Help! I've Been Sick The past 9 Months

HELP! Indigestion, tight throat feeling, stool fluctuation, throat gurgling noises randomly, regular burping randomly after food.

Hi OzBargain Fam,

I've been a long time reader and haven't posted much on here.

I'm really upset with myself as I've been sick the past 9 months, I've gone to GP done blood tests, gone to Gastroenterologist and they did a CAT scan on the abdomen and an ultrasound on the liver.

The GP said I have high uric acid, high Cholesterol the bad one, the CAT scan showed everything as normal, but the ultrasound showed a fatty liver.

I've tried so many things, but I still have a feeling of indigestion where if I finish eating food, I would burp inconsistently for the next few hours, I've been frequently going to toilet where the stool fluctuates some times diarrhoea. My throat has this tight feeling like something stuck in it, when I finish eating a meal I don't feel like being in someone car as I'll feel nausea. I drove 30mins away from home and I felt my throat tightening up and I had to park on the side of the road and gagged. My stomach makes water sounds randomly, usually after eating. Every morning regardless of what I eat, when I'm in the toilet I would have a long fart first before the stool.

These symptoms have been 9 months, before that I have not had any of them so consistently. It has ultimately impacted my life, I have not travelled far because of nausea feeling, told my friends I can't go to events. I really need this to end.

Last year my builder went into liquidation and I was upset and felt sad as I lost a lot of money. I'm not sure if it is related, and if it is why has it been lasting so long.

When I search online on Google it comes up as either "GERD, IBS, Dyspepsia" for the symptoms I described.

What I've tried:
Apple Cider Vinegar (positive impacts only when used, done for 3 weeks, 2 shots a day), Gastroenterologist recommended Benefiber and Movicol and that helped stopped the constipation I had every morning. Stop regularly using both after 2 weeks, chia seeds for 2 weeks, ginger tea for 2 weeks, psyllium husk flaxseed foe 3 weeks

Please someone give me ideas, I'm really trying to reach out as I would like my life back on track. I'm only 29 years old and this as ultimately ruined my lifestyle


  • +101

    We’re not your GP. Go seek a second/third/fourth opinion if you’re not happy with your doctors diagnosis.

    • +13

      I understand, just kindly asking for ideas as I've been to many GPs and a specialist

            • +1

              @mrdean: One in every hundred natural deadly poisons has been proven to be very helpful in curing some conditions. Try all of them one by one until you get the result you were looking for.
              It's OK remember they are natural.

            • @mrdean: Did you know that the prescribed medication for heart arrythmias, Digoxin is 'natural', it's from the foxglove plant. So is the poison strychnine from the strychnine tree.

              Just because something is natural, doesn't automatically make it good. Naturalistic fallacy

              • -2


                Did you know

                Yes. It has a long history of use, way before the effect was "discovered" by those working for the chemical cartels in modern times & then processed in various ways including with poisons like sulfuric acid (among others) to produce a substance which then can be turned or compounded into tablets (& other forms), adding various other substances or "fillers" along the way. And yes, the plant can certainly can be dangerous depending on how it is used.

                I love how you "skeptics" automatically throw out the "naturalistic fallacy" as if people who know about herbal treatments don't realise this. Priceless. It's also very amusing because there are homeopathic remedies made from foxglove, but the skeptics say they can't work because it's just "water" or pillules as the case may be.

                • +2

                  @mrdean: 'Chemical cartels', also known as pharmaceutical companies, are not to be trusted, checks and balances of double-blind, random controlled, longitudinal studies of a decent sample size, peer review and conflict of interest are vital. However, what works, works, what doesn't, doesn't, no matter if it's natural or synthesized. The placebo affect is real, and correlation doesn't equal causation. Homeopathy has been proven to be no better than placebo.

          • +8

            @BreezyPalms: Yeah, but diagnosed based on what?

            They made the entire thing up and billed you for something that was pointless but not harmful.

            • -4

              @Leiothrix: @Leiothrix thanks for joining the conversation and sharing your incredible wisdom and insights!

            • +2


              They made the entire thing up

              Of course, it was all in @BreezyPalms head, and what was prescribed actually did nothing at all!

              I'm not a stooge for naturopaths. Never been to one. But it's clear that they can be of assistance. Blind faith in medical science is just as idiotic.

              • +3

                @photonbuddy: Do you know what the word "science" means?

                Basically at some point someone has asked a question "does this work?" and has then proven it one way or the other.

