I just moved to a much bigger house and needed an extra couple of ring cameras. Saw this at Costco yesterday, looks like it expires today, but seems like the best deal right now.
Ring Stick up Cam Battery 3-Pack (White) + Spotlight Cam Plus Battery (White) $449.98 @ Costco (Members Only)

tmonkey on 21/01/2024 - 11:57 costco.com.au (234 clicks)
Last edited 22/01/2024 - 11:08 by 1 other user
Last edited 22/01/2024 - 11:08 by 1 other user
In warehouse price was $439.99.
At present, Ring also have a few deals for various combo packs on their web site and free postage. Depending on what types of cameras you're after, buying direct might work out better, but the Costco deal suited my requirements.
I'm considering getting some solar panels for some of them. Compatible models off Amazon are much cheaper than genuine Ring panels. Has anyone here had experience with either?