Just saw that Pepsi sodastream syrup is half price at woolworths. Good for people that got the kmart sodastream machine deal
Just saw that Pepsi sodastream syrup is half price at woolworths. Good for people that got the kmart sodastream machine deal
Yes saw that. Maybe it's meant to be the 6 pack price?
I think that’s the 6 pack price as it’s usually around $5-6
It's the marketplace, people can set their own prices
Obligatory note about this company being from Israel, who are currently inflicting a genocide.
Aside from that, why not buy Australian and get Sodaking, their flavours are $4.20 at Big W every day of the week, and get as low as $3 when on sale. Schweppes is another option that has an always lower RRP.
why not buy Australian and get Sodaking
Thank you. I was just looking for an alternative.
Username checks out :-)
sodastream is owned by pepsico now so
i'm not saying this as free n-word pass but they're just a part of the US conglomo now
i had a few of these, they're ok
i think $4,20 for 250 ml is… not great value but ok
@tonyjzx: It's $3.45 at IGA right now, so that's a bit better. Also while they are owned by Pepsi, they still manufacture in Israel. Just like with anything, people should be aware of where things are made and they can make their own choice.
The device I'm typing on isn't being dropped on some innocent kid's house and killing his whole family though
Neither are the Pepsi max sodastream bottles, your point exactly?
@lookingforadeal7: maybe i'm being naive but the original founder wasnt a bad guy execept for that insider trading thing and it sounded like a fairy tale of jews and arabs working together in a factory but i do get what people are saying in that most likely the factories are all jewish now and I do get people wanting to not spend on any israeli product
@tonyjzx: Not wanting to spend money on Israeli product is fine, not wanting to spend money on Israeli product for ethical reasons but in the same breath still using products that are products of child slavery and human trafficking. Also wait until Jackson finds about where oil comes from, he'll be walking everywhere.
@lookingforadeal7: Already bought 2 EVs, my money is firmly where my mouth is, I still walk places and ride a bike when I can. I'll happily spend money again on Israeli products when there's a 2 state solution, until then I'll be holding out
@Jackson: Let's be honest most the people acting like they care about Palestinians getting their own land aren't in a hurry to move to England and give their belongings to first nations here which would be a bigger step in the right direction then "raising awareness" that Pepsi is made in Israel. It's just comical and ironic to me.
@lookingforadeal7: Not really the same, one is in real time and the other from a couple of hundred years ago. Support Indigenous issues now and do not support current genocidal regimes.
@Jackson: Wait, you bought made in CHINA EVs?!? Do you not know about the genocide they are currently and have previously undertaken!?
@tonyjzx: I don't know for sure, but I will give him it's hard to be good there. Even though he was employing Palestinians, he was setting up factory on their land, using their natural resources (e.g. all the water they have, while Palestinians are severely rationed water), and paying them less than what an Israeli would be paid for doing the same job, and that's before mention of any glass ceiling. All before mentioning that the Palestinians are severely punished daily by not being able to do umpteen basic things, like fish, or move around easily without being harrassed, or the other billion things they have inflicted on them
@Jackson: Yeah, the Sodastream job was high paying compared to other jobs for Palestinians. The boycott meant 600 Palestinians lost their jobs circa 2014.
@Cave Fire: that might be true, but it was still a colonial apparatus that was subjugating an entire people as a subclass to their neighbours
@lookingforadeal7: The point is raising awareness that your money would end up supporting an economy that’s committing the largest genocide of our current time, and boycotting is one of the most effective methods for ending apartheid regimes (from experience with SA).
Now you may not care much about what’s happening there, badly need your dose of flavoured fizzy water or just say it’s their fault for liking Hummus. Either way, Jackson’s point was to raise awareness.
@Xizo: Actually you need more education on the topic. Jews are the ancestral inhabitants of Palestine for centuries. Up until a few decades ago no one ever heard of a Palestinian. They are refugees from Transjordan who nobody wanted. Then ended up the poster child for Iran. Israelis can’t occupy their ancestral land that’s why they defend it when there’s an unprovoked attack. No context can carry your agenda. Remember two things, if they destroy Israel they coming for the free world next and finally, these facts don’t care about your feelings.