                Alternative medicine just make things up as they go along. If it actually worked it would be normal medicine and normal doctors would use it.

                Science does not require faith, alternative practitioners do.

                • +6


                  Do you know what the word "science" means?

                  Indeed. That's why I don't discard alternative medicine.

                  Alternative medicine just make things up as they go along.

                  LOL. That's utter BS, and you know it. Asking the questions, and finding the solution is how alternative medicine came into being. Of course, we call it alternative medicine, but lets be clear, it existed long before modern medicine did.

                  If it actually worked it would be normal medicine and normal doctors would use it.

                  OP has been to GP's and specialists, and still has a problem. @BreezyPalms is getting negged because they have related their story of success with alternative medicine. Are you saying they just made that up?

                  Don't get me wrong, I do think people should be going to their GP when they have a problem. Unlike some, though, I have room in my head for the idea that modern science, or more precisely the practitioners of modern science, can't answer the questions that have been answered before.

                  • +3

                    @photonbuddy: Science is a process not a belief system.

                    Asking the questions, and finding the solution is how alternative medicine came into being

                    Yeah sure. They can prove it right? If they could then there would not be any argument about it.

                    Are you saying they just made that up?


                    can't answer the questions that have been answered before.

                    What questions? And if you're answering without scientific method then you are just making things up. It may not be intentional but that is irrelevant.

                    If "alternative medicine" demonstrably worked then it would not be called "alternative medicine", it would just be called "medicine".

                    • @Leiothrix:

                      Science is a process not a belief system.

                      Precisely. And let me tell you this: Alternative medicine - which was in fact the first medicine - has had a FAR FAR longer process than modern medicine.

                      But … feel free to stick your head in the sand. Those that actually get benefit from this stuff (not myself, as I've never used it) will go on their much merrier way.

                      Only a complete idiot would suggest it's all just a placebo.

                      • -1

                        @photonbuddy: Alternative medicine has been around far longer sure. That just means that they have been doing it wrong for a very long time. There is no process behind it though because it is mostly faith healing.

                        Homeopathy for example is a $10B/yr industry and they literally sell water with no active ingredients of any kind in it. That may also be an indicator of the state of the health systems in the countries that it is popular in as well as people can't afford actual health care.

                        If any of these alternative treatments actually worked then they could prove it. If it can't be proven then how do you know that it works? Faith, obviously.

                        It isn't too much to ask, and it isn't like the industry lacks the money.

                        Only a complete idiot would suggest that anything works based on hearsay or tradition rather than actual evidence.

                        • +2


                          If any of these alternative treatments actually worked then they could prove it. If it can't be proven then how do you know that it works?

                          You keep rambling on with this.

                          You can't honestly expect us to believe that all the good results people have are not real? How do you explain those results?

                          Only a complete idiot would suggest that anything works based on hearsay or tradition rather than actual evidence.

                          So what, because a course of action has helped someone … dozens of someone's over the centuries … it should not be taken seriously?

                          You go on about science. Tell me about all the times science has failed … or, probably, the times people have selfish reason why science has failed.

                          There are many examples of your beloved science getting it wrong, yet you still expect us to believe in it, but you discard the centuries of knowledge gained in medicine.

                          Anyway, you keep believing that. I just hope you're not caught out in the middle of the dessert and fall ill, where the only options are to die, or have aboriginal alternative medicine applied.

                          I guess you have extra time to study, given that you don't go to church etc.

                          • +1


                            There are many examples of your beloved science getting it wrong, yet you still expect us to believe in

                            Science doesn't require belief, that is the point of it. And getting things wrong is not a problem, that is how anyone learns. Science is a process not an institution. The alternative to proving something is just assertion.

                            but you discard the centuries of knowledge gained in medicine.

                            What knowledge? If it works then they can prove that it works. Otherwise it is hearsay.

                            So what, because a course of action has helped someone … dozens of someone's over the centuries … it should not be taken seriously?

                            How do you know that it has helped anyone? Anecdotes don't cut it, that is the point of rigor.

                            You either know something works because you can prove it; or you hope something works because you have faith in it. Those are your two options.

                            How could you know that something works if you can't prove it? Why would you accept "it worked for me" as acceptable? I have a rock that keeps tigers away, it works for me…

                            I am a proponent of so called "alternative" medicine & know Leiothrix very well from threads on Whirlpool. Homeopathy <snip>

                            That's me :) WP is a bit easier to follow along with though. If homeopathy actually worked then they could prove it. It's a $10B/yr industry for selling small bottles of water, they certainly have the funding for it. MoA is a nice-to-have, proving it works at all is what is important though.

