This was posted 1 year 8 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Tesla Model 3 - RWD $59,200, Long Range $72,200, Performance $85,200 + On-Road Costs @ Tesla


Price update/ reduction from the last deal
Tesla Model 3 - RWD $57,400, Long Range $70,400, Performance $83,400
A price reduction of $5,300 from the previous price.
Order fee: $400
Delivery fee: $1,000
State-based on-road cost & stamp duty: variable
State-based EV incentives: variable

You can check this deal : Electric Vehicle Government Subsidies, Registration, Stamp Duty Discounts @ States & Federal Governments for more details on incentives.

I always wanted to have a Tesla deal under my belt 😃

Referral Links

Referral: random (910)

Referee gets $350 off Model Y & 3 purchase.

Referrer gets $150 credit toward Supercharging, software upgrades, merchandise, service payments or a new vehicle. Limit of 10 referral benefits per calendar year.

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closed Comments

          • +4

            @freefall101: Do you have any idea how useless solar panels on vehicles are?

            • +4

              @DryScissors: To power the entire vehicle? Useless. To reduce the life time running cost of a bus? Useful. There was a company putting solar panels on existing buses already because they save over a thousand litres of diesel a year - the payback period is quite small. And with buses needing to worry less about aerodynamics and generally being exposed to the sun all day (roads are rarely covered by trees) it'd have a pretty quick payback period.

              Something the size of a bus roof can generate up to 2kw on a sunny day. Average say 8kwh a day for a year, 3,000kwh a year, saves $800 or so a year in grid electricity.

              • @freefall101: freefall:

                Something the size of a bus roof can generate up to 2kw on a sunny day. Average say 8kwh a day for a year, 3,000kwh a year, saves $800 or so a year in grid electricity.


                Where are you getting these figures from ? For starters busses are always changing their position relative to the sun, putting panels on a moving vehicle of any kind is plain stupid because the panels will by definition be pointing the wrong way most of the time.

                • @CowFrogHorse:… - these guys say 7.7kwh on an e-bus. Since they're based in Germany it'd probably be higher for a bus running in Australia.

                  Also you put the panels flat. Not the highest efficiency but you only lose 10% or so. Then the only way they're pointing the wrong way is when the bus is upside down or on it's side.

                  • +1


                    Since they're based in Germany it'd probably be higher for a bus running in Australia.

                    also means they know what they are doing and are the pinnacle of excellence and engineering, as per some previous wise comments :

                    German quality always wins when it counts, from F1, tunnel machines, construction or the really big machines that provide our electricity system. Everybody knows this. German quality always wins we all bet our lives on it every day.

                      • @freefall101: Germany didnt lose the war because of lack of quality, they lost because they didnt have enough fuel.

                        Both sides after the war tried to grab as much german technology as they could.

                        • @CowFrogHorse:

                          tried to grab as much german technology as they could

                          Like buses with solar panels on the roof?

                          • @SBOB: SBOBS: @CowFrogHorse:

                            tried to grab as much german technology as they could

                            Like buses with solar panels on the roof?

                            Cow: Good too see that you think one bad apple means everyone in that country is bad. I hope you arent stereotyping of copying the middle east and their group blame mentality which has served them so well since the beginning of time.

                            • +1

                              @CowFrogHorse: Firstly, you're quoting method is annoying.
                              Secondly, wtf are you talking about.

                          • @SBOB: no things like synthetic oil was developed for tanks in winter , lots of tech comes out of wars as govts spend on developments.

                  • @freefall101: free: lso you put the panels flat. Not the highest efficiency but you only lose 10% or so.



                    Homes that have solar panels facing directly east or west will produce around 20% less energy.

                    Im confused @FreeFall101 who is right you or Forbes ?

                    Im wondering are all your other figues equally wrong ?

                    • @CowFrogHorse: I'm confused on what your point is. All I did was suggest solar panels on a roof could generate some extra power and threw in some rough estimates, along with support from a company that actually puts solar panels on top of buses in the real world.

