• expired

10% off $100 & $250 Coles MasterCard Digital Gift Cards ($5/$7 Purchase Fee Applies) @ Giftcards.com.au


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Coles Group & Myer Gift Cards
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MasterCard AU

closed Comments

          • -1

            @stirlo: It is basically free money anyway, I dont get why people are so obsessed with how many % exactly. As long as you have a mean to use/cash it, it is free money or rather a profit.

            • +4


              I dont get why people are so obsessed with how many % exactly

              I don't see any obsession; I see a helpful calculation.

              The percentage matters, as the effort involved may not be worth it for some.

              • +7

                @YesPleaseThankYou: Plus this is OzBargain, a community where we compare, vote on and pursue the best deals possible. Counting every fraction of a percentage point is literally the object of this website.

              • @YesPleaseThankYou: This isnt a Maths class, yet we still see lots of intellectually stimulating yet practically meaningless debates over how a discount should be calculated. I really dont see how a 0.5% of perceived difference matters.

    • +1

      Good for paying bills.

  • how risky is it to buy $2000 and wait until July 1st to pay tax? It won't let me pre-pay

    • I definitely wouldn't be leaving the cards for that long. Too risky.

    • And you can pay Ato straight away. No need to wait till July 1st.

      • what is the max for ato as i paid 5 via easypay and 10 via the ato website at 11pm last night and now its saying error msg.

        • That is the max usually. Try again in 8 hours.

    • -1

      Not very risky. I've never had one hacked. If you do it will just take some effort to get the bank to reimburse you.

  • +7

    Purchased 2 x $250 and a $100.

    Used both $250 but $100 is already used. I bought it today and apparently it was used yesterday.


    • +1

      Man I hope you sort this out :)

      I've noticed a few people saying this has happened to them in the chat above. Didn't seem like a solution was achieved. Has anyone had any success in getting reimbursement?

      • +1

        Will wait for 1 day and will do chargeback. How can this even happen? Bought today and the card was used a day before.

        • +1

          That's really bad I was planning to buy more but will stay away don't want to risk given many people are facing this

        • +2

          Oh wow, what was it use to pay for?

          Hope you can get Coles to revert the transaction.

    • +3

      All $250 of my card was used up, Coles refuse to issue a replacement t and Heritage is hopefully, get on the phone with heritage and cancel the card.

      • Compromised email . No other way .

        • I had the same issue. I am pretty sure it is not compromised email. Mine was used by someone to pay for private school fee.

          • +3

            @nlin1: I wonder if card numbers are accidentally getting sent to multiple buyers.

            • @hellwolf: I think it may be this. Either that or it's getting BIN hacked before it's purchased. If you look at the transactions, the card actually gets activated/funded way before it's purchased, not at the time of sale.

              • +1

                @wangasm: I've bought two lots of 10 x $250 cards (which have been fined and I've used up) and was going to buy another 10 x $250, but I now worried that I'm going to eventually get hit with one of these used cards.

              • +2


                the card actually gets activated/funded way before it's purchased, not at the time of sale

                I think that's just a time zone difference.

                • +1

                  @YesPleaseThankYou: Time zone is I think GMT but my card was used like 10 hours before I even bought it.

            • @hellwolf: I suspect this is the case. They lodged a dispute for me on the transaction. But I am not sure it is going anywhere as the transaction is not really fraudulent.

              • +1

                @nlin1: well see it this way.. it is fraudulent cos you paid for the card and someone else used the funds ?

      • do you have 2fa ?

  • +1

    Finally got my first lot of 10 cards come through. If I wanted to purchase more would I need to use a different email?

    • yes

    • +2

      I didn't use a different email and it all worked fine.

      • +1

        Oh wow really. So what did you change then?

        • +1

          i used different emails and names, same IP address, and same payment card, all worked and came within minutes.

          • @chewieeez: I just did the same about half hour ago. Same browser/device that I used for first batch as well.

        • +2

          Nothing. Others have reported similar experiences.

    • I didn't but YMMV

  • +2

    Interesting. Two different response. I might just try the same email and report back.

    • How did you go?

      • In training won't be able to try atm 😅

        • I've just tried and it worked , bought 12 in total (6 yesterday and 8 today)

          • +3

            @B612: wait 6+8 is not 12

            • @fomal: Dang Mathnerd is not here to verify.

            • @fomal: oh yeah, 14, I used 2 on something else

    • I've bought over 15 cards - 3 batches. All from yesterday and with one card, one email.

  • Do these work at BWS? And if I want to wait for a BWS Cashback should I sit on the card and risk someone hacking/using it… or go through loops to convert it to another visa e.g. one from Officeworks ?

    • +4

      In my experience, BWS’ website happily lets you use prepaid gift cards as a payment method.

      I have not specifically used Coles Mastercard Digital gift cards on BWS’ website, but I have directly used Vanilla Visa gift cards and physical Coles Mastercard gift cards on their website in the past and had zero issues.

  • Does anyone know if these mastercards work on NIB rewards?

    • +1


      • Awesome, thanks! Just put through a transaction and it worked perfectly.

  • +1

    I'm stuck on the payment screen. Is there a workaround that I'm unaware of in the previous 18 pages?

    • +1

      From what I can glean from some other posts where issues have been reported: they're using blocks, VPNs, add-ins, other weird stuff.

    • -3

      Call your bank to unblock it, most of the time it is the bank

      • +1

        I don't think its the banks.

  • Any good ways to spend the leftovers amount under $10….

    • I used it at energy australia and phone bills

    • +4

      Add your card to Paypal
      Then use Auspost app to pay bills
      this way you can use all your balance as it accepts any value greater than 5 cents

      • +1

        I did the same, add about 1/2 dozen of cards ranging couple dollars to $12.

