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24 Free Short Courses @ University of The Philippines Open University Massive Open Distance eLearning


University of the Philippines Open University courses are free, self-paced, and open to everyone so you may complete them at your own convenience. At the end of each course, completers will be awarded e-certificates.

Schedule for the year can be found here

How to register:
For those with existing MODeL accounts, you may now self-enroll in the MOOCs featured on our website homepage.

If you don't have a MODeL account yet, follow these steps:

  1. Fill out the registration form: https://url.upou.edu.ph/upoumodel-signup
    Note: Login credentials are sent every THURSDAY until 4 PM on Wednesdays. Requests after the cut-off will be processed the following week.

  2. Sign in to your new MODeL account upon receiving the email.

  3. Change your password to a strong, unique one.

FAQs found here
Need more information? Feel free to engage with their chatbot, "Openg," on model.upou.edu.ph.

Enrolment Course
JANUARY Basics of Resilience
Introductory Course on Contact Center Services
FEBRUARY Gender Sensitivity Training
MARCH Micro-credential on Digital Office Efficiency Training
Introduction to Open and Distance eLearning (ODeL)
Understanding the Child Better
Business Analytics Concepts and Frameworks
APRIL Strategic Planning in ODeL
Principles of Graphic Design
MAY Introduction to Technology for Teaching and Learning
Quality Assurance in ODeL
Legal Instruments for the Protection of Children
JUNE Learner Support in ODeL
Teaching and Learning with Modem ICTs
Institutional Mechanism Towards Child Rights Protection and Promotion
JULY Technology in ODeL
Introduction to ODeL
Blended Teaching and Learning Using OERs
Social Entrepreneurship
Scriptwriting for Educational Video Materials
AUGUST course offering break
SEPTEMBER Strategic Planning in ODeL
Introduction to Technology for Teaching and Learning
Planning Programs on Child Rights Protection and Promotion
Creating Educational Materials Using PowToon
OCTOBER Quality Assurance in ODeL
Teaching and Learning with Modem ICTs
Developing and Producing an Interactive Educational Video Material
NOVEMBER & DECEMBER Learner Support in ODeL
Technology in ODeL
Blended Teaching and Learning Using OERs
Implementing and Evaluating Programs for Child Rights
Video Editing Using an Open-Source Video Editing Software

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University of the Philippines Open University
University of the Philippines Open University

closed Comments

  • +1

    Do you get a .edu.ph email address?

    • And does it with a student peer to peer meeting platform..

    • Can edu.ph be used for education stores in Australia?

      • +3

        Most, no.
        There are SOME sites you can use them on.
        Student beans you can. But student edge you can't.

  • +7

    Time to brush up on my Gender Sensitivity Training.

  • -1

    Do they offer permanent residency as part of the course? Oh wait that's us.

    • +2

      What australian university offers permanent residency as part of their distance learning course?

      • They are option module:
        "How to get a wife / GF with your Australia Citizen"
        "How to make a fortune with your Australia Citizen"

        then for suckers there is
        "How to get con into getting your partner Australia residence"

        • -4

          Not sure what is there to nag? Naive souls think I am insulting Australia Education and Migration system? Then you better wake up as they had been like that for yyyyyears!!

          • +1

            @syswong: Negging for the awful grammar and crass jokes made at the expense of all migrants.

            • -1

              @The Frugal One: Oh you innocent and naive soul with a great heart….

              What can you do when the head of our country is in bed with CCP:


              Well at least China "entertainers" can now make a return🤣🤣🤣

              • @syswong: Think yourself lucky. Poorly expressed generalisations like yours often get far more negs, esp when they're laughably ludicrous, grossly exaggerated, and based on ignorance.

                That van Onselen link is extremely poor "journalism" because it fails to provide any context or analysis. Myopia seems to be rampant in that broader vO family as you (cough) know. I'd have thought that a person of your deep thinking and undoubted knowledge would understand that the feds were responding to urgings from unis (for income) and small businesses (for cheap p/t labour).

