BYO Modem)
    Just don't expect much in terms of phone support. After the 6 months we'll move again depending on what deals are happening.

    • thanks for this comment, will look to AGL once my 6month promo has ended

  • I am currently on 50/20 and when I try to select 100/20 I still have difference of $10 to pay now if I choose for upgrade to be immediately effective - is that normal? Even if I used code to get 10off for 12 months

    Edit - looks like the notification is just standard -looks like if you've used the code won't get charged. - Will update here if not the case though!

  • +3

    I chatted with Aussieboard, and they said couldn't offer a better deal since I am already on the 1000/50 top plan. They suggest me to call 1300 880 905 dial 1 dial 4 to speak to their accounts retention team.
    long for short, they gave me 12 months $20 off each month. Spent for 4 mins saved $480 in total (I have 2 accounts)
    Hope that can help anyone.

    Aussie Broadband said
    Thanks. I can see you're already on the 1000/50Mbps plan. The promotion is for people moving on to a higher plan than the one you're already on, so I won't be able to apply it here.
    However, if you give our accounts retention team a call, they may be able to offer you a deal. They can be reached on 1300 880 905 Option 1, 4. They're available from 8am to 7pm AET, Monday to Friday.

    • +1

      I tried as well but they didn’t budge. Their attitude is very condescending and assertive.

      • +1

        It's probably due to with their internal processes so they palmed you off to retentions team who have the power to do something about it.

        • +3

          I closed my account with ABB and moved to Superloop right after the call to make my point. My internet is now with Superloop now. Pretty fast process from signing the contract and complete the switch in 30mins. Saved $30 a month lol.

  • I'm paying $68.99/m for 100/20 Opticomm on Exetel. I am failing to see the deal here?

    • I guess if you subscribed and applied the up240 code you could be on 250/20 for $89/month for 12 months the way I read it. At Exetel, you might get this as low as $84 for 6 months then $99 for 6 months (or renoegotiate/churn). So slight saving if you allow Exetel to go to $99 for 6 months.

      As mentioned above ABB is a little bit of a premium provider and if Exetel is working where you are I doubt ABB will offer matching prices.

  • How is this a deal? lol

  • It's not letting me select "automatically reset back to old plan on 17-06-2025"

    • "automatically reset back to old plan on 17-06-2025"

      You can downgrade it by yourself, last promo they still apply the $20 to my downgraded plan within the promo period.

  • Anybody have thoughts on Aussie Broadband as a company?

    I am a few months in with Exetel 100/20 - $68.99/mth for the first 6 months then $84.99/mth ongoing

    • +1

      As a loyal customer of Exetel I'm on 100/40 for 89.99 with them. Never wanted to switch as service is good. Wished there was 250/50 plan, but … At least can enjoy free speed boost from time to time.

    • +1

      Been with them for a while, realising they're pricier than most but I've been very happy with their service.

  • I just signed up to DoDo
    100mb $64 for first 6 months then $85.
    If you go with them for energy provider you get an extra $10 off a month indefinitely.
    Hope they are an ok provider


    • @FastNTheStingiest I've been with Dodo 100mb (hfc) for the past 8 or so years and never had an issue with them speed or service wise. I'm paying $60 a month (I have gas and power with them) and in my second lot of ''discounts for 6 months'', just don't forget to ask them in 6 months to apply the next round of discounts they have then. I'm only semi-tempted by the 250mb/s max. speed plan they have.. would cost me $70 per month (I'd be happier with a 100/40 plan).

  • I love Leaptel 💐

  • Leaptel ftw

  • Checks FW….nah Although I have heard rumours that they will be upgrading the towers to 5G which should give us a good boost?

    • True.

      nbn Fixed Wireless Home Fast is planned to offer wholesale download speeds between 200-250 and wholesale upload speeds between 8-20 Mbps.Δ* nbn intends for this higher speed plan to become available to order from nbn providers from mid-2024. We anticipate this speed tier will be available to up to 90% of the nbn Fixed Wireless Coverage Area by December 2024.*

      nbn Fixed Wireless Superfast is planned to offer wholesale download speeds of 400Mbps and wholesale upload speeds between 10-40 MbpsΔ*. nbn intends for this higher speed plan to become available to order from nbn providers from mid-2024. We anticipate this speed tier will be available to up to 80% of the nbn Fixed Wireless Coverage Area by December 2024.

      nbn fixed wireless upgrades

  • I have just re-joined ABB on the $20 discount for 12 months 1000/50 plan… Rang my previous IP to explain I'm churning away…

    IP - Can I ask why you're moving away ?
    Me - Because as with most IP's you only offer discounts to new customers & not pre-existing customers so instead of paying you an extra $40 per month now my discount is about to end I'm moving…

    Ip - Checking your account I can now offer you an extra $20 discount for the next 12 months…
    Me - That's great but I needed to know that earlier than when I ring you to cancel my NBN…

    IP - Well I'm telling you now so would you like to take that offer & when will your new connection be made ?
    Me - I'm already connected so Thanks but NO Thanks

    Nice to see an IP give a discount to an existing customer….

    • +1

      same reason that I moved to another IP from ABB.

  • While logged into MyAussie, trying to upgrade from 100/20 to 100/40 and I get below error. Anyone else experiencing the same issue?

    "The promo is only applicable for existing customers."

    • I guess this is when you ring & they can over ride those errors

      • +1

        Yes, did that and they were able to make changes over the phone.

  • Free upgrade nice

  • Is AGL any good?

  • I upgraded from 50/20 —> 100/20
    Applied the code and it said the promo code have been applied
    However the invoice and confirmation still say $95. Shouldn't it be $85 for first 12 months?

  • Have not changed providers for years (since before nbn)
    How do I do it? If I sign up to a new provider, when do I tell my old one to cancel the plan?
    How far in advance? Dont want to be without the internet

    • call abb and theyll help you find a date. find out when ur current service is billed first

  • -2

    I went with uniti internet, they processed very fast, only $99/m for 6months, 1st month free and no connection fee much better deal

    • https://www.aussiebroadband.com.au/help-centre/accounts-and-…

      New Connection Fee ($109) – A set-up fee from OptiComm is applicable for every connection request processed through Aussie Broadband. This is regardless of what stage of installation the premises is at.

      That $109 fee is from Opticomm, for a new fiber connection.

      If you went with any other ISP for wired broadband you will need to pay this fee regardless.

      • I think super loop waive the Opticom connection fee.

    • You’re clearly not an existing customer if you’re complaining about a connection fee (which is only applicable for Opticomm) yet you’ve negged a deal for existing ABB customers. Nice.

  • The NBN is increasing wholesale prices starting July 1, 2024. As a result, internet service providers will also raise their prices. I recommend securing a deal on a high-speed tier while it's discounted, as the low-speed tiers will see a larger price increase.

  • I am looking at signing up, on HFC. But when I go to sign up I am only given the choice of connecting to 100/20 as the highest plan speed. if I sign up and get the discount can I still upgrade to gigabit and get it for $109?

    • It may be that NBN maximum for that premise is 100/20. So it's best to sign up for 100/20. Otherwise you can give the sales team a call and explain it then they can have a look

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