At $199 it was a bargain.
At $149 it was a steal.
Now, at $100 it's just desperate!
(Remember to let staff know these are stashed away under the cashiers' counters, when asking at the store.)
At $199 it was a bargain.
At $149 it was a steal.
Now, at $100 it's just desperate!
(Remember to let staff know these are stashed away under the cashiers' counters, when asking at the store.)
Are you sure?
They will put all product under the counter until they fill out a warranty return slip and send back to warehouse, or the product is fit for sale. Never if the item has storage capacity on it
Do you dial 000 because someone might stab you in the future?
If they looked suspicious and carrying a knife, then yes.
who needs Detective Pikachu when we have Detective J "i saw something at a store once" V
tune in to next week's thrilling tale, Detective JV repeats something a mate told them about where hotdogs come from
They also keep uncollected receipts from customers there, I don't think they're going to give those receipts to other customers.
They definitely aren't returned. Any product with storage, even if unopened, is sent straight back to warehouse. That's the return process, they don't want there to be something on the device that is illegal/inappropriate/harmful
Source: I used to be a manager there
Source: I used to be a manager
What happened.. Did you talk to a Karen?
Hahaha nah talked to Karen's before being a manager too. Just moved onto better things :)
"nope" what?
@bmerigan: No to this: "Any product with storage, even if unopened, is sent straight back to warehouse."
@[Deactivated]: Ohh, as in a trash bin. I assumed it was a bin specifically to collect returns, which are later sorted.
@bmerigan: Yeah it was a small plastic pedal bin thing on the floor next to their chairs, only without its lid - and has a plastic bag in it. They drop unwanted receipts etc in it and empty it at the end/start of each day.
"I want my money back and I want to take the product home with me too"
@GregRust: This is what happens when you don't have your 1948 UN Charter on human rights with you, to be read screamed out while standing in the doorway.
Then he just dropped it into a small bin next to him. (Jerk.)
Nope. He was dispensing his duties as an employee. He is not the arsehole.
@DoctorCalculon: It's still not what the Aldi employee above said always happens. He was a jerk because he refused to allow me to destroy the drive with MY PASSWORD FILE ON IT. i.e. It didn't go back to the warehouse, they would have emptied those small bins at the end of the day into their skip bin, so if someone at the tip finds it and takes it home it might start working again, they copy the file, and use a zip file password cracker software on it. So why on earth refuse to allow me to stand on it to destroy it so that can never happen? Here's why: Because he was an £$%hole.
@[Deactivated]: @Faulty P xel No, he's not the jerk as he's following procedures which are reasonable, but I'm afraid YTA here. If security concerns trumps over everything else, you would have cancelled the refund request and destroyed it yourself, but nope, you're so cheap, you won't even absorb the $10 price to pay for password security, and would rather get a refund so it is what it is.If they're going to give you back your money, then they sure as hell owns it and why should they destroy it? That's clear as day to every other person here.
@clubhonda: Stop talking nonsense. You have no idea if someone is being "cheap" or if they are trusting the guy at the register, or whatever. I originally voiced my concerns about the password file and he ASSURED ME the drive would be, and I quote, "destroyed" … Then he just drops it in a bin without any "destroying" happening. So I query him on it, how he said he'd "destroy" it… and the smug p@$%k says it will get "destroyed" by going to the local tip. That if I wanted it back to destroy it myself I have to buy it. I'm in the right and you're just trolling for an argument.
@[Deactivated]: No, pretty clear you're just cheap. You may not see it yourself, but it's clear from your description that you are for the rest of us. Just like how Karens can't see that their behaviours are Karen to save their lives lol.
That's some kinda kink fetish list going on…
Now now. No need to kink shame.
What if kink shaming…is my kink?
Then the universe will implode.
I assume the tablet is for filming?
Only fans.
Nambour is known as the bogan area of Sunshine Coast.
Not as bad as Caboolture.
