Help! I've Been Sick The past 9 Months

HELP! Indigestion, tight throat feeling, stool fluctuation, throat gurgling noises randomly, regular burping randomly after food.

Hi OzBargain Fam,

I've been a long time reader and haven't posted much on here.

I'm really upset with myself as I've been sick the past 9 months, I've gone to GP done blood tests, gone to Gastroenterologist and they did a CAT scan on the abdomen and an ultrasound on the liver.

The GP said I have high uric acid, high Cholesterol the bad one, the CAT scan showed everything as normal, but the ultrasound showed a fatty liver.

I've tried so many things, but I still have a feeling of indigestion where if I finish eating food, I would burp inconsistently for the next few hours, I've been frequently going to toilet where the stool fluctuates some times diarrhoea. My throat has this tight feeling like something stuck in it, when I finish eating a meal I don't feel like being in someone car as I'll feel nausea. I drove 30mins away from home and I felt my throat tightening up and I had to park on the side of the road and gagged. My stomach makes water sounds randomly, usually after eating. Every morning regardless of what I eat, when I'm in the toilet I would have a long fart first before the stool.

These symptoms have been 9 months, before that I have not had any of them so consistently. It has ultimately impacted my life, I have not travelled far because of nausea feeling, told my friends I can't go to events. I really need this to end.

Last year my builder went into liquidation and I was upset and felt sad as I lost a lot of money. I'm not sure if it is related, and if it is why has it been lasting so long.

When I search online on Google it comes up as either "GERD, IBS, Dyspepsia" for the symptoms I described.

What I've tried:
Apple Cider Vinegar (positive impacts only when used, done for 3 weeks, 2 shots a day), Gastroenterologist recommended Benefiber and Movicol and that helped stopped the constipation I had every morning. Stop regularly using both after 2 weeks, chia seeds for 2 weeks, ginger tea for 2 weeks, psyllium husk flaxseed foe 3 weeks

Please someone give me ideas, I'm really trying to reach out as I would like my life back on track. I'm only 29 years old and this as ultimately ruined my lifestyle


  • +1


  • +5

    Could be gall bladder issues, along with the fatty liver. What specialist did you see? Gastroenterologist? I'd be surprised if they didn't recommend an endoscopy &/or colonoscopy. Probably worth doing. Have you had any previous surgeries where they've taken anything out? (eg tonsils, appendix, thyroid etc) Are you taking any medications?

    • No surgeries, b ut the specialist looked at the blood test results from the GP and organised the CAT scan which happened and I came back for a second visit to go through the scan. The specialised is over 20 years experienced and he said that nothing is wrong and I'm normal in terms of scans and all. He did not recommend endonscopy or colonoscopy

  • +10

    Seems very unusual that the gastroenterologist didn't recommend a gastroscopy and colonoscopy. I went in for a gastroscopy due to a helicobacter infection (causes heartburn, you should get tested for it) and they ended up finding a tumour.

    • I have had a test for H Pylori which came back as negative.

      • That's good. Definitely push for the endoscope. Based on your username I assume you're in Sydney?

        • He told me to get a CAT scan and it came back as normal.

          • +6

            @SYDworker: I had a rare tumour that didn't show on an MRI, MRCP, or CAT scan and only slightly visible on a DOTATATE PET Scan. With an endoscope they could physically see the tumour and an endoscopic ultrasound showed lymph node metastasis.

            In other words don't settle for just a scan. You need someone who will put a camera down there and check visually. Anything unusual can be biopsied at the same time.

          • +1

            @SYDworker: I know you've mentioned blood tests being done. It would be worth checking to see if any of the following have been done. Without asking the doctor you can check My Health Record, as all the big pathology labs upload their results (unless you opted out).

            • Antinuclear Antibody
            • Calprotectin
            • Coeliac AB Master
            • Cyclic Citrulline Peptide
            • DNA Antibody
            • Erythrocyte Sediment Rate
            • Extractable Nuclear Antigen
            • Rheumatoid Master
            • Specific Proteins Master

            A lot of them are pretty standard tests for autoimmune screening.

