• expired

Buy $10 Groupon Credit & Receive $10 Apple iTunes or Bunnings Gift Card (Email Subscribers)

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Mod: This offer is only for Groupon email subscribers

Pay $10 to receive $10 of Groupon credit PLUS a free Apple iTunes $10 gift card or Bunnings $10 gift card.

Seems like a good offer if you were going to spend $10 at iTunes or Bunnings anyway.

iTunes offer:

Bunnings offer:

UPDATE: Offer has a clause indicating it is restricted to the offer recipients.

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Groupon Australia
Groupon Australia

closed Comments

  • +6

    Looks like a great deal.. but I'm wary of this fine print:

    "Gift cards will only be issued to customers who have received this offer by direct email from Groupon"

    • I saw that after I clicked buy.

      After you buy, there is a thing that allows you to recommend this specific deal to someone else and receive $10 referral credit.

      • Technically they could argue that is not "direct email from Groupon" but an email from you via Groupon.

        Group buy companies are usually pretty specific with their T&Cs. I forsee a lot of upset people here if they spend $10 and only get a $10 Groupon credit for it.

  • Cool! I use the $10 Groupon voucher they sent me few days back to purchase this.

    • damn… i just deleted all my spam emails this morning

    • Me too, nothing as good as free cash!

    • Doing that too so if I don't get it, meh no biggie the free credit (for me anyway) is expiring tomorrow.

      • Me too.. so I extend the credit by 12 months!

  • -1

    Hi Tafe,

    Thanks for your interest - it is a great deal! You are correct that we will only be able to fulfill this offer to people that received the email newsletter. However, feel free to subscribe to Groupon and you'll be sure to get the next great offer!

    • +1

      Hi, Rep,

      I do subscribe to the Groupon daily deals and have bought lots of things in the past but why I don't receive this offer in my inbox? I feel so left out.

      • +1

        Same, are they still being sent out?

      • "Check your spam folder"

        (I have to say that to many people who have subscribed to OzBargain newsletter as well)

        Edit: Looks like in this case it's for selected recipients.

    • +1

      Hey rep. I sent a referral to my friend for this deal. If they get that email from you that mentions this offer, will they get the deal or are you going to screw them over?

      Also, MY shopping daily newsletter doesn't have this deal listed.

      I hope you guys are not going to completely screw people over if they are subscribers and you just didn't include this deal in their particular newsletter.

  • Affiliate links for Group Buying sites are not allowed.

  • +6

    So unless you got the email this 'deal' is useless.
    Neg from me because this is totally misleading.

    • Agreed, that kinda suck since the deal is open to the public (those who has access to the link) and have made the purchase but could not redeem it.

  • -6

    Hi m1nh,

    Great to hear that you are subscribing to all the best offers!

    There are all kinds of offers sent out regularly which are based on enticing new subscribers, rewarding loyal repeat purchasers etc so I'm sure you'll be in line for something soon!

    The email was sent out last night so if you haven't received it by now, unfortunately you'll have to wait for the next one.

    • What about people we refer?????? It will reflect badly on us if we tell them they will get a $10 bunnings voucher and then they only get a $10 groupon voucher.

      It'll look like we lied in order to get the $10 referrral credit.

      This is a bad way to do this. You chould have used voucher codes or the like if you didn't want people to share.

  • +6

    not a deal/bargain since you have to receive the email to qualify

    • +2

      Yeah that is what I am thinking…

  • -1

    Peeps should use the OPs link, providing groupon are not going to screw people over.

  • +3

    Restricted to specific customers. Not a bargain

  • -1

    It should be up to groupon to qualify the purchase before charging the credit card.

    I have a confirmation of delivery. THAT definitely should mean I get it, even though I can not find the deal in the many many groupon emails that are sent to me.

  • +5

    As said repeatedly above, only open to those who receive the email. Neg.

  • +2

    Should be removed as "deal" is misleading - only selected recipients qualify for the offer, as confirmed by the Groupon rep above (can guarantee there are a lot of people who don't bother reading any of the comments or T&C's and will herp derp complain later).

  • The rep hasn't responded as to whether those referred via email get the deal.

    I called my friend and told her not to bother buying this deal or even registering with groupon.

    I am trying to figure out how to neg this deal. sorry OP.

  • +3

    oh no, i got caught in their traps… bought before reading all the fine prints

  • +2

    This is not a "deal"

  • Well, not sure about others
    In my case, I had Groupon Unsubsidised
    After this deal, I resubscribed and received a welcome email including this offer

    However I'm still not keen to purchase this deal

  • Hi voteoften,

    It's great to see how keen you are to spread the word about Groupon - thanks!

    For this campaign, as it is targeted to people who received the email, the referral isn't activated. Don't worry, your friend won't have received an email. However, if you refer your friend to any other of Groupon's great deals, we'll be able to credit your account then.

    If someone purchase the deal who didn't received the email, we'll be providing a speedy refund onto the purchasing card.

    Keep an eye out for more great deals soon!

    • I purchased the deal. Got an opportunity to refer a friend for this deal via email. I referred a friend and they received an email from Groupon with me as the referer. This Groupon originated email had this same deal highlighted, according to the referee/recipient. I have told her to give it a miss due to the uncertainty of receiving the gift card, even though all email communication was from groupon to my friend.

      • +1

        This is all shifty as, how can this be still published??

        If you got an email, good for you, you can choose if you want the deal.

        Other than that, there is nothing to see here, move along… :)

    • I just subscribe to groupon and did not received the email but bought as well. How do I apply for the refund?

  • +1

    I think we need to start negging this deal, else people get suck in to this deal.

