• expired

50% off 'Downtown' Blend Coffee Beans 1kg for $30 + Delivery ($0 to VIC/ $50 Order) @ Inglewood Coffee Roasters


Found this deal while on the lookout for some beans I hadn't tried before. Unsure of the deal end date.
Since I've enjoyed several other Inglewood blends in the past and they've always delivered freshly roasted I pulled the trigger.

From the website:
"Downtown is our seasonal coffee, sourced and roasted specifically for the home barista. Roasted darker to accomodate domestic equipment, Downtown is tailor made for milk-based coffees."

Tasting Notes: Brown sugar, nougat, toffee, pecan

Brewing Guide:

Brew Ratio - 1:1.8
Dose - 21 grams
Yield - 38 grams
Contact Time - 30 seconds

Referral Links

Referral: random (89)

Referees get $10 off 1st order of $60+. Referrers get 100 points.

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Inglewood Coffee Roasters
Inglewood Coffee Roasters

closed Comments

  • +2

    can recommend.

    • +1

      Yes, this has turned into another or my favourites along with sunset Boulevard

  • +9

    Ahh, a real bargain, from a quality roastery 👌

    I highly recommend these guys.

    • +3

      I highly endorse this event and or product.

  • Recommend, can't buy due to LB stock just arrived

    • you could freeze LB?

    • +4

      Just received the Lime Blue Peru and Colombian Single Origins's a few days ago, some of the best beans I've used for espresso. Rich and chocolatey with a lot of body, strong enough to cut through milk for a well rounded latte.

      One thing to note about the Downtown is that it seems to be specifically targeting home baristas, so its roasted a bit darker than their Sunset and Roosevelt blends (and Lime Blue's offerings). This makes it easier to get good shots with entry level grinders, but also lacks some of the complexity of their medium to light roasted counterparts. Still an excellent deal and one of the three OzB roasters I consistently buy from - Lime Blue, Inglewood and Undercover.

      • +5

        I have removed Undercover from my list, they have so much debris in their packaging which is not good. When I reported it they blamed it on aupost.

        The observation is correct. Downtown is on the darker roast side compared to others.

        LB Colombian, this is what I have tried so far as beans were just delivered. I have noticed one thing about LB, their beans are on light roast side. It's very hard to extract them properly. I am on the finest setting on my Mignon and on my BDB I just use pre infusion and flow control to get a creamy shot, it's so beautiful to watch.

        I don't know how anyone could extract LB beans without the mods.

        The taste is yet to blossom as the roast date is 2nd May. I got a great shot, I could feel the citrusy taste in the shots. They come out like honey.

        The only issue is, I don't feel the kick from 1:2, they suggested 1:1 for milk based. I think it's more for direct espresso drinking. This is my 3rd order with them and I feel this way every time. I'll try filter coffee next with LB.

        For Inglewood, it's always full bodied flavor. I feel like I am drinking hot chocolate. The best feeling.


        • +2

          Ditto with undercover. I enjoyed the taste but the beans were busted up bad!

      • I stopped buying from Lime Blue. They were great initially then the coffee beans were inconsistent and the last two I got were worse than Aldi.

        • And their weight reduction is a huge turn off - They say the cost is pro rata, but postage has stayed the same, so my usual 500g order is now ~7% more expensive.

  • Had their coffee before so ordered again

  • How does it compare to the Roosevelt?

    • We've had Sunset, Roosevelt and Downtown. Up until recently we've preferred Roosevelt - but the Downtown seems to be a little darker on the roast and perhaps a touch richer in body. Works for us quite happily.

  • Its a good one.

  • +3

    Looks like I will be trying out Inglewood for the first time. Cheers!

  • What’s the caffeine level like for this one? Thanks

  • +2

    what about free shipping to NSW?

    • +3

      "free shipping AUS wide on orders over $50" as per the banner on top

  • they're having these frequently, wonder what's going on

    • Common business practice

  • Giving this a shot for the first time. This many positive reviews without one hater must be a good sign

  • Since when do you have to signup?

  • +1

    Made a purchase based on recommendations here

  • Are these discounted because they're not freshly roasted?

