kitchen aid 50% off site wide some great deals to be had. shoutout markdown addicts on fb for the code
If an item is already discounted seems to be 50% off full price not the discounted price.
kitchen aid 50% off site wide some great deals to be had. shoutout markdown addicts on fb for the code
If an item is already discounted seems to be 50% off full price not the discounted price.
ty added to description
FYI: The 50% discount comes off the full price, not the advertised sale prices…
I just bought a cordless chopper. It was advertised for sale for $179 (original price $239). After applying the above coupon, the price I eventually paid was $89 + $10 shipping.
Nice, it must be a bit hit'n'miss…
Interesting, if I add that chopper to the cart, then go to checkout and apply the code, it comes up as $119.50… (I haven't gone all the way through the checkout though)…
Confirming this - if you use Shop Pay, it's 50% off the current price. Other methods give you 50% off the RRP.
However, when I used Shop Pay, it charged my card, but didn't show my order number in the confirmation screen on KA website. It showed my order number right away when I used PayPal (yes, I ordered twice). Both order numbers were in confirmation emails from KA.
Bought the stainless steel 3 piece beater set for $94.50 to replace the default enamelled set for the tilt mixer so not bad -…
What's the advantage of the stainless steel set? Enamel is not dishwasher-safe?
Standard wear and tear - the enamel eventually chips / comes off with use / abuse.
I use stainless steel beater for making cream / frosting that requires the beater and bowl to be chilled. Stainless steel can hold the temperature longer I guess… (Not 100% sure 🤫).
If you checkout through the shop app and use the code it seems to come down further. Not too sure why
One of the stand mixers is $1049 full price, $779 of sale.
When using code on shop app it comes down to $389.50
The shop app? Forgive my ignorance
I think they mean on the website via ShopPay?
It was one of the payment methods. I already had the app on my phone from recent purchases so just went through the app.
I'm assuming the iOS/Android App.
Direct link to the KitchenAid Store
Shop.App is owned by Shopify, which does the backend payment for the KitchenAid site (and all other Shopify Sites).
Yep thats the one. Confirmed shipped and confirmation from kitchenaid sent shortly after payment.
Tested this out on one of the accessories for the stand mixers and can confirm it works, applies 50% to the discounted value.
What is shop app?
The real deal is in the comments!
grabbed the 3.3L Artisan Mini Stand Mixer KSM3311 for $250 delivered
didn't work for me coming out as $350.
If you checkout through ShopPay it seems to apply the discount to current price not original price.
I also was able to check out KSM3311 for $250 though ShopPay.
coming out as $350.
Which is 50% off RRP of $699 for KSM3311 🤷🏿♀️
shows as $349.50 in checkout for me (perhaps because I'm also trying to buy an attachment?)
Make sure you're using ShopPay option to get the discount on the current price.
When/where do you enter the code?
Is it worthwhile to join Markdown Addicts if I'm already on ozbargain 24/7?
yeah sometimes they find good stuff before Ozbargain does.
Thanks! Got the KSM195 for $389.50.
Hi! Did you go buy through the website? The code section keeps on loading for me for White KSM195. Thanks!
Thanks! they just reverted back the White KSM195 to full price smh
Went through the shop app
Just got the tracking number. Item has been shipped!
Ksm70 or ksm195? Know little about kitchenaid mixers but do a fair bit of cooking
I splurged and got the KSM70. Half speed is good. $454.50 using the shop pay method. Fingers crossed that it ships.
I do kinda wish I bought a Kitchenaid instead of the Breville mixer deal from earlier this year, just because the attachments are so much cheaper. Then again I barely touched the thing so maybe not.
For the cheapest price it seems to be better to just search kitchenaid australia on the shop app as it discounts from the discounted price. Don't quote me on that, I could be wrong though.
It's still 50% off the current price (ie. not off the RRP) if you use Shop Pay on their website. Other payment methods on the website give you 50% off the RRP.
My inner home maker just exploded TY OP!
$1200 saved. OP I could kiss you!!! Discount applied to already discounted items too!
What did you buy
Mixer, Blender bunch of attachments etc
Hi Ashley,
Thank you for your recent order with KitchenAid.
As you are aware, we experienced an internal discount code go live across public forums over the past 24 hours. Please note this isn’t our usual practice, however, we want to honour this promotion for you and your product will be with you soon.
Happy holidays,
KitchenAid Australia & New Zealand
Which one is the top of the line model? Thanks in advance
Check your comm bank app aswell, there is a cashback offer of $25 if you spend $170 or more on kitchen aid website
Can it be combined with cashback?
Thanks op got KSM195 for $389
Can someone explain the difference on the KSM xxx and KSMxx ??
Or easier still before they all sell out for a novice what the best for occasional use mostly pasta making once you get the attachment?