                      Don't put a solar panel on your bus if you're so miserable about the idea.

                  • @freefall101: free: @CowFrogHorse:… -

                    cow: Sono wrote the paper themselves, thats hardly an independent verified paper. Do i really have to explain why this is bullshit ?

                    free: these guys say 7.7kwh on an e-bus. Since they're based in Germany it'd probably be higher for a bus running in Australia.

                    cow: they can CLAIM whatever they want, but is it true and has it been verified by multiple independent bodies ?

          • +7

          eBusco dutch company has 1 bus right hand drive that just drove from Melb to Syd…

        • +3

          Don’t laugh. I live on the goldy and the main bus route from the airport to broadbeach (the 777) is all electric. They had to build a new depot to service them though. Not sure of any other announcements here but in NSW they are replacing all 8000 of their buses with electric by 2035 and aren’t buying any new diesel / gas buses. Any new buses are electric in NSW.

          • @Wandersen: But the planes still burn crazy amounts of fuel… Greenwashing air plane travel because the bus is electric is hardly green. Did i also mention the batteries in those busses and cars will never be recycled ?

            Feel free to share a link to any facility that accepts or processes EV batteries in any major australian city. Ypup there are none, thats recycling for you. WHen you are aat it… ask your chemist friensd how friendly those EV batteries are when they get dumped in to a river or landfill..

      • +1

        Whenever you’re on the bus, your car is off the road. Doesn’t matter how many are on it if it is running anyway.

      • +2

        What did you do to make the others get off the bus?

      • +2

        No matter what Australia does in regards to emissions, it will make zero difference.

        • Exactly so why use a toilet next time you need to go, just do it in the street - it makes no difference right ?

          • @CowFrogHorse: Wow. Just wow. I thought you'd be smarter than that.
            I'll still poo in the toilet but there's more than a billion Taiwanese on the mainland and a heap of sub continentals that do not care that i poo in my toilet.
            When they stop pooing in the street, I'll start to care.

            • @garddn: you are not wrong, but the reason we are in this mess is everyone thinks like you

              • -1

                @May4th: Especially the Chinese.
                Repeat after me.
                Whatever we do, it will make zero difference.
                Nothing changes that fact.

            • @garddn: Saying others do bad things so i can as well is pathetic, i mean does this work for pedo in court ?

              Pooing in the street is no different than other form of pollution.

              The only thing we have learnt is you. have no respect for yourself, other people and future generations. Is it really that hard to try and set an example and be better because you can ?

              • -2

                @CowFrogHorse: Repeat after me.
                Whatever we do will make zero difference.
                Nothing changes that fact.

                • @garddn: garddn:
                  @CowFrogHorse: Repeat after me.
                  Whatever we do will make zero difference.
                  Nothing changes that fact.

                  cow: Thats not the point.

                  The point is as a human being so some backbone and self respect and do the right thing for own dignity not because someone is watching you.

        • No matter what Australia does in regards to emissions, it will make zero difference.

          And ?

          We don't have the option of doing nothing, and still expecting every other country to clean up their emissions on our behalf. That would be farcical.

          Australia needs to clean up it's emissions so that other nations clean up their emissions.

          • @Nom: Even when it makes zero difference. Righto

            • @garddn: How will you survive when all the other parrots are gone?

            • @garddn: Sorry I don't understand what you're trying to say.
              Do you think other countries should spend the money to clean up, but Australia should just get a free exemption ?

              • @Nom: Well when countries like Pakistan are going to quadruple their coal fired electricity generation, I wouldn't be too quick to sign up to any sort of emissions targets
                And the fact still remains, whatever Australia does, it will make zero difference, and the earth will just be fine.
                Only useful idiots think otherwise.

                • +2

                  @garddn: So you're saying nobody should do anything, because some countries aren't taking it seriously ?

                  What ?

                  I still don't understand your point.
                  As already mentioned, Australia needs to be seen to making a contribution, otherwise how can we expect anyone else to ?