      • What other gut infections did they test for? Strep? Parasites?

    • +5

      Seems very unusual that the gastroenterologist didn't recommend a gastroscopy and colonoscopy.

      Totally agree with this.

      I had similar symptoms as OP and had gastroscopy and coloniscopy done. I was diagnosed with acid reflux, gastritis, and H Pyrori that caused all the symptoms. I have gone through H Pylori treatment about a month ago and waiting for the retest in a month time.

    • +2

      I also found this strange.

      Endo and Colon are the minimum standards.

      I had MRI alternate with CT as part of my process. Found a tumour that they were able to remove via Endo. Standard CT they failed to catch it.

  • -1

    Get a referral to a specialist and pay up.

  • My advice for the GERD symptoms; don't eat dinner any later than 6pm. If you can go for a walk after that helps. Staying upright after eating, walking and exercise, will help to push food through your system. Drink lots of fluids (not alcohol). Small meals. Lots of leafy greens for the fatty liver. Eat less, exercise more, eat your greens, lots of fluids.

  • +1

    have u tried a probotic like inner health plus
    are u a fast eater?

  • -1

    Get a liver transplant in Argentina or Turkey.

  • +4


    Highly recommend you get checked out for Barrets and any potential hernias in the digestive system

    You need to get a camera down there to take a good look

    Macquarie GI is one of the best in Sydney so organise a referral from your GP and get the experts to check you out ASAP

  • On Antidepressants?

  • +3

    Do you drink with meals? If so, stop drinking 30 mins before a meal and don't drink anything for 90 mins after a meal.

    This naturopath is amazing. You might just find the key in amongst her videos. Start with these two in light of your symptoms. Good luck.

  • Not a doctor, but I agree that an endoscopy may yield a better outcome re diagnoses.

    Another suggestion to see a dietitian (clinical nutritionist) as they can suggest elimination diets to identify food intolerances that may be causing your issue or making symptoms worse.

  • +2

    As someone with a gastroenterologist on speed dial (NAFLD, GORD, enzyme/cell/insulin issues and pancreatitis), you need to be on a management plan dictated by the specialist not us, Dr Google or, tbh, the GP (who, in my experience, like most Drs, usually find this area too complicated).

    For me:

    • no alcohol, smoking, alliums, curries, soft drinks, high acidic foods, and technically caffeine (but I manage lattes). I recently added cherries and cucumber. 🙄
    • strict sugar watching, virtually like a diabetic.
    • prescriptions (Pantoprazole 40mg (currently twice daily as hospitalised 3 times recently with inflammation)
    • Vit E and D (due to liver processing failures. Your specialist should advise)
    • no late night eating
    • double strength Mylanta and Lidocaine or Benzocaine for essentially a Pink Lady at home (to avoid hospital)
    • pain medication
    • Osmolax

    Endoscopy and Colonoscopy are musts. Dont worry, you dont see or feel anything.

    Aside from all that, stress and anxiety are huge triggers. They can cause everything from excess stomach acid to constipation and impaction. If you haven't got rid of the cause of that after 9 months, get a mental health plan.

    • -3

      Do you plan on being on ppi's & other medication for life? Keep in mind our bodies don't "fail" at anything, they are constantly working to PROTECT us. A lot of this has been MISINTERPRETED by the medical profession & their backers the pharmaceutical industry.

      Protect us from what you say? Well, that's a deep rabbit hole. Start looking at what you are being EXPOSED to, & taking in to your body.

      • +2

        Unfortunately, for me, yes Pantoprazole is likely to be for life.

        Im sorry, but for a large portion of people, pancreatic and other gastro related illnesses are genetic. No amount of quackery or blaming the top 3 faves (alcohol, smoking and diabetes) will change that.

        When my management plan has successfully kicked a cancer and a Whipple down the road 15 years so far, Ill take that.

        People need to seek effective gastroenterologist advice. OPs specialist sounds lazy to me. Certainly nothing like the process here. Unfortunately, not being in Adelaide, i cannot recommend anyone for them.

