This was posted 11 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Voucher for $10 Free Powercard Balance When You Signup (with Phone Number & Email) for Timezone Fun App @ Timezone


Get $10 Free Powercard Balance When You Signup (with Phone Number & Email) for Timezone Fun App @ Timezone.

Pretty good deal no other purchase required.

See the steps below on how to receive your $10 sign up bonus:

After creating your Timezone Fun account, complete your registration process.
Ensure the Timezone Fun App has been downloaded on your device and log in to your account.
Open the Fun App and click on the icon called "Account", navigate to the "Profile" setting and ensure that you've added both an EMAIL and MOBILE to your account.
Once you have both an EMAIL and MOBILE added to your account, please wait at least 24 hours until your sign up bonus voucher appears in your account.
The voucher will be shown in the app's 'My Vouchers' section. You can access this section from the "Home" tab at the bottom of the screen.
When you receive your $10 sign up bonus voucher, click on the voucher to reveal the barcode.
Head into a Timezone venue and present your voucher to the Timezone Funsquad and we will load the $10 sign up bonus credits to your Powercard.
Terms and Conditions

The Timezone Fun App sign up bonus offer is valid until 31 August 2024.
Guests must sign up for a Timezone Fun account, add a valid email and mobile to their account, download the Fun app and log in prior to 31 August 2024 to receive a $10 sign up bonus voucher.
The voucher expires 30 days from receiving the voucher and must be redeemed within 30 days for the credit to be applied to a Powercard.
No extensions will be given to expired vouchers.
The voucher is only able to be redeemed in Timezone venues in Australia.
Timezone reserves the right to change or alter these terms and conditions without notice.

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closed Comments

  • FYI This is an ongoing promotion, likely if you've signed up before then you already got the $10 when you signed up.


    See the steps below on how to receive your $10 sign up bonus:

    After creating your Timezone Fun account, complete your registration process.
    Ensure the Timezone Fun App has been downloaded on your device and log in to your account.
    Open the Fun App and click on the icon called "Account", navigate to the "Profile" setting and ensure that you've added both an EMAIL and MOBILE to your account.
    Once you have both an EMAIL and MOBILE added to your account, please wait at least 24 hours until your sign up bonus voucher appears in your account.
    The voucher will be shown in the app's 'My Vouchers' section. You can access this section from the "Home" tab at the bottom of the screen.
    When you receive your $10 sign up bonus voucher, click on the voucher to reveal the barcode.
    Head into a Timezone venue and present your voucher to the Timezone Funsquad and we will load the $10 sign up bonus credits to your Powercard.
    Terms and Conditions

    The Timezone Fun App sign up bonus offer is valid until 31 August 2024.
    Guests must sign up for a Timezone Fun account, add a valid email and mobile to their account, download the Fun app and log in prior to 31 August 2024 to receive a $10 sign up bonus voucher.
    The voucher expires 30 days from receiving the voucher and must be redeemed within 30 days for the credit to be applied to a Powercard.
    No extensions will be given to expired vouchers.
    The voucher is only able to be redeemed in Timezone venues in Australia.
    Timezone reserves the right to change or alter these terms and conditions without notice.

  • Can i actually use them on claw machine or games with no winnings only

    • Yes you can

  • Has anyone actually got this to work?

    Mine wouldn't, then in-store they jumped through a million hoops and gave me a physical card (and added it to the phone app), still no dice, few days later and nothing. Wondering if I should bother emailing or just move on with my day since I got the $20 for $1 the other day and only go to the arcade like once or twice a year at most.

    • +1

      The registration only requires either email or mobile to create the profile, if you update either or mobile to the profile to follow the requirement of both info (email and mobile), it requires a physical card (powercard). Looks like I need go instore to get the powercard link to the APP profile, and then update the email and mobile to wait 24 hours to get the barcode to be shown in APP and take to in-store to redeem the $10…

      complex and confusing system… all for the fun of kids….

      Anyone know the loaded credit to the powercard is linked to the specific store only in which you made the payment in person or the powercard credit could be use any store of Timezone? Thanks

      • I dont go to timezone that often, but can we get power card for free or do we need to load it with some money?
        Can we rinse and repeat with the same power card or must it be new?

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