Paid $5 for a Piccolo Latte Which Is The Same Price for Standard Latte

Hello Fellow OzBargainers,

I went to a cafe in Geelong Vic - Ordered a Piccolo Latte and didn't realize it was actually $5. They didn't display it on the board but had Latte Small $5 Latte Medium etc etc

I asked the lady, "How much sorry"? She said "$5". I replied, "so a Piccolo Latte which almost has a quarter of the amount of milk of a small latte cost the same as a small latte?" She didn't know what to say and shrugged it off. I paid anyway.

Other cafe's I go to which are highly rated, price their coffee accordingly and most of them sell Piccolo for $4.50 or cheaper.

Are these businesses cooked or am I just a tinass? Clearly if there is a larger volume of milk going into the cup I'd pay extra for it.

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  • 259
    Nah mate, you're definitely a tinass
  • 100
    Businesses are cooked and they are taking the piss out of people.


        • Bottled juice, not fresh. It definitely wasn't $8-$10. I think the babychino was around $3.

  • shouldve dissed them like this -

  • I get a piccolo caffe latte freddo, one shot. Costs $4.50. But it has maybe half the milk due to the ice. Otherwise it'd be 3/4.

    Regardless, you pay by shot. The rest is really immaterial.

  • Just pay 12 for a pour over coffee and you never have this problem except when you're happily surprised it's cheaper.

  • +1

    Whats a tinass?

  • +1

    Buy a coffee machine and make your own coffee. Cafe prices are only going up.

    • Gunna be baristas stacked 5M deep at the local tip at this rate

  • +8

    Blame Dan. He has data on all coffee drinkers and has implemented a higher price for critics and non ALP voters.
    Just remember> all things bad in Vic = Dans fault /s

  • +2

    i'm currently homeless, unemployed and posting this from a free library internet computer (that's the name i call my phone that i stole from a wealthy business man). My life came crashing down because i can't stop buying $5 piccolos. Everything was fine when they were just $4.50, but that's how they get you. Get you addicted and then BAM they jack up the prices and now my life is ruined.

    • +2

      I'm the wealthy business man. Look over your shoulder towards the archaeology section. Call me.

  • You're really paying for their expertise

  • +1

    Because 99% of the cost is labor and taking up the coffee machine.

  • +4

    Are these businesses cooked or am I just a tinass?

    The latter I'm afraid.

    so a Piccolo Latte which almost has a quarter of the amount of milk of a small latte cost the same as a small latte?

    Why don't you make a new thread about how xs and xxxl clothing costs the same despite the material amounts used is different.

    • +1

      Why don't you make a new thread about how xs and xxxl clothing costs the same despite the material amounts used is different.

      100% literally exactly the same thing.

    • +1

      On this basis large and small coffees should cost the same.

  • +1

    Pretentious? Moi?

    • +1

      The bravest orangutan in Britain.

      • +1

        We've both ends of the evolutionary scale this week, haven't we?

  • Aren't the costs mostly to cover the time, overheads, wages and machinery rather than the ingredients in the drink which would amount to cents after buying in bulk?

  • Correct charge …. you paid extra for using the word "piccolo" in combination with the word "coffee".

  • Complementary Special Beam Cannon?!

  • This is like when I get upset that customising a burger/pizza doesn't remove the same amount of $ I would be charged for adding more of it (for example, not subtracting $1 for no cheese when they charge $1 for extra cheese)

  • The milk is like 20c difference.
    They have to keep the special little glasses for the rare order and it probably took them longer to do something unusual.
    You literally went off menu, so thats a fair surcharge.

  • +2

    Oh well, that's 2 mins of my life I am never getting back…

  • It's the same $5 in Grove Square, Sydney :-|

  • you pay for coffee, geesh, sucker

    • do you grow yours?

  • +3

    If you are buying Piccolo's, you deserve to be jipped.

    Please, someone explain to me the appeal in 25ml of coffee??

    • Some people buy a coffee for the coffee and not for the milk. So adding more milk is detrimental to the taste. In the same way one person would smother an expensive wagyu steak with tomato sauce while another would say that is ruining it - milk is the tomato sauce to a coffee lover. So one could say piccolo lovers like their steak with a tiny bit of sauce.

      • Just because we like our milk with coffee doesn’t make us any less “coffee lovers” than you. What a snob comparison.

        • Easy bud… I like milk in my coffee too. Not a fan of black coffee or piccolos. Just saying that is the logic behind why people would buy 25ml of coffee.

  • I do not take sugar in my coffee.

    That is why I always take away sugar in sachets.

  • also got the avocado toast didn't you

    as long as you keep buying, the biz is fine

  • +2

    should have got the Goku Latte

  • +1

    Same amount of effort, same amount of coffee, only the volume of milk is slightly less.
    You could def. argue differently if it was a baby chino.

  • Oh no that's terrible

  • +3

    Mrs says she discovered something called a Magic Coffee. Apparently a Melbourne only thing? (Unsure if true)

    Double shot with steamed milk. But somehow costs cheaper than a regular double shot. 💁🏾

  • +2

    I bought a "regular" (small) flat white in North Sydney last weekend and it was $7.20, so stop your whinging ;)
    PS: won't go back there next time, but it was a nice coffee, however, I still can't justify that price.

    • +2

      That is outrageous.

    • +2

      That’s disgusting

  • +2

    Ok, I'll have a whinge too.

    I am getting sick of the alternative milk cost, when clearly some cafes are making more than 50% of their coffees from them. If a coffee is say $5.50 for regular milk, and you opt for alternative milk, how is it worth another 70cents on top of that… crazy.

    How is Oat milk even expensive? Oats are cheap, and not like almonds that require a lot of water to produce.