        For those new to these things:…

        • -2

          Sorry to hear it. But if you are happy with the situation & treatment & future then all the best to you. I can only point people to alternatives, up to them if they want to stay on their road or take a different path.
          I will say to you that long term use of pantoprazole & those types of medications increases the risks for certain ailments down the track. If you're not aware, I'd recommend you start researching & if possible start thinking about preventive measures.

          Good luck.

          • +1

            @mrdean: They cannot use preventative measures, they already have it, it's too late. They're managing it with healthy, low symptom causing foods, medications and lifestyle adjustments.

    • +3

      Endoscopy and Colonoscopy are musts. Dont worry, you dont see or feel anything.

      This. Had a GI Endoscopy last yeah and omg, best sleep in ages!

      • Lol .. Yes, I love it .. that propofol (white milk) is the best for sedation / general anesthetic.

        I can completely understand how Michael Jackson's death was caused by propofol.

        If I had the money, I would check with my doctor if he could inject more regularly for medicinal purposes.

  • +1

    Beetroot is good for the liver, and milk thistle supplement. lemon juice and honey.

    • Every morning, I have green tea with apple cider vinegar and lemon juice. I add honey if I have a sore throat, etc. This works for me.

  • Sounds like a gut infection. A doctor won't fix that for you. You need to find someone who can help do a GI Map to confirm.

  • Get off the gluten.

    • Or you may be gluten intolerant. Consider allergy tests OP

  • Have you seen a dietician and gone through any testing? I was having problems and it turned out I was allergic/sensitive to a some things I was eating or the way I was eating them. Had to limit my diet but it's better than feeling awful all the time. I agree with everyone who said to get a colonoscopy and an endoscopy. They can catch things early and they may see something that is causing all of this. Thyroid issues can also make you ill. I hope you find out what is wrong and are feeling better again soon.

  • +6

    I suggest you seek further opinion. I had very similar symptoms many years ago. Had msny tests whick said there was nothing wrong. Was suggested it was emotional. I tried a new dr who did other tests and i had a tumour in my gall bladder. Was referred to a gastrointestinal dr who said that my previous ultrasound which was read as clear was actually misread and he could see the tumour. I had my gall bladder removed and have had no issues since. Dont give up keep searching.

  • +2

    My advice would be to try a recognised naturopath, if you've already gone the gastroenterologist/scan route and yielded no results. My experience is very similar to yours. My naturopath told me he's seen more patients with gastrointestinal issues these past couple of years, than he's seen in his 30+ years of practice. Diet is very important. Stick to low acidity whole foods, ditch junk food and highly processed foods. Bad diets can cause inflammation. Get your microbiome tested, as gut dysbiosis can cause pain and weird food intolerances. Best of luck.

    • +2

      I had a positive experience with a naturopath for a stomach issue also. Interestingly, when I mentioned it in this thread there was a lot of people on this forum that seem to have an axe to grind with naturopaths!

      For what it’s worth it is the one and only issue I have been to see a naturopath about.

      • +3

        Probably because a lot of people who recommend naturopathy are the type that'll say they can cure cancer when it doesn't. The OzBargainer here who tried to say how pepper/turmeric would cure mine will remain nameless. I cross referenced a dozen studies and they were all inconclusive.

        When it comes to gastrointestinal issues a lot of it is caused by gut bacteria and that's an area where a naturopath can help. It's your diet afterall.

        • +1

          @Clear that’s a good point! I certainly don’t make such claims but can see how some closed-minded people might pigeonhole anyone who mentions a naturopath in the same category.

          I only mentioned the success with a naturopath for that issue with my gut and the feedback in the thread was “it didn’t work, it was just a placebo” and “I wasted my money” 😂

        • Probably because a lot of people who recommend naturopathy are the type that'll say they can cure cancer when it doesn't.


          Many treatment options that can work. Here in Australia, probably a bit more difficult to find & access alternative treatment. It does require people to take charge of their own health, which isn't easy.

          • @mrdean: One of the reviews

            The best decision I ever made was to eschew Standard of Care, conventional medicine and follow the Gonzalez non-drug protocol…….(January 2016)
            – Suzanne Somers

            Is Suzanne Somers still alive? If not, what was her cause of death? Can't be cancer if said method was effective.

