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[Prime] Meross Smart Wi-Fi Plug with Energy Monitor - 2 Piece $25.89 Delivered @ Meross Direct via Amazon AU

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ATL at $13 each!
1. Automatically warm up your Coffee Machine for that perfect James Hoffman approved brew temperature every morning
2. Test items around your home for energy usage to track down heavy users (pool pump?)
3. Automatically turn off devices after hours to save power
4. Automate cycle your lights when on holidays to automatically simulate activity (or my social life)
5. Automate your bedside bacon breakfast and scramble into work for some co-worker first-aid

So many uses for these things. This is an ATL price, for the same price as a single TP-Link unit you can get 2 of these Meross units which I personally find are much higher quality and more responsive. It's a no brainer when you can save so much time with home automation, and the fact these also come with energy monitoring makes them super useful for saving extra energy costs as well. I use these things everywhere.

Combine with iOS Shortcuts or Hey Google and you can easily setup voice commands on all your devices. Had great support from Meross too in the past when it was needed.

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This is part of Amazon Prime Day sale for 2023

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closed Comments

  • I see it as $31.50

    • +1

      Apologies, accidentally linked the Homekit version which is a bit more. Updated to the correct link

  • +1

    Wrong link OP, I think you meant to link to this

    • Yep thanks, accidentally got the links mixed up at the bottom. Cheers!

  • +15

    Upvoted for having the greatest Ozb name ever

    • +8

      Who are you? Are you Treadstone?

      • +6

        They call me JSON Statham

        • You mean Handsome Rob!

          • +8

            @JSONBourne: Indent me incorrectly and find out who I really am.

  • +1

    Shame this one is not homekit compatible

  • Anyone know of a guide for using the monitoring stuff in home assistant?

    • It looks like there is some support for Meross devices via HACS (https://github.com/albertogeniola/meross-homeassistant e.g.) but be interested if anyone has any more details on these.

      edit: just gonna roll the dice on it so I'll try to remember to report back here once they arrive if I have some time to try to get the integration going over the weekend!

    • +1

      Get these instead. Smaller, easy to integrate with ESPhome, reliable. Note pricing is USD I believe, so they are pricier. Still pretty reasonable.

      What are you wanting to do with the monitoring? General usage, or notification when something's finished (like washing machine)?

      • I'm keen to try them. Are they certified for use in AU/NZ? I couldn't find anything on the website to indicate they are.

        • +1

          It appears they have 1 relay so are not certified.

          • @Nerdybobo: Interesting. Good to know. Saw the tick and thought it was. But seems that's an ECM compliance test, not an electrical RCM mark. I believe mine are all plugged into RCM compliant powerboards and have RCM compliant devices power supplies plugged into them. So maybe that is minimising any risk…

            • +1

              @NigelTufnel: im no expert, just did a quick search online and found that and thought id share.
              I am looking for something just like that to replace my meros/tp-link (kasa|tapo) mixed lot I have managed to accumulate over the years.
              I just wish i could find something not so big, has good HA support and can run locally on your network that is compliant to Australian standards (no risk).

              • +1

                @Nerdybobo: make a zigbee network with zigbee2mqtt. use ikea smart plugs. full au standard, and ZigBee is literally not capable of tx internet so fully local.

                • +1

                  @meooow: They don't seem to do power monitoring?

                • +1

                  @meooow: Plus adds a ZigBee router to your network!

                  But yeah, only good if you don't want power monitoring…

                  • @NigelTufnel: Yea would love to know if anyone knows off a zigbee router with energy monitoring smart plug. Otherwise agree the ikea one is good

      • Thanks for suggestion. Sorry silly question, these have ESP8285 unit on board which talks to Home Assistant via wifi? It's is basically on/off functionality?

        • +1

          on/off and power monitoring.

        • +1

          Here is a Screenshot showing the available entities as seen via HomeAssistant. They are great other than wish they were smaller (narrower).

    • +1

      I'm currently using 6 of these locally in HA. They work great. The only downside is their bulky size which blocks the second socket in my case. I use one for controlling my monitor (which is actually an LG C2 TV). I have a couple on the dishwasher and washing machine to alert when a cycle is complete. I have a couple more on analogue heaters which turns them into thermostat controlled devices with temp being measured by some Xiaomi BT temp/humidity sensors.

    • I use them in home assistant and they're great, also super easy. Just recommend assigning a fixed IP in your router for them.

  • Do they allow the plug next to them to be used or they overlap?

