• expired

AirAsia X 5-Hour Birthday Sale (FROM $66)


Received this superb deal in the inbox today, I can't wait to see if it is as good as it says it is:

'Today marks AirAsia X’ 5th anniversary since our humble beginning in November 2007.
Every year we have been growing as a company and have carried over 7 million guests to 12 destinations across 6 countries.

As a gift for your continuous support, we are throwing a 5-hour sale just for you! For BIG members, you will also get additional 500 BIG points for every booking made during this sale.

It has been such an amazing journey and with your tremendous support, we are committed to serving you even better in the future. Thank you from all of us at AirAsia X, we could not have achieved this without you!'

All-in Fare
FROM AU$ 66 (not specified which route)
One way

Premium flatbed
All-in Fare
FROM AU$252 (not specified which route)
One way

Book from 5 Nov 2012, 12 noon to 5pm (GMT +8).
Travel from 1 Jan - 31 Mar 2013

Mod: Updated URL to contain promo code. When going direct to AirAsia site without promo code in link, no promo prices are shown.

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closed Comments

  • Just what I needed.

    • +13

      A deal with almost no details?

      • +3

        And a deal with almost no servers?

  • -1

    Love the way they make these specials only available during work hours.

    • +1

      As AA sales usually start after midnight, people complain.
      Now someone complains because it is on in their working hours!

    • 5pm (GMT +8) == 7pm melbourne/sydney time.

      • +3

        daylight saving sydney and melb, 3pm - 8pm aest

      • Don't think there will be much left after 5 hours on sale! (3pm - 8pm aest, 2-7 in Brissie)

  • Perfect timing, I was waiting to get my ticket back to Australia, got my ticket to KL from the last sale for $149 :)

    • Same here - have $99 Scoot to Singapore. Waiting for cheap flight home.

      • +3

        wink so you guys have been stranded abroard all this time…? o_O

        • No - just waiting for a return flight to go with January Oz-SIN ticket I bought on special a few weeks back. Not much into SIN, so was looking for a KL return.

    • I think this is a different promo.

  • Got this email from them on the 2nd. Just had a squiz and the site froze my android so good luck when the deals opens. Doubt if theres any chance.

  • Last time I flew with Air Asia I paid $54 to fly from KL to Melbourne :)

    Hopefully the $66 are for AU to KL..

  • Note that sale start time is Noon in Malaysia.
    Last weeks sale started the day before & was also for travel dates outside travel dates.

  • +9

    Take note that Air Asia is changing their cabin baggage policy, only 1 piece of cabin baggage is allowed now, which means no more laptop bag if you already have one cabin baggage

    effective 1st Dec 2012

    • +3

      Well spotted - that could have been problematic for us next July. A bit off-topic but I will be quite happy to see cabin baggage better policed; a pet hate is people bringing cabin baggage which is so large and heavy that they can barely lift it into the overhead lockers.

      • +2

        It's their problem not yours. A true Ozbargainer would be doing this :)

      • Flattened by their own luggage. facepalm :D

    • Thanks! Had posted the 1 bag policy (didn't have that link) in last weeks sale, but was told that was not true by experienced AA flier.

      If carry-on fails requirement, you pay twice the price at airport for baggage in hold.
      Glad I paid for baggage on my Burma flights to be safe.

      Scoot has 7Kg + up to 3 kg policy, which suits my holiday requirements at no extra charge.
      Currently au$140 Singapore - Gold Coast booked on SIN site (S$177)
      Scoot saves me AA additional $18 fee for 15kg in hold (au$16.66 booked through Malaysian site)

    • What are the rules for cabin baggage?
      You are allowed ONE piece of baggage onboard.
      Size dimensions: Cabin baggage should not exceed 56cm X 36cm X 23cm
      Weight restriction: not more than 7kg
      Said baggage should also fit under the seat in front of you or in the overhead compartment in the cabin. The approved cabin baggage must be tagged with a cabin bag tag.

      Where do I get the approved bag tag from?
      You can get a bag tag from our counter staff while you are checking in at counter or performing bag drop. If you don’t need to go to the counter, make sure you get a bag tag from one of our staff before you enter immigration.

