Another freebie from Flybuys for Crunchy Chicken Burgers (550g) or Chicken Steaks (600g) …
Normally $13.00……
I put chicken salt on my lamb. I wonder what slammin sam would think of that.
There's generally no chicken in chicken salt, so you know it makes sense.
I don't know if anyone thinks that it does. Perhaps an American who has never had it?
Invasion day
looks good
I haven't received the email yet… Just came across it in the Flybuys app…
My offer is just for the bonus 600 points
I ain't swapping…
Me too, 700 bonus points for something they know I'm never going to purchase.
Would never pay full price, but when on sale at 50% off… they go well when making home-made burgers.
What's the normal price?
It's in the description.
It is indeed a descriptive description.
Nice freebie!! I tried them. Not bad. Unfortunately I am not targeted (again).
Unfortunately I am not targeted
What is worse is being targeted, and then not finding any stock…
Yes, I have found that when the give freebies, suddenly there isn't stock at stores. Coincidence?
Yes, because everyone with a flybuys acct has already bought them all up…
You mean the dare coffee drink
I got a free microwave popcorn…
That's a much better deal, for the chickens.
Me too
Free popcorn and then 600 points on the chicken burgers
I got 85g cobbs microwave popcorn - and my coles is all sold out. Perfect.
Hope I get this in mine, that's dinner/lunches sorted for a few days
Bugger, not in my Flybuys app.
What if I want to eat in?
Don't try. Tegel will find you…
I love the tegal chicken pieces, but I found the burgers a bit eh. Free is free though
You are the product
You are the product if you buy this or not, may as well get something out of the transaction.
If I don't get this targeted deal, it will be because of Dictator Dan
Awesome, just had a Coles delivery 2 hrs ago and don't have Flybuys linked.
Winner winner no chicken dinner.
I still have my 8 packs of 1KG Tegels in the freezer though.
Much better than the jar of peanut butter that Everyday Extra offered me. Can't eat peanuts…
If you are targeted, I strongly recommend trying it, its surprisingly good and I've been bummed there hasnt been a sale in a few weeks so begrudgingly paid full price for 2 bags recently. They heat up real good in the airfryer.
Our family loves them. Next time they are on sale going to bulk buy and fill a freezer shelf.
How is one targeted for a Flybuys deal? Third year of waiting to be targeted for a deal.
i would say its based on your supplied details and shopping habits.
I got a packet of hi-chew original mix.
So which is better? The burgers or steaks?
I think or
therefore I am?
Cancer, steaks and burgers - in that order
Better get in before it all gets hidden behind the toilet paper…
nada on either mine or husband's
I got a free yoghurt
The email just came through now, over 2 hours later.
I got 20x points on some random vegan chocolate I've never heard of or bought lol
some random vegan chocolate
I much prefer the meaty ones.
I tried turkey chocolate, but it was fowl.
Maybe it was stuffed ?
I got 1 free chobani 160g yoghurt on my app
I got the same. Chobani Fit 160g.
The problem was it didnt come up as free at the checkout. I showed the attendant. She said "yeah it should minus off at the final screen". She then said there is nothing she can do about it and that I should ring Flybuys to rectify.
I not sure whether I can be bothered to do that. Hence to say, I had the item removed from my purchase.
I had the same issue redeeming the item at self checkout. Supervisor said there have been others having the same issue.
I had the same problem last week. the promo works for me today if you haven't tried it again
Congratulations on 111111 comments JV
!!!!!! - auto-incorrect from my brain
How do the burgers taste compared to other frozen burger brands?
Some people liked them, I didn't really see much in them. Haven't tried the steaks though.
both are good!
why i never got anything from coles…
You need to join Flybuys.
You need to join Flybuys.
Maybe they can’t because they’re human?
These are our family favourite. So good!
ohh shoot never get these types of freebies from Coles :-(
Lucky to ones who received it!
No freebies for me. I am highly disappointed.
Didn’t receive this offer
Nothing for me
These with a bit of buffalo sauce/perinaise and an Aldi sesame brioche almost resembles a cheap zinger.
Made in NZ.. support Ozzy products.. this is OZbargains after all 😂
My Coles sells these and never has any stock. Even when you go in very first thing in the morning. Be it half price sale or normal. It always feels like they say they got it just so you come into the store, go oh your out well I'll buy something else instead.
My Coles sells these and never has any stock.
Doesn't mean others have not been able to get them.
I went yesterday and my local store had lots of stock of both varieties.
Got the chicken steaks yesterday.
Weird thing is that it didn’t deduct the price at the register.
I showed staff member and the gave it to me for free anyway.
Free chicken for Australia Day !!!
Don't tell Sam Kekovich…