• expired
  • targeted

Qantas AmEx Ultimate: 120,000 Qantas Points (with $3000 Spend in 3 Months), $450 Travel Credit, $450 Annual Fee


An updated even higher earn rate than https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/825421
By clicking this link you will be brought to the card page, if it doesnt load and it just says 100,000 - use incognito to make it work.

Spend $3000 in first three months to get 100K Qantas points
$450 Annual Fee (offset by $450 Amex travel credit)
$3000 minimum credit limit

You must have not earnt a welcome bonus in the past 18 months from any American Express Australia product to be eligible

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (1)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (11)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express

closed Comments

  • +20

    If you havent earn a single point from a Qantas Points Earning Credit Card in the past 12 months, you can add another 20,000 points using this deal - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/829318

    • But you can only earn that bonus 20000 if you apply through Qantas Card website which shows 100k not 120k pts? Correct me if theres another way to get both this offer

      • +5

        I don't believe that's correct. You just register your Qantas frequent flyer account for the promotion. The Qantas card website will take you to the banks website to apply anyway. I doesn't make sense that they need to ensure that your clicks are tracked as the person has control over their cookies not Qantas and no mention of ensuring it is tracked like the cash rewards process. Once registered you can simply apply for any Qantas card featured on their page. Doesn't matter if you start the application by going directly to the banks website first.

        • +1

          Thanks for the correction!!

  • Is this only for new Amex card holders?

    • -1

      You must have not earnt a welcome bonus in the past 18 months from any American Express Australia product to be eligible

      • +5

        Damn i just checked the T&Cs….:
        This offer is only available to new American Express Card Members. Card Members who currently hold or who have previously held any Card product issued by American Express Australia Limited, in the preceding 18 month period are ineligible for the bonus Qantas Points offer.

        So it doesn't matter if you earned qantas or not….

        • +3

          yeah this is super restrictive.

          I had some entry level AMEX that I used to keep for those offers that I would use once a year.

          Only just cancelled 7 months ago so unforunately no go for me.

          Have setup a rollling schedule for churn now. NAB > ANZ > Westpac > AMEX > ad-nauseum on 12/18 month cycle

        • +1

          This is pretty standard

          • +1

            @Bedgrub: used to be 12 months as standard, looks like 18 months is becoming norm.

            Other thing I've noticed is a lot of offers will only credit a batch of the points in the 2nd year (e.g. 90,000 first year + 30,000 in second year).

            This locks you into paying the whole annual fee - I know many are cancelling card straight after the points are credited (as soon as 2-3 months)

        • All cards are like that. None of the banks or Amex will give you subs if you already hold a credit card with them. Most banks have 12 months waiting period . Amex got 18 months.

        • Does the David jones Amex card count?

        • Does it mean secondary card holders are also not eligible?

          Edit: Found the answer below. They may be treated as new customer.

        • This post should totally be higher up on points! Darn

      • +1

        Do additional card holders count as New customers?

        • -1


        • +2

          From other posts… people say no …

          Cos you’re not the actual account holder that had the credit assessment done on them

          • @CereaL: So the answer is yes by what you're saying (and I agree). Not sure which idtiots negged me.

            Additional cardholders = New customers = Answer is YES to the question.

        • +4

          I just held this card and am in the process of closing it, had my partner as an additional card holder on my account.
          AMEX support told me that my partner would be eligible for the welcome bonus if they were to sign up.

          Hope that answers your question

      • What about additional card holders? Anyone know?

        • +1

          I just held this card and am in the process of closing it, had my partner as an additional card holder on my account.
          AMEX support told me that my partner would be eligible for the welcome bonus if they were to sign up.

          Hope that answers your question

  • Credit limit on card?

    • +1

      Minimum limit - $3,000
      Maximum limit - $100,000

    • -1

      Last time I had one the default credit limit was 25% of my income (which given the above gives away the fact that I earn under $400k I guess!).

  • +2

    Still shows 100k and not 120k - tried diff browsers and on incognito mode..

    • -1

      Try using your phone, I was able to get it to show

      • Seems to be somewhat targeted like the referrals. Hopefully it will be open to all soon!