        Add to Paypal and label them according the the balance on the card so I know which card to select to pay.

        Then slowly pay to Sydney Water one by one.

      • hack of the week

    • Woolies gift card i’d recommend, can do a custom amount (down to the cent)

      • I think there is a minimum. Struggling to use my hard earned 90c leftover.

  • +1

    Bought some 2 days ago and after that been getting payment failed. Tried again today with the same everything name, address, phone number, credit card and it worked again. Weird lol I would fire the developer.

  • +1

    Been reading through all these posts, but am still a bit confused about this whole ‘pay ATO’ thing. Got no ATO /HELPs debt (and definitely no CGT after this year 🥲) so would already be looking at a bit of a return during this tax time I think.

    If I were to pay the ATO via gift cards would this balance always be paid back during tax return?

  • +1

    So… surely paying the ATO thousands of dollars in gift cards when you know that you will have a tax return (no tax payable) at the end of the year is some form of money laundering? Assuming the ATO will then return you the money in the form of cash…

    • +1

      Not worth the risk in my opinion. But that's just me.

    • See that was my interpretation as well… people out there doing this in the 10s of thousands is surely gonna raise some flags??

      • +2

        It will certainly raise AML flags but as long as you keep proper trail it only boils down if the profits worths the hassel. There is nothing illegal about it.

    • Do you even understand the word "money laundering"? It means disguising money earned through illegal means as legal. So unless you are buying these gift cards with money earned via illegal means, it is no way "laundering". Maybe money "multiplying" is a more appropriate term for this.

      • +1

        Yeah defs agree it ain’t money laundering or illegal by any means, just may result in a bit of a hassle if the ATO are gonna put up a stink

        Just curious is anyone’s had any issues with it before

        • +1

          I used about $3k last year to pay for my tax bill, all got accepted with no issues. Of course, that's just one data point.
          As long as you have the tax invoice for buying the cards, then there shouldn't be any danger. I suspect people who actually money launder probably don't want to go anywhere near the ATO, let alone directly use their services for such a small sum…

          • @highwind: My comment is mainly around those who are 'overpaying' their tax bill (or paying a tax bill when they will actually have a tax return at EOFY) and then pocketing the returns as cash after using the ATO as a gift card transfer service. I wonder what would happen if it were to be audited by the ATO.

      • +1

        Well, maybe money laundering is not the right way to describe it, perhaps more like fraud, but it does seem like a somewhat grey area for thousands of dollars to be converted from prepaid VISA cards to cash through the ATO through some sort of arbitrage.

        That may be deemed as fraudulent or the purpose could be determined to be deceptive with the intention of making a fraudulent tax return to swap for cash with the ATO, which that would sound like money laundering to me.

        It might not be illegal but it is definitely grey and perhaps from the ATOs perspective, it would be seen as a scheme which they would flag.

    • How is it money laundering?

      • Perhaps money laundering was the wrong word. More like some sort of scheme that could be flagged by the ATO

      • Some people have been watching too many cop shows :)

  • +1

    Bought another set of cards today to pay land tax.

    First three cards went through okay, but the fourth card was declined with a "do not honour" message.

    Anyone experience that before? This is for the SRO of Vic

    edit: tried again and was successful. That was strange.

  • Do these cards work with bpoint?

    • Yup, it worked with one of my bills that use bpoint

      • On checking it seems that I can only enter one card through bpoint. Can I split the whole bill into multiple transactions using the same reference number?

        • Depends who you are paying I think. Most utilities will let you do that since your reference number is just your account number and never changes.

        • Yes you can. I have done so in the past, like last year, unless they have changed rules.

    • No it works with a point

  • What do you all put in for name on card when inputting card details? Does it matter at all?

    • +3

      Card name not important. I even put name: brad pitt and it works :)

    • +2

      I think it depends who you pay to. If I pay my bills in large amount I give them my name just in case anything goes wrong and I need to ask them to trace the transaction. Otherwise it doesn't matter.

  • What other portals allow these prepaid cardsto buy additionally discounted gift cards? Looking to buy Bunnings or Amazon cards (not looking at Woolies cards)
    Have maxed out adding cards on Shopback. CashRewards has very low discounts.
    Any others that dont automatically decline purchases using these cards?

    • +2

      You can buy Amazon and Bunnings cards with this $150 Footy Prezzee deal ($10 offer once per account): https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/778308
      With Prezzee, you may have to call them for authorisation if cards are declined. Prezzee do random blocks on all cards/PayPal etc

    • +1

      Every1 should be using the $100 Footy card deal change on the SB $100 Kogan deal with extra $20 bonus card .
      I know every1's fav store :)

      • +2

        Kogan is dodgy with those, they tend to expire in a month. Never again.

    • Many insurance companies and utilities sell gift cards these days. HCF, AGL. Check the ones you're with.

  • Is woolies gift card portal down? Stating on transactions that there was an error and a refund will be issued. No cards

    • +2

      Did you use Paypal to pay? It seems that this type of card got blocked by WW if use to pay directly
      Assign to Paypal and use that to pay worked for many - including me.

      • Was this the first time or second time you buy WW cards using PayPal?
        Number of user reported the first time worked for buying WW cards via PayPal. It fails the second time.

        • Bought 4x$250 gc yesterday

      • First time and I have added all the cards to Paypal but only 1 has successfully gone through. 5 are refund pending and 6 failed. Very confusing

        • +1

          I've purchased multiple with these prepaid Visas. The trick is to use them slowly, otherwise you'll get picked up for fraud detection.

        • Same here. Help!!

          Added cards to PayPal to use to but woolworths cards

          I got the first one through. 2nd and 3rd were refunded. Still havent got the $250 back to the mastercard.

          Habe you received your refund yet?

  • Can you pay over the phone with these?

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