Free University Short Course - Pen Testing 2025 @ IT Masters


Pen Testing 2025 is a dynamic 4-week course designed to equip you with the core skills and knowledge needed to assess and strengthen cybersecurity defences. This course is perfect for IT professionals, security analysts, and anyone looking to expand their penetration testing expertise.

Throughout the course, you’ll dive into key areas such as penetration testing fundamentals, scanning and enumeration techniques, enterprise attack strategies, and effective reporting. You’ll gain hands-on experience with real-world tools and methodologies used to identify vulnerabilities and improve system security.

The Pen Testing 2025 short course is designed to give you a ‘taster’ of what it’s like to study postgraduate cybersecurity online with Charles Sturt University. This course draws from the content of ITE535 Penetration Testing and aligns with the CompTIA PenTest+ industry certification, providing a solid foundation for advancing your penetration testing skills.

By participating in this course, you’ll gain practical insights and hands-on experience with penetration testing tools and techniques—essential for identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities in real-world environments. Whether you’re exploring further study or aiming for industry certification, this course offers the perfect starting point to build your cybersecurity expertise.

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  • +1

    I usually take the pen thing out of the case and rub it between my hands to warm the ink, probably a placebo, but I wouldn't call myself a pen master or anything so

    • -2

      "anyone looking to expand their penetration"

      • -6

        They have already expanded their penetration

      • This is why I'll never be a pen master :'(

    • 🤣🤣

    • +1

      use pencils, they're better

  • -2

    Free University Short Course - Pen Testing 2025

    Are there lots of job opportunities for Pen Testers?

    • -2

      Skilled Penetrator

    • There are if you know your pens.

      • -1

        I can tell the colours apart.

    • nods in johnny sins

  • is it online webinars only or online course?

  • Does this have particular dates that it runs or is it at your own pace and time whenever you want?
    It looks like it has interactive webinars which would lead me to believe specific dates but I can't find that listed anywhere.

    • Can't find the dates either. The last time OP commented was on 19/01/2021. May not hear from OP.

    • +2

      From enrolment confirmation:
      Our Live webinars are held at the same time every week for around 90 minutes (approx.). Beginning January 29, 2025 and finishing on February 19, 2025, all webinars will start @ 7:30 PM (Sydney Time). Webinar duration can vary based on the depth of content and the length of the Q&A.

    • If you look at the course online it runs for 4 weeks live from 29th Jan @ 7:30pm. After that you can still take the course at your own pace enrolling at the same links and watching the recorded sessions.. The benefit of the live sessions is interacting with the mentoring an getting your questions answered. Good luck!

  • "Distribution, sale or offering for sale of hardware, software or other tools used to commit cybercrime is criminalised by section 478.4"

    How did you get around this out of curiosity?

    • +4

      Pen testing is not a cybercrime.

      • Probably is, if you don’t have the owners permission?

        • +1

          Without consent of the target, it is attack recon.
          A pen test is planned with consent of the target and is not to cause damage or disruption.

    • Chatgpt

  • do you get a CSU email address with this course?

  • +1

    I found on their website course commences 7:30 Sydney time 29 January. I copied link from that info but didn’t help:
    Beginning to think I imagined it as not in browsing history and I cannot find again!

    Introducing Pen Testing 2025—a FREE 4-week course starting January 29 at 7:30 PM (Sydney Time)! Join ITM Mentor Jeremy Koster as he covers: Pen Testing …

    • +1

      He's a good lecturer and works in industry at the same time so he knows his stuff.
      I did one of these a few months ago about Big Data out of interest, it was good at a beginner level or for an executive who needs to know but doesn't..
      If it's the same format, you have weekly lectures but can watch them on catch up, though polite to attend some so you can participate and ask questions through the chat function, which will be answered. I attended two of the four, it's a two way process etc.
      You need to do weekly online tests and run through the training infomation, then a final longer test which takes about 15 minutes. It's all open book stuff and not invigilated, so very laid back but they're useful courses if you just want to dip your toe in.
      Certificate of Completion at the end if you go through and complete, not worth anything really except for yourself and maybe some CPD credit.

      Obviously they're loss leaders for getting people signed up to online Grad Certs and Masters if you've not done online before, and that's where these Uni's now need to earn their corn.

      • +1

        That's pretty much it Bob - we find it's more than just a loss leader - lost o f our students haven't done study for some time so it's a good practice session. The content is similar to that in our paid degrees and often covers part of a specific subject. Jeremy teaches our pen testing subject so he's right on top of this stuff.

      • Why try your link? Cannot find dates on that page.

        • Ah good point we will fix that!

          The dates only matter for the first four weeks - 29/1/25 to 19/2/25 Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm for about 90minutes. Once we are past the 19th Feb the course is on demand.

  • Hi Veronica,
    Who is the lecturer for this course?

    • Not Tony Stark but Thor

  • Jeremy Koster as just above

  • I can finalise get my pen license since year 3

  • -1

    It is but pen-ultimate. O'Reilly is ultimate (specially curated) - if uni enrolled, you may have this subscription.

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