@newjackswing: I don't know whether I should laugh or cry at this utter garbage. You can't even make this up. I'm not sure if its worthwhile giving your comment any attention, you are facts proof. However, for other readers, I'll point out some of your ridiculous points.
What exactly are you going to educate me about transjordan? and what is transjordan for you anyway? Likud Ministers brandish maps of Greater Israel that does include Transjordan. Refugees? Nobody wants? You have no idea what you are talking about. If anything, you are referring to the total opposite, Black September, but that'll go right over your head.
Jewish Ancestral land according to what? The Bible? Does the bible also include the land deed that God gave it to the Jews? What if those Jews converted to Christianity or Islam? Do they lose their right to the deed? So you are telling me that blond Russian Ashkenazi Jews have an automatic right to the land, but those who lived on it for the last 3,000 years (since your biblical times) are not?
Speaking of the Bible, ever heard of Philistines? That's what the land is called. Prior to Sykes/Picot, there wasn't a Saudi, Iraq or Jordan either, so what's your point? There sure as hell was no Israel either.
Regardless of name, call it New Florida, or Old South Wales, or whatever. You are ethnically cleansing the indigenous population, so stop the word acrobatics.
Finally, I agree, Jews have a connection to the land, and it is holy to them. It was not the Palestinians who burned the first or the second temples, it was the Romans and Persians. Jews were only safe in Arab lands, and in fact after Caliph Omar Al-Khattab captured Jersualem from the Byzantines, he was shocked to learn there were no Jews left, and he made arrangements to bring them back to the dismay and objection of Sophronius.
Having Jews in Jerusalem/Palestine is one thing, having an apartheid state committing genocide against the indigenous population is another thing, not that I expect you to know or even care about the difference.
Who's coming for the free world? Those children born into the concentration camp that is Gaza? Please say that out loud, preferably while looking at a mirror.
Facts huh? Well, the fact is I fear for Israel, purely on historical basis. After seeing what they're doing? I can't blame Isaiah for what he's written in the Torah.
@Xizo: Thank you for your master class on anti semitism, you are conveniently making it all fit your worldview. How nice - let me tell you something, the mideast conflict is a lot more complex than you theorise.
Having lived in both apartheid Sth Africa and Israel, there is a big difference. in SA people of colour had no rights and it was official law. In Israel, Arabs are in parliament, uni and driving BMW's and living wherever they choose. The one's preparing to blow themselves up and radicalised thugs are dealt with harshly I agree. Sadly you apologise for them, calling it a genocide. How iis it ethnic cleansing /genocide when the Palestinian population is growing by the hundreds of thousands? Lastly, Israel handed Gaza back and BILLIONS was raised for them to build it into liveable city. But democratically elected Hamas terrorists decided to spend the funds on bombs and tunnels. You never mentioned one word about the genocide on Oct 7. If Hamas returned the remaining hostages, there would be a ceasefire. Hamas are 100 percent to blame for what has transpired. Looking forward to your ChatGPT response.
@newjackswing: Arabs in Israel have at least 75 laws that prevent them from things all the way up to owning land or a house, and let's not start on the treatment of people in the West Bank and Gaza. It seems that there's no end to people who just spout propaganda while the country they support kills tens of thousands of innocent women and children. Just because a population has growth, doesn't mean it's not a genocide. and if you want to talk about money for Hamas, that money passes thought Bibi Netanyahus hands before it gets to them, he needs them to stay in power.
@newjackswing: This entire comment is just a whitewash of ignorance. Palestinians are the native people of the land, and included Muslims, Christians and Jews side by side. No person should be denied from humanity and dignity, regardless of their religion. Your comment mirrors the Zionist line of "a land without a people for a people without a land" propaganda that's tantamount to the Lebensraum Nazi propaganda
So, what you are saying is that one life from one group of people has more value than that from another group of people?
What you are saying is that slave labour does not result in death through poor working conditions, increased poverty etc?