      Can I bring my ladies’ handbag onboard in addition to my main piece of cabin baggage?
      Yes you can (Guys - time to get a ManBag!)

      Can I bring my laptop bag onboard in addition to my main piece of cabin baggage?
      No, the laptop is considered as ONE piece and this would mean you are carrying TWO pieces. Either the laptop is packed to the cabin baggage and meets our weight restriction or it is the only bag carried on board.

      Can I bring my suit/coat/garment bag on board in addition to my main piece of cabin baggage?
      No as we have limited storage space for suit/coat/garment bags on board our aircrafts. This will be considered as ONE piece of cabin baggage and you will need to store it in the overhead locker.

      • Why are we only allowing one piece of cabin baggage?
        Your safety is of utmost importance to us, for cabin safety we have limited the number of pieces and weight per guest. This restriction also means that we have a speedy embarkation and disembarkation process.

        Aisles blocked while people try to stow bags is a major impediment to fast turnaround. Faster turnaround saves a lot of money! There should be more room for passengers. And hopefully less arguments at KL's LCCT as people try to take on heavy trays of fruit etc.

        Old policy was poorly worded:
        "Passengers (except infants) are allowed two (2) items of baggage to be carried on board. The items of baggage may be a combination of any two of the following: cabin bag or a laptop bag or a handbag." http://www.airasia.com/my/en/airasiatnc.page So people took on 2 x 7kg cabin bags or equivalent.

        • Good on them. I sometimes see people with so much cabin luggage, possibly more than their checked-in luggage. Some are so heavy that you can see the effort to lift them. I hate to think what would happen if they popped out of the locker in an emergency

        • Who would you rather
          someone 60kg with 5kg extra hand luggage
          or somebody else 90kg?

        • +1

          (Depends what they look like!)
          What has a person's weight (both you give can be within reasonably healthy limits) got to do with cabin baggage requirements for safety & faster loading???

          It is the amount of baggage that causes arguments at airports, takes longer to stow, and blocks access & leg room.

          Weight of baggage on plane is same if in hold or cabin!

          Weight (of passengers or baggage) is not the issue. That is an old Tabloid furphy.
          But this change will cost passengers more.
          (Although the extra $18 Oz-KL fee would hardly cover extra costs.)

        • Depends on whether she's good looking. :) But actually what Bruce wrote.

        • +1

          Hands off - I saw her first!!!

        • +2

          you can squeeze by someone who is 60kg if they are in the aisle. not if they are 90kg.
          same if they are in the aisle seat. its not easy to get by them if you're window.

          the only difference is that they're legally not allowed to discriminate but there are the same safety compromises. Its just not PC but its the truth.

        • +2

          That's a different issue. You do not have to travel by discount flights where seats are smaller & have almost no room to move. Upgrade & relax!

          People can not lose 30kg at check-in to fit your idealised passenger weight. But they can stow their larger luggage in hold, rather than place around their feet, blocking access no matter what weight they are.

          Your issue relates to aircraft layout & economics, not baggage!!
          Nothing to do with PC!!

        • the issue is safety? thats what I addressed.
          If a 5kg bag and 10kg bag fit in the same volume, there is no safety difference.

          Putting a small bag where your own leg room is has nothing to do with other people's safety, only yours. If they already weigh 30kg less than the person next to them Im sure they are not starved for the lack of leg room. Of course though what happens also is you have people that are 90kg try to stuff in the extra 5-10kg too which is the worst of both worlds. My point is that airlines shouldnt be so adamant/strict about limits, especially if they see the passenger is only light/small.

          What Im saying is that I dont mind if someone carry's a little bit over in terms of KG (not volume) or if they place a small bag under their seat.
          You'll always have people that struggle with bags because the storage is high and people are weak.

          What they also need to address is people putting their bags whereever they want because the volume is too high.
          A good redesign would actually be to have no overheads at all and have something like lift up seats with a hole where you put your luggage. That way you can only put your carry on in your own seat. Too much and its your own problem. Also no more problems where short people cant reach up to stow things away.

          it has to do with being pc because of the exact thing you say, you cant ask people to lose 30kg even though it would help improve safety/costs/everything.