    • $2.25/L is the cheapest for it, compared to $1.50/L for cow's milk so it's not the cafe's fault your milk choice costs more

      Or would you rather they charged $6.20 across the board and said "no surcharge for alt milks"?

      • yeah, but when you pay $5.50 you are paying for regular milk, so they also are saving on not putting that milk in.
        Add 70c to that saving, and you are definitely paying more than necessary IMO.

        Not disputing that alternative milks shouldn't cost us a bit extra, but the question is what is a fair amount.

      • Or would you rather they charged $6.20 across the board and said "no surcharge for alt milks"

        This is how it is in London. $7.66 for any coffee (£3.90)…. but alt milks included 🙃

    • Thanks for subsidising my almond milk capp


      • Noooooooooooooooo ;)
        Btw - you should try oat, I used to drink almond milk. Oat is much nicer.

        • +1

          I did! It was my first selection of the alternatives however oat milk with oats of a morning got boring after a while.

          • @[Deactivated]: I had almond milk for a year or two, tried oat and liked it. Then I've been having oat milk for a year or so, I tried almond again yesterday and it was shit.

            • @bohn: It's funny how your palate works sometimes.

              Plus, not all almond milk brands are the same. At a new café, I always ask the barista which they use 'cause some do taste awful.

              • @[Deactivated]: all the cafes I use use Milk Lab almond milk - which I used to like.
                the Oat is something different though, I think Alternative Dairy Co

                Soy has far more variation than almond I reckon - some soy taste ok, others are foul. Can't say I've had bad almond milk when I traveled around.

                • @bohn: Both of those brands are good.

                  One of the dodgy brands was Almond Breeze.

                  I'm not a fan of anything soy.

    • 70c is totally fine and justifiable for barista almond/soy etc. I'm happy to pay this. When it's $1 per cup more, then they are gouging.

      • Agree. I did the maths based on retail price of milks. Cafes generally use 2L Cow's Milk bottles (say $4.40/2L), and 1L high quality alt milks like Milklab or Alternative Dairy Co. ($4.40/1L).

        This equates to:
        Cows milk at $0.55 for 250mL
        Alt milk at $1.10 for 250mL

        Labour should be the same regardless of milk, so you should be charged the difference between milk choices only - approx. $0.55

  • Got a large cap in the foodhall under our office building in Sydney CBD today for $3.50. Was very good too, Allpress brand coffee. I think it officially qualifies as a bargain.

    • Which food hall?

  • This is peak ozbargain. Or perhaps pique ozbargain lollll.

    • Or even PICC(olo) Ozbargain ROFL.

      OK, I'll stop.

  • OP, R U OK?

  • I was at H&M today buying someone a gift, they are a size small.

    There were other dresses that were the same identical style but in XXL and I think probably had 7x more fabric in them.

    I couldn't believe that the S dress I was buying was the same price, for only 1/7th the fabric!
    Plus there is less work that goes into making it because there is less stitching AND they can fit more size S in a box and on a boat because they take up less space.

    I didn't complain though because they are a business and can charge what they want, just like the cafe you went to.

    How often do you get a discount on your clothes because there are bigger sizes available for the same price?

    • So basically, what you’re saying that a S M L latte should all be the same price.

      This is the only coffee shop I’ve gone to that sell a picolo for $5.

      • So basically, you didn't read what I said.

        Let me help you out

        they are a business and can charge what they want, just like the cafe you went to.

        • -1

          I couldn't believe that the S dress I was buying was the same price, for only 1/7th the fabric!
          Plus there is less work that goes into making it because there is less stitching AND they can fit more size S in a box and on a boat because they take up less space.

          I hear you, now hear me. Your point does not make sense, it's out of context and irrelevant to the volume of milk the cup occupies. Thats all I wanted to say.

          • +2

            @Wilson Wallace:

            Your point does not make sense

            What doesn't make sense about it?

            it's out of context

            No it's not, it's the exact same argument using a dress instead of a coffee.

            I couldn't believe that the S dress extra small coffee I was buying was the same price, for only 1/7th the fabric! 3/4 of the milk!
            Plus there is less work that goes into making it because there is less stitching milk AND they can fit more size S in a box and on a boat because they take up less space. use a smaller cup if they want to because a piccolo has less milk and a smaller cup will be cheaper


            and irrelevant to the volume of milk the cup occupies.

            'the volume of milk the cup occupies' makes no sense.
            The cup does not occupy the volume of milk.

            But I think I get what you are trying to say and it's pointless because the size of the cup is irrelevant.
            They could have used a 'small' 8oz cup and partly filled it out they could have used a smaller cup, probably 6oz, and completely filled it.
            Both of them would have given you what you asked for, a piccolo.

            Thats all I wanted to say.

            So you made a post to say that they are a business and can charge what they want

  • By your logic, then espresso (without milk) should cost 1$?

  • +1

    The joys of working hospitality

  • You’re welcome to use double amount of sugar to make up for the milk cost that you didn’t use.
    Take that barista!!

  • Sometimes I wonder if these people write this kind of post to get attention or legit to get validation.

    • too much time on their hands

  • In fairness to OP, all the cafés I've asked have told me the only difference between medium and large lattes are the amount of milk and that they both have the same number of shots (two). Using that logic it's not unreasonable to think that less milk might also be cheaper.

    Not saying that the café can't price things as they see fit but I don't think OP is in the wrong for wondering why.

  • you should just brew your own coffee if your complaining too much

    nowadays coffee and other stuff in genereal are considered a luxury

  • I think the real question is, what the heck is a "tinass"?!?

    • It's a special coffee - you cup your hands and the barista knocks the grounds from the previous coffee into them, and squeezes the milk from the cloth they use to clean the steam wand. Only 50c.

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