                            Being so closed minded

                            People always use this term in the complete opposite way that it is meant. Closed minded is holding on to your beliefs in spite of no supporting evidence and mountains of evidence to the contrary, which is what the alternative medicine folks do.

                            Open minded is the point of science. I will happily believe anything you like but you just have to prove it first.

                            I like how alternative medicine is so often rejected by science

                            People seem to think that "science" is a monthly committee meeting of crusty old business leaders who decide for the world what is legitimate and what is not.

                            Science is just a way of doing things, there is no barrier of entry. If a naturopath, a masters or PhD student at uni, a doctor, a herb company, a drug company or similar could demonstrate efficacy in a rigorous and repeatable manner then we wouldn't be arguing.

                            • -1


                              And getting things wrong is not a problem, that is how anyone learns

                              So it's ok for science to get things wrong, but not alternative medicine?

                              What knowledge? If it works then they can prove that it works. Otherwise it is hearsay.

                              What a stupid thing to say. I mean seriously. To suggest there is no knowledge in alternative medicine is beyond stupid. To suggest that all the practitioners started from a zero history of knowledge is idiotic.

                              Once again, you disregard all this, while allowing science to bypass your nonsense.

                              But, as I said, You do you. You're just as bad a religious nut jobs who are close minded to anything but their faith. You say science isn't a faith, but you certainly preach like it is.

                              • @photonbuddy:

                                To suggest there is no knowledge in alternative medicine is beyond stupid

                                Soooo they can prove it, right? Otherwise it is not knowledge it is faith.

                                Once again, you disregard all this, while allowing science to bypass your nonsense.

                                Nope, the point of science is improving on previous knowledge. People get things wrong, technology improves, science adapts as the body of knowledge grows. If it didn't change it would be a problem because that would be tradition or authority rather than fact.

                                You're just as bad a religious nut jobs who are close minded to anything but their faith

                                See my previous post on that. I'm open minded because I will believe anything, you just need to prove it first. Alt medicine folks are the closed minded ones because they won't believe in anything outside of their dogma regardless of what any evidence suggests. And it's not like this is a philosophical discussion here, alt medicine is within the natural realm, science works on it just the same as any other medicine. And all sorts of natural remedies have been tested over and over and for the most part it's crickets.

                                You say science isn't a faith, but you certainly preach like it is.

                                Also nope. All I'm saying is prove it or it didn't happen.

                                You wouldn't get in an aeroplane that some guy built in his backyard with the assurance of "trust me bro it worked for me", so why would you accept medicine with the same basis?

                                You are the one insisting that something must work with no evidence to support it, that is what faith is.

                            • @Leiothrix: "People seem to think that "science" is a monthly committee meeting of crusty old business leaders who decide for the world what is legitimate and what is not."

                              You've just described "the science" if climate.

                              In True Science

                              YOU DON’T
                              hide and withhold the raw data from other scientists who would like to verify findings.

                              YOU DON’T
                              plot and scheme to prevent scientists that don't agree with you from being published.

                              YOU DON’T
                              alter and "homogenize" data such as “Fudger” Hansen does with GISS data at NASA to exaggerate the warming.

                              YOU DON’T
                              say the "science is settled" before doing any research into the many warming and cooling cycles, including ice ages that have been occurring for thousands of years.

                              YOU DON’T
                              make wild statements and use scare tactics in order to get media attention as they did in 1988, predicting a 20 ft rise in sea levels by now.
                              (Noted oceanographer Nils-Axel Morner states that sea levels have risen very little in the past 50 years).

                      • @photonbuddy:

                        Those that actually get benefit from this stuff (not myself, as I've never used it) will go on their much merrier way.

                        It is getting increasingly difficult to do this because of a couple of factors. One is the incremental tightening of regulations & restrictions lobbied for by pharmaceutical interests & so called concerned citizen groups. Another is the ongoing contamination & pollution of the earth.

                        I am a proponent of so called "alternative" medicine & know Leiothrix very well from threads on Whirlpool. It would be a mistake to call them complete idiots, because most of them are smart, educated professionals. If you don't believe me, look up the "Friends of Science in Medicine" website, carefully read the mission statement & then look at the list of supporters.

                        They have been conditioned, precisely because of the fact they're educated. They love to stick the boot into modalities like tcm or homeopathy. Homeopathy in particular is a powerful treatment modality & has a scientific process behind it, but because the so called "mechanism of action" is unknown or not believable these "educated skeptics" ridicule it.