          • @mrdean: I learned from Steve Jobs. He tried alternative therapy for his PNETs and when he realised it wasn't working it was too late. I wasn't going to let the same happen to me and here I am alive. Unlike him.

            Feel free to link me a natural cure for NETs.

            • -2


              Feel free to link me a natural cure for NETs.

              Already did. Jobs consulted with Gonzalez. They had a lengthy phone conversation. Jobs decided not to proceed. Had he followed the protocol, there'd be a high probability he'd be alive, just like the pancreatic cancer patient cases detailed in the books I linked to.

              • @mrdean: No you did not. You linked me a book to buy and a 4 hours video. Link me something that says plain and clearly how to cure NETs.

                Now remember they're not all in the pancreas. And I don't suppose you know the cause?

                • -2


                  No you did not.
                  Link me something that says plain and clearly how to cure NETs.

                  You want it all simple do you?
                  Like just turn up to a doctor, get some pills, turn up to a clinic, get some radiation & surgery. Don't think, just obey.

                  I never said it was simple, in fact I said it isn't easy, it is probably the hardest thing anyone can do, to take responsibility for ones own health & to be motivated enough & have the courage to research & try a treatment that falls way outside the fraudulent mainstream consensus.

                  All the information you want is contained in the links I gave you which you out of hand dismiss, except the "cause" you want. In my opinion, there are probably many different causes. Also in my opinion, there are many ways to treat it that aren't the Gonzalez protocol.

                  If you don't want to spend 5 hours watching the video, speed it up x2, then you'll only spend 2.5 hrs watching it.

                  Either way, good luck with whatever you decide to do or not do.

                  • @mrdean: Just as I thought. They can never give the simple answer to cure cancer through naturopathy because there isn't one.

                    • @Clear: I could've cured Steve jobs too, if only he followed my protocol of eating 100 oranges a day, rub Brown rice on his face 2.49 times a day, took coffee enemas every 5 hrs, meditate for 26hrs a day and ate lean meat.
                      My protocol can cure anything, from mental illness (don't worry about seeing a psychologists) to cancer, as long as you follow it. 1000% fact.


                      Funny how mrdean convieniently ignored my comment re Suzanne Somers.

                      Why can't gonz share the information for free? How is he better than big pharma.

                      • @Ughhh: He'll probably come up with some bs excuse that Suzanne Somers didn't follow the advice properly or something.

                        • -1


                          He'll probably come up with some bs excuse that Suzanne Somers didn't follow the advice properly or something.

                          Somers has had recurrent illnesses, including breast cancer for a long time before she died. Her book Knockout (circa 2010) is a great read because she cottoned onto the fact that cancer was being cured with far greater success rates alternatively. It opened her eyes & she was a woman on a mission after that.

                          Like the majority of people with cancer, she went the standard route first, & then later once she realized mainstream medicine had little to offer, she mainly focused on alternative. She was saved by mainstream medicine when she became really ill, which is detailed at the start of Knockout, however the hospital doctors wanted to start chemo/radiation on her right away because of the test results which to them indicated an aggressive return of her cancer. She refused, & wouldn't you know it, she was proven right when the scans turn out to have been misdiagnosed.

                          Her story, the ups & downs, is par for the course with people who undergo a mix of conventional & alternative therapies. In her book, the Gonzalez chapter is the longest one. She came to adore Nick.

                          If any of you actually bother to read the case histories in the two volumes I linked to, you'll see for yourselves just what patients go through. You'll also see that most of Gonzalez' patients had primary care physicians & oncology specialists at the same time they were seeing Gonzalez, who was an MD by the way. I think Gonzalez knew this was a brilliant opportunity to write really detailed case histories, because the patients where being routinely scanned & tested by their conventional doctors. It was very amusing to read Gonzalez' description of his patients telling him that the conventional doctors were "baffled" & left scratching their heads when the diagnosis was so poor but they kept on seeing tumors shrink & disappear.

