Cheap smart plug with energy monitoring, works fully offline with
Remember to keep on isolated VLAN, IoT security is a huge weak point of a lot of devices.
Cheap smart plug with energy monitoring, works fully offline with
Remember to keep on isolated VLAN, IoT security is a huge weak point of a lot of devices.
unifi, 3 vlans, one for main (unrestricted), one for IOT (no internet, or access to main, or cams, AND dns sinkholed), one for CCTV cams (no access out, or main, or iot)
then homelab server has 4 nics, onboard for main, one for iot, one for cams, 2 unused rn.
Thinking of getting protectli or n100 router mini pc and unifi ap, do you think thats good or should i go for something better/different?
not sure as i havent really used pfsense or opnsense (I assume that's what your going to run)
only really have used openwrt and unifi
I just chose unifi as if your whole network is unifi, it all works incredibly well and smooth. literally 0 issues, but would say talk to someone with more experience 😂
(although the unifi wifi6 aps are insanely good, can get 900 link from iPhone 14 pro to home server (iperf3), literally maxing out the router (usg has a max of 930 or something))
@meooow: Yeah going for opensense. How much did the unifi equipment cost all up? Dream machine and ap or I’m missing something?
@dn4hc: My setup is pretty tame, almost everything was 2nd hand
usg - free from friend $0
2x 6lite aps - 130 each (one new, one ebay special)
switch 24 gen2 (non poe) - $300 fb marketplace
controller - old mac mini had lying around $0
so not much in total 😂 unifi stuff goes cheap on marketplace very often, just keep a lookout if your not in a rush
@dn4hc: OpnSense is a pretty steep learning curve.
pfSense is much easier to get up and running.
Unifis firewall/IPS/IDS leaves a lot to be desired.
Personally I run pfSense and HomeAssistant VMs on a Dell 7040 Micro running Linux Mint with VMware Workstation.
Then have a Unifi CloudKey G2+ for security cams and AP config.
Connected together with a Cisco 2960S+ (Poe+). Ideally I’d like to move to a Unifi switch to make it easier to manage but can’t justify the cost atm.
@Roger Ramjet: Thanks for the tip. How did you add the second ethernet on the micro? I got a similar micro pc running proxmox.
@dn4hc: USB network adaptor, I thought it might give me issues but its been fine.…
@dn4hc: Some Chinese websites sell MiniPCIe to ethernet adapter specifically for these TinyMiniMicro - you can add an Intel GbE or 2.5GbE. the MiniPCIe slot is usually for wifi which is not needed for a router box.
The other alternative is to use a managed switch and run the router as a Router On a Stick using VLANs. But that can take time to learn if you aren't familiar with those networking settings already
Don’t forget these aren’t Apple Home if anyone needs those. But they are also on special
yep, homekit here
but most people buying these are probably running homeassistant, which can just run homekit bridge OR use homebridge
Can you put ESPHome in these?
Don’t think so
Thanks. Will give AtHom ones a go instead
The 4 Pack ($48.29) works out Cheaper @ $12.07 each.
Add a further15% off via the TopCashback deal brings them down to $41.71 ($10.42 each).
What’s your firewall/AP setup?