    • +2

      never had that issue. I live in Vic and coffee usually arrives 2-3 days after it has been roasted

    • Not the case. Inglewood regularly do 30-50% sales , fresh beans bau

  • Does anyone know if you can just go there and buy beans? I know they have a little booth thing outside their location

    • +1

      There was a click and collect option when I put my order through that would guarantee the price, however from their website:

      "Do you sell coffee out of the roastery?
      Yes we do! Come and visit our Inglewood Espresso Bar located at the front of our warehouse at 23 Lionel Road, Mount Waverley VIC 3149. We are open Monday-Friday 7am-3pm. For click and collect orders, our warehouse is open Monday-Friday 8am-5pm. Please ring the reception doorbell on arrival and one of our friendly team will come to assist you."

      • Yeah, I’ve click and collected before. But I’m out as of this morning so was hoping I could just go there and grab some, rather than order and wait a couple of days

        • In the past I've called them while I'm in the process of ordering and they've been able to check how quick they're able to fill my order. Quickest so far has been 45 mins from ordering online to collecting it

          • @ebosh: for those wondering, you CAN go to the location and buy beans directly. You need to press the button at the door (where you click and collect) and they'll get it for you

  • This is actually a single origin currently, link says

    Brazil, Santos

    Not sure why its categorised as a blend, but guessing they might blend in future based on seasonal availability of beans. Last time I puchased Downtown was in December 2022 and it was a SO from Uganda.

    Also, love Inglewood, been purchasing there for 2 years now and never dissappointed!

  • +2

    Currently got a kg of beans but wouldnt mind trying these.What ive got will last a few weeks.

    Whats the best way of keeping these fresh. Some say freeze , others say dont.


    • i give them 5 days after roasting to let them gas out then i seal the air hole with a tape and put them in the freezer. when i need a new bag i take it out the leave it overnight to temper up to room. tastes fine so long as they're in air tight containers after.

    • https://youtu.be/gpOIeW6E2Iw

      Here's a good video on freezing coffee that keeps it easy and simple without all the OCD, ADHD coffee snob types over complicating it.

    • I vac seal and freeze in 250g pouches.
      You could just put them in glad bags and then into a container in the freezer and get out your amount a day or so before and let them “defrost”

  • How’s this compare to Airjo?

    • +5

      WAY better IMO

      • +5

        Seconded - Inglewood, Undercover and Lime Blue are all noticeably better than Airjo's offerings.

  • last time i got a blend from you guys for stovetop and it didnt seem to be the right grind. not sure if it was too coarse or too fine tbh. anyone else had this experience w moka pot?

    • Highly recommend getting a grinder, vastly improve your coffee experience!
      Whole beans stay fresh for much longer. Also handy to be able to adjust the grind to suit each bag of beans, and as it changes from freshly roasted over time.
      I got a 2nd hand 1zpresso hand grinder for $150, it’s my favourite possession!

  • Have anyone used this with Soy milk(Bonsoy)? I am using Bonsoy with different blends and having curdling issue!

    • +1

      Isn't that to do with how you're frothing it instead of the beans?

      • Nah some beans are just more prone to this. I literally should have the answer as I have used these beans in the past, but I can't remember if curdling was an issue. I am 80% sure they were fine, as I remember liking them!

    • I did not enjoy Bonsoy at all and noticed that most good coffee shops use Happy Happy it’s only available at organic/whole food stores. Have used it for a few months at home and it’s superb for my latte.

  • +2

    Does anyone know if they offer delayed dispatching?

    • +9

      Aupost will take care of that for you

  • +2

    Currently drinking this from their last deal and can recommend. One thing to note though is that shipping can be slow, it took 2 weeks (over 7 days to leave the roastery) for mine to arrive. Had to resort to 2x250g colesworth beans while i waited, never had beans take more than 2 days.

  • +1

    Got the buy 1 kg get 1 kg free deal the last time around. Really tasty coffee. Will buy again

  • Nearly at the end of my previous 50 off bag. Good freshly roasted coffee highly recommend. Best of the usual this arjo and lime blue who pop up on here IMHO. All the though are pretty good

  • Hands down, best decaf I've ever had - though sadly only ever had one order, too much for my wallet at normal pricing :( Recent Soprano decaf not bad though ;)

  • Any idea on expiry? Want to buy as late as possible!

    • You can freeze beans for months and usually get a good result. I vacuum seal to remove the air out at the lowest part of a chest freezer.

      • Yeah I do freeze beans, issue is freezer space haha.

  • This or 1Kg Dark Beans from Aldi for $11.99?? Hard choice….