  • +2

    its a cheap way for Groupon to get your referrals without paying $10 so I am negging this

  • Hi dreambuds,

    If you would like to process a refund immediately, you can contact our customer care on 1300 962 032. Alternatively, anyone who has purchased the deal but wasn't eligible as they didn't receive the email newsletter will be automatically refunded when the deal finishes in 2 days time.

  • +2

    I don't get why only certain people received this email? I have been purchasing lots of deals from groupon and referred some friends as well. I would consider myself as a "loyal" grouponite but why didn't I get this deal? How disappointing

    • you did not receive the offer because it is, i suspect, only for ppl who are not loyal grouponites, ppl who have an account, but did not buy anything; sometimes companies want to attract the not so loyal customers (e.g. the deals that wow and coles offer to their rewards schemes members that do not scan their loyalty cards often enough). it's not always about rewarding loyalty…

  • Hi lusicul and dansor,

    dansor is correct that we offer a range of offers to both reward our loyal subscribers (who we value very much!)or to encourage new subscribers. The offers happen fairly regularly so keep an eye on your inbox!

  • It is much cheaper to keep existing customers than get new ones. Not offering this to people who buy heaps of vouchers that give Groupon about 40% of sales income is a FAIL.

    The people on OzB are reasonably astute consumers. Groupon should offer this to OzBers.

    • i don't want to ofend you, voteoften, but you seem to contradict yourself. if it's cheaper to keep existing customers, why would a company want to make it more expensive by offering deals to existing customers? it's cheaper for a reason: becuase they don't have to, or a least, not as much as for the new customers. it's all about marketing strategy and this deal is targeted to non-frequent customers to raise awarness and to entice them to try groupon; groupon might have deals targeting frequent customers, but i would suspect they do a fair bit more for non-frequent ones. maybe what are you trying to say is that it will be expensive for them to lose a loyal customer, but i don't think a offer like this will make loyal customers run away…

  • +2

    What an ill thoought out marketing campaign. The bad publicity will do more damage than good which is fully deserved. Any half decent company would go into PR damage control mode and honour the purchases made thus far, regardless whether the customer was originally targeted as part of the promotion or not. Simultaneously, I would expect the technology department to develop a fix and implement a hard restriction, validating (server side) the customer's email prior to processing the transaction.
    Someone should smack marketing and technology in the head for this debacle. The rep's comments here aren't doing much good either.

  • -1

    love u groupon, you save me a lot of money, please keep sending me $10 voucher, it will keep my impulsive buying stuff from your site :)

    • got bonus credit $10 and I just bought the iphone earphone, freebies :)

      • Theyre cheap compatible ones that you can get from ebay for like $2. You're better off using the credit on something that worths more ;)

        • normally i just bought for accommodation or restaurant, so far their restaurant nothing have good bargain. last time i got trick with their korean bbq, it said 2 people normal price $94 in fact when i went there, the normal price just $21/person.

  • Anyone got one or receive any sort of response from Groupon?

    • Ha, surprisingly I got the email about the successful transaction. Used the $10 credit given earlier to buy this. Woop

  • Hello Groupies,

    Thank you for purchasing a Groupon to receive $10 of Groupon credit and a free $10 gift card!

    This is just a quick note to let you know that your credit has now been applied to your Groupon account. Your Groupon credit is valid for 12 months and can be used against any of our great daily deals. Simply pick the deal of your choice, click ‘Buy Now’ and then tick ‘use your credit’ before completing the rest of your purchase details.

    Your free $10 gift card will be despatched to you shortly and you should receive it within the next 2-3 weeks.

    Thank you for your continued support. Happy shopping!

    Your Groupon Australia Team

    Groupon Customer Service Team

    • Wasnt a subscriber, but got it :)


  • +1

    hi groupon, could you please sending me $10 voucher, i need to buy something :)

  • Anyone received the gift card yet?

  • Just wondering if anyone has received the Bunnings card yet. My son's messaged Groupon a couple of times but just gets a standard response which doesn't answer the question. His voucher has not been sent to his email account and it's not in is Groupon account. If Groupon is monitoring this site can you please respond. Thank you. :)

  • They are certainly taking their time. Think I'm over these coupon deals!

  • Still have not received the Bunnings card, its almost been a month. Cant understand why it takes so long, and group buys typically take 3 weeks according to the terms and conditions.

  • I sent Groupon a message but got a standard response which didn't answer my question. I've messaged them twice since but they haven't bothered to reply. I do understand that delays happen but you'd think they'd at least sent us an update explaing what's happening. Not impressed!

  • Still waiting for my Bunnings card

  • On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 11:37 AM, Do Not Reply <donotreply@groupon.com.au> wrote:
    Hello Grouponites,

    Thank you again for purchasing a Groupon to receive $10 Groupon Credit and a free $10 Bunnings Gift Card. This email is to let you know that your Bunnings gift card has been dispatched and will arrive shortly.

    Your Groupon credit is already in your account and available to use on any of our great offers – if you haven’t done so already. Whether it’s jumping out of a plane, indulging yourself with a great meal in your neighbourhood or finding your next holiday destination, Groupon offers the best experiences around!

    Please remember this is a no-reply email address, so in case you have any further questions, please contact us via contact.groupon.com.au and add the following code:

  • Just got my card in the mail today.

  • Got card in the mail today too, credit already in account.

  • Got the bunnings card yesterday, went to Bunnings to use the card and its not activated. Will be contacting Groupon to fix. Anyone else not have the card active?

    • I have same problem.
      Register said " card not registered as sold "

  • ours arrived and worked ok

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