Why don't you care so much about black people in Sudan or other African countries? Is this a case of reverse racism or ignorant or choice related racism?
@carrawa: Classic! First invoke antisemitism, then say it is complex, then do that whataboutery thing. Every. Single. Time.
Smoke and mirrors, let's unpack these rambles. An educated mind should be able to sift through the statements one by one.
You mentioned "facts", such as "no one has ever heard of Palestine until recently", and I pointed out how these are shallow lies, and countered with what I think are facts, subject to scrutiny by whoever is reading. So what part of my text is Anti-semitic? Please point it out so I never use it again, God forbid I don't want to be labelled an antisemite, I will even shut up.
"The mideast conflict is a lot more complex than you theorise…."
Complex? What exactly is complex about your democratically elected Prime Minister Bibi saying "Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass"? What is complex about Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant saying "No food, water or electricity for these human animals"?
There is nothing complex about settler colonialism dehumanizing indigenous populations before exterminating them. It's been done before, it is happening now before our eyes in granular detail.
Randoms from Budapest, India, Brooklyn and Melbourne are traveling to the "Holy Land", picking up guns and shooting at everything that moves, including bare hostages carrying white flags and women inside the third oldest church in history that your favourite elected terrorists seem to have taken good care of. I agree though, that logic is complex to explain to the modern world how that is ok. The simpler explanation is that it is NOT ok.
"Having lived in both apartheid Sth Africa and Israel, there is a big difference…"
Arabs in Israel are driving BMWs? Wow, listen to this argument. Let's break it down a bit. First, there are Arabs in Israel, and there are Arabs in the illegally (under international law, for what it's worth) Occupied Territories. The illegally Occupied Territories include Gaza and the West Bank.
Those in the Occupied Territories live under Apartheid conditions that are far more brutal than SA. Not my words. Andrew Feinstein (SA Jewish MP) calls it so, read his writings. Even Nelson Mandela said "We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians". It is a topic extensively written on, not hard to find. It is relevant that those who lived under Apartheid recognize it and call it so. It is also relevant that SA is taking Israel to the ICJ.
Now, the West Bank. It is peppered with illegal settlers, and they can seize land and expand at will and at random, wearing IDF costumes and guns with no badges. They do so with impunity. They grab land and homes at will, in contrast, Palestinians have to walk in designated streets and cross designated check points or else…
It is also relevant to say there is NO Hamas in the West Bank. Thousands of children are detained without charge.
Now Gaza. David Cameron (a keen Zionist) calls it "The largest open air prison on earth". Norman Finkelstein calls it "concentration camps". Gaza is a refugee camp that resulted from the expulsion of Palestinians in 1948. It is the densest place on the planet. Israel controls how many calories go into Gaza. It controls water supply, electricity, air space, water space, how far from the coast you can fish, etc.
Both Gaza and the West Bank are not sovereign nations, they are under Israeli control. Ane every now and then Israel does what Israel semi-formally calls "Mowing the Lawns" in Gaza, trying new weapons and seeing how deadly and effective their weedkillers are. Read Ilan Pappé, Antony Lowenstein and Norman Finkelstein, all Jews appalled by Israeli practices.
So you have issues with the world calling this arrangement Apartheid?
Now, to those driving BMWs in Tel Aviv. I won't waste much space talking about it, suffice to say that Israel is a "Jewish State for the Jewish People". So, where does that leave those blessed Arabs driving BMWs? a point for readers is that Israeli Citizenry is different from Israeli Nationality. The Arabs are heavily discriminated against, but I suppose they can still buy BMWs.
"The one's preparing to blow themselves up and radicalised thugs.."
There is your problem. How tone deaf can you be? The IDF has so far killed over 10,000 children and even posting pictures of soldiers mocking in their beds. You are shooting fish in a barrel and complaining about the splash. So they ended up also killing more journalists than any other world conflict to stop the images from coming. Who is the thug here?
Talking about radicalized. Maybe it has something to do with being born into a third generation inmate in a concentration camp with one or both parents weeded out while "mowing the lawns"?
85% of Hamas are orphans stuck behind a wall with no hope for the future.
What would you do good sir?
