Are Personalised Number Plates Pointless or Worth It?

I've always wondered what people think about personalised plates.

Do you find them worth it? Have you seen any ridiculous ones?

Are they wanky? Are they douchey? Are they cool? A waste of money?

Please discuss.


Do you think some number plates could increase the risk to your car being keyed or scratched?


  • +77

    It's a personal(ised) choice

    • -6

      I think OP doesnt like 'freedom of Choice"

    • +1

      Don't forget it comes with 200 extra kw at the wheels

  • +32

    If it's your thing then great but literally nobody else cares.

    • +41

      I do. They pay more for rego but use the road the same as us plebs. So yes I want more people to get persnalised plates so I can leech off their contribution lol

      • +3

        Agree, laugh away, although you can substitute rego with

        Apple, Nike, Coke, Coffee, Uncle Toby’s, BMW, Dior, Wagu, and so much more.

        If bread (rice) and water works all the rest are just personal preferences

        Although my personalised plates cost me almost nothing (bought before they changed the rules) there is no annual fee, and I can sell them for a very good profit.

        • +11

          Does it say ASSMAN or ROCKYRAC?

        • Once you sell it, I imagine that they'll charge the new owner an annual fee? I think it's worth it if you're a business or rich enough not to care. Otherwise it's an absolute waste of money.

          • @supersabroso: Annual fee is only in some states. In Victoria, it's buy once and they are yours for life and the only extra you pay is to change the car they are on, or if you want a different design.

      • Expert leech!

      • +1

        lol NSW gov money grab

        there's no cost to use them in QLD

        • +1

          They just allowed us a way to invest even more in our high yield investments, without calling it a tax. Beforehand, custom plates were a one-time, up-front fee.

          My guess is that some team of leeches over at Deloitte or PwC came up with a way to spend taxpayer funds on this truly ingenious offering.

          Must be a bargain. After all, it cost so much to implement that they now charge as much per year as they used to charge as a 'one off' fee.

          Next step will be to charge the peasantry for standard plates- and really claw back some of the wasted Beelions back.

          • +2

            @resisting the urge: NSW gov always been a money grab

            They even clawback tax savings when employees salary sacrifice.. no other state does that

            • @Poor Ass:

              They even clawback tax savings when employees salary sacrifice

              This. What a thief!

      • Doesn't make sense for them to pay more for rego?? What logic is that"??

  • -6

    Common OP. Seems you are bored.

    • +15

      I am trying to come up with reasons to convince the wife not to buy one. Easier if others do the work.

      • Think of it economically … put the price in terms of how much you would have to invest to "buy" the plate for life (let's call that 30 years for the purposes of this exercise).

        Some rough maths …

        • You invest an amount of money upfront to pay for the plate over the next 30 years such that it runs down to zero after that time
        • You pay out $499 immediately for the first year and this increases by 3% each year
        • Your investment is earning 5% p.a. interest, but you need to pay 33.3% tax on those earnings
        • You need to invest ~$14,700 now for the above to work out

        Up to you/the missus on how you might like to spend ~$15k.

        • Well it's a once off cost in VIC so that's the thing.

          • +2

            @meowsers: Yeesh … you might struggle then.

          • @meowsers: Push her towards something else that will fill whatever the reason she wants a personalised plate.
            What will it do for her and what latent need will it provide? Then find and divert it elsewhere.
            Can I ask though, why are you trying to talk her out of it? I mean what are your reasons that you DON'T want to get it? Financial or otherwise?

          • @meowsers: Vic rego is more expensive with personalised plates though?

            I looked into keeping the plates from my first car and moving it to my second car. not even personalised plates but would have been considered so after the swap and i'd be paying higher rego.

            in the 90s my brother was a cop and arranged to get "normal" plates FAT065 for his 65 Chev when they came available. so he didn't have to pay for personalised plates. VicRoads closed the loophole eventually.

            • @Antikythera: You pay ~$110 to 'swap' the plates to your new car, but the rego stays the same… Well, at least for me it did and I've had the same custom plates for nearly 20yrs.

              Edit: I'm in Vic

        • Plus, don't forget, it also pushes up your rego cost too. Every year. In NSW at least. I think about $115 ish.

      • +2

        As long as its worth more than the car. Its okie.

      • +1

        Tell her it's stupid and only idiots want them

      • +1

        I think personalised plates are a personal choice, but to help you convince your wife. There is a facebook group called "Stupid Number Plates Australia", let her check out the roasting that goes on in there, and if she's ok with it, then so be it.

      • +9

        Easier if you just let her buy them. Unless it significantly impacts your budget then who cares?

        Pointless shit is what makes life enjoyable. If she gets a kick out of it then she should do it, screw what anyone else thinks.

      • Not sure about your friends, but all of mine would think I'm a douche if I got one (they probably do anyway) - if she wants to impress someone then I'm not sure it's the right way…

      • Can't she just get a "my stick figure family" sticker, like every other unique individual?

      • Try a non economic one since she has already justified the price in her mind.

        Why would you want strangers to be able to easily recognise your car?

  • +1

    Each to their own, but I just don't understand the justification for the cost. In NSW, it seems to be $499 per annum (no doubt ratcheting up annually) for the fully personalised jobs. If it were something like this as a one off cost, then yeah, I could get it … but it just seem like little more than paying extra for something you would otherwise be getting with your registration.