                  • @Nom: Why do we need to be seen to be doing something if that something means zero difference?
                    I don't understand why you would do that.
                    Anyways, like i said, useful idiots. And we're all going to pay for it dearly.

                    • @garddn:

                      Why do we need to be seen to be doing something if that something means zero difference?

                      As I already said, we can then convince other countries do something. The ones that will make a difference.
                      This isn't rocket science - you can't ask your neighbour to stop playing loud music while you are infact playing loud music.

                      • @Nom: I suspect rocket science is a bridge way too far in this case.

                        Common sense even struggles.

                        • @jackspratt: Agreed. It doesn't make any sense to do something that will impact negatively when that something will make zero difference.

                          • @garddn: It's like you didn't even read the posts you're replying to 🤷🏼‍♂️

                            If the west reduces their emissions enough to convince Pakistan that maybe they should do something too, then that's absolutely going to make a difference.
                            By your own admission they're going balls-deep in coal, if we can help them change course then everybody wins.

                            • @Nom: I don't think you're reading mine.
                              Nobody wins. Countries like Pakistan don't care about emissions.
                              And whatever we do STILL makes ZERO difference. And if doing something makes ZERO difference, why would you do anything. Especially if it's going to cost bucketloads of money and lead to energy shortages.
                              I have friends that work in the generation industry and they are making a killing with all the renewable energy projects that are coming online. They also tell me that, despite the hundreds of billions that are going to be spent, it's just not going to work without coal and gas and will lead to energy shortages and greenouts. You can continue to believe in the fantasy that renewables in Australia will save the planet, but it's just not true.

        • The shame for Australia isn't how much emissions we generate, its emissions per person which is highest in the world, yes per person we generate more emissions than a person in China, or USA ….. so its hard to tell USA or china to generate less per person.

          Prior to the Ukraine special military action, the EU was tabling taxing imports from high polluting countries …. the Ukraine war has put that on hold as supply chains are broken, but once peace comes to europe it will get traction again, protects EU jobs from high polluttng countries.

    • +5

      and used vehicles

      Thanks, off to buy a thrashed used f150 chewing through 15l/100km
      Grasstown green approval

      • -1

        Resource wise it prob still is better.

        • +1

          Unlikely in the mid-long run, after something like ~50k driven it's going to be worse, even sooner for F150.

      • +6

        More like 25l

      • sif you'd get 15l

    • +15

      public transport

      You'd be surprised to learn that we don't have public transport everywhere in Australia. You'd also be surprised to learn Australia is bigger than just the Melbourne and Sydney CBD.

      • +1

        Is it??

        • +2

          Unbelievable I know. Evidently it seems a shitload of people don't know it based on votes.

          • +1

            @Clear: Tbh the population concentration is ridiculous

      • Only just. Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne hold almost half of the population.

        Yes, too concentrated.

    • Virtue signalling because he/she can’t afford one. Good luck with your Anko branded scooter dude.

      • +2

        Most tesla owners are trying to fit in and "flex" while the avrage joe has a shit box and doesent care for any flex. Sad material world we live in. Keep up with the jonses if you want.

        • +10

          “sent from iPhone 14 Pro”

          • +1

            @DryScissors: Musk is a great marketer. There’s going to be better value electric vehicles in the future.

            • +1

              @Griffindinho: Musk is a terrible marketer.

              Have you never seen him talk? He's the world's least charismatic salesman.

              Thing is,

              1. the safest, cheapest-to-run cars, and

              2. reusable rockets,

              are both things that sell well - no matter who makes them.

            • @Griffindinho: Tesla arrived in Australia early in the EV market with a production model while others focused on ICE, it's not marketing, it was just supply and demand, don't have to market when there was no competition.

    • +1

      Add bicycles instead of used overpriced cars.Take it in the trains & with senior card you can travel everywhere for $2.5/day ;)

    • Nothing more annoying either

    • +1

      Riding a horse is more environmentally friendly. You get manure as a bi product of the process

      • +1

        What about the methane released? Remember when all that methane led us into unrestrained global warming and we all died because we didn't pay more taxes to the government?