"How iis it ethnic cleansing /genocide when the Palestinian population is growing by the hundreds of thousands?.."
Not quite worthy of a comment.. Perhaps they should've forcibly been given permanent contraceptives like Israel did to Ethiopean Jewish migrants to stop them from reproducing?
"Lastly, Israel handed Gaza back and BILLIONS was raised for them to build it into liveable city. But democratically elected Hamas terrorists decided to spend the funds on bombs and tunnels."
Survivable concentration camp you mean, not a liveable city. Israel didn't hand back Gaza, read my point above. It controls even how much sugar and salt goes in. What BILLIONS are you talking about?
However it is true that Netanyahu bolstered and propped up Hamas purely to undermine the Palestinian Authority and make a two state solution an impossibility. Hamas was founded with Israeli support in 1987, when supporting fringe fundamentalist islamism was a fashionable thing (just like the glorious Mujahedeen in Afghanistan by the US) with the sole express purpose to undermine the local secular population.
In fact, even the tunnels were built by Israeli contractors. Listen to the CNN interview when Ehud Barak (former Israeli PM) mentions how they built the tunnels under Al-Shifa Hospital that was massacred by the IDF afterwards. It is worthwhile mentioning maybe that the NYT investigation showed no sign of Hamas activity in the Hospital. But the IDF found a calendar, so bravo, must be justified.
"You never mentioned one word about the genocide on Oct 7.."
What do you want me to say? I'll start. I condemn the murder of any innocent man, woman or child. Only a combatant can be killed during war. Hamas claims to be Islamic, and these are strict Islamic rules that forbid even the cutting of trees.
If Hamas murdered a single child or innocent woman/man, or raped anyone at all, then may the perpetrator rot in hell for eternity. They would be in direct violation of their own law. Satisfied?
Now, can we please talk about October the 6th, October the 5th, October the 4th, all the way back to 1948? And more pressingly, can we talk about October the 8th, the 9th, the 10th, the 11th……. November the 20th……… December the 25th…… New Year's Day……. and today January the 9th? and ongoing for the foreseeable future?
I dare you to condemn IDF's actions in the same manner I did.
"So, what you are saying is that one life from one group of people has more value than that from another group of people?"
Accusations are admissions. I did not say that, you said that. Specifically, your democratically elected officials called Palestinians "Human Animals", "Rats" and subhumans. So that question is directed to you.
"Why don't you care so much about black people in Sudan or other African countries?"
Whataboutery at its finest. What part of my statement made it clear that I do not care for Sudan or Africa? Or are you just dredging up any argument you can?
I lived in Africa for over 10 years. Great people, not so great politicians, militias and tribal leaders who seem to be getting alot of money and weapons from "somewhere". In Sudan, the autocratic government supported the murderous "Rapid Support Forces" against its own citizens in Darfur, and when the RSF wanted power they had a fall out, and innocents are caught in between.
The Arab states are complicit. Particularly the Saudi and Emirati royal and religious establishments are complicit. They are also in bed with the US and wouldn't last a second without US support. The Saudi head of the "Entertainment Authority", Turki Al-Sheikh, whose tribe was previously in charge of the "Moral Police", even refused to cancel Shakira's concert or the "Riyadh Festival" or the largest music concert in the region "MDL Beast" over the events in Gaza saying "it's not our business, we don't care". He even offered to buy everyone free meals from their strategic partner, "McDonald's"! Check that loser's instagram.
Anyway, I spent a long time responding to rambling. I can only justify the wasted time out of respect. Hope you see the point.
Thank you @Jackson
Sodaking flavours are terrible though. The Pepsi max syrup tastes great. Especially with a slice of lemon. :)
I hate Pepsi Max, it's not even decent premixed. on the other hand I've tried Sodaking's Cola, Lemon Squash and Raspberry and thought they were all good. I've also tried the Schweppes Passiona and and Lemon Lime and Bitters and they were decent, along with the Solo Zero Sugar
lemon pepsi max would make me gack
i dont mind pepsi as in the above and $3.50 is a fair price
all of the sodaking ones i tried werent too bad to honest
made well i'd say many people would fail a blind test
I mean shouldn't it taste exactly the same as postmix? That's all they are… syrup from a bag mixed with fizzy water.
