• expired
  • targeted

[VIC, WA] 15,000 Everyday Reward Points for Gas & 25,000 for Electricity @ Origin Energy (New Customers Only)


Looks like they've extended this deal https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/776359 to Vic and WA without the $150 electricity credit. Check to make sure you're targeted- after entering my Woolies Rewards Card number, I see the message:

15,000 bonus Everyday Rewards points from Natural Gas
Collect 1 Everyday Rewards point for every $1 (incl GST) charged for usage and supply

My 1yr AGL 56%+ Amazon Prime deal expired, so was looking to switch to maybe take advantage of future deals as a new customer. Origin pricing was very similar since they have no account fees, and the 15,000 EDR points are worth $75. Looks like they have a Rewards program for their customers too. Plan details:

Daily Supply: 17.75 ¢/day
General Usage 0-13: 12.26 ¢/unit
General Usage 13+: 11.06 ¢/unit
No Exit fees
Benefit period: 12 months; No lock-in contracts, leave anytime

If Offseting your carbon emissions: 14.29 ¢/day (Additional 2,000 Everyday Rewards points)

Provided that you haven’t received any other one-off Everyday Rewards points in connection with this Energy Plan in the preceding 10-month period for the fuel supplied under this Energy Plan, you will be eligible to receive one-off Everyday Rewards points, as set out in the Details section, if you:
(1) maintain the Energy Plan for a minimum of 30 days; and
(2) provide your Everyday Rewards membership number to Origin when you sign-up to the Energy Plan.

The one-off Everyday Rewards points for electricity and/or natural gas will be deposited into your Everyday Rewards account within approximately 45 days after your Acceptance Date.

You will collect one Everyday Rewards point for every dollar (incl. GST) charged on your bill for your usage and supply during the Energy Plan period. These Everyday Rewards points will be deposited in your Everyday Rewards account approximately 14 days after your bill is issued.

Referral Links

Origin Business: random (32)

$200 credit each for referrer and referee.

Origin Residential: random (573)

$50 credit each for referrer and referee.

Related Stores

Origin Energy
Origin Energy
Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards

closed Comments

  • Thanks! Cheaper than current kleenheat pricing for me + bonus points

  • No electricity deal for WA

    • Yes, that part for Vics only. No choice for electricity in WA.

  • I got this email as well but my addres shows up as sorry not available. I am in nsw

  • FYI those charges are only 16% off standard.
    Unless you use very little gas you'll probably be better off with a bigger discount.

    I know you probably can't get this discount anymore, but I saved $73.74 in one bill (95 days.)

    edit: to be fair, no account keeping fee with origin means I would have saved $6.54.

  • I can only see 10,000 bonus Everyday Rewards points from Electricity & Natural Gas after entering the Everyday rewards cards

    • I get 40k offered (25k electricity, 15k gas) before putting in a card number but not available at my address.

  • why would anyone offset carbon emissions? you still get the same stuff

  • If you compare this against their normal variable plan the "Everyday Rewards" plan is more expensive per kwh and on daily supply charge and you would possibly be better off just going with the normal variable plan if the extra cost per year is more than the amount you get back with points. The difference on daily supply charge alone will cost you and extra 20 bucks a year and the extra couple of cents per kwh will add up.

    • +1

      You only need to stay on the Everyday Rewards plan for 30 days then just switch to the cheaper one

      • +1

        Thats what the smart people are doing😉

    • Take the money (from offer) & run😉

      Then take up offer from Deals here to switch again after min 30d, for next incentive💰

      I switch electricity retailers about every 60d for the offers.
      Effectively pay $0 for energy each year🎉

      As a low energy user, the tariff doesn't matter that much - just get best offer (on lowest tariff).

      Signed up for $100 Deal 60d ago - time to switch to this Deal👍

      Also taking up Gobird Deal.
      Receive $50 if they aren't cheaper than current electricity retailer💰

  • Can anyone confirm if the origin Referral link for "$100 credit for referrer and referee" still works?

    Clicking on the Origin Spike referral works ($10 shows up with Referrer invite referenced).

    However clicking on the first Origin Referal link, no Referrer invite reference nor reference to the $100 Credit.

  • Thanks OP changed over electricity

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