Sleek new wallet-sized design, 3.5” touch screen, turn-by-turn voice instructions, crystal-clear 3D Australia wide maps and 1000's of Points Of Interest. This for the super price of $199. SAVE $50.00 (normally $249.00)
Sleek new wallet-sized design, 3.5” touch screen, turn-by-turn voice instructions, crystal-clear 3D Australia wide maps and 1000's of Points Of Interest. This for the super price of $199. SAVE $50.00 (normally $249.00)
Go to officeworks then and get $10 off.
It was the same model that COTD sold for $99 but not many people could get it.
Not bad.
I got mine couple of months ago by making Officeworks Price match (5% discount) Harris technology at $208.
Go to Harvey Normans, and make them price match with a 10% Discount. And you will get it for $180. Unbelievable cheap.