Maybe if they get the measurements wrong. I.e not enought syrup.
I bought a soda stream precisely because it is an Israeli company.
Bravo. Anything else you’re so proud of?
Did anyone buy a made in China product with forced Uyghur slave labour? Real, not imagined from China's own documents.
+1. And not just your average Israeli company. Up until recent years they used to operate in the illegally occupied Westbank settlements and probably only moved due to boycott pressures so i definitely wont be buying any sodastream products.
We just use cordial from the super market. They aren't the classic soft drink flavours but they taste good.
I've looked into this, Cottees makes a cola flavour but I've never been able to find it?
It's been discontinued for almost a year now
@Aguynamedlance: ah crap, it's still on some of their marketing material, at least it was when I looked up a list of flavours online a few months ago
Drinkmate is really good!
Drinkmate machines are even better. The design of the bottle and machine means you can carbonate any kind of liquid
Instead of leaving, the Brits gave the colonised lands of Palestine to Jews.
It's ironic because of all people, you'd think the Jews would understand what a genocide is.
It's equivalent of the Australian government bombing the shit out of Aboriginal communities, except these communities have millions of people instead of thousands.
It just doesn't compute how people can support the idea of an Israel.
" It just doesn't compute how people can support the idea of an Israel."
A peace deals was on the table for 99% of what they wanted, they refused. ISIS HAMAS has a stated aim to kill all Jews, not just those in Israel.
They are the government in Gaza -they declared war with an inhumane terrorist attack worse than ISIS.
ISIS HAMAS openly says they use Gazan civilians as human shields - illegal under international law.
Under international law, any target used by the ISIS HAMAS is a legitimate target when used militarily.
Your comment "support the idea of an Israel" is more a statement of racism and genocide than the one you claim.
May be you should stop your fan boy friends, then it would all stop!
Sorry who is ISIS Hamas? Now you are just making up nonsense hoping no one would drill a millimetre into your shallow argument justifying the dropping of the equivalent of more than two nuclear bombs on the densest population on earth to kill terrorists that you created and funded for decades. A population you blockaded for 75 years.
What is worse, you failed you produce any evidence of this so called human shield claim. You even prevent international journalists and the community from visiting to see what's going on.
If there was a grain of logic in your argument, you'd know that ISIS and Hamas are mortal enemies. ISIS never attacked Israel, and the one time ISIS mistakenly fired into Israel when they were in Syria in the Golan Heights, THEY APOLOGISED!
There was never a "peace deal on the table for 99% of what they wanted", "they" being the ferals that happened to live on the land with no people. That statement is a pure lie. That "ISIS HAMAS" of yours even changed their charter in 2017 to accept the Two State solution in line with international law.
Enough with the Zionist propaganda. So far the only proof you've shown the world is a calendar, a couple of rusty guns and a FOLDED page written in English inside an Arabic school book.
It gets worse. Even the image presented by Cochav Elkayam-Levy, the chair of Israel's investigative committee into rape on 10/7 by Hamas as proof of rape committed by Hamas, turns out to be an image of a female Kurdish fighter who was raped and killed (or the other way around). It was published in a Japanese porn site back in 2022, and the whole images, circumstances and the sickos fantasizing about it makes any normal human gut sick at a cellular level.
Regardless, that was the image used by the Chair of the Investigative Committee as proof!!
Can you say anything straight please? Are you capable of not lying?
@Xizo: Don't bother arguing with Zionists. An absolute cancer to society.
At the end of the day, Palestine has belonged to Palestinians (ie actually ethnically semetic people) for thousands of years and the Jews colonised and took their lands and now are genociding them.
You'd think as Australians, given similar things that were done to the native Australians, we'd have a much deeper sympathy for them yet here we are.
It's pretty much Holocaust 2.0 there.
@wizko: Talk about rewriting the history books? What was built on top of the temple mount indicating which one was first? Who destroyed it and gave the area the origin of the name Palestine? And I am Australian born of more than 5 generations, no Jewish heritage. Your rants and inaccuracies belie you.
