I've been waiting for a good deal for this Samsung 830series 256gb drive again… probably not as good as last times: http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/78085
But since the aussie dollar is up again… it may be ok….
Calculations: SD $182 + $32.26 = $214.26 x 0.96 = approx $205.69 AUD delivered
Also, the postage is per-order and not per-item so if you buy more (or arrange a few mates to buy together) you'll be able to get more saving.
EG. if buying 4, then postage works out to $35.86 which is USD $190.96 per drive (AU$183.32)
So does anyone in Melbourne want to do a group buy?
*Please note: Online ordering is unavailable until Tuesday 8:15 PM EDT.
08:15:00 p.m. Tuesday September 18, 2012 in US/Eastern converts to
10:15:00 a.m. Wednesday September 19, 2012 in Australia/Victoria
The cheapest in on staticice Melbourne is $224 pickup.
only $25 difference, better to buy it locally…