    • +1

      Nah, they are huge. They will 100% block a plug. they should really come with a tiny extension cord hah

      • Thanks

  • +4

    Warning my experience with these is terrible. They block the other plug on a two gang powerpoint or power board, I had 3 of 4 fail within 9 months of usage. One positive Amazon refunded them without too much trouble, but I would not buy them again.

    • Is your past experience with this exact item or something similar?

      • Same product, purchased last prime day, in fact I had 4 of these and two of the HomeKit ones also, one of the HomeKits failed and two of the non home kit ones failed

    • Weird, my experience has always been good after my TP-Links gave issues. Glad you were able to sort it out though.

      • I switched to the TP-Link P110 and so far working really well, only thing I had to do for stability was assign a static IP to each switch. But I'v only had these three months so only time will tell. I like the form factor a lot better

        • +2

          I had a lot of issues with the P110 and K115 as well. i had to create a separate 2.4G wifi and assign static ip's and its been stable for over 6 months.

        • Yeah I have 2 of these knocking around and gotta say they are useless. Too hard to configure and bigger then the device I’m connecting (jk)

        • +2

          Same experience here (albeit with the P100 rather than P110, don’t need the energy monitoring).

          Switched to them for the slimline form factor, have five (oldest for about 9 months) and all have been flawless via Home Assistant and the TP-Link Tapo custom integration.

          • +1

            @ironclad: Thanks for that, was hesitant to get the monitoring version just due to someone saying they ask failed on them.

            I've got a few TP link things around the house, so will jump on the to link, cheers!

      • +1

        Two of my KP115s died just short of the 24 month warranty period. Had to go through a lot of work to get my money back as the retailer where I purchased these from had zero stock. First I had to reach out to TP Link support, do the basics and take a video while doing those. Turn it off and on, change wall outlets, reset to factory default, etc. Sent them multiple videos and emails. Within a few days they gave me a reference number and said take the devices back to the retailer where I bought these from and they can replace the faulty ones.

        Support was not terrible but I expected these to last longer for the price I paid. The time I spent troubleshooting and contacting TP Link and then commuting to the retailer, I could have done better things! I'd rather buy cheaper ones now.

    • do they fail open ie if they are currently on does it stay on regardless of timer setting?
      This can be a problem if they go off line in an on state!

  • 4-pack is slightly cheaper per-unit, although that's not a new low price.
    These days I tend to only buy the slim switches for double-GPO compatibility, though.

    • Which ones do you buy?

  • +3

    These are awesome - the problem is the size as people mentioned.

  • Too bad they don't support Matter. Bit of a dead-end with anything that doesn't.

    • There's the Homekit version that can support it AFAIK, or you can use Home Assistant to act as a bridge

  • +1

    Cheers OP, got one.

    I've heard IFTTT is super overrated, does anyone have any recommendations for home automation?

    • +1

      Home Assistant.

    • +1

      Another +1 for Home Assistant, it’s an amazing platform.

  • Does anyone know if it would be possible to have a shared account with the app and review energy monitor data in different households?

  • These are awful. I've had 2 sets of 2 all fail within weeks - they just won't connect to wifi or won't respond from the phone.

  • +1

    I got these working with HA using the local meros integration via hacs. It has been working well but currently has a bug where it isnt displaying the usage.
    Overall though the only other downside is as everyone else has mentioned so far, they are freakin huge!

    • Thanks this is a great integration, going to experiment with this!

      • I am pretty happy with it but its always the way with tech, you win some, you lose some.. I only have 1 (out of the 4 pack) setup in HA local merros integration turning a uvb light on and off to emulate day and night for my lizards. i would have liked to have it display the actual power usage, but until the dev finds a solution, its not working. otherwise the cloud meross integration works fine. i have both installed and haven't really had an issue.
        my main concern is that i prefer to have things work locally and not have to go off to someone else server to manage my devices.

        • Mine (x8) work fine i.e. power usage shows correctly. I am using the Meross LAN integration. Is that what you are using and having the issue?
          Here is a sample current Screenshot

          • @Borg: Yes but im using local only version. I assume you are using the cloud version where you login with your account.
            If you scorll down there is a local version which doesnt require to login to cloud but thats also where i linked above the bug where it does not show power usage. Id have to run it via meross cloud to get them stats at this point. Well thats what happened to me when messing around with these. Unless you are using the local and have a solution, i would love to know.

  • +1

    Looks like these have historical energy use which makes them better than the TP-Link but these only support 1800W load compared to the TP Link 2000W.