                        • -1


                          They have been conditioned,

                          Which kinda flies in the face of most of them are smart, educated professionals.

                          Being so closed minded as to claim everyone who has a positive outcome was having a placebo effect, or whatever ailed them just happened to go away at the same time does qualify them as being completely idiotic.

                          I wonder how many of these people you speak of have religious beliefs …

                          • +1


                            Which kinda flies in the face of most of them are smart, educated professionals.

                            Only on a superficial reasoning level.

                            How else does one explain the OAM's & AM's & professors on the FSOM site that agree with their poorly written & argued position document?



                            These are educated & intelligent people who have gone through a system & taught that the only system worth anything is an "evidence" based one, that adheres to the so called modern scientific method. And yet, none of these mostly intelligent people have the self awareness to critical examine just how the modern system really works.

                            The arguments they use are parroted by many people like the poster you were engaged with above. And the influence they have precisely because of their positions in the modern world in not just academia but in politics & public service too, has had numerous damaging effects including but not limited to the removal of teaching courses at universities & colleges that were devoted to so called complementary therapies & the dobbing in & targeting of alternative practitioners (this has expanded to medical doctors who questioned the narrative over the last 4 years) to medical boards or complaints commissions.

                            These people are tools of the system & they are being used to do the systems dirty work.

                      • @photonbuddy:

                        Alternative medicine - which was in fact the first medicine - has had a FAR FAR longer process than modern medicine.

                        Trepanning predates modern medicine so should we bring that back because old === good right? And maybe GPs should be recommending we track down a Babylonian skull to lick when we come down with the flu.

                        Knowledge grows over time and we get better tools to prove/disprove previously held beliefs. The scientific method prescribes a way of testing, and retesting, a hypothesis to prove or disprove it. And this is why we don't drill holes into people's heads to let the demons out anymore (at least not where I live).

                        • +2


                          Trepanning predates modern medicine so should we bring that back because old === good right?

                          Now you're just being silly!

                          The scientific method prescribes a way of testing, and retesting, a hypothesis to prove or disprove it.

                          Exactly. So, after hundreds of years of using alternative medicine, don't you think the practitioners have also done this? Why is their body of work to be discarded?

                          I like how alternative medicine is so often rejected by science, yet, for many people, it cures issues that modern medicine fails to. Of course, the deniers see that as just a placebo.

          • +1

            @BreezyPalms: Don't waste your money lmao

            • +1

              @Papa Huggies: @Papa Huggies it was 10 years ago and it worked, what was or is the waste 🤷‍♂️

          • @BreezyPalms: Naturopaths are actual quacks.

            2 stories as example- friends went and saw two different ones. Both referred them to a pharmacist to buy some certain supplements. Their schtick was that they didn't want a conflict of interest so see the pharmacist.

            Anyway, turns out they were both related to their pharmacist. In fact, one was married to them.

      • +3

        I've been sick of the cost of living crisis in the past 9 months.

      • Create a daily diary for a few weeks, recording all symptoms and the time they occur.
        Also, write down what you ate, the quantities plus the time you ate it.
        Write down any supplements, medicines, drugs, herbs, etc. that you take and the times and quantities.
        On top of that record any other information you think is relevant.

        I assure you that doing this will give far more substance to your insights when seeing your GP than relying on memories that can be regarded as unreliable by GPs.

        Not doing this because you think it is too hard could be a sign that your symptoms aren't as bad as you think they are

      • -1

        yeah go see some magician, black magic people, snake oil, chinese medicine etc.

        not that I recommend, but you just asking for ideas (other than GP's and specialiasts aka outside the scientific field)

    • On the other hand I'm a fully paid up member of medicines sans qualifications so I reckon I can give it a go.

  • +29

    This question is made for reddit…
    Give it a spin over there if you want random and potentially dangerous lifestyle/health advice.

    • Thank you for your suggestion

  • -1

    Go see your doctor

    • +4

      I have been to many GP's and a specialist. Just kindly asking for some ideas on here.

      • How many different GP opinions did you see/get and over what period? Also, go get other specialist opinions as well.

  • +5

    Are you by any chance an extremely stressed/anxious individual?

    • +2

      Not at the moment, last year when the builder went bankrupt and I lost a lot of money it was always on my mind. I still think of it, but don't feel stressed as much, whats done is done.

