This was posted 1 year 9 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[XSX, XB1] Halo Infinite $10 + $3.90 Delivery ($0 C&C) @ BigW

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Halo Infinite new low price of $10
For Xbox one and Series S/X
Stock available at quite a few stores or delivery from $3.90, or price match at JB/EB like I did

Yes, multiplayer is always free

Yes, it’s on gamepass - but for those who aren’t subscribed and want casual single player campaign, $10 is a deal

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closed Comments

  • Remind me that there is still an unclaimed copy came with my halo x.

  • +13

    Campaign was fantastic. Worth getting for those who haven't played/don't have gamepass.

    • +1

      Yeah as far as shooters go this game was pretty good. Not the best Halo game, but much better than the average shooter.

      • +1

        Gameplay was top notch, storywise was much better than 5

        • I didn't like 4, didn't play 5 but liked 1-3+Reach,ODST.
          Am I likely to enjoy this one?

          • @idonotknowwhy: I love 1-3, Reach and ODST too. I liked 4's story (hated the new enemies) and thought 5 was straight up trash, but Infinite's story/gameplay is up there with the originals imo.

          • +1

            @idonotknowwhy: Not likley

    • -7

      Campaign sucked. One of the blandest open worlds ever and I platinumed Assassin's Creed Valhalla.

    • -1

      I'm surprised. I mean at first yeah, then changed my mind. Absolute trash. Open world does not work. I love that 343 tried something different, but Halo campaign should be linear. Makes it better in coop as well.

      I still play multiplayer though. Even with its infinite issues, the core game play is good.

  • Neither pickup nor delivery appears to be available in Melbourne

    EDIT - sorry does appear to be pickup available in a few select locations.

    • +1

      Very limited stock in Sydney as well, and no delivery

      • I got one for pick up, has anyone ever had any luck getting Big W to send a pick up item?

  • Cheers, bought one

  • +2

    What's up with games and films that include 'infinite' or 'forever' in their titles that turn out to be extremely mediocre: Halo Infinite, Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite, COD Infinite Warfare, Duke Nukem Forever and Batman Forever all come to mind. Bioshock Infinite is the only one where the title actually lived up to the potential suggested by the name. Just an observation, haha.

    • +4

      Because you will ALWAYS remember how mediocre they were

      • +4

        Our how long they took to be released. Duke Nukem Forever.

    • +1

      Infinite undiscovery was a great game

  • Damn, 1 year and a half later, not even the PS hits

  • +1

    Got one from JB price match and perks, Thanks OP

    • +1

      they didn't match for me, told that limited stock items can't be matched, got from BigW anyway

      • I was about to buy one from Big W and thought I'd hit up JB on the chat, while I was on the chat it wasn't available at that shop anymore.

        So I found one at another Big W, chat person didn't want to price match there either. Told them to go jump and will just travel a bit further to the big w I need to go to.

  • Thanks, does this support keyboard and mouse ?

    • +1


    • +1

      You'll get clapped online though by controller players because of auto-aim

      • I only want to play campaign. I buy console games because they are cheaper than the PC version (ex:preowned ones etc), but never used to play with controllers other than NES or SNES ones lol. Recently got a BF2BC2 XBOX360 version for few bucks to play on Xbox one, but it was pretty expensive before unlisting from Steam.

  • How do you buy it? there no add to cart link….

    • still available at BIG W Pakenham

  • +1

    Bought because I don't know why. I have gamepass.

    • FOMO is the reason.

      But, I come up with a new excuse, we plan to do EB trade in or sell it online for a profit (not sure whether EB will pay $10, but assume yes for now).

  • Thanks Op ordered a copy from local store for $10 free pickup.

  • +2

    A reminder that Halo Infinite has almost nothing on the disc - you will have to download the entire game if you get this. I'm hoping for a GOTY edition at a later date

    • That's a disappointment….meaning I can't keep it for 50 years and resell it as collector's item

  • Would buy but no delivery in Vic.

  • How convenient. I’m at a big w right now

    With no stock

  • I'm going to buy this disc then sue Microsoft because I can't use the disc in my Xbox series s…. First I have to move to America.

  • -1

    Best gameplay loop of any halo game.

  • Was about 4 copies left at Big W Melton (vic) about an hour ago for those in the area. Website said no pick up but definitely there on the shelves

  • +1

    Isn't this essentially a download code on a disc?

    • +3

      Yep. Just with the added inconvenience of having to put the disc in each time you want to play.

    • No download code, just a disc. You can sell it.

  • The sale seems to have ended?

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