• expired

[eBay Plus] Valve Steam Deck 64GB $655.20 (Exp), Panasonic RB-M500 Headphones (Black) $71.20 Posted @ Mobileciti eBay


All time low price for the Valve Steam Deck. Part of eBay Plus Tuesday, eBay Plus required.

Price increased to $679.20 $684.79 after coupon applied

Valve Steam Deck - OOS. Marked as Expired ages ago in title due to price increase

Also available: Panasonic Deep Bass Wireless Headphones RB-M500 - Black - $71.20

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closed Comments

  • Good price!

    • Yeah just spent $100 more (TODAY) on Amazon before checking ozbargain. LOL

      Attempting to cancel, as ebay plus has a trial membership for free for one month…..

  • Nice

  • +16

    Yes, 64GB is tiny, but yes, you can open it up and replace the drive with something better, in the TB range.

    • doesn't void warranty i assume?

      • +15

        No it doesn't, they would have to prove that your inclusion of the SSD was the sole cause for the hardware issue (so they might try and say something like "warranty void because you opened it up" but in Australia that approach is not a valid rejection of warranty despite what any sticker tells you).

        Nonetheless, I got the 64GB unit a few days ago and it's been great. I just purchased a 512GB SSD for $49.95 shipped, so its a lot cheaper to do the SSD swap yourself.

        • +1

          Wait this applies to apple as well ? First time I'm hearing about this

          • +5

            @life is suffering: nowaday, all mac's ram and ssd is permanent. Cant be upgraded

          • @life is suffering: Lol, if Apple can get away with locking a device charger with just 1 main device they will. Nothing inside an Apple silicone mobile/portable devices (A and M series) are upgradeable. Unsure about their MacPro line

        • +2

          which ssd did you get?

          • @ONEMariachi: It appears to be on amazon. I also got one. Reviews seem high and plentiful, but I didn't read any.

          • +1

            @ONEMariachi: I got an SN740 1tb ssd

        • Curious. Haven't heard of this before. Any links to ACCC website or somewhere else?

          • +1

            @justtoreply: The system is designed to be opened like this, to my knowledge, like the PS5.

            That said, I’m not sure ACCC applies because they’re all grey imports, but I might be wrong.

          • @justtoreply: https://www.accc.gov.au/media-release/iphone-and-ipad-misrep…

            Similar principle - just because someone other than Apple repairs, doesn't mean consumer guarantees don't apply.

            You could void your manufacturers warranty by opening up the device against manufacturer's instructions, but not your consumer guarantee rights, which are provided for in legislation and cannot be avoided because of contract, etc.

        • Are you sure? That was a case that was taken to court in USA.

          I don't think there's any authority in Australia that says that is the case here.

          Happy to be proven wrong though

          • @Butt Scratcher: There is plenty of authority in Australia to say that the consumer guarantees cannot be overridden just because you or a third party other than a manufacturer or retailer decide to repair goods. It's a very well established principle in Australian consumer law.

            The problem is enforcing it against a company who will always as a default assert that private or third party repairs = damage device. Then you're left trying to engage your own expert to establish that those repairs weren't the cause of the device's failure, which is extremely costly as compared to the cost of goods.

        • Where did you get a 512 for $49?

          • @cc23: It appears to be on amazon. I also got one. Reviews seem high and plentiful, but I didn't read any.

        • but in Australia that approach is not a valid rejection of warranty despite what any sticker tells you

          could you provide a source for this? im not sure if it's actually confirmed for Australia

        • +1

          The principle might be correct. But if they deny you the warranty, albeit incorrectly, it is actually then up to you take them to VCAT to argue your case. Their argument would be you have tampered with the product, likely damaging it during the process. It is then up to you to demonstrate that you took reasonable care and that your actions couldn't have led to the product fault. The burden is on you seeking an action.

          I think it's best to at least consider your warranty "potentially complicated" if an unauthorised person opens up the machine.

          That said, I upgraded mine to 1TB with a cheap Samsung drive sourced from Aliexpress. It was easy enough to do. But I can see a few pitfalls for complete hardware beginners.

        • I didn't get notifications that I had a reply! Eek!

          For the SSD, this is the one that I purchased and had good reviews for Steam Deck on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com.au/gp/product/B0BJ7BT7CT

          There are some great discussions on the warranty void if removed thing on Whirlpool, some even quoting things like Page 11 of https://www.accc.gov.au/system/files/Consumer%20guarantees%2…

        • It is a valid rejection of warranty, it just isn't a valid rejection of your consumer guarantees. It really depends on what basis you're making a claim regarding the product (are you making the claim under the manufacturer's warranty, or under the consumer guarantees?).

      • +2

        Valve have made the SD to be very upgrade and repair friendly.

        • Yeah, been tossing up about getting one for a while now (as Annoyed we cant buy through official channels) but the repairability has won me over.

    • +2

      Or you can just put a SD card in it

      • +2

        Por qué no los dos?