  • +1

    Very good price, why is there an order fee of $400?

    • -3

      It is a deposit .. comes off the price

      • +1

        No, it is not

        • -4

          ok .. my $400 will be refunded in a few weeks

          • +3

            @matt-ozb: Read carefully - $400 nonrefundable fee.
            They changed it

            • +2

              @virtualds: I bought the Tesla … novated lease pays the full price .. Tesla refund the $400

              sorry .. my comments were a bit short to explain clearly.

            • +2

              @virtualds: It has been this way, you cancel it you lose it. But if you keep your order then this 400 will be deducted onto the final invoice.

              • @alo1234: yea .. i know .. i ordered 2 Tesla …

                cancelled one and lost $400.

                bought the other one on a novated lease and $400 is refunded.

    • If they waived the order fee then I order one lol

  • +7

    Wow M3P now under LCT so eligible for the new EV novated lease incentives!

    • Exactly! When the facelift Model 3 comes soon I'll be pricing up the tax dodge!

    • Even with on roads? $89k is new threshold right?

      • +2


  • I heard they cheaped out on their models USS in the last 1-2 years, which explains why theyre decreasing the prices so much. The builds are probably even worse now than their reputation from a few years ago

    • +3

      From what I understand the build quality isn't worse but the spec is in some ways and they're always looking to cut more out of it!

    • -1

      Panel gaps are the worst. When ever i see one in person i cringe at the gaps i see.

      • Agreed. Still remember years ago when they were first showing off the Model Y in Melbourne Central. Sales guy was telling me how awesome it was. Then I ran my pinky finger from the top of the hatch and watched as it disappeared towards the bottom / latch section. Ray Charles would have done a better job at lining the panels up!

        • When they pump out huge volumes some corners get cut. In Tesla's it's build finish quality.

          • @Wizard: Toyota and VW don’t seem to have a problem. That’s real volume.

      • +1

        I bet you hate fords even more! Even my Mazda 3 you would hate!

    • It seems you like hypothesising without any grounds. Nice lol

    • That's for US factory models. We get ours from the Chinese factory which is still using USS sensors. Once the Chinese factory stops using USS sensors then I would say its not worth buying them. If you're going for the Model Y though, then you're better off getting an ionic 5 for a similar price

  • +5

    VIC's gov cut off the zev subsidy. Otherwise, I will order one.

    • +4

      that sucks

    • +12

      not only did the media not report Vic Labour gov cutting the $3000 ZEV, today the Vic gov also increased the ZLEV charge to 2.8/c per km.

      More than 2000 other taxes, fees, charges, levies and fines automatically increased in Victoria today to not help with cost of living pressures.

      The $100 registration fee discount for ZLEV is not automatically increased and has never been increased since it was announced

      • +4

        Victoria is not the place to be anymore. Govt is ripping us off at every corner.

        Whether that’s increased stamp duty for houses above $2m, increased land value that translates into rates, or the new landlord levy that will get passed onto the renters.

        • +3

          There's way more than that.

          Everything has increased. Fines, Metro, CityLink, rego.

          Massive government downsizing and project cancellations.

          I'm just happy all the stay at home morons are getting their bill.

          Its time to pay for covid.

          I left for Queensland like everyone else that could.

          • +1

            @jaimex2: Enjoy the rising costs in QLD. More people, more competition and needs for services. You’re gentrifying QLD and pricing the locals out of the market.

      • Ahh and Andrews can’t do no wrong.

        Funny how his looking at an out once it’s well and truly (profanity) it.

        That Westgate project is criminally bad / useless.

        In any case - more unmarked safety cameras!! As the death toll keeps rising - wait what?

        Okay maybe more free licences!!! Just get yours from the weetbix packet today.

    • +1

      Am I misreading the website or was it extended to 1 May next year?

      Genuine question as I was under the same impression.…

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