                          And yes, some of the patients on the protocol ended up dying. Some waxed & waned with compliance, the result being the cancer came back (depending on how extensive it was in the first place) when they stopped taking the enzymes, & the cancer retreated when they went back on the full protocol.

                          Any conventionally trained doctor reading this, should, as a matter of decency, read the books that New Spring Press has published. If they dismiss them because of the Chabot trial & wave it away as quackery without reading them, then in my opinion, they are nothing more than useful idiots.

                          • @mrdean:

                            If any of you actually bother to read the case histories in the two volumes I linked to, you'll see for yourselves just what patients go through.

                            I'm not buying a book to find out the 'cure to all cancers ' that you still haven't provided. My cure didn't cost anything.

                            • @Clear:

                              My cure didn't cost anything.

                              And I wish you all the best. Out of curiosity, what's been your quality of life since then? Are you on multiple medications?

                              • @mrdean: Not required to take medication.

                                • @Clear:

                                  Not required to take medication.

                                  Glad to hear it. What was the approach your team recommended? Did you end up having a whipple combined with radiotherapy?
                                  How long has it been since the treatment? How often do you undergo re-evaluation?

                                  • @mrdean: Whipple procedure only. Chemo and radiotherapy are ineffective against my specific NET. It wasn't pancreatic NETs either.

                                    6 monthly check ups.

                                    • @Clear:

                                      6 monthly check ups.

                                      Do they do radiographic studies each time?

                                      Curious if at any time any of the specialists you are under the care of have asked you about or brought up dietary habits? Or even if you mentioned it to them? Did they recommend any particular changes post-whipple?

                                      • @mrdean: No gallbladder certainly affects the diet however I can eat pretty much anything without issue. A whole packet of tim tams? Yeah that'll make me sick but that's not a bad thing.

                                        • @Clear:

                                          No gallbladder

                                          Interesting. I had mine out about 30 years ago. If I knew then what I know now……

                                          In my younger days, my one vice had always been sugar.

                                          • @mrdean:

                                            I had mine out about 30 years ago. If I knew then what I know now…

                                            What do you know about the gallbladder now?
                                            I’m interested in potential new management options.

                                            • @mapax:

                                              What do you know about the gallbladder now?

                                              How to go about dissolving gallstones for one. Many options available.

  • -4

    Google says you have cancer with those symptoms.

    goodluck OP

  • -2

    I had similar symptoms for 4 years and I consulted with different GPs, nothing worked. But yogic lifestyle, herbal medicine and dietician helped me to fix it. I would advise to follow below immediately and 100% you will see improvements
    1. Go vegan
    2. Meditate few times a day just for a couple of minutes
    3. See a naturopath and dietician

  • Your symptoms fit with a diagnosis of oesophageal stricture.
    Ask your GP to be referred for a gastrioscopy or a Barium swallow

  • you probably have a chance to have gout too. try to limit alcohol and drink a lot of water. less red meat and more fiber such as fruits and vegetables. All the best OP.

  • Go see Dr Paul Mason in Burwood with a referral from your local GP. Watch his YT videos. Might save your life. Good luck!

  • How many doctors have you been to ?

  • +1

    Have you been checked for lactose intolerance? Could be in with IBS symptoms. My husband had gut issues for years before being diagnosed with lactose intolerance

    • +2

      Had the same issue, exactly same symptoms OP had. Stopped milk and milk products and things are better. Lactose free milk did not help.

  • Fatty liver is quite serious seek medical opinion. The ozbargain Telehealth have no accolades

  • +1

    What a smorgasboard of advice!

    • I love it - ask a random question - what's wrong with me - and I can tell a bunch of actual doctors are here posting advice - for free

      God Bless Australia - Land of the Fee-Free GP (at least if I'm an existing customer with an appointment at my usual local) - yay !

  • +4

    Speaking from personal experience - had similar gastrointestinal issues (severe gastric pain, bloating) when I was ~25 and experiencing a lot of stress at the time. Get a urea breath test done to check for Helicobacter pylori. It is very common especially in the Asian community due to food sharing. If positive, you will do a course of antibiotics.