      • SD card support on Steam Deck sucks, it's my only major complaint about an otherwise fantastic device. Mine bricked two SD cards before the third finally worked (don't format the same one twice!), which is a known issue (unsurprising considering the card came out of the machine burning hot), and at most it can read at 100MB/s which isn't great for some modern games. For the majority of games tho yes, it works absolutely fine. For reference, 100MB/s is about the same read speed as a PS4 or Xbox One hard drive, but that's an order of magnitude slower than a PS5 or Xbox Series.

        Also 1tb cards are disproportionately expensive and games are big so even if you do have an SD you might still need extra space.

        • +1

          "100MB/s is about the same read speed as a PS4 or Xbox One hard drive"

          It's up too 100MB/s, as only continuous data on the outer edge of the disk platter transfers at that speed. Data transfer speeds on HDDs slow down the closer the data gets to the centre of the platter, plus the SD card access time is significantly lower. So I reckon the SD card option is still pretty good for games that aren't recommending an SSD, but I'd still prefer an SSD for quicker loading times.

      • +3

        SD cards are super slow compared to SSD, plus they get hot, and when they get hot, they stop working.

    • +1

      I've been running games off microsd and performance isn't that bad either. Will upgrade the internal drive eventually though.

    • +1

      Yep, it's not like changing an SD card but still only takes 20 minutes or so.
      I found the cheapest option was a used SSD taken from a corporate laptop from ebay, but ozbargainers might know better deals.

      • +1

        AliExpress - 1tb is about $100-110 AUD delivered, 2tb is about ~$180 delivered. SN740 is a popular choice, there is also the Samsung PM991a

        • Yeah SN740 is what I went with.

    • +6

      Just want to say, if anyone is considering doing this, make sure you have a decent screwdriver set and be extra careful NOT to strip the screws on the backplate. The screws in the back are extremely easy to strip and if it happens, you will have no choice but to drill it out.

      The rest of the SSD replacement is easy to do, just want to warn people!

      • +1

        Totally, there is a video on YouTube of guy doing this and it's very painful to see what he had to do to recover.

      • Screw size seems to be P0, but some peopel found P1 or even P2 works (mist depend on the kit you have). Just make sure the screwdriver cant wiggle when its in the screw. If you want ot replace the self tapping screws while you are at it, they are M1.6 from the looks (though not sure if this has changed or anything).


      • +1

        This happened to me, tried everything under the sun to get it out including trying to super glue the screwdriver and screw together. What surprisingly ended up working was the rubber band trick.

    • -2

      the SSD's are super exxy right now. I just tossed a 1TB MiniSD into mine and it does the trick

  • +40

    don't need it, don't need it, don't need it 😬

    • +14


    • +26

      everybody will laugh at you and talk about you behind your back if you don't get one.

      • +4

        his wallet already laughing

        • god damn it my wife will kill me for sure!!!

          • +1

            @ygttt: good excuse to run away first from her now. trust me you wont regret it long term.

    • +2

      FB marketplace perhaps? Loads of kids/parents offloading them.

  • +2

    Really good price! If you stack with the 3% shop back gift cards can bring it further down to $635.54.

  • +1

    Ordered, thank you!

  • +2

    bruh. wish i had this type of money to use on a steam deck.

  • +1

    For those still hesitating I was also dubious yet still got it and now having my best time playing Alien Isolation 🤤🤤🤤 it's a good device just bit overpriced

    • +12

      It's overpriced if you don't use it much. But for people who have long commutes on public transport or even fly in fly out workers it's worth it.

      • if using during long commutes will the battery last ?

        • +4

          I keep a power bank in case I need it. Otherwise lasts 2-5hrs depending on what kind of game you're playing.

        • +3

          Most people's commute time is between 1 to 2 hours. The deck can push around 1.5 hours on intense games so yes it will be fine but will need to be charged for the trip home.

      • +2

        Isnt it too big to hold in hands during commuting?

  • Price drop have to be due to pressure from official Steamdeck release down here right? Right? Totally not copium here

    Anyone can comment on warranty on these gray import decks? Already held out this long, wondering if I should just wait for Valve to get on their ass and release it hopefully before switch 2 comes out or when theres a sale on the ally.

    • +1

      Could be price drop due to previous sales, now trickling down to us.

    • +7

      As someone who decided to wait for the Valve Index to officially release here, you could be waiting a while…

      • I bought the G2 a year ago as I didnt want to wait for the index.

        its almost as if they dont want to hardware retail in Australia

        • +1

          Isn't it because they got the shits on because they had to comply with ACCC rules on Steam?

          (Not sure how Playstation gets away with it - not offering refunds).

    • +3

      If it's purchased from an Australian retailer, it doesn't matter if it's grey imported. They still need to honor their obligations under Australian Consumer Law. This means a repair, replacement, or refund for the reasonable life of the product.

    • Valve is still salty about the ACCC enforcing Australian consumer rights on them, so they’re probably not distributing the Deck over here just to spite them.
      Or it’d be really difficult to honour warranties when there is no presence Valve has in Australia other than Steam servers and regional pricing.