@Xizo: Read my comment below regarding my ancestry. This just belies your racism, denial and inner hate. The more you write, the more you expose who you really are, again, inner denial, hate and spewing of "facts" to suit who and what you really are.
You accuse me of being a Zionist when my faith is a Christian denomination. What will you falsely accuse me of being next?
Worse still, you deny inalienable truths acknowledged and condemned by the UN belligerently; rapes. The UN admits the rapes, otherwise, why the need to burn the bodies, especially of women and little girls?What concerns me, let alone your revisionist history and shall we say idealistic and fantastical views, let alone extremism and presence in this country, is denying pedophilia and rape no less. You must be a champion of the women in your community?
You change or twist known history to change whatever suits you to:
"Scream into an extremists void"
Are you now going to deny now they killed people? And how? Are you going to deny what happened at the Nova Music Festival? Is that your definition of a military target?
I too can write long winded prose, but I don't tend to drivel, but am not immune from it, apparently unlike you.
Funnily, you have quoted misinformation from your perspective that I have never heard of or relied upon, excellent rebuttal. I hope you enjoyed the porn site in 2022!
Are you you going to deny that (ISIS) HAMAS, a designated terrorist organisation not only in Australia, targeted, kidnapped and deliberately brutally killed, tortured and abused civilian men, women and little boys and girls, children? In worse ways than ISIS?
Hence I remove the brackets as they have well earned the appropriately named terrorist organisation name to denominate them in light of their increased barbarity and torture; ISIS HAMAS!
Is the next thing you are going to deny the Armenian genocide?
Yes, can YOU say anything straight?
Are YOU not capable of not lying about recognized rape?
I would truly hate to be a woman or little girl living in your community:
"Sorry, no rape here, I said so!".
dont worry i'll buy 5 just for you.
Ah yes, blame the house owner for killing the bandit that rape and kill your family in your own home.
they used to sell 7up and mountain dew then one day… nothing. and now coles dont even sell them… WTF, why to these stores sell stuff then just out of the blue remove them. i had to order a box of them from sadostream directly because no one sells those 2 falvours anymore. they did that with the whittakers dark ghama mint blocks. none in AU but NZ…. countdown has them all.
i'm after some of the US three pack
i'm on my last three and i dont want to open them
it feels like they have supply issues? or they just keep ordering shit no one wants
Kmart sell the 7-up
not sure if stock local to where you are. My local has stock though.
I got mountain dew from big W recently. They seem to be the shop with the largest variety of flavours
holy shite i didnt even think to look at those 2 stores for drinks. i wouldnt associate them for food stuff. thank you. will look.
Got some 7-up syrup for the son’s Christmas stocking from BigW. I reckon it tastes horrible though.
When I saw the thumbnail I thought this was pepsi scented shampoo
haha me too
instead of arguing about who produced this product.. may be its worth to note, who ever produced this, it bad for your health.
go for water instead.
I think people are already aware that water exists and that soft drinks aren't healthy but thank you for your valuable contribution.
yeah no problem, thanks for your valuable comment too.
You're welcome. If you liked mikeleemy's sage advice, you'll love this gem: make sure to breathe in AND out, it helps keep you alive. That one's on the house, you can thank me later.
Got a Sodastream as a Christmas present, about time I mix things up and try something other than soda water!
Anyone tried to mix it with sparkling water?
Note this stuff does not taste like Pepsi from a can/bottle. I’d consider it more like a generic cola taste where they licensed the Pepsi label. This contains sweeteners which OG Pepsi ain’t got.
Don’t be disappointed like I was.
do they do water flavor?
With all due respect we ascertained that from the raging argument in the second comment
… The AUD is used for billions of dollars of arms purchasing every year. Don't see people boycotting that. Last Sodastream boycott meant 600 Palestinians lost their jobs. Or now face a two hour commute each way. Now that the factory was forced to move, it's Bedouins that will be affected. People don't realise their "slacktivism" is harming vs helping the people.
price error???