    Also - the best cure for me has been probiotics, which I took as Keffir and Kombucha (homebrews). Keffir was the better one - but I personally don't like the taste as much as Kombucha. It may sound like pseudoscience, but its been around for thousands of years. I'm a scientist, trained in microbiology and was a sceptic at first, but convinced after it had fixed my issues.

  • +2

    Have you been tested for celiac disease? Allergic to gluten/wheat.

  • Sounds like GERD however GERD is a label for a symptom and doesn't actually give an indication towards a cause.

    It really could be as simple as lactose intolerance which can have an impact as a person ages. Trying a lower gluten diet may also have benefits as we age things become harder to digest.

    You might also just need to get some gaviscon chewable or other antacids and carry them with you as the symptoms you report are indigestion related.

    I'd also recommend eating a piece of worming chocolate. It doesn't sound like the cause but its so easy to do and parasites can have gastrointestinal impact so it's worth doing for what it's worth.

  • +2

    I've been having some gut issues of late that have gradually worsened to the extent of creeping desperation.

    With a fairly significant diet change I've been improving my health. My tips are:
    -Cut out white bread totally (change to wholegrain)
    -Cut out highly processed foods (especially deli meats like ham, bacon, salami - this hurts alot to lose the love of my life but sacrifices are required)
    -Cut out deep fried foods - like totally eliminate any deep fried foods
    -Smash fibre into your system, I've been chewing through raspberries like no ones business
    -add gut bacteria with yoghurt and yokult

    For me the key was to not reduce these bad foods but eliminate them from your diet. Sometimes I will have a failure of commitment and sneak in one of these foods which is forgivable but try to banish the idea that they are sometimes foods.

    • For people with IBS, I'd probably be cautious of fibre, it can be difficult to digest. I've had gut issues for a decade and avoided a lot of processed foods/sugars etc. My health got better but the digestion issues would always linger to an extent. It was only until I went on a more an animal based diet I realised that eating high fibre foods and veggies were one of the causes for my digestion issues. Everyone is different, but something to consider.

      • Oh yeah? That’s interesting. I am not sure if it’s IBS for me but I think it’s likely.

        I might try changing a bit.

  • I‘ve been through almost same thing as you in 4 years ago. High pressure at that time made me eat too much, which led to the same symptoms you have. Did the blood test and gastrocopy, confirmed that I got bad acid reflux and intestinal metaplasia, which was a dangerous signal. After that I started to control myself on easting, with less and more healthy food each meal. Stop eating snacks and juices (I do not smoke or drink), and the symptoms started to get better after probably half year.
    Now I still have some digestion symptom but very minor. And new gastrocopy shows my intestinal metaplasia is the safe type. Eveything back to normal. Hope you feel better soon as well.

  • +2

    You're going to get a lot of anecdotal advice here, don't follow it.

    Just because a specific thing worked for one person doesn't mean it will work for you.

    OZB is not for health advice, you should be going to more specialists and other GP's getting second, third opinions.

    Self diagnosing will never end well.

    • Its not Ozdocter so I think OP realises that and is asking for anecdotal stories

    • +1

      I agree to an extent however people need to participate in their own healthcare. Asking a GP questions and suggestions can help diagnosis. E.g could I be lactose intolerant?

  • +3

    One thing is to minimize sugar in your diet.

    Look for a book at the library called "Liver Better Life" by Professor Paul Gow, he is my liver specialist here in Melbourne.…

  • +1

    I had GERD for many years and took PPIs on and off, then it flared up to the point last year that I needed constant use of PPIs. My GP referred me to a gastro who sent me for an endo and also did a colonoscopy since I get what I believed was IBS at times, which found nothing significant. Interestingly before the procedure the anaesthetist told me she thought I most likely have obstructive sleep apnoea and then during the procedure my airway became obstructed basically confirming her thoughts. Since being diagnosed with sleep apnoea and using a CPAP, my GERD has been a lot more manageable to the point I rarely need PPIs now. From reading I did, it seems to be quite common that some people’s GERD is in part resolved by their sleep apnoea treatment.

