Leiothrix » user profile

Member Since 26/07/2020
Last Seen 04/03/2025

Recent Activities

The obvious question is ... why? They were terrible when they first came out, but that is all that there was at the time. They are still…
09/02/2025 - 08:33
Because a lot of problems that school teachers write require some mind reading ability to know what they actually want.
04/02/2025 - 08:00
The problem is when people can't tell the difference between fact and drivel and just believe the computer because it is "AI". I am not…
25/12/2024 - 14:09
No it isn't. Old-school search tools will give you a link to pubmed or similar. ChatGPT will make up complete nonsense.
25/12/2024 - 07:59
WD Blue. 5400 RPM. They are slow, but in this case that is a good thing. And as far as I can see 8TB is still the best $/TB. So get four of…
29/11/2024 - 08:02
Yeah but refubing costs time, specialist manpower and money. A charity has a purpose and generally that does not include ewaste disposal.
15/11/2024 - 08:00
Fate Grand Order. It teaches history. Sort of.
15/11/2024 - 07:58
How about avoiding *any* drugs. And not just for one night, for at least a week. If you have gotten into the habit of requiring alcohol to…
02/10/2024 - 08:05
You should explain what NG is before putting up a poll. Most people have absolutely no understanding other than "it's something that rich…
27/09/2024 - 08:28
I have a pair of Dell Ultrasharp 27" 2560x1440 monitors and it is fantastic. Each monitor can have two windows side-by-side so you can have…
20/07/2024 - 08:07
If it is paid for by super then the beneficiary is probably super. It is no good meeting the threshold for an insurance payout but not for…
06/06/2024 - 08:19
Negative gearing is just offsetting your expenses against your income. A PPOR does not generate any income so the proposition doesn't make…
05/06/2024 - 07:58
> To suggest there is no knowledge in alternative medicine is beyond stupid Soooo they can prove it, right? Otherwise it is not knowledge…
29/03/2024 - 15:32
> There are many examples of your beloved science getting it wrong, yet you still expect us to believe in Science doesn't require belief,…
29/03/2024 - 11:37
Alternative medicine has been around far longer sure. That just means that they have been doing it wrong for a very long time. There is no…
28/03/2024 - 17:04
Science is a process not a belief system. > Asking the questions, and finding the solution is how alternative medicine came into being Yeah…
28/03/2024 - 14:30
Do you know what the word "science" means? Basically at some point someone has asked a question "does this work?" and has then proven it…
28/03/2024 - 11:33
Yeah, but diagnosed based on what? They made the entire thing up and billed you for something that was pointless but not harmful.
28/03/2024 - 08:38
Well I don't know what you are doing with them so maybe you have a good reason. What I don't know is why you are using all of the SI…
26/03/2024 - 08:06
There is no value, it is just worth what people feel like paying at the moment. It is just a giant ponzi scheme. That is why the price…
24/03/2024 - 07:31
Who knows? Crypto is just gambling, unlike shares or bonds there is nothing of value behind it.
21/03/2024 - 08:04
What are you trying to accomplish? Trading is a gamble and will incur CGT. If you really need the money then you don't have a choice but to…
12/03/2024 - 07:57
That's not what a troll is.
17/01/2024 - 08:07
Leiothrix replied to [Deactivated] on Coles & Woolies Boycott
Profits are up? That means sales are up. That is all in their annual reports, the margins don't really change. It is just the usual…
18/12/2023 - 10:03
What price gouging? They are both publicly traded companies, their detailed financials are available to everyone for free. Their margins…
18/12/2023 - 08:21
I'm really wondering what the point of your build is. 1TB is basically nothing these days. If you're just after backup Microsoft 365…
19/10/2023 - 08:49
For only 2TB of storage it seems to be a bit of a waste of money. 8TB spinning rust is the cheapest these days. Get 4+ of them and put them…
19/10/2023 - 08:28
Or from five years of sitting in your driveway going nowhere. Tires are something that need to be replaced with age, not just usage.
19/10/2023 - 08:25
Guns aren't dangerous, but the average idiot wandering around with one is. From what I can tell Australia has less than one mass shooting…
20/09/2023 - 12:30
Yeah, going outside should instill the fear of random death just like the USA. I'm not sure why people proritise having a silly toy over…
19/09/2023 - 08:49