    • try to connect to a VPN that let you choose Australia then Incognito, good luck

    • Me too, still showing 100k. I've tried everything. Different browsers, different devices (3 so far), different operating systems, incognito, VPNs…. It seems whether you get 100k or 120k is down to randomness based on others' comments, so about to turn my computer upside down, spin it around, and try once more 😬😂.

      • I just tried clicking the link (not referral) and it finally gave me 120k!

  • +2

    Incognito still showing 100k
    On my phone and pc

  • +8

    only seeing 100k. even tried incognito on my nokia 3310.

    • +25

      its working on my windows 95

      • +3

        Thanks tried this and it worked!

  • +1

    Reported for being targeted

  • +4

    Very devo - I keep getting knocked back on Amex applications but succeeding in all the other banks.

    Will try again in 6 months but I find it very odd - any insights from other churners?

    • +1

      same, they blame credit check but is it true

      • Yeah they knocked me back in was sad

    • +3

      Confirmed by myself and other churners in a similar amex post recently. They don’t like churners and will simply refer to the automated simple credit check to see how many other cards you’ve churned thru in the past few months (no idea over what period)

      • Yes this is a great deal but I won’t even bother applying as I know I will get declined, Citibank is another I’ve had issues with which I assume is for the same reason

      • Good to know it’s not just me!

      • I think you also get more luck if you let AMEX choose the limit. Myself and other that choose a sub 10K limit seemed to be rejected.

        • Good to know! will give it a shot next time and see how we go

        • Be interested to hear if other churners are more successful with this approach as well…

    • +2

      Anecdotally, AMEX pays more attention to the Equifax score (which is more negatively impacted by churning compared to Experian).

    • +2

      Same. Got a rejection letter in the mail yesterday despite having a credit rating of “Excellent”

      • Legit me

      • Yep me too a couple weeks ago - I will try again soon, but it is my first ever rejection in years of rolling cards across different providers. Annoyingly I've held an AMEX for a year previously and held my ANZ Black (no fee package thanks to mortgage) for 4 years now.

      • Me too. Rejection leter in mail. So sad 😕

    • +1

      Rejected as well!

      Although I tried for the platinum charge card (the $1450 annual fee one) - got the "we'll get back to you in 5-10 days" screen last night and rung them this morning - on the phone they confirmed I was rejected ugh.

      Won't give any more details just said see the letter you receive in the mail.

      • +2

        Your letter with just reference Veda or mycreditfile - and as with many of us you'll have a great credit rating, never missed a payment, easily living within your means, etc. etc. but still knocked back as part of a generic stop of churners from the looks.

    • Don't bother unless you stop churning.

      Have applied for one for past 3 years (all applications one year apart)

      They don't like churners so the automated check will never approve you.

    • Yep, also got my first ever rejection with this one, would advise others to be wary.

      -$100k income
      -6 or so churns on credit file (never had an AMEX ever though), one open card at $6k, always pay on time, no negative events ever credit score 854. Applied for a limit of just $5k with this one.
      -$220k home loan outstanding, no other debts
      -Generic email confirmation saying wait 5-10 business days, no request for docs
      -Rejection letter after 5 business days (why they can't just email right away to let you know I have no idea, absolutely stupid)

      Either they hate churners or they want people to apply for higher credit limits, because no idea what else they would consider wrong with my application.

      • I don't think you can generalise on the reasons for rejection.

        I churn irregularly, credit score less than 800, have held an Amex previously, have a large total credit limit on other cards and have a decent income. Was approved within 24 hours, after uploading payslips.

        We can speculate but I think it's a lottery based on whatever rules they have set up as part of the assessment.

    • Same here, their questionnaire was simple and straightforward, didn't even ask for additional docs and got rejected ….

    • I was rejected a few years ago. Then was accepted just before the great lockdown, and I kept the card till 03/2023, so not qualifying for the points now. Will try later in the year.

      I should have cancelled it was earlier but I was hoping to get my money back from a booking with Amex Travel… I learnt the hard lesson that if anything went wrong, Amex Travel was basically useless. You'd have better luck by contacting Qantas directly.