What are these good for? May mount one in the kitchen for recipes.
i have one (bought at $200, whoops). use it for youtube at home +navionics charts on the boat, does a great job for the price
+navionics charts on the boat
Does this tablet work OK in landscape mode with polarised glasses?
Yep, I have it landscape with polarised lenses with no issues like you have with a phone in landscape
I have found that simply adding a screen protector can make linear polarised screens work ok with polarised sunglasses in both orientations.
bought at $200, whoops
Return your OzBargain badge when you logoff, if you don't repo-return it for the price difference TODAY!
I use it as a digital photo frame.
Lenovo tabs have a google kids feature which is really good. My 4yr old gets lots of Disney books from google play for free that reads them to him. I qas after one for my other kids too. Might have to check out our local.
Leaving your kids unsupervised while Google reads them Disney books… why not, what could go wrong?
Thanks for stating something you have no knowledge about.
I didn't say they are unsupervised, just because Google reads to him it doesn't mean we don't read to them every night. It doesn't mean they have unsupervised access to tech devices either. Do your research before making an ass of yourself.
@nfusion: Chill mate, just thinking aloud and didn’t go so far to call you “an ass”, unlike you did. “Unsupervised” is actually irrelevant here. Would it make more sense if I wrote “Letting Google read Disney books to your kids…” ? No? Maybe you should do some research on what Google and Disney are promoting and pushing on kids nowadays. Or don’t. Anyways, not going and wasn’t my intention to lecture you how to raise your kids. Enjoy your tablet!
If only my local Aldi wasn't over 3000km away!
I love your definition of local
Welcome to Australia
Welcome to Australia
They don't seem to have arrived yet.
I think the closest Aldi is in Rockhampton.
Road trip.
At least you'll have something to watch on the way home.
@wisdomtooth can you provide pic of the box etc OP?
Receipt doesn’t clarify its Gen 3 and might be difficult price matching at officeworks or similar store etc
This is the spirit
Refer to the previous posts on this deal.
We went over this before, it's a gen 3, but not the plus version, not commonly sold in Australia, certainly not available at Officeworks or similar stores.
Exactly, @whitepuma, I did try pm'ing with OW and JB before buying it from Aldi the 1st time around, when it was still $199. Glad they didn't accept it; ended up $100 richer 😄
What specs? Which iPad is it similar to?
"iPad," wut?? The closest models to this one at OW & JB are the Lenovo M10 Gen 2 and M10 Gen 3 Plus, neither of which they'll price match to this one.
No warranty on the Opaque Tights. Ripped off!!
Yes the material is thin
You can't see through this lot!
Holy moly, 15yr warranty on that garden hose? Whats it made of?
Anyway to search/find stock at Aldi?
Can ask at your local store but depends on the person you ask. If it isn't busy and you have the product code (711853) then you're more likely to have them check
There is! But I can't remeber, google will help
Can only stock check on the Aldi website for 4 weeks after a Special Buy. This is >4 weeks so no longer tracking stock.
15 year warranty on dem hose
Must be some crazy good hose.
It's Special you can buy..
crazy good hose for crazy good hoes…
The receipt will be faded within 2 weeks so good luck with that.
Can always scan so you have a copy of it.
In 14 years time…
Looking for a device that reads usb-c and JPG files, anyone?
@MS Paint: Not if you transfer your backup info, warranty receipts etc every year to the next gen tech that comes along.
Opaque Tights and a Rubber Hose… ;)
wisdomtooth sounds like an interesting person.
They also enjoy finding deals of axes and spotting scopes…
Good Different
return it and come back next week to get it for $50
Do that 2 more times then they owe you money
it's simple math
return it and come back next week to get it for $50
Do that 2 more times
You do that and then I’ll come in to pick it up when:
they owe you money
Anyone know how this compares to something like the Alldocube iPlay 50?
Alldocube has bigger/better display, better CPU/GPU, more RAM/storage (if you get the 6GB/128GB variant) and better battery.
… but doesn't do Netflix HD?
Not a loss in my opinion.