This was posted 1 year 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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eufy Security eufyCam 3 4K Wireless System (2-Pack) $899 ($764.15 with eBay Plus) Delivered @ Device Deal eBay


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Pretty good deal for inbuilt solar 4K cams and Homebase 3.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Very good deal and 4 pack for $1244 with eBay plus

    • +1

      Thanks, just got the 4 pack. Been waiting for a sale on this! Cheapset ever I believe?

      • Yes! Used it for my price protection claim!

      • Yes!!

  • +1

    You can get a reolink 4x4K Poe camera with 8ch NVR for that price.

    • +2

      poe not an option for some though.

    • This gets raised almost every time a deal is posted for a wireless set up. I get the benefit of Poe, but it’s not suitable for everyone.

      • -3

        You could buy Reolink battery powered cameras and one of their NVRs for cheaper than this deal

        • any link ?

        • I don't think so.. it's two 4k cams, wireless expandable base station.. which models and base of reolink add up for that price with those specs?

          • @vikaskamboj: No clue why I’m getting negged

            You can get 2x Argus 3 Ultra’s and the RLN8-410 directly from the Reolink store shipped and with 2yr warranty for $720.98 right now

    • -3

      if youre going POE go Hikvision, rather than Reolink

    • Are you offering to come and run the wires for me?

  • +13

    I feel like these cameras are getting expensive enough to make it viable to steal them.

    • This is a fear of mine, so they're mounted high and out of reach, but then they can't capture people's faces, especially if they're wearing a hat.

  • +2

    brought the 4 pack, had to return due to fault ball and socket mount which is not stable. The camera keeps on dropping down. Also, the camera doesn't record lots of real time footage. Clear quality though for 4k…

  • Does this homebase 3 work with the smart doorbell

  • So you film a thief… Now what?

    I never understood home security cameras.

    I see a lot of posts on Facebook showing footage. None of it is really actionable.

    • these have an audible siren so can be a deterrent for some.

    • +1

      Filming my neighbours actionable wife ;-D

    • +1

      No offence to those that have them but all you get from most CCTV systems is a time of offence and in 99.9% of cases offenders wearing hats and hoods. Zero chance of establishing ID so basically nil value. You are better spending your money on physical security focussing on door and windows that can't be seen from the street or a neighbouring property.

      If you want cameras you are far better off having a hidden keyhole style camera at face height above a desirable object in your home like a laptop. The sellers and designers of these cameras and many alleged experts have no idea.
      Best use of them is inside on a low window frame pointing out and looking up. You then have a chance of defeating the hoods and hats. Offenders are always looking for cameras up high. Not on a window ledge surrounded by odjects that camouflage the camera.

      You need a landscape cameras to cover a doorway? FFS Mr. alleged expert - doorways and hallways are portrait……. I used to get into soooo many arguments with them.

      • +2

        what you say is not incorrect - but the way my house/yard/fences work, is that once armed, anybody coming through our gate, over our fence or into our backyard will trigger the alarm waking the whole house up. The other useful feature is for a record of deliveries.

    • Yeah pros will cover their face, wear a hoodie etc. I guess it's helpful to catch morons and see what they've been through or have done in your house. For me its so I can get an immediate alert if someone's there.

      • I don't think its just pros. Every kid up to no good dresses that way.
        Yes any alert is going to be of benefit.

        You still need to make your place look undesirable to the would be offender. They'll look at your place and do a risk assessment. Even the dumb ones will to an extent. It's human nature.

    • you film a thief and now what? now send that to your insurance?

  • +5

    CCTV camera helped to identify the culprits despite they are wearing hood. My house was broken years ago, I has a basic 640x480p camera back then, provided the clips to the police.

    The culprits were doing rounds in the area, police managed to catch them when they saw them walking around the area matched the clothing they wore against the CCTV clips. CCTV used as a secondary evidence to identify the clothing they wear (color, type, logos) and the main evidence being the stolen goods. One of the 3 caught the same day within 3 hours of reporting and the culprit got prosecuted and I got some of my stuff back. Unsure what happen to the other 2, maybe they got away since there were only 2 police that attended, I assumed the 2 police only managed to catch 1 of the 3, under resourced.

  • +1

    Do these still have that feature where if you press the reset button on the camera it deletes all footage the camera has ever taken?

  • Sold out

  • Did they fix all the massive security problems with this new model??

    • It was fixed in a firmware update

  • Waaaay overpriced. Even on special

  • Link for 4 cameras thanks.

  • Apologies bit off topic. Keen to get the Eufycam 3 or 3c based on reviews but unfortunately bit pricey for me at present. Would something like this be a decent alternative?…

    Eufycam 2 Pro 4 cam for just over $700. Refurb of course and brand new sets have been available for $8-900 previously but looking at current options and wondering if I pull the trigger on this. Thoughts?

  • Appears these only work on the homebase wifi - Eufy have no range extenders (they have apparently been going to make them since 2019) and currently only support on their enterprise cameras bridging onto your own wireless access points.

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