        • +1

          (Yes I understand the passenger comfort issues you raised.) But you seem to be confusing weight (passenger & cabin baggage) which this change has nothing to do with (as the aircraft takes off with the same weight whether in cabin or hold), with turnaround times, passenger comfort & disputes, and safety issues.

          Tell the bag at their feet not to get airborne in an emergency!! Passengers should be strapped down, but a flying 7kg bag can inflict a bit of damage/death. And locker doors do open mid-flight due to amount crammed in, so would not trust them to be secure in an emergency.

          Safety issue is - discount flights cram more passengers (irrespective of their weight) into same size cabin. The amount of locker space is limited, with more passengers. So some baggage can't make it into lockers.

          And the issue is more/larger bags cause delays as people stow bag, blocking aisle for other passengers to access their seats at boarding. That causes delays costing airlines like AirAsia a fortune. (MythBusters did an interesting experiment with loading times.)

          LOL Tell AA your expensive redesign requirements (with likely decreased structural integrity, no leg room under seats - meaning less seats/passengers per flight, etc) - that is sure to keep costs down. You could make a fortune with a pre-flight liposuction business!

          As for "My point is that airlines shouldnt be so adamant/strict about limits…" - its their business, the market is competitive, so take your money elsewhere.
          Better, upgrade & relax! Soak up the free drinks & think about the plebs (like me) down the back! I'll keep travelling cheap, wearing 3 layers of clothes & pockets full of gear - just to save that last $! (You'd hate me - I am 90kg+)

          Transport economics/safety is a bit more complex than you seem to think.

        • haha we're on ozbargain, of course Im not going to upgrade. But GRRRR im the 60kg guy so yes If you sat next to me I'd be grumpy lol. You'd love me however.

          Im not confusing anything though. The airline is disguising this one bag change as a safety measure but really its a cost saving measure as well. They just want everybody to be carrying less because it means more money for them.

          From a safety standpoint, a 60kg person with 5kg more luggage is better than a 90kg person; even if the bag is stowed in the footwell.

          From my standpoint I'd be VERY happy if they just implemented a per KG flying policy. Total weight of passenger & luggage X cost per kg = total cost paid.

        • Hope I don't meet you on a flight - Light n Grumpy! ;)
          Grumpy complaining passengers on a long haul flight - let me off! There are so many issues that can make flights unpleasant. (My pet hate is noisy children that keep kicking the back of my seat. But it can be OK - asked the Hostie & got a free upgrade!)

          People are very unlikely to take less on their travels. It takes too much time, change of habit, & cognitive effort, so they will pay a small amount extra for baggage in hold. So no less weight on flight or fuel used, and fee probably would only cover extra handling & processing costs up to a point. But the scale for hold baggage costs do reflect the impact of heavier aircraft on operating costs, discouraging very excessive weight.

          (Its a very small cost of an overseas holiday - but I still hate paying it. I hate putting my bag in hold, as I know I have paid for 15Kg - so no incentive to travel light. My back hates me for getting my monies-worth! Damn you OzBargain!)

          Of course safety is not their primary concern in this matter! It is primarily cost saving. Its all about turn around time - a major impediment to airline profits & hopefully keeping costs to travellers down. With increasing demand for air travel, high costs of building new airports & capital cost of aircraft, turnaround time is being squeezed by both airports (higher costs for being on tarmac & penalties for missing take off slot) and airlines. But this issue has nothing to do with aircraft weight - which is your argument, as weight is unlikely to be reduced, just shifted from cabin to hold.

          So if 1 passenger is lighter than another - it has nothing to do with safety or profits in this issue. Weight distributions are factored into account in air transport economics. It a baggage issue with a discount airline that crowds people into smaller spaces.

          You're running the usual Tabloid/Current Affairs line - "fat people are stealing from me and its so unfair" - good for ratings, but not valid in this case. (I was under/around 60kg most of my life until recent illness. For years I have travelled 9 months a year - on discount flights. Are you suggesting a penalty for me because I have an illness no Doctor can cure?? At least the amount & weight of baggage is a choice.)

