Audio Technica ATH-ADX5000 Audiophile Headphones $2,299 Delivered ($0 SYD C&C) @ Minidisc


This is on sale at a very good price. Very tempted to pull the trigger. Can use $10 sign up voucher.

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  • +79

    Can use $10 sign up voucher.

    That is what makes me buy this one

    • +7

      I'm holding out for $20

  • +20

    These good for call of duty?

    • +1

      more like Duke Nukem material

  • +11

    I know i should buy this so i wont hear my gf asking me to buy her $2299 gucci bag

    • lol! By breaking up?

    • +50

      Jokes on you

      These are open-backs, so you'll hear every word she says 😆

      • She doesn't have to know that…
        If she asks to try out, pretend to talk without sound and say the noise cancelling is pretty good.

        • Username checks out. Sorta.

  • +2

    ordered 1 for my employee

    • +12

      Are you hiring?

  • +2

    Any good MiniDisc on sale to use with these?

    • Just get a second-hand ipod nano from eBay?

      • Make sure you get a first-generation one. They have Wolfson DACs.

        The sought-after Wolfson DAC measures objectively worse than other DACs, but they have much more warmth and a mellifluous texture with plenty of impact, a musical tonality, and superior imaging. Or something.

  • +5

    I wonder how much it would cost if they made an ADX5090

    • +5

      You know you'll be trying to catch the ATL-ADX5090 but all you'll ever buy is the ATH-ADX5090 as usual.

      • +1

        Id rather HODL for the ATL-ADX6070 ;)

  • +1

    i don't even get a piece of walnut for that price?

  • +4

    ATH-ADX5000-A is all the rage in Shelbyville these days

  • Anyone know of sound isolating headphones?
    Both Sony and Bose headphones people can hear colleagues speaking during calls

    • Both Sony and Bose headphones people can hear colleagues speaking during calls

      Have you tried putting them on?

      • +1

        and turning them on

    • +2

      You could try getting a pair of ear defenders from Bunnings and then wearing some active noise-cancelling earbuds underneath (I like the Anker Liberty 4 NC's, myself) maybe with some Comply memory foam tips to really cut down on the noise.

      The other option is to point out to your boss that it's harming your productivity.

      • +1

        +1 for the Comply tip. Thanks !

  • Good find op - this is a bargain

  • +2

    Thanks, got a few for the kids and some spares.

  • +3
    • +1

      "I can NOT recommend the Audio Technica ATH-ADX5000. They need to do a lot better."

      • +2

        That is such a shame. AT used to be awesome back in the day - I still fondly remember my ATH-AD900X for pinpoint spatial audio accuracy in games.

        • +1

          They peaked at the 700-900 range.

      • +1

        Not saying I disagree with the conclusion (I haven't heard this particular headphone), but I sure as hell wouldn't put any weight behind anything Amir says in terms of sound quality. He should stick to measuring DACs.

  • +3

    Just because I can, doesn't mean I shan.

    • thank you mate you shan my day.

  • +1

    frequency response down to 5hz is pretty mad, unsure if this translates to the headphones vibrating?

    conspiracy theory - 50-80% of audiophile brands are run by people who hate audiophiles and just want to rip them off with stupidly overpriced products.

    • 50-80% of audiophile brains are ruined by frequencies below 5hz

  • How is this compare to Hifiman Sundara?

  • These were good when they came out, but for the price not so much these days.

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