      • +1

        How much

        • +3

          More than 4 years of my working salary

      • +6

        The stress can build up without you knowing and the chemical in your body takes time to readjust. A psychiatrist may be able to assess you on this. Counselling, if you’re open to the treatment may help too. If you can manage financially (I know you had a major set back here), time off work may bring your health back on track if you can get into a physical exercise regime. All of the above helped me in the past. All the best.

  • +1

    High uric acid, high cholesterol, fatty liver… are you overweight? do you exercise?

    • +1

      Yes, I'm 6 feet and 82kg so slim build.

      • +3

        I'd say that's a standard build, which is ideal. You don't want to be too skinny.

        Reference: I'm 6ft and I weigh 65-67kg that's more on the 'slim' side for that height.

      • You need to exercise my friend. Did you ignore that part of the question?

        Increase your exercise and improve your diet. Someone that height and that slim should not have fatty liver unless they are quite sedentary

      • Waist, chest, upper thigh and upper arm measurements please

  • +6

    Fatty Liver is usually a sign of metabolic disease :/

    I reversed my GERD and fatty liver (and a myriad of other issues) by doing the carnivore diet, going on 6 years and no re-occurrence of either!

    • +1

      I saw a youtube guy talk about that, it said try eat meat only for 2 weeks. But if I have high uric acid, and high cholesterol I do not think it is wise to go on a meat only diet?

        • +42

          Lol at taking health advice from Joe Rogan

            • +7

              @7ekn00: sooo, do really need joe to add his 'vibe' to their advice, or could we just go straight to the source?

              • +2

                @Wort: Joe interviews very experienced doctors, who specialise in helping these weird illnesses forgoten by the medical industry. Or you can keep taking your psylium husk and chia seeds while living on white rice as the only solution generic doctors can make up.

                For clarity, I had a decade of non stop diarhea, 6+ a day, only stopped when I was doing week long fasts, almost anorexic, struggling to work, and doctors were entirely helpless on incapable. I fixed it with some crazy fecal transplants. 6+ messy shits a day to 1 shit a day and some diet modification. You do have to do some things yourself, most doctors can only help with life threatening diseases, very few seem able to handle anything else.

                I tried carnivour, gaps/fodmaps, fasting, juice fasting, elimination diets, spent thousands on every fad supplent under the sun. Turns out I just needed the bacteria from someones shit! Simple.

                • @lew380: If it wasn't done through an official channel how did you organise this?!

                  • @FezMonkey: I also want to know the steps involved in a backyard fecal transplant

                    • +4

                      @Assburg: You have to be desperate enough and exhaust all other avenues honestly. Get the sample, mix it up with some water and powdered porridge in a zip lock bag. Use a syringe to "implant" the solution and hold it in(1hr or as long as you can) while questioning how the hell you got to this point in life.

                      Did it several times over a 1 month period and results were almost immediate.

                      To be fair, I still have digestive issues but they respond to diet very well. If I eat clean and stay away from junk food. I feel great.

                      • @lew380: Man that is incredible. Very glad it worked out for you.

                • @lew380: I completely understand the need to diy, the system is far from perfect

                  Medical science has known about transplants for a while now so I wouldn't say all doctors dont know….

                  But my concern is that the method for getting that knowledge to people shouldn't be a platfrom with so much ….uh….baggage

                • +1

                  @lew380: I've been having similar problems for a while now, doctors keep telling me its IBS what ever that means, all the diets arent working….. How did you go about finding a suitable doner? I'm at my wits end and I've definitely topped your record of 6 shits a day.

                  • +1

                    @splashprone 420: For me it was just luck, had a family member around who had a good digestive history and reliable.I had tried some years earlier with another family member but that was a disaster, not a great sample. It's not an easy conversation, as I'm sure you get, but it's worth a shot. People will understand.

                    You should get the donor tested but I just took a risk. There are doctors in the east coast who will do it, frozen pills are another option but costs are up in the thousands. I was on a budget. It's a good diy challenge!

      • +1

        I had a mate do the carnivore diet, he went from chubby to lean and looked healthy. He preached and preached to everyone so much about it. After he did it for about 3 years, the poor bastard got bells palsy. Looked like he had a stroke. Doctors said diet was the main contributor… He returned to a normal diet, and is now healthy.

        You only hear about the people preaching this diet, never the bad stuff.

        The diet seems to get results…. 100% would not recommend doing it long term.