                • @Igaf: responding to urgings from unis and small businesses

                  You mean in their pocket instead of acting in Australian's best interest

                  • @jcdenton: No, I'm not that ignorant. Unlike some, I also don't accept simplistic, juvenile absolutisms, especially from people who have sfa understanding of basic economics.

                    • -1

                      @Igaf: Yeah AKA just sell ourselves to the CCP! Uni can restructure business can adopt. Our county, once sold its gone.

                      • @syswong: Your grasp on reality is very shaky, even for this website.

                  • -1

                    @jcdenton: You are spot on.

      • Murdoch University

        • Universities don't have any special control over permanent residency

          • @Igaf: MU is a residency gateway university, admittedly they dont offer PR as part of the package

            • +1

              @Headless: That's because quite obviously they can't, which was ST23's point I suspect. PR requires a whole range of hoops to be jumped through.

              • -2


                PR requires a whole range of hoops to be jumped through.

                You just prove you are ignorant. The "unofficial" way of getting PR is not that difficult. 150K, a good and resourceful agent, plus a few bits and bots, and time. Thats all you need. for ladies the market is way more flexible depends on the quality of the lady.🤣🤣

                It is funny how our uni cost exactly the same amount of money, and you have to work for it and "a whole range of hoops to be jumped through". No wonder many PRCs i know say unless you are really smart and can make a career out of a degree, don't do it.

                One thai massage girl I know got it all done for free, which was not shocking, many white man got suck into that. What is shocking is she also manage to get social housing! and in relative short period of time. Of course she is an isolated extreme special case.

                • @syswong: Sure, I believe you. Given your certainty - a classic sign of lack of wisdom - what are the numbers for people who rort the system, and are/were you one of them?

                  • -1

                    @Igaf: Seriously all you know is calling people stupid is brushed English?

                    what are the numbers for people who rort the system

                    People technically not rort the system, They just happen to get married 12 months before they apply for pr and happen to devoice after PR is granted.

                    Yeah too difficult for you brain that is fill with wisdom !!

                    BTW you don't have to believe me. I am only sharing how this was done within certain group of people…..

                    • @syswong:

                      People technically not rort the system, They just happen to get married 12 months before they apply for pr and happen to devoice after PR is granted.

                      Marrying for the sole purpose of getting citizenship of any sort is the very definition of rorting. But, as you know (cough), marriage is no guarantee of PR.

                      I digress. Back to the numbers, the bain of your fantastic (in the original sense of the word) world. How many PRs get married 12 months before registering for PR and divorce within a couple of years or so? And, if it's not taxing your incredible brain too hard - what percentage of PRs does that represent?

                      You didn't answer my previous question. I'll rephrase it for you. What is your relationship with PR in Australia?

                      • -1


                        You didn't answer my previous question. I'll rephrase it for you. What is your relationship with PR in Australia?

                        Why is that your fxxking business? and what kind of English is that?

                        Go hire a PI all you want? DH!!

                        • @syswong: Judging from your comments here what you know about English could be written on a pin head by an illiterate six year old.

                          Don't want to answer that questiont? Understandable. Your non-answer is suggestive so we can move on to the easier questions which you've ignored for obvious reasons. You've made many ludcirous assertions from the get-go, now's the time to back them up. Or not, in your case.

                          • -1

                            @Igaf: And give free entrainment to that shitty little brain of yours…. nah I rather spend that time with massage girls and working girls.

                            At least they are worthy of my time…. good night!!

                            • @syswong: Worthy? Interesting description.

  • +1

    Understanding the Child Better

    Which child?

    • +2

      The child that your "classmate" accidentally conceived during meeting with you and end up getting residency for it, which you also have to pay 18 years of child support for.

  • "Introductory Course on Contact Center Services" Can do this one while waiting on hold…

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