  • +3

    Switch on the bathroom oil heater before the missus showers in the morning (+1 brownie points)

    No way on earth would I connect this to a 10A oil heater and risk burning down the house. Pumping that much current through an extra set of connections like that for hours, baaad idea.

    • Noted! It was just an idea, but I'll keep that in mind.

      • +1

        To be fair, you could probably get away with a heater running at a lower power level.

        But having learned the hard way not to use powerboards or adaptors at 2000W for extended periods, it's not something I'd risk again.

  • +2

    I have a couple of these. Literally no issues at all. One has my 3d printers plugged into it and the other has my router & NBN box plugged into it (for when I want to reboot but CBF walking the 30 or so steps to it).

    • What's your setup for cycling the router? If you remotely turn it off it would lose connection via the router, how do you turn it back on?

      • +1

        I foolishly forget about that and get up to press the button, cursing each time that I have to do so.

      • perhaps running a separate router and wap(s)

  • These work with Tasmota?

  • How is this compared with Eve (https://www.amazon.com.au/gp/product/B0B3MS48X3) besides being cheaper? I bought 3 of the Eve one last night.

  • I notice this has energy monitor presumably you can use it to work out how much energy a device is consuming. In my case, I have a number of devices connected to a powerboard (it's for my marine aquarium I have waver makers, heater, skimmer etc). Would I able to connect the powerboard to this smart plug and work out how much energy my aquarium is consuming? Cheers.

    • yes I use it to monitor energy consumption for various appliances

      • All connected to the one power board? Cheers.

        • you can put them in the power board and monitor each plug

          but the issue is they are quite chunky so depending on the shape of your power board you may not fit all of them in

          for example if you have a 4 point board you probably could only use 2 plugs

          • @Poor Ass: Sorry I think you may have misunderstood my question. What I wanted to do is plug all devices onto the power board as per normal and then plug this smart plug at the end of the lead from the power board and then plug the smart plug into the wall socket so that I can monitor the energy consumption for all devices connected into the power board. Something like this:
            Device 1 + Device 2 + … Device 4 (Power Board) ———> Smart Plug ———> Wall Socket

            This way I can see the total energy consumption for all devices connected to the power board. Cheers.

            • +1

              @MJ59HK: Yes no issues here, you'll have usage for whatever is plugged into the socket. Whether that be one device or a number of devices off the board. The plug won't know any different

            • +1

              @MJ59HK: I do this for many areas of my place. The only thing you need to be careful of is devices that use a lot of power (heaters etc). Max is 2400w all up otherwise they will trip.

  • How would I use this with a Breville coffee machine like in my case the Breville Dual Boiler (BES920XL) as it always starts as 'off' with a digital switch to power on if that makes sense?

    • +2

      You can't as that needs you to manually turn it on.

      • Sad reacts

        • +3

          It is possible if you had a Fingerbot type of device. They aren't cheap though!

          • @Borg: hahahah yeah the misso won't let me add more ugly stuff to the kitchen!! not a bad idea though! :P

    • It only takes about as long as weighing and grinding beans to heat up, so no real need for this machine is there?

      • i like to get the group head and portafilter warm as well personally…

        • Group head is PID controlled, so I assume when it's up to temp it's ready to go, do you think the portafilter temp makes much difference.

          • +1

            @tryagain: I think it does personally… can't say I've tested cold vs hot, but I'll give it a try.

  • Recommendations for the best (and cheap) smart plugs (no energy monitoring required)?

  • FYI: I just ordered a few of these here:

    By using some of the current vouchers and points, I paid about $8.50 per plug.

    Great reviews by people using them with Home Assistant. Haven't received mine yet, meaning it's hearsay.

    Note: they are the Zigbee version, and need some kind of Zigbee dongle to be used. In my experience with similar plugs from Xiaomi, Zigbee has fewer dropouts than Wifi, and the standby power consumption is significantly lower.

    • Better to buy multiple single pieces rather than a set of multiples, right?

      • If you're not logged in it shows a promo price for first-time Aliexpress users. Existing users pay about $11 each once GST is added.

        Minus any discount vouchers currently available. I paid $25.05 for the 3-pack, using the vouchers on that page and some coins I already had.

    • I don't believe those will be certified for use in AU. If your house burns down due to one being faulty, you will not be insured.

      • -1

        That's a very strong statement, can you back it up with evidence?

        I can't find anything in my home insurance PDS that would back up your assertion.

  • overkill for just an energy monotor?

  • have anyone used this Meross Smart Thermostat with their GAS Central heating ?


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