This was posted 1 year 1 month 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Blu-Ray and DVD Summer Sale Titles from $2.50 + Delivery ($0 C&C/ in-Store) @ JB Hi-Fi


Seems most titles in the sale are published by Shock entertainment who have a spotty track record for quality (apparently Dazed and Confused and Ordinary People look like old DVD releases moved over to Blu without so much as a menu system or chapters), but your mileage may vary. If you're used to streaming all your movies, these may even look like an upgrade!

I picked up a few that I hadn't seen before including:
The Machinist
A Night At The Roxbury
The Ring One and Two (USA versions)
The Tenant
The Game

Might be something worthwhile for someone

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Animal House!

    • +1

      That’s no way to describe Ozbagain…😅

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Just ordered The Game.

    • Great movie

      • +1

        @Randolph Duke agree, though OOS C&C in Vic

        delivery adds $2.29

    • +1

      It’s been years but I just lost it.

  • +6


    • +1

      The guest house doesn't have cable!!

  • +1

    Well I just ordered Mandy on blu-ray. Love me some Nic Cage!

  • I keep on getting errors when checking out.

    • Some titles would be listed stock and scattered across random stores.

      I went into my local and asked them to do a store-to-store transfer of the ones I was after which they always seem happy to do. It's also of no charge.

      • I'm overseas right now so cant go into a store.

        • You have any pals or family that might be able to help you out?

          • @Faro: Nope. My wife ankle is fractured. My mom os in the hoapital

            • @Kaomichael: Damn. I'm sorry to hear that.

            • @Kaomichael: Get on webchat and ask.

              • @[Deactivated]: On it now. They dont know why it happens and cant order them for click into one store. It has to be done in store.

                • +1

                  @Kaomichael: Try a diff browser, it may work, I have had issues where 1 works, the other is broken.
                  This may not apply for phone but try anyway, also turn off any adblocker you may have on.

                  • @[Deactivated]: Tried chrome, safari, samsung internet and firefox, all displaying error.

                    • @Kaomichael: Internet Kiosk?
                      Maybe your phone set up as a hotspot for someone else's PC?

                      • +1

                        @[Deactivated]: Dont know. I'm IT idiot. All I know is go online, click the stuff I want, then go check out and input my CC detail. So whatever other things wither the phone did itself or what I have no clue.

                        I used 2 differnet phones, a Samsung and an iphone with same issues.

                        • @Kaomichael: You could be blocked from an OS transaction is all I can think of.

    • My Blu-ray drive seems to have a riplock, making the process painfully time consuming…

      Otherwise, that's what I like to do too.

    • +18

      Does "woke" just mean "things I struggle to comprehend, but my mates don't like, so I'm not going to try to adapt and instead call it woke" to you?

      I don't care for Netflix, but the usage of the word "woke" is getting very boring very quickly

      • +2

        this should help clarify its meaning for you ;)

      • -2

        a female viking chieftain from africa is woke in my eyes.

        Why would a black african want to live in norway?

        • +1

          Define "woke" as you know it. Be creative

          • -2

            @Faro: Promoting unconventional and queer ideals as the new norm - i.e., female, black viking chieftain.

            Why don't they make a tv show about Shaka instead?

            • +1

              @BargainHunterJohnnyB: So representation is 'the new norm'?

              • -1

                @Faro: representations of unconventional and queer ideals

                • +2

                  @BargainHunterJohnnyB: So everything should remain "conventional" (a standard that is largely subjective and fluid based on culture) and free of queer representation so that that community can continue to feel isolated because it makes straight, usually white, males uncomfortable?

                  • -1

                    @Faro: look up the definition of queer then come back with an appropriate argument.

                    • +2

                      @BargainHunterJohnnyB: Oh, I see. So you can't explain it in your own words, this you need to deflect the point you're trying to make elsewhere. Got it. Thanks for the enlightenment, pal 👍

                      • -1

                        @Faro: Thanks for playing.

                        • +4

                          @BargainHunterJohnnyB: I looked up the definition of queer and, unless you want to conflate it with the other definitions which would be inaccurate to your word usage given the context, and found:
                          "denoting or relating to a sexual or gender identity that does not correspond to established ideas of sexuality and gender, especially heterosexual norms."


                          "Queer, in sexual politics, description of sexuality that rejects normative definitions of appropriate feminine and masculine sexual behaviour. More contemporary meanings of queer have been picked up and used by activists and academics to mark movements within sexual identity politics and theoretical frameworks for understanding gender and sexuality. Queer, however, is a contested term: scholars and activists constantly disagree on what queer means and the way in which it should be used."

                          So seeing as scholars and activists can't come to a uniform agreement on the term, it seems to fall apart unless you explain your subjective understanding of the word which would also possibly reveal your own biases and insecurities in the process, so I understand your deflections, use of the word "woke" and repetitive usage of the low hanging fruit/strawman of your female viking.

                          Come back when your argument is less full of logical fallacies and emotional reasoning disguised as "norms".

                          • -6

                            @Faro: THE ORIGINAL MEANING IS STRANGE - WONDER WHY

                            sure, let's redefine the english language to suit the last 50 years of 'social development'.

                            • +3

                              @BargainHunterJohnnyB: And the original meaning of "betrayal" was in the context of turning against one's king. Funny how language can evolve, huh?

                              • -1

                                @Faro: It's one definition and depends on context, much like queer or gay.

                                I never mentioned anything LQBT in my postings here, so I think you need to check your self before you wreck your self m8

                                Why is there an ice cream called gaytime? That's what gay means, happy.

                                • +5

                                  @BargainHunterJohnnyB: Are you a farmer?