      I literally got NAB, Westpac, and Bank of Melbourne Qantas black cards in 1 month just in May last year…

      So far Amex and ANZ are the ones who've ever rejected me… NAB was the easiest one for me!

      I'm holding an ANZ card atm, waiting for the bonus points to be credited and I will cancel it :)

  • I see 120K points

  • +5

    What’s the minimum income required?

    • I don’t know but I’d assume $3k limit you’d be able to get it with anything around the $65kish mark

    • Before they stopped publishing those figures it was $75k from memory?

  • -8

    Shows 100

    • Shows 120k points to me

  • Anyone know if a company card counts as holding an Amex.

    • +1

      I don't think so. Corporate cards are issued to the company, employees are not account holder nor credit checked.

  • If I already have a Qantas card with another bank that I signed up for a few months ago, can I also apply for this and receive the bonus? Sorry new to this.

    • +4

      This offer is only available to new American Express Card Members. Card Members who currently hold or who have previously held any Card product issued by American Express Australia Limited, in the preceding 18 month period are ineligible for the bonus Qantas Points offer.

      So, if you only had a Visa or Mastercard Qantas card with another bank you should be fine.

      • +1

        Thanks John, appreciate the info!

  • Clicked the link and got 120k, I already applied and accepted a month ago @ 100k 😭

  • +4

    Tried 2 browsers plus incognito, all showing 100k.

  • +2

    Can view 120k - comes up with this disclaimer: "Please note that this offer may not be available or change if you return later or use a different device. Whilst this offer may disappear if you don't apply now, taking credit should be considered carefully. Please do not rush your decision"

  • +2

    Oooh im looking at this card or the Suncorp Clear Options Platinum Credit Card, as that comes with travel insurance and 12 month extended warranty on goods. Though im scared of AmEx as i see soo many signs out and about that say they don't accept them. Anyone got any tips or tricks for the credit card game, i don't want to churn, my credit score is nice at the moment at 860.

    • Just keep a second card for places that don’t accept Amex of which I don’t think there’s many these days.

    • most major places take amex. sketchy places won't accept them.

      i have this card and a qantas premier platinum mastercard

  • What if you hold a amex corporate card? Still ineligible?

    • +1

      My Amex Corporate Cards are on my work email, I have had zero issues when receiving from my Fin department

      • So if i have a business card, should be eligible for this?

    • +1

      No, it's fine.

    • +1

      2nd its also fine. I had a Corp AMEX link to the same email.

    • Thanks all

  • +2

    Got 100k then 120k when incognito

  • No brainer for those who haven’t already churned.

    Don’t forget to use your fellow ozbargainers referrals!

  • If you don't have a Qantas points account, do you have to pay the $100 sign up fee? Or does AmEx help with that?

  • iPhone shows 100000 and my MacBook Pro Shows 120000. But at the end of application it says result will come in 5-10 business days. Does that mean rejected?

    • +1

      Yup! Try using a Macbook Air

      • I've applied through Amex and got the 5-10 business days decision message. They called the next day to do an ID check and it was approved.

        • Sounds great for you! Looking forward to good news.

    • +2

      Linux Mint shows 150,000

  • Damn would've went with this over velocity amex from few weeks back.
    Any good non-amex cards to churn right now?

    • +1

      NAB Platinum Rewards card is giving 120,000 NAB points - check existing deal.

  • +2

    Whats the chances of them giving me this offer - i was approved with card being sent out today on the old 100k points offer (approved overnight).

    • Ask them! That’s what you do!

  • +4

    I had the issue of it showing 100k, this is how i solved it:
    Copy link
    Close browser completely
    open VPN
    open browser in incognito
    showed up 120k

    • Which country was connected to with VPN?

      • It works for me. I use VPN to Australia

    • Thanks using the VPN worked for me too. Had Google one VPN though my google one subscription

    • I have tried using VPN and browser in incognito. still not working for me.
      Do I need to login to see 120K?

      • Same same, tried both PC and mobile using incognito and via a VPN no luck with 120k!

        EDIT: Used Edge and 120k offer popped up straight away

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