HELP! Indigestion, tight throat feeling, stool fluctuation, throat gurgling noises randomly, regular burping randomly after food.
Hi OzBargain Fam,
I've been a long time reader and haven't posted much on here.
I'm really upset with myself as I've been sick the past 9 months, I've gone to GP done blood tests, gone to Gastroenterologist and they did a CAT scan on the abdomen and an ultrasound on the liver.
The GP said I have high uric acid, high Cholesterol the bad one, the CAT scan showed everything as normal, but the ultrasound showed a fatty liver.
I've tried so many things, but I still have a feeling of indigestion where if I finish eating food, I would burp inconsistently for the next few hours, I've been frequently going to toilet where the stool fluctuates some times diarrhoea. My throat has this tight feeling like something stuck in it, when I finish eating a meal I don't feel like being in someone car as I'll feel nausea. I drove 30mins away from home and I felt my throat tightening up and I had to park on the side of the road and gagged. My stomach makes water sounds randomly, usually after eating. Every morning regardless of what I eat, when I'm in the toilet I would have a long fart first before the stool.
These symptoms have been 9 months, before that I have not had any of them so consistently. It has ultimately impacted my life, I have not travelled far because of nausea feeling, told my friends I can't go to events. I really need this to end.
Last year my builder went into liquidation and I was upset and felt sad as I lost a lot of money. I'm not sure if it is related, and if it is why has it been lasting so long.
When I search online on Google it comes up as either "GERD, IBS, Dyspepsia" for the symptoms I described.
What I've tried:
Apple Cider Vinegar (positive impacts only when used, done for 3 weeks, 2 shots a day), Gastroenterologist recommended Benefiber and Movicol and that helped stopped the constipation I had every morning. Stop regularly using both after 2 weeks, chia seeds for 2 weeks, ginger tea for 2 weeks, psyllium husk flaxseed foe 3 weeks
Please someone give me ideas, I'm really trying to reach out as I would like my life back on track. I'm only 29 years old and this as ultimately ruined my lifestyle