Hi Ozbargainers,
Everytime I see amazing flight and travel deals on Ozbargain I'm contacted by 1-2-3-10 Ozbargainers asking for deals on travel related medications. I agree (as I've been in the same boat myself) there is nothing worse than spending >$100 on meds to take on your $300 Bali flight, it just seems wrong!
The most commonly requested med for travel is Imodium followed by the generic alternates which contain the same active ingredient. Loperamide; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loperamide we don't even sell the originator brand online anymore as we simply can't compete, but we smash the competitors out of the park when selling generic brands of Loperamide.
As many of my Ozb followers know Travel Ease is also a super popular item and when bundled with diarhhoea relief supply usually runs out before demand is satisfied, hopefully the same won't be true tonight. After several months of OOS at supplier level (Travel Ease), I have circa 150x lots of this batch in stock ready to go tonight so there should be enough available for everyone interested.
Item: 20x Gastrex Caps + 10x Travel Ease Tabs
Price: $9.99
Delivery: FREE
Link: https://pharmacysavings.com.au/products/2024-travellers-comb…
Ibuprofen sales are still powering along, and are often a travel favourite: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/77939
Loperamide (Diarhhoea Relief) on its own: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/831758
Hayfexo the 2021-2023 King of Ozbargain is still available at its original deal price of $19.99 per 100x tabs: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/776153
My 50m2 pharmacy now takes the crown as the biggest Dr Reddys 100box Cetirizine seller in Australia, 200x tabs for $19.99 seems to be unmatched by anyone in Oz: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/834351 I have to thank Ozbargainers for this accolade, I think we've shipped out well over 3,000 boxes over the past month or so.
And of course lasts weeks Mometasone deal, oddly didn't pull many votes, but had >100 sales, stock is still available: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/835368
Thanks, bought 10