This was posted 12 years 6 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

The Shield Season 1 - 7 Boxed $79 Kmart Brunswick



Picking up Downton Abbey Season 2 for the Wife (honest!)& clocked Shield Box Set for $79, Thought it was good price & checking Amazon etc holds up well for local stock.
There were a least 3 left Sat p.m



P.S KMart's website is pointless, can't link directly to item so linked to Amazon, Hope this is ok.

Mod: Cleaned up deal, edited link

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closed Comments

  • Is it a DVD or Bluray set?

    • +2

      You're trippin if you think its blu-ray for this price.

    • The Shield hasn't been released on Blu ray

      • +1

        And chances are it won't ever be. From Shawn Ryan, creator of the show:

        @ShawnRyanTV: I asked Sony when The Shield would be on Blu-Ray. I was told that our film wasn't high enough quality to put on Blu-Ray. Seems appropriate.
        @ShawnRyanTV: To clarify, Sony said the 16 mm FILM STOCK was of insufficient quality to put out on Blu-Ray, not the quality of the show. Thnx for concern.
        @ShawnRyanTV: So this looks like last and best Shield DVD release…

        • Remember reading that a few years back, and I'm as baffled by it now as I was then.

          Love to know the exact sort of film stock used here, because in almost every case 16mm film can indeed benefit from a HD presentation. It won't give you the quality that you can get from a 35mm source, but a noticeable improvement over SD nonetheless.

  • +1

    Best show ever.

    • 100% agreed!
      I'd buy it, but I already have them. :)

    • +1 Awesome show

  • +1

    Hi Mod
    I think the original link was better than yours. really pointless as OP mentioned.
    May i provide link here?…

  • Can anyone confirm if it's this price at other stores?

    • kmart price match other kmarts, they just call them.

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