                                  You seem to have many straw men

                                  • @Faro: Queer just means strange, or it can refer to sexual orientation/attraction depending on context.

                                    A black african viking chieftain is queer in my eyes

                                    • +4

                                      @BargainHunterJohnnyB: Is your black African chieftain your only point of reference?

                                      • @Faro: It's something that stood out to me on netflix when i watched it and it's the only example i bothered rememberinig since i watched that show through the season.

                                        Tl;dr: netflix is filled with weird and strange stuff, and not in a good way

                            • +2

                              @BargainHunterJohnnyB: Remember fifty years ago when real men were men…. Rock Hudson. Montgomery Clift. Marlon Brando. James Dean. Cary Grant. Ah…I sure miss them….
                              Back when movies had two cowboys eating pudding …
                              Good times!

                              • +2

                                @TheRealCher: You ever seen the documentary The Celluloid Closet?

                                Gay and queer culture has been hidden in plain site even in those "very straight, normal" movies people praise for being conventional.

                                • +2

                                  @Faro: Yeah it's a fantastic doco….a lot of brave folk. Creative. We have long histories…

                    • +2

                      @BargainHunterJohnnyB: Oh honey, without us queers, could you imagine the entertainment you'd be reduced to….we invented Hollywood before brunch ….

        • Or the queens of England being African. Rewriting history to suit the current craze being pushed…it’s all a bit of a joke

          • -2

            @Be careful: yes exactly - it's actually a form of brainwashing lmfao

            • +4

              @BargainHunterJohnnyB: As is usually the case with these things, the history you are complaining about being "brainwashing" is actually completely accurate and historically correct. It's just that it doesn't conform to the ill-informed, false, white hetero-normative narrative you've never properly questioned.

              Here's a quick link for you from a historian talking about African Vikings:…
              Who am I kidding, you won't do any research; here's a quote:

              "There were African Vikings, although their numbers were likely small. Norse society was more diverse that is usually portrayed, and black and brown people could assimilate into it."

              "There is, however, at least one instance of a brown Viking queen from a Norse kingdom in Present-day Norway.

              Queen Ljufvina, the wife of King Hjor of Avaldsnes, has clearly been described as having black skin."

              Why are you putting in so much energy to protect a false history now that it is being accurately portrayed?

              • -2

                @mj7312: that's a very very weak source you have there

                • +2

                  @BargainHunterJohnnyB: Of course you'd say something like that; the mind protects its own prejudices. I merely picked one of hundreds. You could go and look for yourself, but that would be educating yourself, I guess.

    • I've been trying to get the game on BR for a ling time. Fb market place now tries to sell in bundles on 100+ movies. Very hard to find some titles you want without getting repeats when one already has 500+ titles in stock.

      Re:ripping, can you rip it in uncompressed format as the disc, ie. In DTS-HDMA and DTHD +/- atmos, DTS-X?

      • Yea but my samsung qled only plays dolby and not dts so i have to handbrake it into e-ac3 5.1 ;( sigh

      • +1

        I was interested in a couple of movies, but I don't think OP is off the mark when saying some of these are of dubious quality. Check out the reviews of this and other 'Cinema Cult' releases.

        1 out of 5 stars.
        Appalling Transfer
        2 years ago
        A good movie with an abhorrent VHS quality transfer. I am thinking of contacting the A Triple C about this being marketed as a 'new release.' It is utterly contemptuous to foist this on your consumers.

    • +1

      Better than the woke stuff on netflix these days

      Netflix forcing you to watch things is a downgrade of the service, I liked it better when I got to choose what I wanted to watch, and could turn something off if I didn’t like it.

  • -1

    Who (which group) is responsible for pushing for "woke"?

    • I don't know what you're talking about

    • -1

      An interesting question. You could start by looking at the World economic forum as they have a lot of agendas to push.

  • -1

    I’m really getting into woke these days. Feminist comedians like Hannah Gadsby really tickle my fancy. I do love a good old fashioned welcome to country before starting work or listening to a radio show.

    • +3

      Okie doke. Glad you're going well with your emotional adjustments. 👍

  • +1

    most these shock releases are worse than the original releases. audio can be diff not as good. not sure on picture.

    can anyone tell me if prices are same in store as online? i was in jb yesterday and ticket prices are diff than online price.

    • It should be the same. I think they've just given up on trying to update the stickers of all the movies every week.

  • +2

    Thanks OP. Some good films like Contagion, The Ring, Fatal Attraction, and Amistad.
    And Chappelle's Show Complete Series for $7.50. Worth it just for Charlie Murphy's stories.

    • +2

      Cocaine is a hellov a drug

      Rick James is good, Prince and Basketball, Blind white supremacist is just lawl.
      I have this from 20 years ago, but you can get it on 1080P if you know how.

    • +1

      When cvoid first started, the movie Contagion is what first came to mind. Followed by 12 monkeys.

      • The montage where everything is shut down and empty is still hard to watch.

  • Thanks

    • You're welcome

  • Which BR player bring out the best of BR quality? PS5 good enough?

    • Ps5 is good enough.

    • PS4 or 5 or even Xbox One will be absolutely fine for standard Blu-ray. Ps5 is apparently also a decent enough 4k Blu-ray player, but lacks some higher end features of standalone players.

      • PS5 was very late in the game of 4k Blu-ray. It's a feature which in my opinion the PS4 Pro should of had.

        Xbox One S and X both had the ability of being a 4k Blu-ray player using the Blu-ray Player app. I have both. This was years before the PS5 was ever heard of. Seems to work fine.

    • Ah rushed this afternoon and missed Dynasties. Is it worth paying shipping again for this one or drive a bit further to pick up?

      Loved planet earth so bought the other two thinking they were similar.

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