        • +1

          "no leg room under seats"

          Not to mention it could cause DVT.

        • I recommend the Ralph Fiennes method for DVT!
          (Sex with Hostie in aircraft toilet, if you forgot)
          Bound to be better than toe pointing aircraft exercises.

        • that medically diagnosed weight gain thing is so bunk. The airlines dont care what you are, only the total weight because that is the only impact that it has on fuel which is their highest cost.

          hell you could have people medically diagnosed as hoarders - then what?
          its not about someone stealing from me, its about paying whats fair. not some passengers subsidizing other passengers.

          im sure you're a joy to fly with but the airlines wouldnt think so.

        • More Tabloid wisdom! The airlines dont care what you are, only the total weight because that is the only impact that it has on fuel which is their highest cost. … its about paying whats fair. not some passengers subsidizing other passengers.

          So you are an expert on airlines to know they dislike people of about average Australian male weight rather than those who are grumpy complaining things aren't fair.
          I think they don't care much, and just like our money. LOL
          I am happy to travel - it gets more free upgrades!

          And the weight example shows passengers can choose the weight of their baggage before flight, but not their personal weight in short term.

          Discrimination based on a persons weight (within statistically normal weight range) would be challenged in the courts or before. Some airlines do charge extra for passengers who take up more space in a seat, but 90Kg is so far below that level. After all the average Australian male weighs just less than your figure of 90kg, at 86 kg, with a peak in my range of 89Kg in 45-64 year olds, & 18-24 year olds aren't that light averaging 80kg! So 90kg is not unusual in the Australian Male! http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/Latestproducts/E11CE…

          So your beef is with the average Australian male!!
          Average weight Australian males should pay a penalty?
          I can see that working - you book in at 85kg, but bulk up to 90 - so have to pay a penalty when you arrive at the airport! They would lose so much business, and likely go out of business - no more discount flights!!

          You, like myself a few years back, are a statistical aberration if a male, or slightly lighter than the average Australian female (73.4 kg).
          (So I know where you are coming from as was 58kg for years. But again, that was due to my health - I could not gain weight, now can't lose it easily.)

          But all this belongs in a Forum - totally off-topic.

        • "Fuel is now estimated to comprise 30% of airline cost" - by their industry press release. http://www.iata.org/pressroom/pr/pages/2011-06-06-01.aspx
          Slight alterations in passenger's weight will only marginally affect cost of flight/ticket cost. Plus it is too complex & may lose passengers.

          On a Sydney-Singapore-London (17000km flight), a 2kg weight increase costs Qantas a whopping $1.30 more on a $1650 flight! (see below)
          A gestimate of the cost of fuel/extra 2kg on Sydney-KL (6300km) flight would be around 45c, but probably less for a budget carrier!
          So your example of a 30kg heavier person would cost at most $6.75 extra fuel - on Qantas. That assumes they set cut off at your 60Kg weight! More likely a fee would cut in at average Australian weight, so a 90c fee for a 90kg male.

          The cost of implementing a weight pays system (admin, terminal facilities - new scales, decreased patronage due to adverse publicity, increased advertising costs, etc) would be unlikely to be covered by the fee let alone pay for the fuel. Every passenger will have to pay the extra costs from overall fare increase. To stay competitive, airlines are cutting costs and trying to gain passengers!

          Recovery of fuel costs by baggage fees is far simpler, less intrusive, and accepted practice (now). It meets with less resistance, as we can quickly choose what we pack, whereas change in personal weight is slow.

          Issues like the cost of flying a part filled airliner are a large cost impact. So they need as many bums on seats at almost any price.
          Daily fluctuations in fuel price are a major issue for airlines.

          For a more reasoned (Qantas) perspective of why airlines should be but won't introduce a kg pays system anytime soon…

          Your views are not alone… the poll in the first link just above gave 67% support for Should airline tickets be priced according to your weight? (But it all rests on what people think of as 'overweight' - in your case 90Kg, in others 150kg…) Note the poll is not scientific, as likely to be skewed by those pissed off with the very overweight! Most would likely answer differently is they realised it meant all males over 60Kg would be charged extra, as in your case.