    You aren’t high risk for sleep apnoea based off your BMI, but if you are a bad snorer, a sleep study might be worth looking into.

    • +1

      I got diagnosed with OSA a few weeks ago. This is a frequent comorbidity.

  • +1

    Based on your symptoms and medical history, it sounds like you are dealing with GERD or functional dyspepsia - discomfort after eating, burping, and throat tightness, among other symptoms. Given your stress levels from the financial loss, psychological factors may also be contributing?

    In addition to the treatments you've tried ie. apple cider vinegar and dietary supplements, I suggest consulting with your gastroenterologist for further evaluation. They may recommend additional tests (I'd hope so). Stress-reduction techniques and dietary modifications could also help with your discomfort. Increase proteins, unprocessed foods etc.

    All the best :)

  • -1

    Try travelling overseas or interstates and have GPs there to check your symptoms. It is not rare that GP are familiar with procedure and pattern that they cannot pickup symptoms in niche cases

  • +1

    To the OP your tummy is sick and you have other issues that needs attention. Find another GP for a second opinion you will eventually find a one that can help you.

    Firstly you need to nurse your tummy back to health. Avoiding certain gassy food will help but you also need to learn to regulate your breathing. Stress can screw up your tummy.

    Eat low GI food. Choose those slow release food. So you stay full longer without the need to snack unnecessarily. Whatever you put in your mouth now will delay your recovery. Your tummy is now in an unbalanced mode you need to nurse it back to health. Stay away from sweet stuff as this will increase stomachacid. Have early dinner, sit or stand after meals. Do not eat before sleep. Limit your food intake, temporary hungry is better than being bloated forever.

    Chew your food well your tummy needs time to gain it's functionality. Don't try to be funny switch between meat only meals or vegan diet. Your tummy will be very confused and it takes months to get acclimated to a completely new diet. Do not eat anything in huge amount, a balance diet helps.

    You don't have to quit your fav food forever but you need to get your tummy functionality back again then you will have a better quality of life. By then you can experiment with foods and observe your stomach reactions.

    Medication will work but it is not a good permanent solution.

  • +1

    Try celiac disease/ gluten intolerance. It could pop up suddenly too

  • Cut back on all the curry.

  • +1

    +1 for another opinion

    about 5 years ago i kept having stomach pain and diarhoea etc and when i googled my symptoms i was adamant that i had IBS or Crohns or something similar, ive been to different GPs and a specialist also, done many blood test and even a colonoscopy but came up negative to everything.. i felt so down and hopeless until it got to the point where i got really sick and when i went to the hospital and got checked up i had alot of problems and it turned out to be lupus, after years of different medications and all i am alot better now so dont give up and get another opinion from another specialist or go to the ER and get thoroughly checked out

  • Look into intermittent fasting, fasting (depending on your current weight), lowcarb-keto-carnivore diets. A much improved digestion is an immediate benefit. Stable stool, virtually total removal of gas. Long-term effects are weight loss and removal of visceral fat (including fixing your potential NAFLD). A lot of people claim improved mental health.
    It's very easy to do: stop all processed foods, grains and sugar. Eat meat, eggs, butter and some good veg/fruit.

  • -2

    Why would anyone share personal health details on a forum that is, essentially, about saving money?


  • I have been to many GP's and a specialist. Just kindly asking for some ideas on here.

    Dr House MD would suggest it's Munchausen disease…

    But hey, I'm no Dr House. Lot of your symptoms seem to relate with stress and food. If I were you, I'd carefully look into get on top of that. For a start, stop stress eating, limit your food intake to 2 meals a day and no snack in between. Simplify your meals (as in no processed kinds and simple proteins) so you can potentially isolate what kinds of food impact your given symptoms. Intermittent fasting and bit of workout will definitely help with your fatty liver as well. Cut down on carbs, sugars and switch to something like keto friendly diet. Just eat all you want during the main meals and main meals only. (no snacks). Talk to someone you trust about your mental issues and it'll help with your stress.

    Good luck!

  • We are not doctors so can obviously only guess. What is your diet like? What do you eat and drink every day? (Be honest).

