Interesting it shows free delivery and removal for my old now fubar coffee machine. Anyone used the Smeg coffee machines before? Finally a cool looking Bean machine!
The Smeg 50's Style Automatic Coffee Machine is a stylish and convenient addition to any kitchen. With its removable brewing unit, cleaning and maintenance are a breeze. The coffee grounds container has a generous capacity of 8, allowing you to brew multiple cups before needing to empty it. The removable water tank ensures easy refilling, while the electronic touch clock adds a modern touch to the design. The automatic rinse feature further simplifies the cleaning process, ensuring that your machine stays in top condition. The coffee grounds container full alarm and empty water tank alarm are handy reminders that help you keep your machine running smoothly. Whether you're a coffee connoisseur or just enjoy a good cup of joe, the Smeg 50's Style Automatic Coffee Machine BCC01WHMAU is a reliable and user-friendly choice.
(Original deal offer: White for $856 (26% off) delivered with less than 5 available — Mod)
Hmmm…. it doesn't really look "cool" to me. I'm also not really sure it looks like a 1950's coffee machine either…..