        • +1

          The airline is disguising this one bag change as a safety measure but really its a cost saving measure as well. They just want everybody to be carrying less because it means more money for them.

          I don't think AA has hidden the fact that it's about cost saving as well. Faster turnaround times are good for both the airline and the customers. If you have more than 5kg carry on, it should go into the hold. I've never needed the full 20 or 23 kg quota. As I said, I don't like the idea of being hit by a heavy bag in an emergency. There is a chance of this happening anyway, but I like to lengthen the odds.

        • its about paying whats fair. not some passengers subsidizing other passengers
          If you buy a ticket in this sale, people buying closer to the time are subsidising your fare. There are quite a few inequities in travel. Maybe you should pay more for your ticket?

      • +1

        How about a laptop in a handbag?

        • A loophole… No size requirement (yet) of size/weight of 'handbag'.
          Old T&C gave them the right to deny any carry-on based on size & weight. It seemed to be up to the staff on the day, which caused a bit of distress. Expect would be same after 1/12.

      • +2

        Airasia is getting more and more ridiculous, and with their normal price, it is expensive after you add up all the cost of meal and check-in luggage. Now with this new ridiculous policy about carry on luggage, I will have to think 3 times before I book a flight with them. Their check-in bag fee now has been increased as well…

        For example, there was a sale with Vietnam Airlines few months ago, return ticket to Vietnam including a return ticket to Hongkong from Vietnam as a stopover was only $630. And this is a traditional airlines with 30kg check-in luggage and meals all included. Actually this promotion is supposed to be for HK with stopover in Vietnam but the travel agents promote it as a sale to VN with stopover in HK.

        • That's why I moved to Scoot. Staff were friendly, but food was crap. AA used to be so cheap. (Flew $650 return to London) And there were many arguments/ refusals over baggage reported.

  • +1

    Just guessing… (we'll see if there are any good cheap deals tomorrow)
    $66 would be 1/2 price on KL-Perth - the cheapest flight of destinations shown in their ad.
    1/2 price would make KL-Gold Coast about $168 or KL-Sydney $199 (price depends on taxes etc)

    Scoot (not on sale) is $140 SIN-Gold Coast/Sydney with better carry-on allowance.

    • +1

      I can't wait for them to fly to Melbourne. Atm, it is too much an effort and the added cost for flight from SYD to MEL outweigh the saving for me :(

      • True. But may not happen as Melbourne is Tiger territory - to Singapore. Scoot missed an opportunity to enter Melb while Tiger had troubles. With 60% Virgin purchase, should make Tiger more attractive to travellers.

        • except the Tiger troubles didn't affect their international flights just domestic.

        • Its all about perception in the marketplace - easily turned to advantage by a rival.

    • Deal was better price than I expected, and as limited as usual.

  • Dammit, already booked to fly airasia mel-saigon, and krabi-mel in middle January and cost quie a bit more! Still need to book a few intra-Asia flights, wonder if they will be on sale or only the routes printed in that sale web page?

    • Map in link above only shows only some longer haul flights.
      There were sale specials last 2 Sundays.
      We still don't know prices or availability!

  • Sale starts in 1hr, 40mins at 3.00PM AEST.~Sydney time

    • Yes, does not link to booking page yet. Last sale was available a day ahead. 2-7 in Brissie

    • Okay. It's 3PM. Sale started now.

  • Would Jetstar price match this?

  • Can we change travel date later if we book the ticket with this deal?

    • Haven't seen the T&Cs for this deal, but usually you can if you pay a fee plus the difference to ticket price available on the date of desired travel. So you only get the cheap flight on the dates you book.