    • +2

      Me too.
      Been off carnivore for a couple of years, but was doing well on just low carb and excluding grains and legumes, but fell off the wagon about 6 months ago. Went back on grains and digestion issues and weight starting to creep up despite careful calorie counting.
      Time for another bout of carnivore and then back onto low carb.

  • -4

    It sounds like an acute case of imminent death

  • +1

    for me when my stool fluctuates I go on a Guinness diet.

    just Guinness. - no solids except for starchy foods - mostly just rice + potatoes.

    it "resets" my intestines and my stools return to normal consistency.

    I am not joking.

    • +1

      What does your work say about brining in a 6 pack of Guinness for lunch?

  • +18

    9 months …I'll feel nausea

    Congratulations 🎉

  • +1

    You need to find out what kind of doctors deal with this kind of thing, and then go see them.

  • +8

    I can't comment on all your symptoms, but burping after eating and indigestion gets worse as you get older. I sometimes burp all night. Solution is: eat less (if possible, much less), don't eat before sleeping, don't eat too much carbohydrates, give up caffeine (decaffeinated coffee is ok).

    Try to lose weight around your belly area, as the fat may be compressing your stomach, allowing your weakening pyloric sphincter to release stomach acid into your oesophagus.

    Don't sit too long hunched over with your chest pressing down on your stomach. Try to be as active as possible.

    • +3

      Thank you for your sincere reply. I'll take note of that, I actually don't drink coffee at all. I'll take note about carbs and eating less before sleep.

  • +7

    Oh easy, I'm 28 and went through this recently.
    All the symptoms. 5'11, 74KG.
    Barrets Esophagus, occasionally would have to force myself to vomit cause of the choking feeling.
    I was taking something similar to nexium every day to relieve symptoms but obviously the bone density reducing issues kinda suck.
    What I've done is quit my job and go to something low/stress free, this has reduced every 2~ days daily issues to once every 3-4 weeks, switched from eating highly acidic foods to low acid diet - this has made the least impact funnily enough and quitting vaping has basically reduced it to once every 3-4 months, pop a gaviscon and all good.
    They can't mis-identify this condition either, go for further testing.
    The things I've suggested are also harmless and worth trying

    • +2

      Thanks for the reply, noted. I don't vape or smoke at all, nor do I drink alcohol the last 8 to 9 months. I'll try the less stress and low acid foods. And thanks for the positive comments :)

  • +5

    I understand how you feel. While everyone is saying you should seek professional opinion, I personally had an experience where I went through two specialists and a few GPs, including GPs in other countries, but my situation did not improve. I was desperate and almost fall into depression. Somehow, I stumbled across someone on the internet whose advice actually helped me… so ymmv.

    anyhoo. You sounded like you have low stomach acid / lack of bile. Have you noticed if your stool is oily/discolored ?

    • My stool oddly enough sometimes its green without eating any greens. But more so highlighter yellow which is a regular occurrence. But the specialist said it is normal, nothing to worry about.

      • well this is NOT health advice by any means.

        Yeah. Yellow stool most likely means there is excess fat in the stool. In short your digestive system could be having hard time breaking down fat. How is your iron level, ferratin level in your blood test ?

        • I'll check and let you know. But the doc said everything is good other than Cholesterol and Uric acid being high.

  • +15

    Most of the conditions you have mentioned can be caused by bad eating habits, improper sleep, and lack of exercise. Lifestyle changes will help.

    I have had similar conditions as yours but not as bad. I am not a Doctor, but I can suggest something that has helped me.

    1. Avoid alcohol. Beer is the worst in such cases.
    2. Avoid spicy & fried food.
    3. Do not lie down after a meal. I use a standing desk, so I don't even have to sit after lunch. It helped me a lot.
    4. Take psyllium husk two spoons in water before going to bed.
    5. Eat lots and lots of fibre.
    6. Read about improving your gut and good bacteria. I started eating sauerkraut. Make sure it's refrigerated as the good bacteria die if it's not refrigerated.
    7. Avoid sugar and soft drinks. Drink Kombucha instead. Kombucha has good bacteria. Yakult as well.
    8. Stop smoking.
    9. Avoid or eliminate simple carbs like white rice.
    10. Take up a sport that you love. With me, running and other types of workouts did not help much. I started playing football, and it made things a lot better for me.

    I have something called Barret's esophagus, as I had Gerd for 20 years. I also have borderline uric acid, but I don't think that has to do anything with Gerd.

  • This sounds like Gastrointestinal. Good luck with it, suggest you get your house in order.

  • -4

    Gps are trash

    • Trash comment

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