    • +13

      I'm surprised that VIC only charges once-off. you'd think they'd get their grubby little tax fingers in everything.

      • +15

        Shhhh … Dan is listening.

        • It's about the only time he does.

      • +10

        QLD, WA, SA, NT, TAS and ACT too.

        So it seems like NSW is the only state or territory that charges an annual fee. All others allow you to purchase and own them outright.

      • VicRoads has been partially privatised so you can expect and increase in the cost of personalised plates, not just the issuing fee but maybe the introduction of an annual fee.
        There is also talk they may expand the choice from 6 characters to either 8 or 10. That will be a sure fire way to rake in a motza of money.

      • Victoria the place to be

    • Only certain fully custom combos are $499. You can use a standard combination and pay ~$110/year.

    • The “service” has been outsourced to myplates in nsw.

      Pretty nice gig to charge people $400+ for a piece of stamped aluminium and $495 per year to use it.

  • +17

    How are people going to know that you fuel your Tesla on smugness if you don’t have a douchey personalized plate?

    • +27


    • +2

      Saw 2 Teslas this morning. First plates "Y THO", second plates "AMPED"..

      Seem popular with Tesla drivers..

      • +4

        We have one locally that has Y OIL

        All I can think of when I see these kinds of plates is the South Park episode about hybrid cars causing a smug storm.

  • IAM-26C

    can start with that.

    • try o140e

      • or; ICUR12

        • +4

          That one might put you on a bad list tbh

  • +16


    • +8


      • HODL

        • pretty sure this is on a model s in vic!

        • BRODEN

    • BUYNTL

  • +14


  • +10

    In Victoria, it's a one-off payment of $600, so for me, it was a nice little extra touch.
    But no way I'd do it in somewhere like NSW where it's an annual payment of $500 + whatever style costs… F-that!

  • +7

    In NSW, a waste of money. anywhere up to and exceeding $500 extra… PER YEAR!

    And you know, just to save you a few dollars, hot tip… when you buy a brand new Tesla… it is not a law that you need "LOL-01L" plates to go with the car. It's not mandatory, no matter how many Tesla forums and blogs you are a member of tell you that it is…

    • +8

      Sadly I sold my tesla long ago. They are too popular now, can't look elitist in one.

      • Especially now they are white

      • Switched to a black camry, never looked back. All eyes on me. "What's that car?! It's so sleek and fashionable compared to all these white Telsas"

      • You are truly ahead of the game. Seriously, impressed.

  • Let's start with you. What do you think?

    • +1

      I think it's a matter of personal choice tbh. I find some are quite funny and then some are very odd.

      I saw "Aryan" on a car a few years ago, not sure how that ever got approved.

      Also saw "FUMF" the other day, made me laugh.

      • +1

        I had to Google the first one. Maybe vicroads employees don't have access to Google.

        • i saw one recently and thought to myself how tf they got away with that?
          damn forgot what the plate was

      • +1

        Apparently Aryan is also an Iranian boy's name according to Google….

        • My result came up with some Jewish white supremacy reference.

        • +1

          Could also be easily confused for a delicious savoury drink if you're dyslexic.

      • HITL3R is available in NSW if anybody wants to take it.

        • +1

          Probably not too many Toyota 3R engines still getting around…

  • -1

    I liked FUN101

  • +5

    BMW12C or BMW14U
    Nobody cares about your poverty spec 10 year old 1 series with ///M badges

    • +2

      Tell that to this OP

  • -3

    As the owner of a personalised plates (my initials and DOB that fit within typical NSW plate style so it's not the $500ish premium). Regardless they are definitely not cool.

    Wanky? Yes, regardless of content they are wanky

    Douchey? Depends what you have. LOLOIL, 4DACHX, KEYPUP*, NOGAS, WILRUN et al definitely a douche

    • +14

      initials and DOB? did you also put your first street you lived on, name of your first pet?

      • +4

        Mothers maiden name is Greek heritage. No way that would even fit on WA plates.

        • +1

          spread it over multiple cars

        • +1


  • I think you paying extra tax voluntarily is a great idea.

    • Scarcity drives the market.

  • +13


    • +1

      ON3C4R, then less people will get it…

  • -1

    Best ones to have are your initials plus 000'

  • I got personalised plates many years ago when it was a once off fee for custom letter/numbers in a standard format (NSW). Was related to the vehicle. If you wanted full custom there was an annual fee.

    Considered doing it again, even had a couple of options selected but they whacked an annual fee for ALL new personalised plates. No way I’m paying for that, but I did pay a bit extra for premium plate format to get white instead of yellow.

    • +1

      Exactly now my plates are worth more than the car. (NSW)

      Given also that they won’t even allow plates with my digits to be issued even for a fee.

      An owner of heritage plates or Personalised Plus plates can transfer ownership by paying a fee and filling out a form. Other custom plates can only be transferred to employees, family members, or to a deceased estate. Alternatively, the owner of a custom plate can sell the plates attached to a vehicle.

      • Don't leave us hanging. What are they?

        • OO… I cant say

          • @RockyRaccoon: Nice! I'm surprised that there rae still maseratis driving around from the 90s to be honest

  • +5

    Great idea. Sometimes I can't tell what model their car is, despite the badge on the back. The MK6GTI, GTI2NV and all other variations clears it up for me.

    • +1


      I find these "badge" plates funny for the exact same reason.

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