    • yes, but you will have to pay the difference

  • Moreover, Checked baggage is NOT available for Promo/Regular ticket :(

    Any idea how much it costs for SYD -> KUL for 25KG Checked baggage?
    Seems this is not working : http://www.airasia.com/my/en/our-fares/fees-and-charges.page…

    • checkedin baggae available for all tickets

      usually around 25 but if its a bigger plane it can hit 40

  • I'm seeing $175 Promo flight Sydney to Kuala Luampur for Feburary 2013.

    What's the $66 ticket?

    • Weird, I don't see anything less than AUD 299 Sydney-KL and AUD 239 KL-Sydney in Feb 2013

      Ah! The link from the promotion page contains a promo code. Going direct won't show the promo fares.

    • what date is it?

      • In the end got 12 Feb returning 18 Feb. Originally had 6 Feb returning 12 Feb, then they said the seat was taken AFTER I had submitted payment details.

  • +1

    I'm not seeing anything from Perth.

  • +1

    Cheapest I'm seeing from Perth is $155, and $98 back

    • thats a good deal i gues

  • Sydney - KL $175 and $115 back

  • +1

    $66 is KUL to Taipei 30th of Jan for example. Not a bad sale if your in KL and looking to get go out, but expect the regular price back.

    Was about to check a few return to Gold Coast prices… but site getting slow now.

    Edit 1: All gone! Promo price has already been jacked up.

    Edit 2: piss poor engrish

    • You need to go via the sale link to get the prices

  • yeh nothing from perth will be 66 as it appears the fees and charges for PErth to KL are 140… seems quite high. and then the fare seems to be 15. whats the 66 dollar route?

  • Sydney - KL $175
    — gone already?

    • i saw a few dates in march that is 175 to KL and 115 back from sydney

  • Yeh…Mel to KL is charging me $17 for the seat, but the fees and charges are like $150 or so. Guess they're making their money on the fuel surcharge.

    Plus it looks like the servers are getting hammered.

    • Had no problem with my booking.

  • Gold Coast - KUL $155 and return for $112

  • from melb : $155 and $101 back

  • Whats the promo code? not seeing any cheap flights at all?

    • No promo code. Just search for flights between Jan - March 2013.
      Then look on the left-most column for any 'Promo tickets'

      Nothing left for Jan - March: KL - Sydney (less than $630 return).

      • cheers. found a 519 one way..actually was no different after the sale had started..
        Seems most of the promos from syd - KL start 15 jan, no earlier :(

      • Melbourne - KL also depleted.(Jan - March).
        'cept some $260 outbounds in late Jan (which are listed as Promos but are close to standard price)

    • Try using this link:

      Going direct did not give me the promo prices.

  • +1

    Thanks. Booked for $250 Melb to KL return. Will add bags and flights on to Vietnam later…. cheers!

  • Can you mention the dates as well ?
    It seems there are no deals during Jan 2013 (back to Sydney/Melbourne)

    • Thats what i am finding too

      • In fact the flights i was looking at before seem to have gone up in price WTF?

        • I found that. Flights went up by 4x! Back to normal price in new search in new window/tab.

  • I think this is nothing special and their website is not user friendly, you can't see the lowest fair on the tab and it's getting annoy to get a pop up every time to find the next day.

  • Great! $106 KL-Gold Coast with 15kg baggage, 2 meals, airport transfer at KL & random new friends to sit with.
    Paying in MYR saved a few dollars. I'm Happy!
    Best with Scoot is $14O + $30 for KL-SIN connection & they have crap food, but better cabin baggage allowance, so no baggage fee. Have $99 Scoot GC-SI over.

    • anything in Jan 2013 or just picking random dates ?

      • Mine was KL-OOL first week in March. ($77 flight) Also got 500 BIG points.
        Scoot over in late January - no available bookings on AA, so lucky I booked a few weeks back.

    • I got KL-SYD for $90aud. Still deciding between AA SYD-KL for $175 or Scoot SYD-SIN for $150.

      • Check Scoot Syd-SIN $101 (S$129) booked from Singapore site

        • Thanks. What's the url?
          Edit: SGD$129 fare does include taxes.

    • Scoot raised their SIN-Oz fare during this promo - their new sale prices are pretty good!

  • +1

    too late, prices changed already… :(

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