    • +1

      Really? Seems that you're not sure whether you like coffee or not.

      From the previous comments, I think everyone here would choose Downtown.
      People who don't go looking for the best beans wouldn't even be looking, they'd just grab their beans from the supermarket.

      • +1

        Hey mate. Bit harsh? Aldi beans have an excellent reputation, they are unlike other "supermarket beans" in this respect alone. The beans are fresh, have an excellent flavour and produce some of the finest crema I have managed with my setup.

        I'm quite sure I like coffee. Fairly fastidious about how I make it and enjoy learning new techniques and always looking to improve. I'm also quite sure I enjoy Aldi beans. I also enjoy trying other beans, and I've loved the Inglewood roasts as well. But Aldi beans are my go to, and I'm grateful for the price and quality that they are sold at.

        • +1

          Yeah apparently. When I saw another comment re Aldi beans I realised I might be missing something.

          I assumed Aldi beans would be imported!!?? Do they actually have local roasters and distribute fresh?
          I'm not an Aldi shopper, but am happy to drive across town for coffee beans. I don't have anyone local atm, so I love the idea of using Aldi.

          I'll report back :)

          • @SlickMick: Yeah, give them a shot! I agree, once a year i randomly fall for buying cheap half price Vittoria beans at woolies or whatever and EVERY single time I've been really disappointed. I'm no pro, but even I can can tell that all those regular beans at at coles and woolies, (i guess most of them imported) are so stale and dead.

            Honestly, Aldi's beans are nothing like this. Inglewood are better. Absolutely. No doubt. But Aldi are giving us a special product here at a really good price. And no, i don't work for Aldi. :)

      • +1

        ALDI used Black Bag Roasters in Richmond, Vic for their roasting, and while there is no roast date on the bags they certainly don't seem to sit long in a warehouse before making it to shelves based on the freshness I've experienced.

        Whilst the beans aren't speciality grade beans, and nor should they be for the price, they are a significant step above any other supermarket beans I've used (which I'll admit is very few).
        Commonly used at our place for a night of entertaining with Espresso Martini's where I cannot justify specialty grade $30-60/kg beans.

        • Maybe a busy store in Melbourne would keep stocked with fresh beans, but perhaps not a smaller store in a remote location.

          I'm frustrated by how long it takes for delivery straight from the roaster. Aldi can probably do better than individual orders, but without a roast date it might be pot luck how fresh your beans are.

        • Roast date is on the side bud at the top (back to front). My local Brazilian beans were roasted 3 weeks ago. I didn't like last years Aldi beans even though they were fresh. Coles Daley St beans have a roast date of 8 days ago, but I wasn't a fan of the taste. Body/ crema was excellent, but lacked punch. So now making my own blends of various beans. Harris extra Dark for choc notes, Daley St for body and some unplugged Decafe beans to reduce caffeine hit.
          Will give these a try…choc / toffee taste sounds good, not a fan of the aniseed/ citrus notes (if you like those flavours, try Grinders red bag - really nice Crema..but lots of citrus).

    • Aldi where I live has been OOS for ages now.

  • -1

    mebbe rong but I thought I saw Downtown coffee for the first time in Coles World Square Sydney yesterday

    if they from Vic, then I wonder if this was a one-off or the sign of a new deal to supply Coles ?

  • bought some shitty supermarket beans, never again…downtown was good but looking for a more refined/distinguished taste going forward

    • +1

      Try the current Lime Blue deal.

  • +1

    For anyone concerned about freshness or delivery delays, fear not.

    The bag I ordered on the 9th was roasted on the 10th and delivered today.

  • +1

    Would be great if the packaging is resealable. My recent order isnt but thankfully i have a resealable packaging from Airjo so just used that

    • Agree! 1Kg without a resealable bag. Had to rebag into old LB bags.

      • Or you could just use zip lock bags. Costs like 10c

  • Great - just ordered.
    Looking forward to trying it!

  • Great coffee but they used to spam the shit out of my mobile number even after I tried opting out.

  • Has anyone tried their Ethiopia microlot?


  • Has anyone had their coffee shipped ? Ordered on the 12th but still no dispatch info.

    • I ordered around the 7th and still nothing.

  • I can't add anything to cart it's all greyed out, but doesn't say sold out anywhere? Every coffee I choose, doesn't work.

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