Triple digits (and KSM45 for some reason):
- tilting models: the whole top part tilts back, so you mount the bowl, then tilt down and lock,
- tad less capacity,
- fancy colours to choose,
- "Brush Fuse Gear" motor type - not sue how it matters, probably doesn't if you're not a heavy user.
- Set prices vary depending on colours, materials and included attachments.
Double digits (KSM60, KSM70)
- lift models: the bowl is lifted to reach the mixing attachment and locked instead of the top part tilting,
- bigger and heavier device, bigger bowl,
- less colours to chose,
- alternating current motor type.
Pasta, food-processing attachments are the same. All have solid warranty.
See an example comparison page:
You should be fine with xxx.
Thanks for the reply, that helped heaps, unfortunately while setting up shopfy it looks like the code no longer works, could have been a new customer, guess they will miss out, oh well, hope they honour the people who managed to get through checkout.
Also, I think 2 digit models offer half speed but since I don’t know when you would use it, I don’t think I would have needed it.
Are KA stick mixers much of an improvement over russell hobbs etc. I kill these pretty regularly feeding my hommus addiction.
The KA one is only 180 watts vs Rhobbs at 500watts but we all know how rubbery these numbers can be.
Expired. Code no longer works on Kitchenaid site or
looks like shows over, lets see if they honour all the orders that have gone through Shop app…
I got an email from them today saying they will be honoring the transaction. I guess they did the math and determined that the potential loss of reputation and online smearing if they renege > the cost of them honoring all the sales they accepted using ShopPay. Edit: scrolling further down it would appear they did refund some of the orders that were put through, so perhaps there's a cost margin issue at play as well.
The code doesn’t work ?
Code no longer working on Shop app
I hope they don't cancel all the Shop App orders due to the code fckupp…
They are not good at honoring price error deal. I bought a mixer from their eBay store with a big discount code and they cancelled it, then offered me a 20% off code to use on the official website
Did anyone that ordered within the last hour receive shipping confirmation?
What. It appeared as 50% off in the cart. The code must have expired between adding to cart and payment so it charged me full price.
Yeah, code expired midway through me entering card. Noticed before clicking checkout thankfully
The same thing happened to me, just called them and they said they can't cancel the order?? What a rort.
If they cancel others orders that got the discount, you may want to remind them that they can cancel orders
Downloaded Shop app just for this promo. Disappointing.
It seems the promotion is ended. Cannot enter the promotional code above.
bought the 4.7L Artisan Stand Mixer KSM192 for $314.50, thanks OP!
You're why we can't have nice things
Great news
Hopefully just another Broden troll
I was hoping to buy one for the missus but just missed out!
Hoping the earlier orders before it got ozbargained sneak past. Ordered one about 4hrs ago. Shop app says shipped but anything could happen i guess.
Mine reverted during final stage of checkout. Bummer. Good luck if you got a deal. Was chaffing for that discount KSM70 for pizza dough.
Good afternoon everyone, I just woke up. Did I miss anything?
Omg bummer I missed out! If anyone noticed that this offer comes back after they fix the code via shop app please post here please - also thanks OP!
Does anyone that bought through the shop app have status as shipped?
Not sure if its normal behaviour as no tracking provided yet.
It's not really shipped yet. Check the real status through here
I didn’t think as much. Ty
Bugger and I wanted one of these. The one day I clean the house and not refresh every hour 😔
Order refunded
Time or order??
Reported you to the authorities mate
Was your order part of the shop pay?
I wish people stopped dropping useless messages like this.
What did they order? Was it a mixer or a kitchen knife? Did it go out of stock? Did they order 20 or 1?
It's the opposite of helping.
Aaaand now we know they must have ordered a tonne of expensive devices, as smaller orders are not being cancelled right now.
Kenwood Classic Chef Stand Mixer KM336
This looksseems amazing for $221. In so many respects, just like KA. But the looks, but I'm just being cheeky.
this is driven by belt not gear like kitchen aid… not sure which one better…
My understanding is belt is a lot easier and cheaper to replace if it gets damaged, and is much less likely to get damaged.
If mixing tough dough for example, if it skips, better to skip on a belt as damage is much less likely. Skipping in a gear system would likely crack the gear.
Honestly, I prefer the Kenwood look. KitchenAid to me looks half a century old, and not in a good way. The design also causes less stability, so fast mixing on tougher stuff can cause it to jump off the bench.
Looks are all personal preference though, and I'm well aware most people prefer the KitchenAid look, and most people aren't mixing dough in their KA.
The design also causes less stability
Out of curiosity - do you mean all KAs or just the tilting models, ie. not the one lifting the bowl?
If an item is already discounted seems to be 50% off full price not the discounted price.