Free public transport will be available on the night, with more information announced soon. If you do drive in, please park safely and legally. With a little pre-planning everyone attending can have a fun and safe evening.
[ACT] Free Public Transport in Canberra on New Years Eve @ ACT Government

Last edited 11/12/2023 - 17:10 by 1 other user
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You need it with their $15 beers
Good deal for Albo…
Who's even in ACT at NYE? Aren't all the pollies off work and back home?
Who's even in ACT at NYE?
Albo would be.
I don't think he'll be jet setting around the world at Xmas.
All the politicians overseas will be on holiday.
Nice, i'll be 10 out of 10 drunk but now I won't have to share an Uber back to Parliament House
Nothing can go wrong, they have top security.
You should be ok sharing an Uber as long as the other passenger doesn't resemble this guy:…
Is this a bargain or is this the regular price on NYE?
It does change. Eg Sydney isn't free this year :/
Those two things aren't mutually exclusive.
still waiting for Sydney announcement:(
Hmm, ACT… just remember, if the guy you're travelling home with wants to make a "quick stop" at the office on the way home, say no.
Forgot his keys.
I heard there won't be any midnight fireworks in the ACT, just the earlier ones presumably.
Just in case anybody missed the news.Works for me. I don't think I've been awake for midnight since I was 25!
All in the deal link. Fireworks will be combined for the earlier timeslot instead of split.
If your bus turns up…
The bus network in Canberra is absolutely in shambles. I'll take a 20 minute uber ride over a 90 minute unreliable bus connection any day of the week.
No worries, the new tram will fix ALL that /S
While it's crazy expensive and that should be questioned, there is no doubt that a properly function tram network would have massive benefits for the city. It's just the order they are trying to do it in (politically motivated rather than demand-based), and the insane timeframes, is ruining its credibility.
It's expensive, old tech, with zero flexibility. One of the reasons why rates are off the scale and hospitals etc are suffering. Love trams in the right environment, at the right price.
Years after the idea was announced I'm still waiting for Barr and the "Greens" (seaplane on the lake for rich joyriders - really you hypocrites?) to implement a test for suburban batteries. First it was going to be Ginninderry, then it was Jacka (Jan 2023 EEI closed). Presumably fa room in their budgets due to guess what?
Anyone who votes for these f'ers, or the conservatives, is part of the problem. Been in power far too long with next to zero opposition.
Anyone who votes for these f'ers, or the conservatives
And that leaves who exactly? We don't seem to have a great deal of independents with good platforms…
@Gina Rinehart: There was plenty two elections ago in my division. All ignored. Not so many last time because Canberrans are too lazy to look at their credentials and main policies, AND the media gives them sfa exposure. One was Dr Kim Huynh iirc. Tell me he'd be worse than ANY of the current govt. There were also well credentialled people with far more experience.
As Bill Hayden once suggested (sort of) - sometimes a drover's dog will be adequate.
Normally on Christmas Day too
But they haven't posted it this year, so maybe not?