  • -4

    so people buying this to play PC games, right? mostly like 3D stuffs or shooting or forthnight?
    i dont like those kind of game, will it still worth to get this? i have 3DS, switch, Vita and seldom used them

    • What games do you like to play? Why don’t you use your current handhelds?

      • i like fighthing game like street fighters. some simple games not hours of rpg or counterstrike stuffs, make me dizzy

        • +1

          Looks like Steam Deck can pull off 60fps for Street Fighter 6



        • +1

          Why don’t you play fighting games or other games on your other handhelds? Do you like platformers?

          • +1

            @sween64: yeah i just tried to see if this deck thing is suits me or not. yeah platformers is cool too. basically games that not required me to sit for hours and days.
            all my other small portable gadgets are not strong enough to run SF 6

            • +2

              @McMaferMur: You have access to most of the PC library that exists (30+ years), plus emulators covering everything up to the Wii U (and Switch/PS3/X360 for some titles). So if there is a type of game you want to play, it will be there one way or another.

            • @McMaferMur: SteamDeck isn't going to provide anything much different to your current handhelds, save your money.

              Spelunky is great on PSVita. Also Terraria. Super Meat Boy. Olli Olli.

              • @sween64: I have a PSVita and it isn't the same. PSVita is a pita to hack though, even with the current new hack.

                • +1

                  @Franc-T: vita is super easy to hack, and great for me lots of tinkering thats what i want really. i bought mini miyoo but resold because there are not many tinkering just load the game and thats all

                  • @McMaferMur: Its a lot easier, but its not super easy - I ran into several issues before got mine straightened out

              • +1

                @sween64: yeah thanks agree.
                wasnt look at steam at 900 but now 600 made me itchy but i will pass. i still have thousands of games for 3x lifetime

  • +1

    What do people recommend as an ssd?

    • +6

      SN740 from Aliexpress. Otherwise the much more expensive Sabrent Rocket 2230 or Corsair MP600 mini from Amazon. Either way make sure it's 2230 and be prepare to pay a premium for it compared to 2280

  • +2

    Highly Highly recommend the Steam Deck as a device. Swapping the SSD out is easy and you can even get a 1 or 2 TB that already had the operating system installed (straight swap) from AliExpress.
    While you don't necessarily "need" it I'd say just be a true OB and get it anyway. I don't regret getting mine.

    • +1

      the install process for both the SSD and the OS is super easy. Did it once, going to do it again.

    • +6

      I wouldn't trust a drive with the OS preinstalled from AliExpress. Highly likely it would have some malware, botnet or cryptominer installed. Always format and install the OS yourself from the official source.

      • Yeah that was my thought too. Would never trust a HDD with preinstalled software.

  • How is it with gamepass or parsec streaming?

    • +1

      bit of a workaround for gamepass, I think only remote/cloud using the browser

    • After its set up its easy as pie, just open shortcut from the library, its very susceptible to lag if you dont have a good connection free from people downloading toomuch though

      Something cool I noticed is that no man's sky loads up the world really fast because it's on their servers I guees

      Its great having the entire xbox library available without having to download and install any of the games to the deck (if you have the WiFi connection that is)

  • Man I want it…but I hesitate when I have an existing Switch that I do use quite a bit (and take on trips) and the Steam Deck isn't OLED.

    • But it's not using old hardware from 2015…

    • +1

      Non-OLED is a deal breaker for me too. Once you go OLED it's hard to go back. The Switch is perfectly capable of running most indie games anyway. I'll get the Steam Deck OLED edition if it ever comes out.

  • OOS

    • Back in stock :)

      • Just saw, they must have a lot of stock! Might have grabbed it from the last summer sale in US.

  • Doesn’t the 64gig have a slower boot load etc?

    • Yeah it's eMMC but you can upgrade it to an SSD easily.

      • Is the upgrade slot additional? Like, if you bought the 256GB model can you do 256GB + 1TB expanded M.2 storage?

        • No it's replacement. There is a single 2230 m.2 slot for all models.

      • +1

        Ah got it.
        So once you replace the eMMC, the specs are 1:1, apart from the slightly glossy? screen on the top model?

        • And you can get a screen protector that does the same thing


        • The replacement SSD speeds are limited by what the Deck is capable of, there aren't another other differences in the specs of each model.
          I'm not sure if it matters but be careful with the power draw of the replacement SSD, it could affect battery life.

          You can apply a screen protector to get that same effect.
          The other models get a better case too

  • What are peoples thoughts regarding playing mouse heavy games on the deck? I'd like to maybe get one for stuff like Battle Brothers/X-com etc. Feel ok using the pads or does it get on your nerves after heavy usage?

    • +1

      I am not a fan of using the steam decks pads, but I'm sure if you're a laptop touchpad gamer, you'd probably get used to them pretty quick.
      Most of my mouse heavy games are played on desktop, though you can always buy a dock and plug in a mouse :)

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