  • +1

    fyi these issues have also shown up in long covid in some people as it imbalanced the gut bacteria. absolutely not saying thats it but just another possibility as had this for a while after getting covid even though my covid was mild with general cold symptoms. bviously though go see another doctor ect for second opinions and tests

  • Sounds like you need to keep things simple, just eat a healthy balanced diet and exercise regularly. Increase your fruit and veg intake to boost your fibre and nutrients.

    You need a wholistic approach rather than focusing on too many specific foods. The specifics I would include is foods with good bacteria such as natural yoghurts, sauerkraut etc. Also try not to eat too late in the evening, try nothing after 6pm.

  • +3

    Share most of your symptoms. Started about 6 years ago (45 years old then). Been on the Nexium, Endoscopy, colonoscopy, gastroscopy, reflux testing etc. etc. etc. None were specifically significant (except the reflux was pretty obvious on the barium test but was told it wasn't enough to worry about). I've been through a lot of fixes with experts here are things that helped me:

    1> DO NOT SMOKE or VAPE.
    2> DO NOT eat 3 hours before bed.
    3> If you can afford it get a bed that can lift your upper torso to a higher degree - I find this helped heaps. Mine is probably at 15 or so degrees.
    4> If you can't do 3 get something to prop you up a bit.
    5> If you can't do 4 then sleep on your RIGHT side.
    6> Get them to do a Coeliac panel. If a high count get a biopsy to confirm. My daughter was diagnosed having the same sort of symptoms. I have been tested negative multiple times and I've tried gluten free for 6 weeks - no difference so I definitely do not have it but absolutely worth doing.
    7> Limit coffee, alchohol, sugary drinks, spicy food, tomatoes etc. etc. especially when getting close to bed time.
    8> Move around - especially if you have a seated job. 40 minutes a day of exercise if you can find the time minimum.

    I'm pretty much symptom free when I follow my own rules. If I have a pissy weekend or come back from a cruise or something I have to start all over again as it all starts again…

    All the best.

  • +2

    Yes, stress has a direct impact on your digestion so there is a real possibility you're still dealing with the trauma of dealing with the house and losing money.

    I've been dealing with bloating for the last two plus years. I don't know what kicked it off but it happened around the same time of a long period of stress and anxiety in my life.

    I was tested for h.pylori which can cause bloating and ulcers and it came back negative.

    Tried PPIs because I thought the pain and bloating in my stomach was gastritis. This made no difference to my symptoms and came off them.

    Had an endoscope performed and it that showed a mild hiatal hernia which might be contributing to the problem, but the Gastroenterologist didn't say much about it. Everything else looked ok.

    When I told him my main issue was bloating he said it it can be due to 1) Food in tolerances and to try following FODMAP. 2) Constipation 3) The nervous system. He said emotions of feeling sad or happy can make it worse which I've found to be true.

    What makes the most sense to me is that a period of prolonged stress caused IBS that won't go away. I've commonly seen this on Reddit where usually two things kick it off, food poisoning or stress. Also research the brain gut connection as I've read of people suddenly resolving digestive issues after leaving stressful situations, or going on antidepressants.

    Fatty liver is typically caused by excess sugar consumption or beer. Cut out all sugar and fruit and juices. Beer can also cause uric acid issues.

    Try following the Fodmap diet with attention to grains and dairy. At the end of the day you might not be able to cure your symptoms until you deal with your past, I suspect this is my problem.

  • +1

    Small meals, no fizzy drinks, exercise at least twice a week maybe more if you can manage it, slant your bed slightly with the head end being higher, take Dymista (available over the counter), get tested for asthma and do a barium swallow test.

  • +1

    The mind and body aren't separate compartments; mental pain causes physical pain. For me angst causes inflammation in several joints and reflux, but psychosomatic symtoms vary enormously between individuals.

    A drug that lowers stomach acidity (eg omeprazole, tagamet) may help with the indigestion. It won't help with bowel issues though. They don't have any short term side effects in moderate doses. You can purchase them without a prescription (just to test whether they are effective or not), but they may be cheaper with a prescription.

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